RNDr. František Lukáč, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Department of Materials Engineering ]

Place: SHB, Office: A 116
Tel.: (+420) 266 053071, 3427
Email: lukac@ipp.cas.cz

Research Interests


Mathematics and Physics Faculty, Charles University, Prague
Mathematics and Physics Faculty, Charles University, Prague

Research experience

Mathematics and Physics Faculty, Charles University, Prague
Researcher>> more...

Supervised students

2017-2018Martin Dudr
Characterisation of high entropy alloy prepared by SPS method

Research projects

2022-2024Refractory complex concentrated alloys: high throughput mapping of a compositional space
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA22-24563S
2022-2024Study of deformation micro-mechanisms of cold sprayed coatings by positron annihiltion spectroscopy
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA22-14048S
2022-2024 High-enthalpy deposition of hybrid plasma spray coatings
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: *22-21478S
2020-2022Development of High Temperature Liquid Metal Resistant ODS Steels for Fission/Fusion Application
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA20-20873S
2019-2021High temperature preparation of advanced refractory materials by inductively coupled plasma in controlled atmosphere
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA19-14339S
2019-2021Non-conventional application of field assisted sintering technique for manufacturing of lightweight materials
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA19-11275S
2017-2019Stability of the interfaces in advanced tungsten materials for high temperature environments
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA17-23154S
2017-2019Influence of defects on properties of bio-compatible high entropy alloys
Principal investigator
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA17-17016S
2017-2019Dispersion strengthened high entropy alloys for extreme conditions
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA17-23964S
2014-2016Interaction of hydrogen isotopes with candidate fusion materials
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA14-12837S
2015Výzkum bodových defektů v ZnO a studium jejich interakce s vodíkem a dusíkem
Provider: ; Project ID: GAČR, projekt P108/11/0958
2015Mikro- a nanokrystalické materiály s vysokým podílem rozhraní pro moderní strukturní aplikace, biodegradabilní implantáty a uchovávání vodíku
Provider: ; Project ID: GAČR, projekt P108/12/G043
2014-2015Studium interakcí vodíku a defektů v titanu a jeho biokompatibilních slitinách pomocí positronové anihilační spektroskopie
Provider: Grant Agency of the Charles University; Project ID: 2002214
2015Vlivy jádra a povrchu nanozrn na strukturní a fyzikální vlastnosti materiálů na bázi železa připravených mletim a mechanickým legováním
Provider: ; Project ID: GAČR, projekt P108/11/1350
2015Vliv vodíku na tvorbu defektů v paladiu při silné plastické deformaci
Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České Republiky ; Project ID: projekt LH12173
2011-2013Interakce vodíku s vakancemi v slitinách Fe-Al
Provider: GAUK; Project ID: 348111

List of Publications

2024Rednyk A., Mušálek R., Tesař T., Medřický J., Tsepeleva A., Lukáč F., Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Chráska T.: Liquid plasma spraying of NiO-YSZ anode layers applicable for SOFC. Materials Today Communications 38 [March] (2024) č. článku 107855.
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 Valtr J., Roztočil P., Dašek D., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Klečka J., Janata M., Arnoult-Růžičková M., Mištová E., Jelínek L., Sajdl P., Macák J.: Measurement system for in-situ estimation of instantaneous corrosion rate in supercritical water. Journal of Supercritical Fluids 204 [January] (2024) č. článku 106091.
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 Correa C., More Chevalier J., Hruška P., Poupon M., Novotný M., Minárik P., Hubík P., Lukáč F., Fekete L., Prokop D., Hanuš J., Valenta J., Fitl P., Lančok J.: Microstructure and physical properties of black-aluminum antireflective films. RSC Advances 14 [May] (2024) 15220-15231. E.
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 Kondás J., Guagliano M., Bagherifard S., Singh R., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Konopik P., Rzepa S.: Importance of feedstock powder selection for mechanical properties improvement of cold spray additively manufactured Ti6Al4V deposits. Additive Manufacturing Letters 9 [April] (2024) č. článku 100199.
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 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Dudík J.: External Hybrid Deposition: A Novel Method for Thermal Spraying of Thermally Sensitive Materials. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 33 (2024) 572-582.
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2023Tesař T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Dudík J.: Novel approach to deposit thermally-sensitive materials using hybrid plasma spraying. Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference. Québec City: ASM International, 2023, s. 351-356. ISBN 978-1-62708-453-6.
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[International Thermal Spray Conference. Quebec City (CA), 22.05.2023-25.05.2023]
 Klečka J., Čížek J., Matějíček J., Lukáč F., Vala J.: Thick functionally-graded W-316L composite coatings for nuclear fusion applications. Nuclear Materials and Energy 34 [March] (2023) č. článku 101373. E.
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 Lencová K., Netrvalová M., Vostřák M., Lukáč F., Mušálek R., Česánek Z., Houdková Š.: Hot Corrosion Behavior of TWAS and HVOF NiCr-Based Coatings in Molten Salt. Materials 16 [4] (2023) č. článku 1712. E.
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 Veverka J., Vilémová M., Lukáč F., Kądzielawa A. P., Legut D., Vontorová J., Kozlík J., Chráska T.: Decreasing the W-Cr solid solution decomposition rate: Theory, modelling and experimental verification. Journal of Nuclear Materials 576 [May] (2023) č. článku 154288.
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 Macková A., Havránek V., Mikšová R., Fernandes S., Matějíček J., Hadraba H., Vilémová M., Liedke M. O., Martan J., Vronka M., Haušild P., Butterling M., Honnerová P., Attalah A. G., Wagner A., Lukáč F.: Radiation damage evolution in High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) caused by 3–5 MeV Au and 5 MeV Cu ions in a broad range of dpa in connection to mechanical properties and internal morphology. Nuclear Materials and Energy 37 [DEC] (2023) č. článku 101510. E.
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 Mikušová D., Húlan T., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Trník A.: Study of the illite-kaolinite-CaCO3mixtures during firing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bristol: IoP Publishing, 2023, č. článku 012022. ISSN 17426588.
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[5th Central European Symposium on Thermophysics. Poprad (SK), 06.09.2023-08.09.2023]
 Al-Shantir O., Ruokanen M., Vrabec M., Csáki Š., Mikušová D., Lukáč F., Trník A.: Dependence of mechanical properties of electroporcelain on quartz particle size subjected to cyclic tests. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bristol: IoP Publishing, 2023, č. článku 012001. ISSN 17426588.
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[5th Central European Symposium on Thermophysics. Poprad (SK), 06.09.2023-08.09.2023]
 Ctibor P., Straka L., Sedláček J., Lukáč F.: Dielectric Properties of Compacts Sintered after High-Pressure Forming of Lithium Fluoride. Ceramics 6 [4] (2023) 1913-1925. E.
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 Veverková A., Stráský J., Preisler D., Kozlík J., Chráska T., Lukáč F., Casas-Luna M., Janeček M.: Processing of Long Ti-15Mo Alloy Rods by Upscaling the Field-Assisted Sintering Technique. JOM 75 [12] (2023) 5847-5858.
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 Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Straka L., Lukáč F., Neufuss K.: Dielectric Spectroscopy of Calcium Titanate Processed by Spark Plasma Sintering. Materials 16 [3] (2023) č. článku 975. E.
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 Mušálek R., Tesař T., Medřický J., Lukáč F., Dudík J.: Effects of Thermal Exposure on Microstructure of Thermal Barriers Deposited by Hybrid Plasma Spraying. Thermal Spray 2023: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference. Québec City: ASM International, 2023, s. 422-427. ISBN 978-1-62708-453-6.
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[International Thermal Spray Conference. Quebec City (CA), 22.05.2023-25.05.2023]
 Abramovskis V., Drunka R., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Veverka J., Illková K., Gavrilovs P., Shishkin A.: Preparation and Characteristics of High-Performance, Low-Density Metallo–Ceramics Composite. Materials 16 [24] (2023) č. článku 7523. E.
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 Mašláni A., Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Křenek P., Sikarwar V., Fathi J., Raman S., Skoblia S., Jankovský O., Jiřáčková A., Sharma S., Mates T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Jeremiáš M.: Impact of natural gas composition on steam thermal plasma assisted pyrolysis for hydrogen and solid carbon production. Energy Conversion and Management 297 [December] (2023) č. článku 117748.
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 Česánek Z., Lencová K., Schubert J., Antoš J., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Palán M., Vostřák M., Houdková Š.: High-Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Selected HVOF-Sprayed Super-Alloy Based Coatings in Aggressive Environment at 800°C. Materials 16 [12] (2023) č. článku 4492. E.
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2022Ctibor P., Straka L., Lukáč F., Sedláček J.: Stability Study of Dielectric Properties of Plasma-Sprayed BaTiO3. Coatings 12 [3] (2022) č. článku 355. E.
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 Leibner M., Vlach M., Kodetová V., Veselý J., Čížek J., Kudrnová H., Lukáč F.: On the Sc-rich core of Al3(Sc,Er,Zr) precipitates. Materials Letters 325 [October] (2022) č. článku 132759.
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 Csáki Š., Štubňa J., Kaljuvee T., Dobroň P., Lukáč F., Trník A.: Electric properties of anorthite ceramics prepared from illitic clay and oil shale ash. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T 21 [November/December] (2022) 4164-4173.
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 Leibner M., Vlach M., Kodetová V., Kudrnová H., Veselý J., Zikmund S., Čížek J., Melikhova O., Lukáč F.: Effect of deformation on evolution of Al3(Er,Zr) precipitates in Al–Er–Zr-based alloy. Materials Characterization 186 [April] (2022) č. článku 111781.
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 Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Mušálek R., Tesař T., Lukáč F.: Structure and electrical properties of yttrium oxide sprayed by plasma torches from powders and suspensions. Ceramics International 48 [6] (2022) 7464-7474.
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 Mahade S., Awe S., Björklund S., Lukáč F., Mušálek R., Joshi S.: Sliding wear behavior of a sustainable Fe-based coating and its damage mechanisms. 00-501 [July] (2022) č. článku 204375.
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 Csáki Š., Sunitrova I., Lukáč F., Lagod G., Trník A.: Thermal Properties of Illite-Zeolite Mixtures up to 1100 degrees C. Materials 15 [9] (2022) č. článku 3029. E.
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 Vlasák T., Čížek J., Melikhova O., Lukáč F., Preisler D., Janeček M., Harcuba P., Zimina M., Srba O.: Thermal Stability of Microstructure of High-Entropy Alloys Based on Refractory Metals Hf, Nb, Ta, Ti, V, and Zr. Metals 12 [3] (2022) č. článku 394. E.
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 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Dudík J., Houdková Š.: Tribological properties of hybrid plasma sprayed coatings. Internation Thermal Spray Conference Proceedings. Düsseldorf: DVS Media GmbH, 2022, s. 773-779. ISBN 978-3-96144-180-8.
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[International Thermal Spray Conference 2022. Vídeň (AT), 04.05.2022-06.05.2022]
 Mušálek R., Tesař T., Dudík J., Medřický J., Čech J., Lukáč F.: Cohesion of Dissimilar Splats in Hybrid Plasma-Sprayed Coatings: A Case Study for Al2O3-TiO2. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 31 [6] (2022) 1869-1888.
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 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Lukáč F., Čížek J.: Plazmová depozice multimateriálových nástřiků s použitím kapalných prekurzorů - směsné a hybridní nástřiky. Vrstvy a povlaky 2022. Trenčianska Teplá: M-PRESS, s.r.o., 2022, s. 59-63. ISBN 978-80-972133-5-0. [ EN ] 
[ Abstract ]

[Vrstvy a povlaky 2022. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 17.10.2022-18.10.2022]
 Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Veverka J., Chráska T.: Preparation of Ti3SiC2 MAX phase from Ti, TiC, and SiC by SPS. Ceramics International 48 [19] (2022) 28391-28395.
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 Knapek M., Minárik P., Greš A., Zemková M., Lukáč F., Bohlen J., Chmelík F., Král R.: Spark plasma sintered Mg-4Y-3Nd with exceptional tensile performance. Materials Science and Engineering A Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 849 [August] (2022) č. článku 143481.
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 Rohan P., Lukáč F., Kolaříková M., Krum S., Horník J., Lukeš J., Šepitka J., Kuchař J.: Pulsed Plasma Surfacing of Titanium Matrix Cermet Based on B4C. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 31 [6] (2022) 1975-1984.
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 Kozlík J., Preisler D., Stráský J., Kosutová T., Correa C.A., Veselý J., Bodnárová L., Lukáč F., Chráska T., Janeček M.: Manufacturing of biomedical Ti alloys with controlled oxygen content by blended elemental powder metallurgy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 905 [June] (2022) č. článku 164259.
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2021Nevrlá B., Ctibor P., Koudelková V., Lukáč F., Neufuss K.: Plasma spraying of natural kaolinite and metakaolinite. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio 60 [5] (2021) 274-282.
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 Veverka J., Lukáč F., Kądzielawa A. P., Koller M., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Karlík M., Legut D., Vontorová J., Chráska T., Vilémová M.: Ultrafine-grained W-Cr composite prepared by controlled W-Cr solid solution decomposition. Materials Letters 304 [December] (2021) č. článku 130728.
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 Petrášek J., Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Lukáč F.: Synthesis and pressure-assisted sintering of cacuinf3/inftiinf4/infoinf12/inf dielectrics. Ceramics-Switzerland 4 [3] (2021) 447-466.
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 Kodetová V., Vlach M., Kudrnová H., Málek J., Cieslar M., Bajtošová L., Kekule T., Harcuba P., Lukáč F., Leibner M.: Phase transformations in commercial cold-rolled Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys with Sc and Zr addition. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 145 [6] (2021) 2991-3002.
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 Samal S., Tyc O., Čížek J., Klečka J., Lukáč F., Molnárová O., de Prado E., Weiss Z., Kopeček J., Heller L., Šittner P., Chráska T.: Fabrication of thermal plasma sprayed NiTi coatings possessing functional properties. Coatings 11 [5] (2021) 1-16, č. článku 610. E.
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 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Dudík J., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Hybrid Plasma Spraying —Discovering the Effects of Deposition Parameters. Thermal Spray 2021: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference. Materials Park: ASM International, 2021, s. 493-498. ISBN 9781713831303.
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[International Thermal Spray Conference 2021. online (CZ), 24.05.2021-28.05.2021]
 Vlach M., Kodetová V., Čížek J., Leibner M., Kekule T., Lukáč F., Cieslar M., Bajtošová L., Kudrnová H., Šíma V., Zikmund S., Černošková E., Kutálek P., Neubert V.-D., Neubert V.: Role of small addition of Sc and Zr in clustering and precipitation phenomena induced in AA7075. Metals 11 [1] (2021) 1-21, č. článku 8.
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 Lukáč F., Vilémová M., Klementová M., Minárik P., Chráska T.: The origin and the effect of the fcc phase in sintered HfNbTaTiZr. Materials Letters 286 [March] (2021) č. článku 129224.
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 Klečka J., Čížek J., Matějíček J., Lukáč F., Zlatník R., Chráska T.: Tailoring the structure of RF-ICP tungsten coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 406 [January] (2021) č. článku 126745.
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 Mušálek R., Tesař T., Medřický J., Čížek J., Lukáč F.: Composite coatings containing nanometric constituents prepared by plasma spraying with liquid feedstocks. NANOCON 2021 - Conference proceedings. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2022, (2021), s. 86-91. ISBN 978-80-88365-00-6. ISSN 2694-930X.
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[International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application /13./ NANOCON. Brno (CZ), 20.10.2021-22.10.2021]
 Lencová K., Vostřák M., Naďová J., Lukáč F., Mušálek R.: High temperature corrosion behaviour of nicr-based coatings applied by twin wire arc spray technology. METAL 2021. 30th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Conference proceedings. Ostrava: TANGER, 2021, (2021), s. 795-800. ISBN 978-80-87294-99-4. ISSN 2694-9296.
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[Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials - METAL 2021 /30./. Brno (CZ), 26.05.2021-28.05.2021]
 Mušálek R., Tesař T., Medřický J., Lukáč F., Lima R. S.: High-Temperature Cycling of Plasma Sprayed Multilayered NiCrAlY/YSZ/GZO/YAG Thermal Barrier Coatings Prepared from Liquid Feedstocks. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 30 [1] (2021) 81-96.
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 Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Húlan T., Veverka J., Knapek M.: Preparation of anorthite ceramics using SPS. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 [8] (2021) 4618-4624.
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 Čížek J., Dukovský D., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Tesař T., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Suspension Spraying Tip: High Molecular Weight Solvent. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 30 [5] (2021) 1148-1158.
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 Knapek M., Zemková M., Greš A., Jablonská E., Lukáč F., Král R., Bohlen J., Minárik P.: Corrosion and mechanical properties of a novel biomedical WN43 magnesium alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 9 [3] (2021) 853-865, č. článku 11168.
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 Samal S., Tyc O., Čížek J., Klečka J., Lukáč F., Molnárová O., de Prado E., Wiess Z., Kopeček J., Heller L., Šittner P., Chráska T.: Fabrication of Thermal Plasma Sprayed NiTi Coatings Possessing Functional Properties. Coatings 11 [5] (2021) 1-16, č. článku 610.
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 Havlová Š., Novotný M., Fitl P., More Chevalier J., Remsa J., Kiisk V., Kodu M., Jaaniso R., Hruška P., Lukáč F., Bulíř J., Fekete L., Volfová L., Vondráček M., Vrňata M., Lančok J.: Effect of pulsed laser annealing on optical and structural properties of ZnO:Eu thin film. Journal of Materials Science 56 [July] (2021) 11414-11425.
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 Hruška P., Lukáč F., Cichoň S., Vondráček M., Čížek J., Fekete L., Lančok J., Veselý J., Minárik P., Cieslar M., Melikhova O., Kmječ T., Liedke M.O., Butterling M., Wagner A.: Oxidation of amorphous HfNbTaTiZr high entropy alloy thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 869 [July] (2021) 1-9, č. článku 157978.
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 Veverka J., Vilémová M., Chlup Z., Hadraba H., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Matějíček J., Vontorová J., Chráska T.: Evolution of carbon and oxygen concentration in tungsten prepared by field assisted sintering and its effect on ductility. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 97 [June] (2021) č. článku 105499.
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 Mahade S., Aranke O., Björklund S., Dizdar S., Awe S., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Joshi S.: Influence of processing conditions on the microstructure and sliding wear of a promising Fe-based coating deposited by HVAF. Surface and Coatings Technology 409 [March] (2021) č. článku 126953.
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 Bagherifard S., Kondás J., Monti S., Čížek J., Perego F., Kovařík O., Lukáč F., Gaertner F., Guagliano M.: Tailoring cold spray additive manufacturing of steel 316 L for static and cyclic load-bearing applications. Materials and Design 203 [May] (2021) č. článku 109575.
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2020Vilémová M., Hadraba H., Weiss Z., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Chlup Z., Matějíček J., Chráska T.: Phase, composition and structure changes of CoCrNi-based concentrated alloys resulting from high temperature oxidation. Materials 13 [10] (2020) č. článku 2276.
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 Shishkin A., Baronins J., Mironovs V., Lukáč F., Štubňa J., Ozolins J.: Influence of glass additions on illitic clay ceramics. Materials 13 [3] (2020) č. článku 596.
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 Minárik P., Zemková M., Kozlík J., Lukáč F., Král R.: Effect of flake-like powder morphology on the microstructure and texture in Mg-Al-RE alloy. Materials Letters 262 [March] (2020) č. článku 127031.
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 Hulka I., Utu D., Serban V. A., Negrea P., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Effect of Ti addition on microstructure and corrosion properties of laser cladded WC-Co/NiCrBSi(Ti) coatings. Applied Surface Science 504 [February] (2020) č. článku 144349.
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 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Medřický J., Čížek J., Csáki Š., Panák O., Držková M.: Solution Precursor Plasma Spraying of Cr-Doped Al2O3 Thermochromic Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 29 [1-2] (2020) 199-211.
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 Lukáč F., Hruška P., Cichoň S., Vlasák T., Čížek J., Kmjec T., Melikhova O., Butterling M., Liedke M. O., Wagner A.: Defects in thin layers of high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr. Acta Physica Polonica A 137 [2] (2020) 219-221. E.
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 Minárik P., Zemková M., Knapek M., Šašek S., Dittrich J., Lukáč F., Kozlík J., Král R.: Effect of Short Attritor-Milling of Magnesium Alloy Powder Prior to Spark Plasma Sintering. Materials 13 [18] (2020) č. článku 3973.
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 Minárik P., Zemková M., Lukáč F., Bohlen J., Knapek M., Král R.: Microstructure of the novel biomedical Mg–4Y–3Nd alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 819 (2020) č. článku 153008.
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 Melikhova O., Čízek J., Hruška P., Lukáč F., Novotný M., More Chevalier J., Fitl P., Liedke M.O., Butterling M., Wagner A.: Microstructure and nanoscopic porosity in black Pd films. Acta Physica Polonica. A 137 [2] (2020) 222-226.
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 Tkachivskyi D., Juhani K., Surženkov A., Kulu P., Tesař T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Antoš J., Vostřák M., Antonova M., Goljandin D.: HVOF sprayed Fe-based wear-resistant coatings with carbide reinforcement, synthesized in situ and by mechanically activated synthesis. Coatings 10 [11] (2020) 1-15, č. článku 1092.
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 Hulka I., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Klečka J., Chráska T.: Microstructure and microhardness evaluation fornicraly materials manufactured by spark plasmasintering and plasma spraying. Acta polytechnica 27 (2020) 13-17.
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 Koller M., Vilémová M., Lukáč F., Beran P., Čížek B., Hadraba H., Matějíček J., Veverka J., Seiner H.: An ultrasonic study of relaxation processes in pure and mechanically alloyed tungsten. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 90 [August] (2020) č. článku 105233.
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 Húlan T., Štubňa J., Ondruška J., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Mánik M., Vozár L., Ozolins J., Kaljuvee T., Trník A.: Young’s modulus of different illitic clays during heating and cooling stage of firing. Materials 13 [21] (2020) 1-14, č. článku 4968.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Kuriplach J., Čížek J., Vlasák T., Melikhova O., Lukáč F., Zýka J., Málek J.: Behavior of positrons in the HfNbTaTiZr complex concentrated alloy. Acta Physica Polonica A 137 [2] (2020) 260-264. E.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Prochazka I., Vlasák T., Čízek J., Lukáč F., Liedke M. O., Anwand W., Jirásková Y., Janičkovič D.: Quenched-in vacancies and hardening of Fe-Al intermetallics. Acta Physica Polonica A 137 [2] (2020) 255-259. E.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Papež V., Lukáč F.: Radiofrequency and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Plasma Sprayed and Annealed Thick Layers of Titanium Dioxide. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 29 [7] (2020) 1718-1727.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Húlan T., Štubňa J., Ondruška J., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Mánik M., Vozár L., Ozolins J., Kaljuvee T., Trník A.: Young’s modulus of different illitic clays during heating and cooling stage of firing. Materials 13 [21] (2020) 1-14, č. článku 4968.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Mušálek R., Tesař T., Medřický J., Lukáč F., Chráska T., Gupta M.: Microstructures and Thermal Cycling Properties of Thermal Barrier Coatings Deposited by Hybrid Water-Stabilized Plasma Torch. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 29 [3] (2020) 444-461.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
2019Lukáč F., Mušálek R., Vilémová M., Čízek J., Kuriplach J., Stráská J., Zyka J., Málek J.: Defects in the high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr prepared by spark plasma sintering. AIP Conference Proceedings. College Park: American Institute of Physics Inc., 2019 - (Kaduchova, K.; Carnogurska, M.; Lenhard, R.; Brestovic, T.), Roč. 2182 (2019), č. článku 050013. 2118. ISBN 978-073541858-5. ISSN 0094-243X.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[18th International Conference on Positron Annihilation: Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy-Fundamentals, Techniques and Applications (ICPA-18). Orlando (US), 19.08.2018-24.08.2018]
 Bartha K., Zháňal P., Stráský J., Čížek J., Dopita M., Lukáč F., Harcuba P., Hájek M., Polyakova V., Semenova I., Janeček M.: Lattice defects in severely deformed biomedical Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy and thermal stability of its ultra-fine grained microstructure. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 588 [5. 6. 2019] (2019) 881-890.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Matějíček J., Veverka J., Nemanič V., Cvrček L., Lukáč F., Havránek V., Illková K.: Characterization of less common nitrides as potential permeation barriers. Fusion Engineering and Design 139 [February 2019] (2019) 74-80.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Medřický J., Čížek J., Rimal V., Joshi S., Chráska T.: Increasing ?-phase content of alumina-chromia coatings deposited by suspension plasma spraying using hybrid and intermixed concepts. Surface and Coatings Technology 371 [15 August 2019] (2019) 298-311.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Česánek Z., Houdková Š., Lukáč F.: High-temperature corrosion behavior of selected thermally sprayed coatings in corrosive aggressive environment. Materials Research Express 6 [1] (2019) č. článku 016426.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Hulka I., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Klečka J., Chráska T.: Microstructure and microhardness evaluation for NiCrAlY materials manufactured by spark plasma sintering and plasma spraying. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Vol. 27. Prague: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2020, Roč. 27 (2020), s. 13-17. ISBN 978-80-01-06735-2. ISSN 2336-5382.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[14th International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties. Praha (CZ), 06.11.2019-08.11.2019]
 Zýka J., Málek J., Veselý J., Lukáč F., Čížek J., Kuriplach J., Melikhova O.: Microstructure and Room Temperature Mechanical Properties of Different 3 and 4 Element Medium Entropy Alloys from HfNbTaTiZr System. Entropy 21 [2] (2019) č. článku 114.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Matějíček J., Vilémová M., Veverka J., Kubásek J., Lukáč F., Novák P., Preisler D., Stráský J., Weiss Z.: On the Structural and Chemical Homogeneity of Spark Plasma Sintered Tungsten. Metals 9 [8] (2019) č. článku 879.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Medřický J., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Houdková Š., Barbosa M., Tesař T., Čížek J., Mušálek R., Kovařík O., Chráska T.: Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3–ZrO2–SiO2 Amorphous Coatings by Surface Crystallization. Materials 12 [19] (2019) č. článku 3232.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Vlach M., Čízek J., Kodetová V., Kekule T., Lukáč F., Cieslar M., Kudrnová H., Bajtošová L., Leibner M., Harcuba P., Málek J., Neubert V.: Annealing Effects in Cast Commercial Aluminium Al-Mg-Zn-Cu(-Sc-Zr) Alloys. Metals and Materials International 25 [October (] (2019) .
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Bartha K., Stráský J., Veverková A., Barriobero-Vila P., Lukáč F., Doležal P., Sedlák P., Polyakova V., Semenova I., Janeček M.: Effect of the High-Pressure Torsion (HPT) and Subsequent Isothermal Annealing on the Phase Transformation in Biomedical Ti15Mo Alloy. Metals 9 [11] (2019) č. článku 1194.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Ondro T., Al-Shantir O., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Trník A.: Kinetic analysis of sinter-crystallization of mullite and cristobalite from kaolinite. Thermochimica Acta 678 (2019) č. článku 178312.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Csáki Š., Húlan T., Ondruška J., Štubňa J., Trnovcová V., Lukáč F., Dobroň P.: Electrical conductivity and thermal analyses studies of phase evolution in the illite – CaCO3 system. Applied Clay Science 178 (2019) č. článku 105140.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Čížek J., Vilémová M., Lukáč F., Koller M., Kondás J., Singh R.: Cold Sprayed Tungsten Armor for Tokamak First Wall. Coatings 9 [12] (2019) č. článku 836.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Málek J., Zýka J., Lukáč F., Vilémová M., Vlasák T., Čížek J., Melikhova O., Macháčková A., Kim H.S.: The effect of processing route on properties of HfNbTaTiZr high entropy alloy. Materials 12 [23] (2019) č. článku 4022.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Vilémová M., Lukáč F., Veverka J., Illková K., Matějíček J.: Controlling the carbide formation and chromium depletion in W-Cr alloy during field assisted sintering. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 79 (2019) 217-223.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Vilémová M., Illková K., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Hadraba H., Matějíček J., Chlup Z., Klečka J.: Thermal and Oxidation Behavior of CoCrFeMnNi Alloy with and Without Yttrium Oxide Particle Dispersion. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28 [9] (2019) 5850-5859.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Knapek M., Kušnír J., Húlan T., Minárik P., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Dobroň P., Chmelík F.: Mechanical properties of illite-based ceramics with controlled porosity studied by modern in situ techniques. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 [4] (2019) 2780-2790.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Čížek J., Klečka J., Vilémová M., Matějíček J., Veverka J., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Kondás J., Zlatník R.: Armor W-Cr coatings for plasma-facing components in tokamaks by cold spray and RF-ICP. Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. 2019, s. 535-540. ISBN 9781510888005.
[ Abstract ]

[International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition: New Waves of Thermal Spray Technology for Sustainable Growth. Yokohama (JP), 26.05.2019-29.05.2019]
2018Molnárová O., Málek P., Veselý J., Minárik P., Lukáč F., Chráska T., Novák P., Průša F.: The influence of milling and spark plasma sintering on the microstructure and properties of the Al7075 alloy. Materials 11 [4] (2018) č. článku 547.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Ganvir A., Vaidhyanathan V., Markocsan N., Gupta M., Pala Z., Lukáč F.: Failure analysis of thermally cycled columnar thermal barrier coatings produced by high-velocity-air fuel and axial-suspension-plasma spraying: A design perspective. Ceramics International 44 [3] (2018) 3161-3172.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Kiilakoski J., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Koivuluoto H., Vuoristo P.: Evaluating the toughness of APS and HVOF-sprayed Al2O3-ZrO2-coatings by in-situ- and macroscopic bending. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 38 [4] (2018) 1908-1918.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Vilémová M., Illková K., Lukáč F., Matějíček J., Klečka J., Leitner J.: Microstructure and phase stability of W-Cr alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering. Fusion Engineering and Design 127 [February] (2018) 173-178.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Molnárová O., Málek P., Veselý J., Lukáč F., Chráska T., Cinert J.: High Temperature Stability of an Al–Zr–Ti Alloy Prepared using Gas Atomization and Spark Plasma Sintering Technology. ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 134 [3] (2018) 876-880. E.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Lukáč F., Dudr M., Čízek J., Harcuba P., Vlasák T., Janeček M., Kuriplach J., Moon J., Kim H. S., Zyka J., Málek J.: Defects in High Entropy Alloy HfNbTaTiZr Prepared by High Pressure Torsion. ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A., Roč. 134, č. 3 (2018), s. 891-894. E-ISSN 1898-794X.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[14th International Symposium on Physics of Materials. Praha (CZ), 10.09.2017-15.09.2017]
 Dilawary S. A., Motallebzadeh A., Houdková Š., Medlín R., Haviar S., Lukáč F., Afzal M., Cimenoglu H.: Modification of M2 hardfacing: Effect of molybdenum alloying and laser surface melting on microstructure and wear performance. Wear 404 (2018) 111-121.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Kubatík T., Stoulil J., Lukáč F., Stehlíková K., Slepička P.: EIS and corrosion behaviour of plasma sprayed layers of Al and AlCr6Fe2 on AZ91. Koroze a ochrana materiálu 62 [2] (2018) 33-44.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Deposition of Multiphase Coatings from Liquid Feedstock using Hybrid Water Stabilized (WSP H) Plasma Torch. ITSC 2018 Conference Proceedings. Orlando: ASM International, 2018, s. 456-462. ISBN 978-1-62708-160-3.
[ Abstract ]

[International Thermal Spray Conference. Orlando (US), 07.05.2018-10.05.2018]
 Houdková Š., Česánek Z., Smazalová E., Lukáč F.: The High-Temperature Wear and Oxidation Behavior of CrC-Based HVOF Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 27 [1-2] (2018) 179-195.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Minárik P., Lukáč F., Cinert J., Šašek S., Král R.: Effect of sintering temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of AE42 magnesium alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering. Metal 2018 - 27th International conference on metallurgy and materials, Conference Proceedings. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd, 2018, (2018), s. 1401-1406. ISBN 978-80-87294-84-0.
[ Abstract ]

[27th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Brno (CZ), 23.05.2018-25.05.2018]
 Houdková Š., Schubert J., Česánek Z., Lukáč F., Bystrianský M.: Characterization of flame sprayed abradable seal NiCrAl-bentonite coatings. 27th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Conference Proceedings. 2018, (2018), s. 979-984. ISBN 9788087294840.
[ Abstract ]

[27th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Brno (CZ), 23.05.2018-25.05.2018]
 Šíma V., Minárik P., Cieslar M., Král R., Málek P., Chráska T., Lukáč F., Seiner H., Průša F.: High plasticity of an iron aluminide-based material at low temperatures. Physical Science International Journal 18 [2] (2018) č. článku PSIJ.41673.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Minárik P., Stráský J., Vesely J., Lukáč F., Hadzima B., Král R.: AE42 magnesium alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 742 (2018) 172-179.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Ondruška J., Csáki Š., Trnovcová V., Stubna I., Lukáč F., Pokorný J., Vozar L., Dobroň P.: Influence of mechanical activation on DC conductivity of kaolin. Applied Clay Science 154 (2018) 36-42.
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[ Link ]
 Čížek J., Haušild P., Cieslar M., Melikhova O., Vlasák T., Janeček M., Král R., Harcuba P., Lukáč F., Zýka J., Málek J., Moon J., Kim H.S.: Strength enhancement of high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr by severe plastic deformation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 768 (2018) 924-937.
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[ Link ]
 Ctibor P., Lukáč F., Sedláček J., Ryukhtin V.: Barium titanate dielectrics sprayed by a high feed-rate water-stabilized plasma torch. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 [10] (2018) 5291-5299.
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[ Link ]
[European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes. Thessaloniki, 17.09.2017-22.09.2017]
 Lukáč F., Dudr M., Mušálek R., Klečka J., Cinert J., Čížek J., Chráska T., Čížek J., Melikhova O., Kuriplach J., Zyka J., Málek J.: Spark plasma sintering of gas atomized high-entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr. Journal of Materials Research 33 [19] (2018) 3247-3257.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Čížek J., Brožek V., Chráska T., Lukáč F., Medřický J., Mušálek R., Tesař T., Šiška F., Antos Z., Čupera J., Matejková M., Spotz Z., Houdková Š., Kverka M.: Silver-doped hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by suspension plasma spraying. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 27 [8] (2018) 1333-1343.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Veverka J., Matějíček J., Lukáč F., Pospíšil D., Cvrček L., Nemanic V.: Thin nitride layers as permeation barriers. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2018 - (Koubský, T.), s. 24-29. ISBN 978-80-01-06459-7. ISSN 2336-5382.
[ Abstract ]

[Sedmá studentská vědecká konference fyziky pevných látek a materiálů. Sedliště u Nepomuku (CZ), 18.09.2018-22.09.2018]
 Medřický J., Mušálek R., Janata M., Chráska T., Lukáč F.: Cost effective plasma spraying for large-scale applications. ITSC 2018 Conference Proceedings. Orlando: ASM International, 2018, s. 683-689. ISBN 978-1-62708-160-3.
[ Abstract ]

[International Thermal Spray Conference. Orlando (US), 07.05.2018-10.05.2018]
2017Brožek V., Lukáč F., Medřický J., Mušálek R., Mašláni A., Mastný L., Brodil R.: Preparation of spheroidized and nano-structural spinels by the SPPS method. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Chemical Technology. Prague: Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, 2017 - (Veselý, M.; Hrdlička, Z.; Hanika, J.; Lubojacký, J.), s. 261-266. ICCT. ISBN 978-80-86238-65-4. ISSN 2336-811X.
[ Abstract ]

[International Conference on Chemical Technology, ICCT 2017/5./. Mikulov (CZ), 10.04.2017-12.04.2017]
 Illková K., Vilémová M., Lukáč F.: FÁZOVÁ STABILITA Y2O3 A W-Y2O3 ZPRACOVANÝCH METODOU MECHANICKÉHO LEGOVÁNÍ. 39. Mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář, Sborník příspěvků. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2017, s. 69-72. ISBN 978-80-7560-060-8. [ EN ] 
[ Abstract ]

[Mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář/39./. Kouty u Ledče nad Sázavou (CZ), 22.05.2017-26.05.2017]
 Kubatík T., Lukáč F., Stoulil J., Ctibor P., Průša F., Stehlíková K.: Preparation and properties of plasma sprayed NiAl10 and NiAl40 coatings on AZ91 substrate. Surface and Coatings Technology 319 [June] (2017) 145-154.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Kubatík T., Lukáč F., Mušálek R., Brožek V., Stehlíková K., Chráska T.: Compaction of lithium-silicate ceramics using spark plasma sintering. Ceramics - Silikáty 61 [1] (2017) 40-44.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Mušálek R., Medřický J., Tesař T., Kotlan J., Pala Z., Lukáč F., Chráska T., Curry N.: Suspensions Plasma Spraying of Ceramics with Hybrid Water-Stabilized Plasma Technology. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26 [1-2] (2017) 37-46.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[ISTC 2016: International Thermal Spray Conference. Shanghai, 10.05.2016-12.05.2016]
 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Ctibor P., Lukáč F.: Vliv velikosti částic prášku na vznik suspenzních nástřiků oxidu hlinitého připravených pomocí vysokoentalpického hořáku. Zborník prednášok - Vrstvy a povlaky 2017. Trenčianska Teplá: M-PRESS s.r.o., 2017 - (Šošovičková, J.), s. 99-102. ISBN 978-80-972133-2-9. [ EN ] 
[ Abstract ]

[Vrstvy a povlaky 2017/16./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 23.10.2017-24.10.2017]
 Lukáč F., Vilémová M., Nevrlá B., Klečka J., Chráska T., Molnárová O.: Properties of Mechanically Alloyed W-Ti Materials with Dual Phase Particle Dispersion. Metals 7 [1] (2017) č. článku 3.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Málek P., Molnárová O., Cinert J., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Processing of bulk Al7075 alloy by spark plasma sintering. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 179. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing ( IOP ), 2017 - (Dzugan, J.), č. článku 012050. IOP Conference Series. ISSN 1757-8981.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[International Conference Recent Trends in Structural Materials (COMAT)/4./. Pilsen (CZ), 09.11.2016-11.11.2016]
 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Lukáč F., Pala Z., Ctibor P., Chráska T., Houdková Š., Rimal V., Curry N.: Development of suspension plasma sprayed alumina coatings with high enthalpy plasma torch. Surface and Coatings Technology 325 [September] (2017) 277-288.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Ctibor P., Čížek J., Sedláček J., Lukáč F.: Dielectric properties and vacancy-like defects in plasma-sprayed barium titanate. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 [7] (2017) 2972-2983.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Mušálek R., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Tesař T., Lukáč F., Ctibor P., Illkova K., Chráska T.: High Feed Rate Plasma Spraying of YSZ from Various Suspensions. ITSC 2017 - Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. Düsseldorf: DVS Media GmbH, 2017, s. 36-41. ITSC. ISBN 978-3-96144-000-9.
[ Abstract ]

[ITSC 2017: International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. Düsseldorf (DE), 07.06.2017-09.06.2017]
 Klečka J., Lukáč F., Dudr M.: Influence of the Surface Condition of Specimens on the Size of Coherently Diffracting Domains. Solid State Phenomena. Vol. 270. Zürich: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2017 - (Kasl, J.), s. 124-129. Scientific.Net. ISBN 978-3-0357-1241-4. ISSN 1662-9779.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Conference: Contribution of Metallography to Production Problem Solutions II(14.CCMPPS2017)/14./. Mariánské Lázně (CZ), 06.06.2017-08.06.2017]
 Mušálek R., Ctibor P., Medřický J., Tesař T., Kotlan J., Lukáč F.: Suspension plasma spraying of sub-stoichiometric titania by hybrid water/argon stabilized plasma torch. METAL 2017 - 26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Conference Proceedings. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., 2018, s. 1388-1393. ISBN 978-80-87294-79-6.
[ Abstract ]

[METAL 2017: International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials /26./. Brno (CZ), 24.05.2017-26.05.2017]
 Ctibor P., Nevrlá B., Čížek J., Lukáč F.: Strontium Zirconate TBC Sprayed by a High Feed-Rate Water-Stabilized Plasma Torch. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26 [8] (2017) 1804-1809.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Mušálek R., Medřický J., Tesař T., Kotlan J., Pala Z., Lukáč F., Illková K., Hlína M., Chráska T., Sokołowski P., Curry N.: Controlling Microstructure of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Prepared from Suspensions and Solutions by Plasma Spraying with High Feed Rates. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26 [8] (2017) 1787-1803.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Lukáč F., Chráska T., Molnárová O., Málek P., Cinert J.: Effect of cryogenic milling on Al7075 prepared by spark plasma sintering method. Powder Diffraction 32 [S1] (2017) S221-S224.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC) /15./. Bari, 12.06.2016-15.06.2016]
 Pala Z., Bai M., Lukáč F., Hussain T.: Laser Clad and HVOF-Sprayed Stellite 6 Coating in Chlorine-Rich Environment with KCl at 700 °C. Oxidation of Metals 88 [5-6] (2017) 749-771.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Molnárová O., Málek P., Veselý J., Šlapáková M., Minárik P., Lukáč F., Chráska T., Novák P., Průša F.: Nanocrystalline Al7075+1 wt % Zr Alloy Prepared Using Mechanical Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering. Materials 10 [9] (2017) č. článku 1105.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Klečka J., Mušálek R., Vilémová M., Lukáč F.: On tungsten spraying using inductively coupled plasma system - First results. METAL 2017: 26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials: abstracts. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2017, s. 1321-1326. ISBN 978-80-87294-73-4.
[ Abstract ]

[26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Brno (CZ), 24.05.2017-26.05.2017]
 Lukáč F., Chráska T., Molnárová O., Málek P., Cinert J.: Effect of cryogenic milling on Al7075 prepared by spark plasma sintering method. Powder Diffraction 32 [S1] (2017) S221-S224.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC) /15./. Bari, 12.06.2016-15.06.2016]
 Lukac, Frantisek; Chraska, Tomas; Molnarova, Orsolya; et al.: Effect of cryogenic milling on Al7075 prepared by spark plasma sintering method. 2016 POWDER DIFFRACTION Volume: 32 Supplement: 1 Pages: S221-S224 [ Abstract ]
2016Molnárová O., Málek P., Nemeth G., Kozlík J., Lukáč F., Chráska T., Cinert J.: THE INVESTIGATION OF AN Al7075 ALLOY PREPARED BY SPARK PLASMA SINTERING OF MILLED POWDERS. METAL 2016 – Conference proceedings: 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., Ostrava, 2016, s. 1200-1205. METAL. ISBN 978-80-87294-67-3.
[ Abstract ]

[METAL 2016 - 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials/25./. Brno (CZ), 25.05.2016-27.05.2016]
 Mušálek R., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Tesař T., Pala Z., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Plasma Spraying of Suspensions with Hybrid Water-Stabilized Plasma Technology. ITSC 2016 - Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. Düsseldorf: DVS Media GmbH, 2016, s. 267-272. ITSC, 2016. ISBN 978-3-87155-574-9.
[ Abstract ]

[ITSC 2016: International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. Shanghai (CN), 10.05.2016-12.05.2016]
 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Lukáč F.: Plazmové stříkání z kapalné fáze: interakce kapaliny s proudem plazmatu a vznik nástřiku. Sborník přednášek studentské vědecké konference JuveMatter 2016. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2016 - (Kunz, J.), s. 47-52. ISBN 978-80-01-05999-9. [ EN ] 
[ Abstract ]

[JuveMatter 2016. Praha (CZ), 23.05.2016]
 Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Ctibor P., Lukáč F., Houdková Šimůnková Š.: Porovnání mechanických vlastností práškových a suspenzních plazmových nástřiků oxidu hlinitého. Vrstvy a povlaky 2016. Zborník prednášok.. Trenčianská Teplá: M-PRESS, 2016, s. 95-100. ISBN 978-80-972133-1-2. [ EN ] 
[ Abstract ]

[Vrstvy a povlaky 2016/15./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 17.10.2016-18.10.2016]
 Mušálek R., Medřický J., Tesař T., Kotlan J., Lukáč F.: Deposition of Titania from Solution by Hybrid Water-Stabilized Plasma Torch. METAL 2016 – Conference proceedings: 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., Ostrava, 2016, s. 1121-1126. METAL. ISBN 978-80-87294-67-3.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[METAL 2016 - 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials/25./. Brno (CZ), 25.05.2016-27.05.2016]
 Molnárová O., Málek P., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Spark Plasma Sintering of a Gas Atomized Al7075 Alloy: Microstructure and Properties. Materials 9 [12] (2016) č. článku 1004.
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 Lukac, F.; Cizek, J.; Knapp, J.; et al.: Ultra fine grained Ti prepared by severe plastic deformation. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON POSITRON STUDIES OF DEFECTS 2014 Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 674 Article Number: UNSP 012007 Published: 2016 [ Abstract ]
 Prochazka, I.; Cizek, J.; Lukac, F.; et al.: Characterisation of irradiation-induced defects in ZnO single crystals . INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON POSITRON STUDIES OF DEFECTS 2014 Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 674 Published: 2016 [ Abstract ]
 Vlcek, M.; Cizek, J.; Lukac, F.; et al.: Effects in Mg-Zn-based alloys strengthened by quasicrystalline phase. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON POSITRON STUDIES OF DEFECTS 2014 Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 674 Published: 2016 [ Abstract ]
2015 Vlček, M. Lukáč, F. Vlach, M. Wagner, S. Uchida, H. Baehtz, C. Shalimov, A. Pundt, A. Čížek, J. : Influence of microstructure and mechanical stress on behavior of hydrogen in 500 nm Pd films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 645, Issue S1, 11 August 2015, Pages S446-S449 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Procházka, I. Vlček, M. Jirásková, Y. Švec, P. Janičkovič, D. : Positive effect of hydrogen-induced vacancies on mechanical alloying of Fe and Al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 629, 25 April 2015, Pages 22-26 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Lukáč, F. Vlček, M. Vlach, M. Wagner, S. Uchida, H. Pundt, A. Bell, A. Čížek, J. : Stress release during cyclic loading of 20 nm palladium films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 645, Supplement 1, 5 October 2015, Pages S450–S453 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Lukáč, F. Čížek, J. Jirásková, Y. Procházka, I. Vlček, M. Švec, . Janičkovič, D. : Effect of hydrogen on formation of Fe-Al nanoparticles by mechanical milling. Journal of Nano Research Volume 29, 2014, Pages 23-28 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
2014 Bartošová, I. Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Slugeň, V. : Vickers hardness and positron annihilation study of Eurofer97 and ODS Eurofer. Acta Physica Polonica A Volume 125, Issue 3, March 2014, Pages 702-705 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
 Melikhova, O.; Cizek, J.; Vlcek, M.; et al.: Structural studies of thin Pd films loaded with hydrogen. 13TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SLOW POSITRON BEAM TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS (SLOPOS13) Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 505 [ Abstract ]
  Lukáč, F. Vlček, M. Stulíková, I. Smola, B. Kudrnová, H. Vlach, M. Kekule, T. Szakács, G. Hort, N. Kainer, K.U.: Magnesium alloy containing silver for degradable biomedical implants. METAL 2014 - 23rd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Conference Proceedings 2014, Pages 1086-1091 [ Abstract ] [ Link ]
  Čížek, J. Vlek, M. Lukáč, F. Melikhova, O. Procházka, I. Anwand, W. Wagner, A. Butterling, M. Krause-Rehberg, R. : Positron annihilation in flight: Experiment with slow and fast positrons. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 505, Issue 1, 2014, Article number 012043 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Melikhova, O. Vlček, M. Lukáč, F. Vlach, M. Dobroň, P. Procházka, I. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. Wagner, S. Uchida, H. Gemma, R. Pundt, A. : Hydrogen interaction with defects in nanocrystalline, polycrystalline and epitaxial Pd films. Journal of Nano Research Volume 26, 6 January 2014, Pages 123-133 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Lukáč, F. Čížek, J. Procházka, I. Melikhova, O. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. : Defects studies of ZnO single crystals prepared by various techniques. Acta Physica Polonica A Volume 125, Issue 3, March 2014, Pages 748-751 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
 Lukac, F.; Cizek, J.; Prochazka, I.; et al.: Investigation of H+ implanted Fe-Al alloys. 13TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SLOW POSITRON BEAM TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS (SLOPOS13) Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 505  [ Abstract ]
  Vlček, M. Lukáč, F. Stulíková, I. Smola, B. Kudrnová, H. Vlach, M. Kodetová, V. Szakács, G. Hort, N. Kainer, K.U.: Precipitation processes in Mg-Y-Nd-Ag alloys suitable for biodegradable implants. METAL 2014 - 23rd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Conference Proceedings 2014, Pages 1103-1108 [ Abstract ] [ Link ]
2013 Lukáč, F. Čížek, J. Procházka, I. Jirásková, Y. Janičkovič, D. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. : Vacancy-induced hardening in Fe-Al alloys . Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 443, Issue 1, 2013, Article number 012025 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Vlček, M. Melikhova, O. Traeger, F. Rogalla, D. Becker, H.-W. : Hydrogen absorption and diffusivity in ZnO single crystals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 580, Issue SUPPL1, 2013, Pages S51-S54 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Lukáč, F. Čížek, J. Vlcek, M. Procházka, I. Vlach, M. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. Traeger, F. Rogalla, D. Becker, H.-W. Wagner, S. Uchida, H. Bähtz, C. : Hydrogen Interaction with Defects in ZnO. Materials Science Forum (Volume 733) 2013 228 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Melikhova, O. Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Vlček, M. Novotný, M. Bulíř, J. Lančok, J. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. Connolly, J. McCarthy, E. Krishnamurthy, S. Mosnier, J.-P. : Hydrogen absorption in thin ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 580, Supplement 1, 15 December 2013, Pages S40–S43 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Vlček, M. Vlach, M. Procházka, I. Traeger, F. Rogalla, D. Becker, H.-W. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. Wagner, S. Uchida, H. Pundt, A. Bähtz, C. : Anisotropy of hydrogen diffusivity in ZnO. Defect and Diffusion Forum Volume 333, 20 February 2013, Pages 39-49 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Melikhova, O. Vlček, M. Lukáč, F. Vlach, M. Procházka, I. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. Mücklich, A. Wagner, S. Uchida, H. Pundt, A. : Hydrogen-induced microstructural changes of Pd films. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 38, Issue 27, 10 September 2013, Pages 12115-12125 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
2012Lukac, F.; Cizek, J.; Vlcek, M.; et al.: Hydrogen-induced plastic deformation in ZnO. POSITRON STUDIES OF DEFECTS 2011 Book Series: Physics Procedia Volume: 35 Pages: 128-133  [ Abstract ]
  Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Vlček, M. Procházka, I. Traeger, F. Rogalla, D. Becker, H.-W. : Diffusivity of hydrogen in ZnO single crystal. Defect and Diffusion Forum Volume 326-328, 2012, Pages 459-464 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Vlček, M. Lukáč, F. Vlach, M. Procházka, I. Brauer, G. Anwand, W. Mücklich, A. Wagner, S. Uchida, H. Pundt, A. : Structural studies of nanocrystalline thin Pd films electrochemically doped with hydrogen. Defect and Diffusion Forum Volume 331, 2012, Pages 137-147 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Procházka, I. Kužel, R. Jirásková, Y. Janičkovič, D. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. : Characterization of quenched-in vacancies in Fe-Al alloys . Physica B: Condensed Matter Volume 407, Issue 14, 15 July 2012, Pages 2659–2664 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
 Cizek, J.; Vlcek, M.; Lukac, F.; et al.: NEAR-SURFACE DEPTH PROFILING OF SOLIDS BY MONO-ENERGETIC POSITRONS. Defect and Diffusion Forum Volume: 331 Pages: 53-73 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
2011Wagner S., Uchida H., Burlaka V., Vlach M., Vlček M., Lukáč F., Čížek J., Baehtz C., Bell A. and Pundt A.: Achieving coherent phase transition in palladium–hydrogen thin films. Scripta Materialia Volume 64, Issue 10, May 2011, Pages 978–981 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Melikhova, O. Čižek, J. Kuriplach, J. Procházka, I. Lukáč, F. Cieslar, M. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. : Quenched-in vacancies in Fe3Al based alloys: A positron annihilation study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 265, Issue 1, 2011, Article number 012016 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Melikhova, O. Cizek, J. Lukac, F. Prochazka, I. Kuriplach, J. Anwand, W. Brauer, G. : Quenched-in vacancies in Fe-Al alloys. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 262, Issue 1, 2011, Article number 012039 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
  Čížek, J. Lukáč, F. Melikhova, O. Procházka, I. Kužel, R. : Thermal vacancies in Fe3Al studied by positron annihilation. Acta Materialia Volume 59, Issue 10, June 2011, Pages 4068-4078 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
2009 Melikhova, O. Cizek, J. Prochazka, I. Kuriplach, J. Lukac, F. Cieslar, M. Brauer, G. Anwand, W. : Quenched-in vacancies in Fe-Al alloys. Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics Volume 6, Issue 11, 2009, Pages 2367-2369 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
2000Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Ryukhtin V., Cinert J., Lukáč F.: Barium titanate nanometric polycrystalline ceramics ?red by spark plasma sintering (2000) .
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