Mgr. Aleš Podolník, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Tokamak Department ]

Place: NHB, Office: H 306
Tel.: (+420) 266 052393

Research projects

2020-2022 Kinetic study of boundary plasma in COMPASS and COMPAS-U tokamaks
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA20-28161S
2017-2019Mobility project between the Czech and Chinese Academies of Sciences on plasma-material interactions in fusion devices
Provider: Czech Academy of Sciences; Project ID: CAS-17-14

List of Publications

2024Williams J. J., Liu F., Tskhakaya D., Costea S., Podolník A., Markidis S.: Optimizing BIT1, a Particle-in-Cell Monte Carlo Code, with OpenMP/OpenACC and GPU Acceleration. Computational Science – ICCS 2024. Vol. 1. Berlin: Springer, 2024, s. 316-330. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ISBN 978-3-031-63748-3.
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[24th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). Málaga (ES), 02.07.2024-04.07.2024]
 Matveev D., Baumann C., Romazanov J., Brezinsek S., Ratynskaia S., Vignitchouk L., Tolias P., Paschalidis K., Tskhakaya D., Komm M., Podolník A., Mougenot J., Charles Y., Delaporte-Mathurin R., Hodille E., Grisolia C., Montupet-Leblond F., Schmid K., Von Toussaint U., Granberg F., Kporha F., Kovačič J., Costea S.: An integral approach to plasma-wall interaction modelling for EU-DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 64 [10] (2024) č. článku 106043.
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 Joffrin E., Adámek J., Bílková P., Bogár K., Böhm P., Borodkina I., Čaloud J., Casolari A., Cavalier J., Čeřovský J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Farník M., Ficker O., Grover O., Horáček J., Hromasová K., Imríšek M., Jaulmes F., Komm M., Tomešová E., Markovič T., Mlynář J., Podolník A., Šos M., Svoboda J., Tomeš M., Vondráček P., Yanovskiy V., Zadvitskiy G.: Overview of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme in support of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 64 [11] (2024) č. článku 112019.
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 Sáez X., Soba A., Ylla Catala J. V., Saxena G., Garcia-Gasulla M., Morales C., Dorca D. V., Komm M., Podolník A., Romazanov J., Sánchez E., Velasco J. L., Mantsinen M. J.: The Advanced Computing Hub at BSC: improving fusion codes following modern software engineering standards. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66 [7] (2024) č. článku 075014.
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2023Weinzettl V., Bílková P., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Markovič T., Varavin M., Cavalier J., Kovařík K., Torres A., Matveeva E., Böhm P., Ficker O., Horáček J., Čeřovský J., Zajac J., Adámek J., Dimitrova M., Imríšek M., Šos M., Tomešová E., Vondráček P., Mikszuta-Michalik K., Svoboda J., Naydenkova D., Bogár K., Čaloud J., Ivanov V., Lukeš S., Podolník A., Bogár O., Entler S., Havránek A., Preinhaelter J., Jaulmes F., Dejarnac R., Balner V., Veselovský V., Bělina P., Král M., Gerardin J., Vlček J., Tadros M., Turjanica P., Kindl V., Reboun J., Rowan W., Houshmandyar S., Scholz M., Bielecki J., Makowski D., Chernyshova M., Cipciar D.: Development of the diagnostic tools for the COMPASS-U tokamak and plans for the first plasma. Fusion Engineering and Design 191 [June] (2023) č. článku 113545.
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 Tolias P., Komm M., Ratynskaia S., Podolník A.: ITER relevant multi-emissive sheaths at normal magnetic field inclination. Nuclear Fusion 63 [2] (2023) č. článku 026007.
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 Bogár K., Varju J., Havlíček J., Stöckel J., Podolník A., Hron M., Pánek R.: Characterisation of the auxiliary heating power delivered by the 40 keV neutral beam injectors on the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 65 [2] (2023) č. článku 025004.
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2022Komm M., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Brotánková J., Grover O., Hečko J., Horáček J., Matějíček J., Peterka M., Podolník A., Seidl J., Hron M., Pánek R.: On the applicability of three and four parameter fits for analysis of swept embedded Langmuir probes in magnetised plasma. Nuclear Fusion 62 [9] (2022) č. článku 096021.
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 Dimitrova M., Gerardin J., Podolník A., Balner V., Mitov M., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Weinzettl V., Veselovský V., Dejarnac R., Komm M., Hron M., Pánek R.: Embedded-probes diagnostics for the COMPASS upgrade tokamak: a concept. Journal of Instrumentation 17 [11] (2022) č. článku P11018.
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2020Komm M., Ratynskaia S., Tolias P., Podolník A.: Space-charge limited thermionic sheaths in magnetized fusion plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 60 [5] (2020) č. článku 054002.
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 Tolias P., Komm M., Ratynskaia S., Podolník A.: Origin and nature of the emissive sheath surrounding hot tungsten tokamak surfaces. Nuclear Materials and Energy 25 [December] (2020) č. článku 100818.
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2019Svoboda V., Zhekova M., Dimitrova M., Marinova P., Podolník A., Stöckel J.: Operational Domain in Hydrogen Plasmas on the GOLEM Tokamak. Journal of Fusion Energy 38 [2] (2019) 253-261.
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 Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Bílková P., Havlíček J., Pánek R., Hron M., Bogár O., Böhm P., Casolari A., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Ďuran I., Entler S., Ficker O., Háček P., Horáček J., Imríšek M., Jaulmes F., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Kripner L., Markovič T., Naydenkova D., Peterka M., Podolník A., Pova F., Šos M., Šesták D., Tomeš M., Varavin M., Varju J., Vondráček P., Zajac J.: Constraints on conceptual design of diagnostics for the high magnetic field COMPASS-U tokamak with hot walls. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 [September] (2019) 1703-1707.
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 Podolník A., Komm M., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: Interpretation of flush-mounted probe current-voltage characteristics using four-parametric fits. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 [10] (2019) č. článku 105011.
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 Komm M., Cavalier J., Podolník A., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Dejarnac R.: On attenuation of electron current of flush-mounted probes and electrodes in magnetised plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 59 [9] (2019) č. článku 096050.
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2018Podolník A., Komm M., Adámek J., Háček P., Krbec J., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: 3D particle-in-cell modeling of Langmuir probe effective collecting area in magnetized plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 [8] (2018) č. článku 085008.
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 Urban J., Casolari A., Fridrich D., Jaulmes F., Havlíček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Komm M., Kripner L., Macúšová E., Markovič T., Pánek R., Peterka M., Podolník A., Weinzettl V.: Performance predictions for the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 42A. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2018, 2018-July (2018), s. 121-124. ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7.
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[45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018]
2017Komm M., Ratynskaia S., Tolias P., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Podolník A.: On thermionic emission from plasma-facing components in tokamak-relevant conditions. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 [9] (2017) č. článku 094002.
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 Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Berta M., Bílková P., Bogár O., Böhm P., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Ficker O., Fridrich D., Grover O., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Komm M., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Markovič T., Matveeva E., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Papřok R., Peterka M., Podolník A., Seidl J., Šos M., Stöckel J., Tomeš M., Varavin M., Varju J., Vlainic M., Vondráček P., Zajac J., Žáček F., Stano M., Anda G., Dunai D., Krizsanóczi T., Refy D., Zoletnik S., Silva A., Gomes R., Pereira T., Popov Tsv., Sarychev D., Ermak G.P., Zebrowski J., Jakubowski M., Rabinski M., Malinowski K., Nanobashvili S., Spolaore M., Vianello N., Gauthier E., Gunn J. P., Devitre A.: Progress in diagnostics of the COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation 12 [December] (2017) č. článku C12015.
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[European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD2017)/2./. Bordeaux, 18.04.2017-21.04.2017]
 Komm M., Tolias P., Ratynskaia S., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Krieger K., Podolník A., Pitts R.A., Pánek R.: Simulations of thermionic suppression during tungsten transient melting experiments. Scripta. T170 [December] (2017) č. článku 014069.
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[PFMC 2017: 16th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications. Düsseldorf, 16.05.2017-19.05.2017]
 Podolník A., Komm M., Adámek J., Háček P., Krbec J., Dejarnac R., Pánek R., Gunn J. P.: Particle-in-cell simulations of Langmuir probes at COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.110. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07.
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[EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017]
 Pánek R., Markovič T., Cahyna P., Dejarnac R., Havlíček J., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Junek P., Komm M., Šesták D., Urban J., Varju J., Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Dimitrova M., Háček P., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Mlynář J., Podolník A., Seidl J., Stöckel J., Tomeš M., Zajac J., Mitošinková K., Peterka M., Vondráček P.: Conceptual design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 123 [October] (2017) 11-16.
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[SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016]
 Komm M., Gunn J. P., Dejarnac R., Pánek R., Pitts R.A., Podolník A.: Particle-in-cell simulations of the plasma interaction with poloidal gaps in the ITER divertor outer vertical target. Nuclear Fusion 57 [12] (2017) č. článku 126047.
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 Pitts R.A., Bardin S., Bazylev B., van den Berg M.A., Bunting P., Carpentier-Chouchana S., Coenen J.W., Corre Y., Dejarnac R., Escourbiac F., Gaspar J., Gunn J. P., Hirai T., Hong S.-H., Horáček J., Iglesias D., Komm M., Krieger K., Lasnier C., Matthews G.F., Morgan T.W., Panayotis S., Pestchanyi S., Podolník A., Nygren R.E., Rudakov D.L., De Temmerman G., Vondráček P., Watkins J.G.: Physics conclusions in support of ITER W divertor monoblock shaping. Nuclear Materials and Energy 12 [August] (2017) 60-74.
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[International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions 2016, PSI2016 /22./. Roma, 30.05.2016-03.06.2016]
2014Dejarnac R., Podolník A., Komm M., Arnoux G., Coenen J.W., Devaux S., Frassinetti L., Gunn J. P., Matthews G. F., Pitts R.A.: Numerical evaluation of heat flux and surface temperature on a misaligned JET divertor W lamella during ELMs. Nuclear Fusion 54 [12] (2014) 123011-123011.
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 Podolník A., Komm M., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P.: Poisson Equation Solver Parallelisation for Particle-in-Cell Model. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2014. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2014 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.), s. 233-237 ISBN 978-80-7378-276-4. - (WDS).
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[Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2014 /23./. Prague (CZ), 03.06.2014-05.06.2014]
 Podolník A., Komm M., Dejarnac R., Pánek R., Gunn J. P.: Particle-in-cell Simulations of Flush-Mounted Probes. EPS2014:41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 38F. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2014 - (Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R.; Hirsch, M.; Kemnitz, B.; Klinger, T.), P1.041-P1.041 ISBN 2-914771-90-8. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA)).
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[EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/41./. Berlin (DE), 23.06.2014-27.06.2014]