![]() | Mgr. Jiří Adámek, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Tokamak Department ] Place: Tokamak Building, Office: F 112 Tel.: (+420) 266 052961 Email: adamek@ipp.cas.cz |
Research projects
2020-2022 | Kinetic study of boundary plasma in COMPASS and COMPAS-U tokamaks Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA20-28161S |
2017-2021 | COMPASS RI - RESEARCH Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: EF16_013/0001551 |
2018-2019 | Liquid metal divertor test module experiments in COMPASS Co-investigator Provider: European Union; Project ID: WP DTT1-LMD.P1-T001-D001 |
2016-2018 | Physics of edge-localized mode control in tokamaks Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA16-24724S |
2016-2018 | Reduction of localised heat loads in divertor of COMPASS tokamak by means of novel active techniques Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA16-14228S |
2015-2017 | Fast heat flux measurements in divertor region in tokamak COMPASS using ball-pen probes with sub-microsecond temporalresolution. Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA15-10723S |
2012-2015 | Investigation of turbulent plasma boundary of tokamak COMPASS using two deeply-reciprocating probes, interpreted by numerical models Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP205/12/2327 |
2014-2015 | Power decay-length scaling and pedestal scaling studies and related diagnostics in support of MST and JET Co-investigator Provider: Euratom under European Fusion Development Agreement; Project ID: *WP14-MST2-12 |
2012-2014 | Edge Plasma Studies on the Compass Tokamak Co-investigator Provider: International Atomic Energy Agency; Project ID: 16992/R0 |
2009-2012 | Multi-range tomographic system for transport studies in tokamak plasmas Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/09/1467 |
2009-2011 | Systematic measurements of the plasma potential and the electron temperature during the L-mode and ELMy H-mode on several large European facilities by using ball-pen probe technique. Principal investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KJB100430901 |
2006-2008 | Development of the novel method of the direct plasma potential measurements in magnetic confinement fusion devices. Principal investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KJB100430601 |
2004-2006 | Dissipation of strong electromagnetic waves and its consequences near antennas Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/04/0360 |
2003-2005 | 3D structure of the edge turbulence and its control on the Castor tokamak Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/03/0786 |
2002-2004 | Anomalous diffusion of plasma particles in electrostatic turbulence and systems of magnetic islands. Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: IAA1043201 |
List of Publications
2024 | Hečko J., Komm M., Šos M., Adámek J., Bílková P., Bogár K., Böhm P., Jaulmes F., Mysiura I., Tomeš M., Vondráček P., Hron M., Pánek R.: Experimental evidence of very short power decay lengths in H-mode discharges in the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66 [1] (2024) č. článku 015013. [ Abstract ] |
2023 | Adámek J., Cavalier J., Tskhakaya D., Csillag B., Cinnirella L., Lips J., Lopez-Rodriguez D., Sosa D., Medina D., Vondráček P., Kripner L., Komm M., Šos M., Lindl H.: Temporal characteristics of ELMs on the COMPASS divertor. Nuclear Fusion 63 [8] (2023) č. článku 086009. [ Abstract ] |
Horáček J., Tskhakaya D., Cavalier J., Adámek J., Mana A. C., Frassinetti L., Beltrami A., Lukeš S., Aleiferis S., Matthews G., Komm M., Bílková P.: ELM temperature in JET and COMPASS tokamak divertors. Nuclear Fusion 63 [5] (2023) č. článku 056007. [ Abstract ] | |
Weinzettl V., Bílková P., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Markovič T., Varavin M., Cavalier J., Kovařík K., Torres A., Matveeva E., Böhm P., Ficker O., Horáček J., Čeřovský J., Zajac J., Adámek J., Dimitrova M., Imríšek M., Šos M., Tomešová E., Vondráček P., Mikszuta-Michalik K., Svoboda J., Naydenkova D., Bogár K., Čaloud J., Ivanov V., Lukeš S., Podolník A., Bogár O., Entler S., Havránek A., Preinhaelter J., Jaulmes F., Dejarnac R., Balner V., Veselovský V., Bělina P., Král M., Gerardin J., Vlček J., Tadros M., Turjanica P., Kindl V., Reboun J., Rowan W., Houshmandyar S., Scholz M., Bielecki J., Makowski D., Chernyshova M., Cipciar D.: Development of the diagnostic tools for the COMPASS-U tokamak and plans for the first plasma. Fusion Engineering and Design 191 [June] (2023) č. článku 113545. [ Abstract ] | |
Mácha P., Adámek J., Seidl J., Stöckel J., Svoboda V., Van Oost G., Lobko L., Krbec J.: Spontaneous formation of a transport barrier in helium plasma in a tokamak with circular configuration. Nuclear Fusion 63 [10] (2023) č. článku 104003. [ Abstract ] | |
2022 | Adámek J., Artola F. J., Loarte A., Matveeva E., Cavalier J., Pitts R.A., Roccella R., Lehnen M., Havlíček J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Current density limitation during disruptions due to plasma-sheaths. Nuclear Fusion 62 [8] (2022) č. článku 086034. [ Abstract ] |
Cipciar A., Adámek J., Horáček J., Cavalier J., Hron M.: Statistical properties of ion and electron temperature fluctuations in the edge of the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64 [5] (2022) č. článku 055021. [ Abstract ] | |
Grenfell G., Adámek J., Komm M., Brida D., Conway G.D., Manz P., Tolias P., Eich T., Šesták D., Herrmann A., Nishizawa T., Stroth U.: High-heat flux ball-pen probe head in ASDEX-Upgrade. Review of Scientific Instruments 93 [2] (2022) 023507. [ Abstract ] | |
Lukeš S., Horáček J., Veselovský V., Vondráček P., Šesták D., Adámek J., Weinzettl V., Ďuran I.: Conceptual design of reciprocating probes and material-testing manipulator for tokamak COMPASS Upgrade. Journal of Instrumentation 17 [2] (2022) č. článku C02007. [ Abstract ] [European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics. online, 07.06.2021-11.06.2021] | |
Weckmann U., Petersson P., Varju J., Jeřáb M., Horáček J., Adámek J., Vondráček P., Fortuna E., Hron M., Rubel M.: 3D deposition patterns of deuterium retention and impurities in the COMPASS divertor: a data-driven root cause analysis and prediction approach. Fusion Engineering and Design 179 [June] (2022) č. článku 113118. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Lukeš S., Adámek J., Havlíček J., Entler S., Seidl J., Cavalier J., Cikhardt J., Sedmidubsky V.: Novel concept suppressing plasma heat pulses in a tokamak by fast divertor sweeping. Scientific Reports 12 [1] (2022) č. článku 17013. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Brotánková J., Grover O., Hečko J., Horáček J., Matějíček J., Peterka M., Podolník A., Seidl J., Hron M., Pánek R.: On the applicability of three and four parameter fits for analysis of swept embedded Langmuir probes in magnetised plasma. Nuclear Fusion 62 [9] (2022) č. článku 096021. [ Abstract ] | |
Hron M., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Ficker O., Grover O., Horáček J., Komm M., Macúšová E., Matveeva E., Pánek R., Peterka M., Seidl J., Tskhakaya D., Yanovskiy V., Artola F. J., Atikukke S., Bartoň P., Bencze A., Berta M., Bílková P., Bin W., Bogár K., Bogár O., Böhm P., Borodkina I., Brezinsek S., Brochard F., Buratti P., Čaloud J., Casolari A., Castaldo C., Čečrdle J., Čeřovský J., Cipciar A., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Ďuran I., Entler S., Farník M., Fernandes H., Fridrich D., Fuková Š., Gauthier E., Gerardin J., Gobbin M., Grenfell G., Gribov Y., Grof M., Gunn J., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hidalgo C., Hromasová K., Hronová-Bilyková O., Iafrati M., Imríšek M., Isernia N., Jaulmes F., Jeřáb M., Jirsa M., Junek P., Kallenbach A., Kovanda O., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Kripner L., Krlín L., Kulhánek P., Lehnen M., Lemoine N., Litaudon X., Liu Y.Q., Logan N. C., Loarer T., Loarte A., Lourenco P., Lukeš S., Mácha P., Rabinski M., Marin Roldan A., Markovič T., Matějíček J., Mazzitelli G., Mlynář J., Mysiura I., Napoli F., Naydenkova D., Park J. K., Patel N., Pavlo P., Pitts R., Podolník A., Poradzinski M., Preinhaelter J., Prishvitsin A., Refy D., Roccella R., Šesták D., Shyshkin O., Škvára V., Šos M., Spolaore M., Stöckel J., Svoboda J., Tomeš M., Torres A., Turjanica P., Tynan G., Valovič M., Van Oost G., Varavin M., Varju J., Veis P., Vilémová M., Villone F., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V., Žáček F., Zadvitskiy G., Zajac J., Zaloga D., Zebrowski J., Zoletnik S.: Overview of the COMPASS results. Nuclear Fusion 62 [4] (2022) č. článku 042021. [ Abstract ] | |
Dimitrova M., Gerardin J., Podolník A., Balner V., Mitov M., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Weinzettl V., Veselovský V., Dejarnac R., Komm M., Hron M., Pánek R.: Embedded-probes diagnostics for the COMPASS upgrade tokamak: a concept. Journal of Instrumentation 17 [11] (2022) č. článku P11018. [ Abstract ] | |
Grenfell G., Manz P., Conway G.D., Eich T., Adámek J., Brida D., Komm M., Nishizawa T., Griener M., Tal B., Stroth U.: Turbulence in the near scrape-off layer towards the L-mode density limit inASDEX-Upgrade. Nuclear Materials and Energy 33 [October] (2022) č. článku 101277. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Matveeva E., Havlíček J., Artola F. J., Yanovskiy V., Havránek A., Adámek J., Gerardin J., Imríšek M., Loarte A., Ficker O., Hronová-Bilyková O., Weinzettl V., Pánek R.: Current quench and vessel currents characterisation at the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64 [12] (2022) č. článku 125010. [ Abstract ] | |
Brida D., Conway G.D., Adámek J., Silvagni D., David P., Eich T., Grenfell G., Komm M., Plank U.: Physics of the electric field in the scrape-off layer in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode discharges and comparison to experiments. Nuclear Materials and Energy 33 [October] (2022) č. článku 101262. E. [ Abstract ] | |
2021 | Komm M., Mancini D., Morbey M., Cavalier J., Adámek J., Bernert M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Brida D., Février C., Henderson S., Hron M., Jeřáb M., Imríšek M., Kripner L., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Šos M., Vondráček P.: Power exhaust by core radiation at COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 61 [3] (2021) č. článku 036016. [ Abstract ] |
Artola F. J., Loarte A., Matveeva E., Havlíček J., Markovič T., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Kripner L., Huijsmans G. T.A., Lehnen M., Hoelzl M., Pánek R.: Simulations of COMPASS vertical displacement events with a self-consistent model for halo currents including neutrals and sheath boundary conditions. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 [6] (2021) č. článku 064004. [ Abstract ] | |
Adámek J., Cipciar A., Devitre A., Horáček J., Cavalier J., Komm M., Krbec J., Tichý M., Trunec D., Böhm P., Pánek R.: Ion temperature measurements in the tokamak scrape-off layer with high temporal resolution. Nuclear Fusion 61 [3] (2021) č. článku 036023. [ Abstract ] | |
Tskhakaya D., Adámek J., Dimitrova M., Hromasová K., Seidl J., Šos M., Vondráček P.: Kinetic model of the COMPASS tokamak SOL. Nuclear Materials and Energy 26 [March] (2021) č. článku 100893. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Cecrdle J., Tskhakaya D., Dejarnac R., Schwartz J., Komm M., Cavalier J., Adámek J., Lukeš S., Veselovský V., Varju J., Bartoň P., Entler S., Gasparyan Y., Gauthier E., Gerardin J., Hromádka J., Hron M., Iafrati M., Imríšek M., Jeřáb M., Kovařík K., Mazzitelli G., Naydenkova D., van Oost G., Pánek R., Prishvitsin A., Seidl J., Šesták D., Tomeš M., Vasina Y., Vertkov A., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Predictive modelling of liquid metal divertor: From COMPASS tokamak towards Upgrade. Physica Scripta 96 [12] (2021) č. článku ac1dc9. [ Abstract ] | |
Khodunov I., Komm M., Havránek A., Adámek J., Böhm P., Cavalier J., Seidl J., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Elmore S., Faitsch M., Háček P., Havlíček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Krbec J., Peterka M., Pánek R., Samoylov O., Tomeš M., Tomova B., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Real-time feedback system for divertor heat flux control at COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 [6] (2021) č. článku 065012. [ Abstract ] | |
Vondráček P., Pánek R., Hron M., Havlíček J., Weinzettl V., Todd T., Tskhakaya D., Cunningham G., Háček P., Hromádka J., Junek P., Krbec J., Patel N., Šesták D., Varju J., Adámek J., Balázsová M., Balner V., Bartoň P., Bielecki J., Bílková P., Błocki J., Bocian D., Bogár K., Bogár O., Boócz P., Borodkina I., Brooks A., Böhm P., Burant J., Casolari A., Cavalier J., Chappuis R., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Dudák M., Ďuran I., Ellis R., Entler S., Fang J., Farník M., Ficker O., Fridrich D., Fuková Š., Gerardin J., Hanák I., Havránek A., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Hronová-Bilyková O., Imríšek M., Isernia N., Jaulmes F., Jeřáb M., Kindl V., Komm M., Kovařík K., Král M., Kripner L., Macúšová E., Majer T., Markovič T., Matveeva E., Mikszuta-Michalik K., Mohelník M., Mysiura I., Naydenkova D., Němec I., Ortwein R., Patočka K., Peterka M., Podolník A., Procházka F., Převrátil J., Řeboun J., Scalera V., Scholz M., Svoboda J., Swierblewski J., Šos M., Tadros M., Titus J. H., Tomeš M., Torres A., Tracz G., Turjanica P., Varavin M., Veselovský V., Villone F., Wąchal P., Yanovskiy V., Zadvitskiy G., Zajac J., Žák A., Zaloga D., Zelda J., Zhang H.: Preliminary design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 169 [August] (2021) č. článku 112490. [ Abstract ] | |
Torres A., Kovařík K., Markovič T., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Ellis R., Jeřáb M., Řeboun J., Turjanica P., Weinzettl V., Fernandes H.: Test bench for calibration of magnetic field sensor prototypes for COMPASS-U tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 168 [July] (2021) č. článku 112467. [ Abstract ] | |
2020 | Dimitrova M., Tomeš M., Popov Tsv., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Vasileva E., Hron M., Pánek R.: Effect of the gas puff location on the divertor plasma properties in COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17 [1492] (2020) č. článku 012003. E. [ Abstract ] |
Horáček J., Adámek J., Komm M., Seidl J., Vondráček P., Jardin A., Guillemaut C., Elmore S., Thornton A., Jiráková K., Jaulmes F., Deng G., Gao X., Wang L., Ding R., Brunner D., LaBombard B., Olsen J., Rasmussen J.J., Nielsen A.H., Naulin V., Ezzat M., Camacho K., Hron M., Matthews G. F.: Scaling of L-mode heat flux for ITER and COMPASS-U divertors, based on five tokamaks. Nuclear Fusion 60 [6] (2020) č. článku 066016. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Dejarnac R., Cecrdle J., Tskhakaya D., Vertkov A., Cavalier J., Vondráček P., Jeřáb M., Bartoň P., Van Oost G., Hron M., Weinzettl V., Šesták D., Lukeš S., Adámek J., Prishvitsin A., Iafratti M., Gasparyan A.A., Vasina Y., Naydenkova D., Seidl J., Gauthier E., Mazzitelli G., Komm M., Gerardin J., Varju J., Tomeš M., Entler S., Hromádka J., Pánek R.: Modeling of COMPASS tokamak divertor liquid metal experiments. Nuclear Materials and Energy 25 [December] (2020) č. článku 100860. [ Abstract ] | |
Dejarnac R., Horáček J., Hron M., Jeřáb M., Adámek J., Atikukke S., Bartoň P., Cavalier J., Cecrdle J., Dimitrova M., Gauthier E., Iafrati M., Imríšek M., Marin Roldan A., Mazzitelli G., Naydenkova D., Prishvitcyn A., Tomeš M., Tskhakaya D., Van Oost G., Varju J., Veis P., Vertkov A., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Overview of power exhaust experiments in the COMPASS divertor with liquid metals. Nuclear Materials and Energy 25 [December] (2020) č. článku 100801. [ Abstract ] | |
Adámek J., Tskhakaya D., Devitre A., Cavalier J., Horáček J., Komm M., Šos M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Seidl J., Weinzettl V., Vondráček P., Markovič T., Hron M., Pánek R.: On the transport of edge localized mode filaments in the tokamak scrape-off layer. Nuclear Fusion 60 [9] (2020) č. článku 096014. [ Abstract ] | |
Carli S., Dekeyser W., Coosemans R., Dejarnac R., Komm M., Dimitrova M., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P.: Interchange-turbulence-based radial transport model for SOLPS-ITER: A COMPASS case study. Contributions to Plasma Physics 60 (2020) č. článku e201900155. [ Abstract ] | |
2019 | Jiráková K., Kovanda O., Adámek J., Komm M., Seidl J.: Systematic errors in tokamak magnetic equilibrium reconstruction: A study of EFIT++ at tokamak COMPASS. Journal of Instrumentation 14 [11] (2019) č. článku C11020. [ Abstract ] |
Cavalier J., Lemoine N., Brochard F., Weinzettl V., Seidl J., Silburn S., Tamain P., Dejarnac R., Adámek J., Pánek R.: Tomographic reconstruction of tokamak edge turbulence from single visible camera data and automatic turbulence structure tracking. Nuclear Fusion 59 [5] (2019) č. článku 056025. [ Abstract ] | |
Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Bílková P., Havlíček J., Pánek R., Hron M., Bogár O., Böhm P., Casolari A., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Ďuran I., Entler S., Ficker O., Háček P., Horáček J., Imríšek M., Jaulmes F., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Kripner L., Markovič T., Naydenkova D., Peterka M., Podolník A., Pova F., Šos M., Šesták D., Tomeš M., Varavin M., Varju J., Vondráček P., Zajac J.: Constraints on conceptual design of diagnostics for the high magnetic field COMPASS-U tokamak with hot walls. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 [September] (2019) 1703-1707. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Khodunov I., Cavalier J., Vondráček P., Henderson S., Seidl J., Horáček J., Naydenkova D., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Elmore S., Faitsch M., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Imríšek M., Krbec J., Peterka M., Pánek R., Samoylov O., Šos M., Tomeš M., Tomova B., Weinzettl V.: Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 59 [10] (2019) č. článku 106035. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Kremers B., Vondráček P., Bílková P., Böhm P., Šos M., Pánek R.: On the possiblity of direct electrical power extraction from scrape-off layer currents in tokamaks. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 [9] (2019) č. článku 095017. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Cavalier J., Podolník A., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Dejarnac R.: On attenuation of electron current of flush-mounted probes and electrodes in magnetised plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 59 [9] (2019) č. článku 096050. [ Abstract ] | |
Torres A., Kovařík K., Markovič T., Adámek J., Weinzettl V., Carvalho B.B., Fernandes H., Hron M., Pánek R.: Mineral insulated cable assessment for inductive magnetic diagnostic sensors of a hot-wall tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation 14 [9] (2019) č. článku C09043. [ Abstract ] | |
2018 | Seidl J., Jiráková K., Adámek J., Grover O., Horáček J., Hron M., Vondráček P.: Fluctuations in the scrape-off layer and edge plasma of the COMPASS tokamak. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 42A. Mulhouse: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 2018, s. 481-484, č. článku P1.1103. ISBN 9781510868441. [ Abstract ] [45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018] |
Seidl J., Jiráková K., Adámek J., Grover O., Horáček J., Hron M., Vondráček P.: Fluctuations in the scrape-off layer and edge plasma of the COMPASS tokamak. Europhysics Conference Abstracts. Vol. 42A. European Physical Society, 2018 - (Coda, S.; Berndt, J.; Lapenta, G.; Mantsinen, M.; Michaut, C.; Weber, S.). ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7. [ Abstract ] [45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018] | |
Horáček J., Entler S., Vondráček P., Adámek J., Šesták D., Hron M., Pánek R., Dejarnac R., Weinzettl V., Kovařík K., Van Oost G.: Plans for Liquid Metal Divertor in Tokamak Compass. Plasma Physics Reports 44 [7] (2018) 652-656. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Liquid metals Applications for Fusion (ISLA2017) /5./. Moscow, 25.09.2017-27.09.2017] | |
Podolník A., Komm M., Adámek J., Háček P., Krbec J., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: 3D particle-in-cell modeling of Langmuir probe effective collecting area in magnetized plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 [8] (2018) č. článku 085008. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Entler S., Vondráček P., Adámek J., Šesták D., Hron M., Pánek R., Dejarnac R., Weinzettl V., Kovařík K., Van Oost G.: PLANIRUYEMYY ZHIDKOMETALLICHESKIY DIVERTOR DLYA TOKAMAKA COMPASS. FIZIKA PLAZMY. Moskva, 2018, s. 557-563. ISSN 0367-2921. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [International symposium on liquid metals applications for fusion (ISLA-5). Moskva (RU), 25.09.2017-25.09.2017] | |
Grover O., Seidl J., Refy D., Adámek J., Vondráček P., Tomeš M., Junek P., Háček P., Krbec J., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Zoletnik S.: Limit cycle oscillations measurements with Langmuir and ball-pen probes on COMPASS. Nuclear Fusion 58 [11] (2018) č. článku 112010. [ Abstract ] [16th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers. Petrohrad, 13.09.2017-13.09.2017] | |
2017 | Matějíček J., Weinzettl V., Vilémová M., Morgan T.W., De Temmerman G., Dimitrova M., Cavalier J., Adámek J., Seidl J., Jäger A.: ELM-induced arcing on tungsten fuzz in the COMPASS divertor region. Journal of Nuclear Materials 492 [August] (2017) 204-212. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, PSI 2016/22./. Roma, 30.05.2016-03.06.2016] |
Kovařík K., Ďuran I., Stöckel J., Seidl J., Adámek J., Spolaore M., Vianello N., Háček P., Hron M., Pánek R.: Filamentary probe on the COMPASS tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 88 [3] (2017) č. článku 035106. [ Abstract ] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Komm M., Weinzettl V., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Hron M., Háček P., Imríšek M., Vondráček P., Horáček J., Devitre A.: Fast measurements of the electron temperature and parallel heat flux in ELMy H-mode on the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 57 [2] (2017) č. článku 022010. [ Abstract ] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Horáček J., Komm M., Eich T., Pánek R., Cavalier J., Devitre A., Peterka M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J., Šesták D., Grover O., Bílková P., Böhm P., Varju J., Havránek A., Weinzettl V., Lovell J., Dimitrova M., Mitošinková K., Dejarnac R., Hron M.: Electron temperature and heat load measurements in the COMPASS divertor using the new system of probes. Nuclear Fusion 57 [11] (2017) č. článku 116017. [ Abstract ] | |
Carralero D., Siccinio M., Komm M., Artene S.A., D'Isa F.A., Adámek J., Aho-Mantila L., Birkenmeier G., Brix M., Fuchert G., Groth M., Lunt T., Manz P., Madsen J., Marsen S., Müller H.W., Stroth U., Sun H.J., Vianello N., Wischmeier M., Wolfrum E.: Recent progress towards a quantitative description of filamentary SOL transport. Nuclear Fusion 57 [5] (2017) č. článku 056044. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/26./. Kyoto, 17.10.2016-22.10.2016] | |
Kirk A., Adámek J., Akers R.J., Allan S., Appel L., Arese Lucini F., Barnes M., Barrett T., Ben Ayed N., Boeglin W., Bradley J., Browning P.K., Brünner J., Cahyna P., Cardnell S., Carr M., Casson F., Cecconello M., Challis C., Chapman I.T., Chapman S., Chorley J., Conroy S., Conway N., Cooper W.A., Cox M., Crocker N., Crowley B., Cunningham G., Danilov A., Darrow D., Dendy R., Dickinson D., Dorland W., Dudson B., Dunai D., Easy L., Elmore S., Evans M., Farley T., Fedorczak N., Field A., Fishpool G., Fitzgerald I., Fox M., Freethy S., Garzotti L., Ghim Y.C., Gi K., Gibson K., Gorelenkova M., Gracias W., Gurl C., Guttenfelder W., Ham C., Harrison J., Harting D., Havlickova E., Hawkes N., Hender T., Henderson S., Highcock E., Hillesheim J., Hnat B., Horáček J., Howard J., Howell D., Huang B., Imada K., Inomoto M., Imazawa R., Jones O., Kadowaki K., Kaye S., Keeling D., Klimek I., Kocan M., Kogan L., Komm M., Lai W., Leddy J., Leggate H., Hollocombe J., Lipschultz B., Lisgo S., Liu Y.Q., Lloyd B., Lomanowski B., Lukin V., Lupelli I., Maddison G., Madsen J., Mailloux J., Martin R., McArdle G., McClements K., McMillan B., Meakins A., Meyer H., Michael C., Militello F., Milnes J., Morris A.W., Motojima G., Muir D., Naylor G., Nielsen A., O'Brien M., O'Gorman T., O'Mullane M., Olsen J., Omotani J., Ono Y., Pamela S., Pangione L., Parra F., Patel A., Peebles W., Perez R., Pinches S., Piron L., Price M., Reinke M., Ricci P., Riva F., Roach C., Romanelli M., Ryan D., Saarelma S., Saveliev A., Scannell R., Schekochihin A., Sharapov S., Sharples R., Shevchenko V., Shinohara K., Silburn S., Simpson J., Stanier A., Storrs J., Summers H., Takase Y., Tamain P., Tanabe H., Tanaka H., Tani K., Taylor D., Thomas D., Thomas-Davies N., Thornton A., Turnyanskiy M., Valovic M., Vann R., Van Wyk F., Walkden N., Watanabe T., Wilson H., Wischmeier M., Yamada T., Young J., Zoletnik S.: Overview of recent physics results from MAST. Nuclear Fusion 57 [10] (2017) č. článku 102007. [ Abstract ] | |
Grover O., Adámek J., Seidl J., Devitre A., Šos M., Vondráček P., Bílková P., Hron M.: First simultaneous measurements of Reynolds stress with ball-pen and Langmuir probes. Review of Scientific Instruments 88 [6] (2017) č. článku 063501. [ Abstract ] | |
Helou W., Goniche M., Hillairet J., Žáček F., Achard J., Adámek J., Bogár O., Mollard P., Pascal J.-Y., Poli S., Šesták D., Volpe R., Zajac J.: Radio-Frequency design of a Lower Hybrid Slotted Waveguide Antenna. Fusion Engineering and Design 123 [November] (2017) 223-227. [ Abstract ] [SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Berta M., Bílková P., Bogár O., Böhm P., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Ficker O., Fridrich D., Grover O., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Komm M., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Markovič T., Matveeva E., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Papřok R., Peterka M., Podolník A., Seidl J., Šos M., Stöckel J., Tomeš M., Varavin M., Varju J., Vlainic M., Vondráček P., Zajac J., Žáček F., Stano M., Anda G., Dunai D., Krizsanóczi T., Refy D., Zoletnik S., Silva A., Gomes R., Pereira T., Popov Tsv., Sarychev D., Ermak G.P., Zebrowski J., Jakubowski M., Rabinski M., Malinowski K., Nanobashvili S., Spolaore M., Vianello N., Gauthier E., Gunn J. P., Devitre A.: Progress in diagnostics of the COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation 12 [December] (2017) č. článku C12015. [ Abstract ] [European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD2017)/2./. Bordeaux, 18.04.2017-21.04.2017] | |
Grover O., Seidl J., Adámek J., Vondráček P., Tomeš M., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R.: Reynolds stress and fluctuation measurements with Langmuir and ball-pen probes in the vicinity of the L-H transition on COMPASS. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P2.181. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Horáček J., Komm M., Eich T., Pánek R., Cavalier J., Devitre A., Peterka M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J., Šesták D., Grover O., Bílková P., Böhm P., Varju J., Havránek A., Weinzettl V., Lovell J., Dimitrova M., Mitošinková M., Dejarnac R., Hron M.: Electron temperature and heat load measurements in the COMPASS divertor using the new system of probes. Nuclear Fusion 57 [11] (2017) č. článku 116017. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Cavalier J., Seidl J., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Elmore S., Faitsch M., Háček P., Havlíček J., Imríšek M., Krbec J., Peterka M., Pánek R., Popov T., Tomeš M., Weinzettl V.: First detachment studies on COMPASS tokamak using nitrogen seeding. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.118. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Čeřovský J., Farník M., Šos M., Svoboda J., Ficker O., Hetflejs M., Svihra P., Shkut M., Grover O., Veverka J., Svoboda V., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Dimitrova M.: Tokamak GOLEM for fusion education - chapter 8. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.107. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Vondráček P., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Devitre A., Horáček J., Hron M., Pánek R., Peterka M., Seidl J.: Divertor heat load study in COMPASS using IR thermography and divertor probes. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.120. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Podolník A., Komm M., Adámek J., Háček P., Krbec J., Dejarnac R., Pánek R., Gunn J. P.: Particle-in-cell simulations of Langmuir probes at COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.110. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Pánek R., Markovič T., Cahyna P., Dejarnac R., Havlíček J., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Junek P., Komm M., Šesták D., Urban J., Varju J., Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Dimitrova M., Háček P., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Mlynář J., Podolník A., Seidl J., Stöckel J., Tomeš M., Zajac J., Mitošinková K., Peterka M., Vondráček P.: Conceptual design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 123 [October] (2017) 11-16. [ Abstract ] [SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Spolaore M., Kovařík K., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Dejarnac R., Ďuran I., Komm M., Markovič T., Martines E., Pánek R., Seidl J., Vianello N.: Electromagnetic ELM and inter-ELM filaments detected in the COMPASS Scrape-Off Layer. Nuclear Materials and Energy 12 [August] (2017) 844-851. [ Abstract ] [PSI 2016 - 22nd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/22./. Roma, 30.05.2016-03.06.2016] | |
Seidl J., Krbec J., Hron M., Adámek J., Hidalgo C., Markovič T., Melnikov A.V., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Bogár O., Böhm P., Eliseev L.G., Háček P., Havlíček J., Horáček J., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Mitošinková K., Pánek R., Tomeš M., Vondráček P.: Electromagnetic characteristics of geodesic acoustic mode in the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 57 [12] (2017) č. článku 126048. [ Abstract ] | |
Weinzettl V., Matějíček J., Ratynskaia S., Tolias P., De Angeli M., Riva G., Dimitrova M., Havlíček J., Adámek J., Seidl J., Tomeš M., Cavalier J., Imríšek M., Havránek A., Pánek R., Peterka M.: Dust remobilization experiments on the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 124 [November] (2017) 446-449. [ Abstract ] [SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Meyer H., Adámek J., Bílková P., Bogár O., Böhm P., Cahyna P., Dimitrova M., Ficker O., Háček P., Horáček J., Imríšek M., Komm M., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Markovič T., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Papřok R., Peterka M., Petržílka V., Seidl J., Urban J., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution. Nuclear Fusion 57 [10] (2017) č. článku 102014. [ Abstract ] | |
Dimitrova M., Popov Tsv.K., Adámek J., Kovačič J., Ivanova P., Hasan E., López-Bruna D., Seidl J., Vondráček P., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Imríšek M., Pánek R.: Plasma potential and electron temperature evaluated by ball-pen and Langmuir probes in the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 [12] (2017) č. článku 125001. [ Abstract ] | |
2016 | Horáček J., Pitts R.A., Adámek J., Arnoux G., Bak J.-G., Brezinsek S., Dimitrova M., Goldston R.J., Gunn J. P., Havlíček J., Hong S.-H., Janky F., LaBombard B., Marsen S., Maddaluno G., Nie L., Pericoli V., Popov Tsv., Pánek R., Rudakov D., Seidl J., Seo D.S., Shimada M., Silva C., Stangeby P.C., Viola B., Vondráček P., Wang H., Xu G.S., Xu Y.: Multi-machine scaling of the main SOL parallel heat flux width in tokamak limiter plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58 [7] (2016) 074005. [ Abstract ] |
Adámek J., Müller H.W., Silva C., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Mehlmann F., Costea S., Horáček J., Kurzan B., Bílková P., Böhm P., Aftanas M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J., Pánek R., Fernandes H., Figueiredo H.: Profile measurements of the electron temperature on the ASDEX Upgrade, COMPASS, and ISTTOK tokamak using Thomson scattering, triple, and ball-pen probes. Review of Scientific Instruments 87 [4] (2016) 043510. [ Abstract ] | |
2015 | Zanáška M., Adámek J., Peterka M., Kudrna P., Tichý M.: Comparative measurements of plasma potential with ball-pen and Langmuir probe in low-temperature magnetized plasma. Physics of Plasmas 22 [3] (2015) 033516-033516. [ Abstract ] |
Melnikov A., Markovič T., Eliseev L.G., Adámek J., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Gryaznevich M., Imríšek M., Lysenko S.E., Medvedev S.Yu., Pánek R., Peterka M., Seidl J., Štefániková E., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V.: Quasicoherent modes on the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 [6] (2015) 065006-065006. [ Abstract ] | |
Silva C., Adámek J., Fernandes H., Figueiredo H.: Comparison of fluctuations properties measured by Langmuir and ball-pen probes in the ISTTOK boundary plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 [2] (2015) 025003-025003. [ Abstract ] | |
Walkden N.R., Adámek J., Allan S., Dudson B.D., Elmore S., Fishpool G., Harrison J., Kirk A., Komm M.: Profile measurements in the plasma edge of mega amp spherical tokamak using a ball pen probe. Review of Scientific Instruments 86 [2] (2015) 023510-023510. [ Abstract ] | |
Carralero D., Müller H.W., Groth M., Komm M., Adámek J., Birkenmeier G., Brix M., Janky F., Háček P., Marsen S., Reimold F., Silva C., Stroth U., Wischmeier M., Wolfrum E.: Implications of high density operation on SOL transport: A multimachine investigation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 463 [August] (2015) 123-127. [ Abstract ] [PLASMA-SURFACE INTERACTIONS 21: International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices. Kanazawa, 26.05.2014-30.05.2014] | |
Ondáč P., Horáček J., Seidl J., Vondráček P., Müller H.W., Adámek J., Nielsen A.H.: Comparison Between 2D Turbulence Model ESEL and Experimental Data from AUG and Compass Tokamaks. Acta polytechnica 55 [2] (2015) 128-135. [ Abstract ] | |
Čada M., Hubička Z., Adámek P., Olejníček J., Kment Š., Adámek J., Stöckel J.: A modified Katsumata probe - ion sensitive probe for measurement in non-magnetized plasmas. Review of Scientific Instruments 86 [7] (2015) , , "073510-1"-"073510-7. [ Abstract ] | |
Seidl J., Hron M., Adámek J., Vondráček P., Horáček J., Hidalgo C., Melnikov A., Eliseev L., Markovič T., Stöckel J., Basu D., Háček P., Havlíček J., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Weinzettl V., Pánek R.: Observation of geodesic acoustic mode-like oscillations on COMPASS. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, P4.103-P4.103. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Pánek R., Komm M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J.: Fast measurements of the electron temperature in divertor region of the COMPASS tokamak using ball-pen probe. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, P4.101-P4.101. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS 2015 Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Horáček J., Pitts R.A., Gunn J., Silva C., Rudakov D., Arnoux G., Marsen S., Vondráček P., Maddaluno G., Pericoli V., Viola B., Xu G.S., Wang H., Nie L., LaBombard B., Brezinsek S., Xu Y., Shimada M., Adámek J., Popov Tsv., Dimitrova M., Seidl J., Janky F., Pánek R., Goldston R.J., Stangeby P.C.: Multi-machine scaling of main SOL parallel heat flux width in tokamak limiter plasmas. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, O2.105-O2.105. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS 2015 Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Chapman I.T., Adámek J., Akers R.J., Allan S., Appel L., Asunta O., Barnes M., Ben Ayed N., Bigelow T., Boeglin W., Bradley J., Brünner J., Cahyna P., Carr M., Caughman J., Cecconelo M., Challis C., Chapman S., Chorley J., Colyer G., Conway N., Cooper W.A., Cox M., Crocker N., Crowley B.J., Cunningham G., Danilov A., Darrow D., Dendy R., Diallo A., Dickinson D., Diem S., Dorland W., Dudson B., Dunai D., Easy L., Elmore S., Field A., Fishpool G., Fox M., Fredrickson E., Freethy S., Garzotti L., Ghim Y.C., Gibson K., Graves J., Gurl C., Guttenfelder W., Ham C., Harrison J., Harting D., Havlickova E., Hawke J., Hawkes N., Hender T., Henderson S., Highcock E., Hillesheim J., Hnat B., Holgate J., Horáček J., Howard J., Huang B., Imada K., Jones O., Kaye S., Keeling D., Kirk A., Klimek I., Kocan M., Leggate H., Lilley M., Lipschutz B., Lisgo S., Liu Y.Q., Lloyd B., Lomanowski B., Lupelli I., Maddison G., Mailloux J., Martin R., McArdle G., McClements K., McMillan B., Meakins A., Meyer H., Michael C., Militello F., Milnes J., Morris A.W., Motojima G., Muir D., Nardon E., Naulin V., Naylor G., Nielsen A., O’Brien M., O’Gorman T., Ono Y., Oliver H., Pamela S., Pangione L., Parra F., Patel A., Peebles W., Peng M., Perez R., Pinches S., Piron L., Podesta M., Price M., Reinke M., Ren Y., Roach C., Robinson J., Romanelli M., Rozhansky V., Saarelma S., Sangaroon S., Saveliev A., Scannell R., Schekochihin A., Sharapov S., Sharples R., Shevchenko V., Silburn S., Simpson J., Storrs J., Takase Y., Tanabe H., Tanaka H., Taylor D., Taylor G., Thomas D., Thomas-Davies N., Thornton A., Turnyanskiy M., Valovic M., Vann R., Walkden N., Wilson H., Wyk L.V., Yamada T., Zoletnik S.: Overview of MAST results. Nuclear Fusion 55 [10] (2015) 104008-104008. [ Abstract ] [Fusion Energy Conference 2014 (FEC) /25./. St Petersburg, 13.10.2014-18.10.2014] | |
Novák P., Moravec H., Vystrčil J., Adámek J., Kopeček J., Kubatík T.: Dependence of NiTi alloy microstructure on the conditions of powder metallurgy production. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 647. Pfaffikon : Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2015 - (Kasl, J.; Jandová, D.), s. 95-101 ISBN 9783038354703. ISSN 1013-9826. [ Abstract ] [Conference on Contribution of Metallography to Solving of Production Trouble /13./. Lázně Libverda (CZ), 17.06.2014-19.06.2014] | |
Pánek R., Adámek J., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Brochard F., Cahyna P., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Grover O., Harrison J., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Janky F., Kirk A., Komm M., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Kripner L., Markovič T., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Naydenkova D., Peterka M., Seidl J., Stöckel J., Štefániková E., Tomeš M., Urban J., Vondráček P., Varavin M., Varju J., Weinzettl V., Zajac J.: Status of the COMPASS tokamak and characterization of the first H-mode. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58 [1] (2015) 014015-014015. [ Abstract ] | |
2014 | Kovařík K., Ďuran I., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Spolaore M., Vianello N.: Properties of Filamentary Structures in Different Regimes of Plasma Confinement on the COMPASS Tokamak. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2014. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2014 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.), s. 211-214 ISBN 978-80-7378-276-4. - (WDS). [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2014 /23./. Prague (CZ), 03.06.2014-05.06.2014] |
Loureiro J., Silva C., Horáček J., Adámek J., Stöckel J.: Scrape-off layer width of parallel heat flux on tokamak COMPASS. Plasma Physics and Technology 1 [3] (2014) 121. [ Abstract ] [SPPT 14 - 26th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/26./. Prague, 16.06.2014-19.06.2014] | |
Adámek J., Horáček J., Seidl J., Müller H.W., Schrittwieser R., Mehlmann F., Vondráček P., Pták S.: Direct plasma potential measurements by ball-pen probe and self-emitting langmuir probe on COMPASS and ASDEX upgrade. Contributions to Plasma Physics 54 [3] (2014) 279-284. [ Abstract ] | |
Martines E., Zuin M., Cavazzana R., Adámek J., Antoni V., Serianni G., Spolaore M., Vianello N.: Spatiotemporal synchronization of drift waves in a magnetron sputtering plasma. Physics of Plasmas 21 [10] (2014) 102309-102309. [ Abstract ] | |
Seidl J., Vanovac B., Adámek J., Horáček J., Dejarnac R., Vondráček P., Hron M.: Probe measurement of radial and parallel propagation of ELM filaments in the SOL of the COMPASS tokamak. EPS2014:41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 38F. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2014 - (Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R.; Hirsch, M.; Kemnitz, B.; Klinger, T.), P5.059-P5.059 ISBN 2-914771-90-8. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA)). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/41./. Berlin (DE), 23.06.2014-27.06.2014] | |
Adámek J., Müller H.W., Horáček J., Schrittwieser R., Vondráček P., Kurzan B., Bílková P., Böhm P., Aftanas M., Pánek R.: Radial profiles of the electron temperature on COMPASS and ASDEX Upgrade from ball-pen probe and Thomson scattering diagnostic. EPS2014:41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 38F. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2014 - (Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R.; Hirsch, M.; Kemnitz, B.; Klinger, T.), P2.011-P2.011 ISBN 2-914771-90-8. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA)). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/41./. Berlin (DE), 23.06.2014-27.06.2014] | |
2013 | Kočan M., Müller H. W., Nold B., Lunt T., Adámek J., Allan S.Y., Bernert M., Conway G.D., de Marné P., Eich T., Elmore S., Gennrich F.P., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Huang Z., Kallenbach A., Komm M., Maraschek M., Mehlmann F., Müller S., Ribeiro T.T., Rohde V., Schrittwieser R., Scott B., Stroth U., Suttrop W., Wolfrum E.: Intermittent transport across the scrape-off layer: latest results from ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 53 [7] (2013) 073047-073047. [ Abstract ] |
Kočan M., Müller H.W., Nold B., Lunt T., Adámek J., Allan S.Y., Bernert M., Conway G.D., de Marné P., Eich T., Elmore S., Gennrich F.P., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Huang Z., Kallenbach A., Komm M., Maraschek M., Mehlmann F., Müller S., Ribeiro T.T., Rohde V., Schrittwieser R., Scott B., Stroth U., Suttrop W., Wolfrum E.: Intermittent transport across the scrape-off layer: latest results from ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 53 [7] (2013) 073047-073047. [ Abstract ] | |
Silva C., Adámek J., Fernandes H., Duarte P.: Comparison of fluctuations properties measured by Langmuir and by ball-pen probes in the ISTTOK boundary plasma. Proceedings of 40th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2013, P5.103-P5.103. ISBN 2-914771-84-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA)). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/40./. Espoo (FI), 01.07.2013-05.07.2013] | |
Weinzettl V., Imríšek M., Havlíček J., Kripner L., Seidl J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Aftanas M., Kovařík K., Horáček J., Vondráček P., Adámek J., Dejarnac R., Cornelis D., Janssens H.: Experimental evidence of neoclassical tearing modes on COMPASS tokamak. Proceedings of 40th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2013, P5.143-P5.143. ISBN 2-914771-84-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA)). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/40./. Espoo (FI), 01.07.2013-05.07.2013] | |
Stroth U., Adámek J., Aho-Mantila L., Äkäslompolo S., Amdor C., Angioni C., Balden M., Bardin S., Barrera Orte L., Behler K., Belonohy E., Bergmann A., Bernert M., Bilato R., Birkenmeier G., Bobkov V., Boom J., Bottereau C., Bottino A., Braun F., Brezinsek S., Brochard T., Brüdgam M., Buhler A., Burckhart A., Casson F.J., Chankin A., Chapman I., Clairet F., Classen I.G.J., Coenen J.W., Conway G.D., Coster D.P., Curran D., da Silva F., de Marné P., D’Inca R., Douai D., Drube R., Dunne M., Dux R., Eich T., Eixenberger H., Endstrasser N., Engelhardt K., Esposito B., Fable E., Fischer R., Fünfgelder H., Fuchs J.C., Gál K., García Munoz M., Geiger B., Giannone L., Görler T., da Graca S., Greuner H., Gruber O., Gude A., Guimarais L., Günter S., Haas G., Hakola A.H., Hangan D., Happel T., Härtl T., Hauff T., Heinemann B., Herrmann A., Hobirk J., Höhnle H., Hölzl M., Hopf C., Igochine V., Ionita C., Janzer A., Jenko F., Kantor M., Käsemann C.-P., Kallenbach A., Kálvin S., Kantor M., Kappatou A., Kardaun O., Kasparek W., Kaufmann M., Kirk A., Klingshirn H.-J., Kocan M., Kocsis G., Konz C., Koslowski R., Krieger K., Kubic M., Kurki-Suonio T., Kurzan B., Lackner K., Lang P.T., Lauber P., Laux M., Lazaros A., Leipold F., Leuterer F., Lindig S., Lisgo S., Lohs A., Lunt T., Maier H., Makkonen T., Mank K., Manso M.-E., Maraschek M., Mayer M., McCarthy P.J., McDermott R., Mehlmann F., Meister H., Menchero L., Meo F., Merkel P., Merkel R., Mertens V., Merz F., Mlynek A., Monaco F., Müller S., Müller H.W., Münich M., Neu G., Neu R., Neuwirth D., Nocente M., Nold B., Noterdaeme J.-M., Pautasso G., Pereverzev G., Plöckl B., Podoba Y., Pompon F., Poli E., Polozhiy K., Potzel S., Püschel M.J., Pütterich T., Rathgeber S.K., Raupp G., Reich M., Reimold M., Ribeiro T., Riedl R., Rohde V., v.Rooij G., Roth J., Rott M., Ryter F., Salewski M., Santos J., Sauter P., Scarabosio A., Schall G., Schmid K., Schneider P.A., Schneider W., Schrittwieser R., Schubert M., Schweinzer J., Scott B., Sempf M., Sertoli M., Siccinio M., Sieglin B., Sigalov A., Silva A., Sommer F., Stäbler A., Stober J., Streibl B., Strumberger E., Sugiyama K., Suttrop W., Tala T., Tardini G., Teschner M., Tichmann C., Told D., Treutterer W., Tsalas M., Van Zeeland M.A., Varela P., Véres G., Vicente J., Vianello N., Vierle T., Viezzer E., Viola B., Vorpahl C., Wachowski M., Wagner D., Wauters T., Weller A., Wenninger R., Wieland B., Willensdorfer M., Wischmeier M., Wolfrum E., Würsching E., Yu Q., Zammuto I., Zasche D., Zehetbauer T., Zhang Y., Zilker M., Zohm H.: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion 53 [10] (2013) 104003-104003. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/24./. San Diego, 08.10.2012-13.10.2012] | |
Adámek J., Peterka M., Gyergyek T., Kudrna P., Ramisch M., Stroth U., Cavalier J., Tichý M.: Application of the Ball-Pen Probe in Two Low-Temperature Magnetised Plasma Devices and in Torsatron TJ-K. Contributions to Plasma Physics 53 [1] (2013) 39-44. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electric Probes in Magnetized Plasmas/9./. Iasi, 21.09.2011-23.09.2011] | |
2012 | Adámek J., Peterka M., Gyergyek T., Kudrna P., Tichý M.: Diagnostics of magnetized low temperature plasma by ball-pen probe. Nukleonika 57 [2] (2012) 297-300. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas (PLASMA). Warsaw, 12.09.2011-16.09.2011] |
Bousselin G., Cavalier J., Adámek J., Bonhomme G.: Ball-pen probe measurements in a low-temperature magnetized plasma. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts Volume 36F – Contributed papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2012 - (Ratynskaya, S.; Blomberg, L.; Fasoli, A.), P4.042-P4.042 ISBN 2-914771-79-7. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics & 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics (EPS/ICPP 2012)/39./. Stockholm (SE), 02.07.2012-06.07.2012] | |
Peterka M., Adámek J., Kudrna P., Tichý M.: Ball-pen probe – a useful tool for measuring the plasma potential in magnetized plasma. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts Volume 36F – Contributed papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2012 - (Ratynskaya, S.; Blomberg, L.; Fasoli, A.), P2.147-P2.147 ISBN 2-914771-79-7. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics & 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics (EPS/ICPP 2012)/39./. Stockholm (SE), 02.07.2012-06.07.2012] | |
Kočan M., Müller W., Adámek J., Conway G., de Marné P., Eich T., Fischer R., Fuchs C., Gennrich F., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Huang Z., Ionita C., Kallenbach A., Komm M., Lunt T., Maraschek M., Maszl Chr., Mehlmann F., Müller S., Nold B., Ribeiro T., Rohde V., Schrittwieser R., Scott B., Stroth U., Suttrop W., Wolfrum E.: Far-reaching Impact of Intermittent Transport across the Scrape-off Layer: Latest Results from ASDEX Upgrade. Conference proceedings of 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2012). San Diego : International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2012, EX/P7-23-EX/P7-23. ISBN N. - (IAEA. 197). [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/24./. San Diego (US), 08.10.2012-13.10.2012] | |
2011 | Weinzettl V., Pánek R., Hron M., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Havlíček J., Bílková P., Naydenkova D., Háček P., Zajac J., Dejarnac R., Horáček J., Adámek J., Mlynář J., Janky F., Aftanas M., Böhm P., Brotánková J., Šesták D., Ďuran I., Melich R., Jareš D., Ghosh J., Anda B., Veres G., Szappanos A., Zoletnik S., Berta M., Shevchenko V. F., Scannell R., Walsh D., Müller H. W., Igochine V., Silva A., Manso M., Gomes R., Popov Tsv., Sarychev D., Kiselov V.K., Nanobashvili S.: Overview of the COMPASS diagnostics. Fusion Engineering and Design 86 [6-8] (2011) 1227-1231. [Symposium of Fusion Technology (SOFT-26). Porto, 27.09.2010-01.10.2010] |
Adámek J., Horáček J., Müller H. W., Schrittwieser R., Tichý M., Nielsen A.H.: Fast ion temperature measurements using ball-pen probes in the SOL of ASDEX Upgrade during L-mode. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts Volume 35G – Contributed papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2011 - (Becoulet, A.; Hoang, T.; Stroth, U.) P1.059-P1.059. ISBN 2-914771-68-1. - (EPS. 35G). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /38th./. Strasbourg (FR), 27.06.2011-01.07.2011] | |
Müller H. W., Adámek J., Cavazzana R., Conway G.D., Fuchs C., Gunn J. P., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Ionita C., Kallenbach A., Kočan M., Maraschek M., Maszl C., Mehlmann F., Nold B., Peterka M., Rohde V., Schweinzer J., Schrittwieser R., Vianello N., Wolfrum E., Zuin M.: Latest investigations on fluctuations, ELM filaments and turbulent transport in the SOL of ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 51 [7] (2011) 073023-073023. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Adámek J., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Pekárek Z.: Transport of electrons in the tunnel of an ion sensitive probe. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 53 [1] (2011) 015005-015005. [ Abstract ] | |
Müller H. W., Adámek J., Cavazzana R., Conway G.D., Fuchs C., Gunn J. P., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Ionita C., Kallenbach A., Kočan M., Maraschek M., Maszl C., Mehlmann F., Nold B., Peterka M., Rohde V., Schweinzer J., Schrittwieser R., Vianello N., Wolfrum E., Zuin M.: Latest investigations on fluctuations, ELM filaments and turbulent transport in the SOL of ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 51 [7] (2011) 073023-073023. [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/23rd./. Daejon, 11.10.2010-16.10.2010] | |
2010 | Hron M., Sova J., Šíba J., Kovář J., Adámek J., Pánek R., Havlíček J., Písačka J., Mlynář J., Stöckel J.: Interlock system for the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 85 [3-4] (2010) 505-508. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research/7th./. Aix – en – Provence, 15.06.2009-19.06.2009] |
Horáček J., Adámek J., Müller H. W., Seidl J., Nielsen A.H., Rohde V., Mehlmann F., Ionita C., Havlíčková E.: Interpretation of fast measurements of plasma potential, temperature and density. Nuclear Fusion 50 [10] (2010) 105001-105001. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Adámek J., Pekárek Z., Pánek R.: Particle-In-Cell simulations of the Ball-pen probe. Contributions to Plasma Physics 50 [9] (2010) 814-818. [ Abstract ] | |
Müller H. W., Adámek J., Horáček J., Ionita C., Mehlmann F., Rohde V., Schrittwieser R.: Towards Fast Measurement of the Electron Temperature in the SOL of ASDEX Upgrade Using Swept Langmuir Probes. Contributions to Plasma Physics 50 [9] (2010) 847-853. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electric Probes in Magnetized Plasmas/8th./. Innsbruck, 21.09.2009-24.09.2009] | |
Müller H. W., Adámek J., Cavazzana R., Conway G.D., Gunn J. P., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Ionita C., Kocan M., Maraschek M., Maszl C., Mehlmann F., Nold B., Peterka M., Rohde V., Schrittwieser R., Vianello N., Wolfrum E., Zuin M., ASDEX Upgrade Team.: Fluctuations, ELM Filaments and Turbulent Transport in the SOL at the Outer Midplane of ASDEX Upgrade. Contributed Paper 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2010. EXD/P3-23. ISBN N. - (IAEA). [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference /23rd./. Daejon (KR), 11.10.2010-16.10.2010] | |
Adámek J., Horáček J., Müller H. W., Rohde V., Ionita C., Schrittwieser R., Mehlmann F., Kurzan B., Stöckel J., Dejarnac R., Weinzettl V., Seidl J., Peterka M.: Ball-Pen Probe Measurements in L-Mode and H-Mode on ASDEX Upgrade. Contributions to Plasma Physics 50 [9] (2010) 854-859. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electric Probes in Magnetized Plasmas/8th./. Innsbruck, 21.09.2009-24.09.2009] | |
2009 | Adámek J., Stöckel J., Brotánková J., Horáček J., Rohde V., Müller H. W., Herrmann A., Schrittwieser R., Mehlmann F., Ionita C.: Direct measurements of the plasma potential in ELMy H-mode plasma with ball-pen probes on ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Journal of Nuclear Materials 390-391 [-] (2009) 1114-1117. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Device/18th./. Toledo, 26.05.2008-30.05.2008] |
Adámek J., Horáček J., Rohde V., Müller H. W., Ionita C., Schrittwieser R., Mehlmann F., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V., Seidl J., Peterka M.: ELM studies with ball-pen and Langmuir probes on ASDEX Upgrade. Contributed Papers 36th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Sofia : European Physical Society, 2009 - (Mateev, M.; Benova, E.) P-1.140. ISBN 2-914771-61-4. - (Europhysics conference abstracts). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics /36th./. Sofia (BG), 29.06.2009-03.07.2009] | |
Martin P., Apolloni L., Puiatti M.E., Adamek J., Agostini M., Alfier A., Annibaldi S.V., Antoni V., Auriemma F., Barana O., Baruzzo M., Bettini P., Bolzonella T., Bonfiglio D., Bonomo F., Brombin M., Brotankova J., Buffa A., Buratti P., Canton A., Cappello S., et al:: Overview of RFX-mod results. Nuclear Fusion 49 [10] (2009) 104019. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/22nd./. Geneva, 13.10.2008-18.10.2008] | |
2008 | Brotánková J., Martines E., Adámek J., Stöckel J., Popa G., Costin C., Ionita G., Schrittwieser R., Van Oost G.: Novel Technique for Direct Measurement of the Plasma Diffusion Coefficient in Magnetized Plasma. Contributions to Plasma Physics 48 [5-7] (2008) 418-423. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas/7th./. Praha, 22.07.2007-25.07.2007] |
Adámek J., Stöckel J., Brotánková J., Pánek R., Kocan M., Gunn J. P., Martines E., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Popa G., Costin C., Van Oost G.: Simultaneous Measurements of Ion Temperature by Katsumata and Segmented Tunnel Probe. Contributions to Plasma Physics 48 [5-7] (2008) 395-399. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas/7th./. Praha, 22.07.2007-25.07.2007] | |
2007 | Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Brotánková J., Ionita C.: 'Study of ion sheath expansion and anisotropy of the electron parallel energy distribution in the CASTOR tokamak'. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49 [10] (2007) 1791-1808. [ Abstract ] |
Van Oost G., Bulanin V.V., Donné A.J.H., Gusakov E.Z., Kraemer-Flecken A., Krupnik L.I., Melnikov A., Nanobashvili S., Peleman P., Razumova K.A., Stöckel J., Vershkov V., Adámek J., Altukov A.B., Andreev V.F., Askinazi L.G., Bondarenko I.S., Brotánková J., Dnestrovskij A.Yu., Ďuran I., Eliseev L.G., Esipov L.A., Grashin S.A., Gurchenko A.D., Hogeweij G.M.D., Hron M., Ionita C., Jachmich S., Khrebtov S.M., Kouprienko D.V., Lysenko S.E., Martines E., Perfilov S.V., Petrov A.V., Popov A.Yu., Reiser D., Schrittwieser R., Soldatov S., Spolaore M., Stepanov A.Yu., Telesca G., Urazbaev A.O., Verdoolaege G., Žáček F., Zimmermann O.: Multi-machine studies of the role of turbulence and electric fields in the establishment of improved confinement in tokamak plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49 [5A] (2007) A29-A44. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Plasma Physics/13th./. Kiev, 22.05.2006-26.05.2006] | |
Gunn J. P., Boucher C., Dionne M., Ďuran I., Fuchs V., Loarer T., Nanobashvili I., Pánek R., Pascal J.-Y., Saint-Laurent F., Stöckel J., Van Rompuy T., Zagórski R., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Hertout P., Hron M., Lebrun G., Moreau P., Rimini F., Sarkissian A., Van Oost G.: Evidence for a poloidally localized enhancement of radial transport in the scrape-off layer of the Tore Supra tokamak. Journal of Nuclear Materials 363-365 (2007) 484-490. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/17th./. Hefei, 22.05.2006-26.05. 2006] | |
2006 | Siegl J., Kovářík O., Adámek J., Dubský J., Chráska P.: Evaluation of Fatique Properties of Various Thermal Spray Coatings. “Thermal Spray 2006: Science, Innovation, and Application,”. Seattle, USA : ASM International, Materials Park, OH, USA, 2006 - (Marple, B.; Moreau, C.) s12_23-11951. ISBN 0-87170-809-4. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference (2006). Seattle, Washington, USA (US), 15.05.2006-18.05.2006] |
Gunn J. P., Boucher C., Dionne M., Ďuran I., Fuchs V., Loarer T., Pánek R., Saint-Laurent F., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Hertout P., Hron M., Nanobashvili I., Rimini F.G., Sarkissian A.: Scrape-off layer flows in the Tore Supra tokamak. AIP Conference Proceedings. - : -, 2006 - (Sadowski, M.; Soltan, A.; Dudek, M.; Hartfuss, H.; Pawelec, E.) S. 27-34. - (812). [ Abstract ] [AIP Conference Proceedings. Opole-Turawa (PL), 06.09.2006-09.09.2006] | |
Limpouch J., Adámek J., Borisenko N.G., Demchenko N. N., Gus'kov S. Yu., Kapin T., Kálal M., Kasperczuk A., Khalenkov A.M., Kondrashov V. N., Krouský E., Kuba J., Liška R., Mašek K., Merkul´ev A.Y., Nazarov W., Pisarczyk P., Pisarczyk T., Pfeifer M., Renner O., Rohlena K., Skála J., Sinor M., Rozanov V. B., Ullschmied J., Zmitrenko N.V.: Laser interaction with foam targets for applications in ICF, EOS and x-ray source studies. ECLIM /29./. Madrid : ETS, 2006. s. 177. [ Abstract ] [ECLIM /29./. Madrid (ES), 11.06.2006-16.06.2006] | |
Gunn J. P., Boucher C., Dionne M., Ďuran I., Fuchs V., Loarer T., Nanobashvili I., Pánek R., Pascal J.Y., Saint-Laurent F., Stöckel J., Van Rompuy T., Zagórski R., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Ciraolo G., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Ghendrih P., Hertout P., Hron M., Moreau P., Pégourié B., Rimini F.G., Sarazin Y., Sarkissian A., Van Oost G.: Links Between Wide Scrape-Off Layers, Large Parallel Flows, and Bursty Transport in Tokamaks. IEAEA FEC Preprints. Web Mezinarodní atomové agentury (IAEA) : Web Mezinarodní atomové agentury (IAEA), 2006. EX/P4-9. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Chengdu (CN), 16.10.2006-21.10.2006] | |
Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Hron M., Tichý M., Martines E., Van Oost G., Figueiredo H. F. C., Cabral J. A., Varandas C., Silva C., Pedrosa M. A., Hidalgo C., Klinger T.: Measurements Of Fluctuations With Probes In The Edge Region Of Various Toroidal Plasmas. Proceedings, contributed papers. Kiev : -, 2006 - (Zagorodny, A.; Kocherga, O.) ---. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Plasma Physics/13th./. Kiev (UA), 22.05.2006-26.05.2006] | |
Brotánková J., Martines E., Adámek J., Popa G., Costin C., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., van de Peppel L.: A NEW PROBE-BASED METHOD FOR MEASURING THE DIFFUSION COEFFICIENT IN THE TOKAMAK EDGE REGION. Proceedings of the 33rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Frascati : European Physical Society, 2006 - (De Marco, F.; Vlad, G.) P-2.195-P-2.195. ISBN 2-914771-40-1. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 301). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics /33rd./. Řím (IT), 19.06.2006-23.06.2006] | |
Brotánková J., Martines E., Adámek J., Popa G., Costin C., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., van de Peppel L.: A PROBE-BASED METHOD FOR MEASURING THE TRANSPORT COEFFICIENT IN THE TOKAMAK EDGE REGION. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [12] (2006) 1321-1327. [ Abstract ] [Workshop on the Electric Field, Structures, and Relaxation in Edge Plasma/9th./. Řím, 26.6.2006-27.6.2006] | |
Stöckel J., Adámek J., Balan P., Hronová-Bilyková O., Brotánková J., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Ďuran I., Gunn J. P., Hron M., Horáček J., Ionita C., Kocan M., Martines E., Pánek R., Peleman P., Schrittwieser R., Van Oost G., Žáček F.: Advanced probes for edge plasma diagnostics on the CASTOR tokamak. Journal of Physics, Conference Series 63 (2006) 012001-012002. [ Abstract ] [SECOND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP AND SUMMER SCHOOL ON PLASMA PHYSICS. Kiten, 03.07.2006-09.07.2006] | |
Bencze A., Berta M., Zoletnik S., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Hron M.: Observation of zonal flow-like structures using the autocorrelation-width technique. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 48 [4] (2006) S137-S153. [ Abstract ] | |
Hron M., Peleman P., Spolaore M., Dejarnac R., Hronová-Bilyková O., Brotánková J., Sentkerestiová J., Ďuran I., van de Peppel L., Gunn J., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., Adámek J., Štěpán M.: Detailed measurements of momentum balance during the periodic collapse of a transport barrier. Europhysics Conference Abstracts ECA. Frascati : European Physical Society, 2006 - (De Marco, F.; Vlad, G.) P-4.076-P-4.076. ISBN 2-914771-40-1. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA Vol.30I (2006). 301). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/33rd./. Řím (IT), 19.06.2006-23.06.2006] | |
Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Adámek J., Stöckel J., Brotánková J., Martines E., Popa G., Costin C., van de Peppel L., Van Oost G.: Direct measurements of the plasma potential by katsumata-type probes. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [8 suppl.B] (2006) 145-150. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
Schrittwieser R., Adámek J., Stöckel J., Brotánková J., Martines E., Popa G., Costin C., van de Peppel L., Van Oost G.: Direct measurements of the plasma potential by Katsumata-type probes. Europhysics Conference Abstracts ECA. Frascati : European Physical Society, 2006 - (De Marco, F.; Vlad, G.) P-4.080-P-4.080. ISBN 2-914771-40-1. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA Vol.30I (2006). 301). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/33rd./. Řím (IT), 19.06.2006-23.06.2006] | |
Stöckel J., Brotánková J., Hron M., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Van Oost G., Peleman P., Gunn J., Devynck P., Martines E., Schrittwieser R., Kocan M.: Edge plasma diagnostics in tokamaks. Proceedings of the Sixth International workshop and school „Towards Fusion Energy – Plasma Physics, Diagnostics, Spin-offs“. Kudowa Zdrój : -, 2006. s. 910-935. [ Abstract ] [Sixth International Workshop and Summer School Towards Fusion Energy - Plasma Physics, Diagnostics, Spin-offs. Kudowa Zdrój (PL), 18.09.2006-22.09.2006] | |
Hron M., Peleman P., Spolaore M., Martines E., Hronová-Bilyková O., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Brotánková J., Sentkerestiová J., Ďuran I., Gunn J., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., Adámek J., van de Peppel L., Štěpán M.: Edge plasma studies on the CASTOR tokamak. Edge Transport in Fusion plasmas. Krakow : Euratom - IPPLM Association, 2006 - (Zagorski, R.) -. [ Abstract ] [IEA Large Tokamak IA Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion plasmas. Kraków (PL), 11.09.2006-13.09.2006] | |
2005 | Stöckel J., Devynck P., Gunn J., Martines E., Bonhomme G., Voitsekhovitch I., Van Oost G., Hron M., Ďuran I., Stejskal P., Adámek J., Weinzettl V., Žáček F.: Formation of convective cells during scrape-off layer biasing in the CASTOR tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 47 [4] (2005) 635-643. [ Abstract ] |
Devynck P., Bonhomme G., Martines E., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., Voitsekhovitch I., Adámek J., Azeroual A., Doveil F., Ďuran I., Gravier E., Gunn J., Hron M.: Spatially resolved characterization of electrostatic fluctuations in the scrape-off layer of the CASTOR tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 47 [2] (2005) 269-280. [ Abstract ] | |
Adámek J., Stöckel J., Hron M., Ďuran I., Pánek R., Tichý M., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Martines E., Van Oost G.: Comparative measurements of the plasma potential with the ball-pen and emissive probes on the CASTOR tokamak. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 55 [3] (2005) 235-242. [ Abstract ] | |
Bencze A., Berta M., Zoletnik S., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Hron M.: Detection of radially localized and poloidally symmetric structures in thepoloidal flow of tokamak plasmas. 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Tarragona : European Physical Society, 2005 - (van Milligen, B.; Hidalgo, C.) P-5.022. - (29C). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion /32./. Tarragona (ES), 27.06.2005-01.07.2005] | |
Adámek J., Ionita C., Schrittwieser R., Stöckel J., Tichý M., Van Oost G.: Direct Measurements of the Electron Temperature by a Ball-pen/Langmuir probe. 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Tarragona : European Physical Society, 2005 - (van Milligen, B.; Hidalgo, C.) P-5.081. - (29C). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion /32./. Tarragona (ES), 27.06.2005-01.07.2005] | |
Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Varandas C. A. F., Figueiredo H. F. C., Silva C., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Hron M., Tichý M., Hidalgo C., Pedrosa M. A., Calderon E., Martines E., Van Oost G., Rasmussen J.J., Naulin V.: Edge Plasma Fluctuations Measurements In Fusion Experiments. Proceedings of the International Conference “Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2005”. Bled : -, 2005. -. [ Abstract ] [Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2005. Bled (SI), 05.09.2005-08.09.2005] | |
Spolaore M., Brotánková J., Peleman P., Devynck P., Figueiredo H., Kirnev G., Martines E., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., Adámek J., Dufková E., Ďuran I., Hron M., Weinzettl V.: Relaxation phenomena during edge plasma biasing in the CASTOR tokamak. 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Tarragona : European Physical Society, 2005 - (van Milligen, B.; Hidalgo, C.) P-4.031. ISBN 2-914771-24-X. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion /32./. Tarragona (ES), 27.06.2005-01.07.2005] | |
Spolaore M., Martines E., Brotánková J., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Dufková E., Ďuran I., Hron M., Weinzettl V., Peleman P., Van Oost G., Devynck P., Figueiredo H., Kirnev G.: Relaxation phenomena induced by edge biasing experiments in the CASTOR tokamak. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 55 [12] (2005) 1597-1606. [ Abstract ] [Workshop on the Electric Fields, Structures, and Relaxation in Edge Plasmas/8th./. Tarragona, 3.7.2005-4.4.2005] | |
2004 | Adámek J., Stöckel J., Hron M., Ryszawy J., Tichý M., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Martines E., Van Oost G.: Direct plasma potential measurements by a novel probe. Proceedings of the 31th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. London, 2004. s. 514-515. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /31./. London (GB), 28.06.2004-02.07.2004] |
Stöckel J., Devynck P., Gunn J., Martines E., Bonhomme G., Van Oost G., Hron M., Ďuran I., Pánek R., Stejskal P., Adámek J.: Edge Plasma Physics and Relevant Diagnostics on the CASTOR tokamak. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich 3 [-] (2004) 1-6. [ Abstract ] [First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications. Cairo, 11.10.2003-15.10.2003] | |
Adámek J., Martines E., Cavazzana R., Spolaore M., Zuin M., Serianni G., Antoni V.: Synchronization of drift waves a DC magnetron sputtering device. Proceedings of the 31th EPS on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. London : EPS, 2004. s. 227-230. - (EPS). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/31./. London (GB), 28.06.2004-02.07.2004] | |
Stöckel J., Devynck P., Gunn J., Martines E., Bonhomme G., Van Oost G., Hron M., Adámek J., Brotánková J., Dejarnac R., Ďuran I., Görler T., Hansen T., Pánek R., Stejskal P., Svoboda V., Žáček F.: Formation of convective cells in the scrape-off layer of the CASTOR tokamak. 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. Nice, 2004. s. -. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Plasma Physics/12th./. Nice (FR), 25.10.2004-29.10.2004] | |
Van Oost G., Adámek J., Antoni V., Balan P., Boedo J. A., Devynck P., Ďuran I., Eliseev L., Gunn J. P., Hron M., Ionita C., Jachmich S., Kirnev G. S., Martines E., Melnikov A., Peleman P., Schrittwieser R., Silva C., Stöckel J., Tendler M., Varandas C., Van Schoor M., Vershkov V., Weynants R. R.: Turbulent transport reduction by ExB Velocity Shear during Edge Plasma Biasing in Tokamaks. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich 3 [-] (2004) 7-12. [ Abstract ] [First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications. Cairo, 11.10.2003-15.10.2003] | |
Gunn J. P., Schrittwieser R., Balan P., Ionita C., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Bařina O., Hrach R., Vicher M., Van Oost G., Van Rompuy T., Martines E.: Tunnel probes for measurements of the electron and ion temperature in fusion plasmas. Review of Scientific Instruments 75 [10] (2004) 4328-4330. [ Abstract ] [Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/15th./. San Diego, 19.04.2004-22.04.2004] | |
Adámek J., Stöckel J., Hron M., Ďuran I., Pánek R., Žáček F., Tichý M., Bařina O., Hrach R., Vicher M., Gunn J. P., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Martines E., Van Oost G., Van Rompuy T., De Beule P.: Measurement of Electron Temperature Fluctuations with Tunnel Probe in the CASTOR Tokamak. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich. Forschungszentrum Julich , Německo, 2004. s. 81-84. ISBN 3-89336-374-2. [ Abstract ] [First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications. Cairo (EG), 11.10.2003-15.10.2003] | |
Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Bařina O., Hrach R., Vicher M., Balan P., Schrittwiesser R., Ionita C., De Beule P., Van Den Berge G., Van Rompuy T., Van Oost G., Gunn J. P., Martines E.: Measurements of the Parallel and Perpendicular Ion Temperatures by Means of an Ion-sensitive Segmented Tunnel Probe. Contributions to Plasma Physics 44 [7-8] (2004) 683-688. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas /5./. Greifswald, 21.07.2003-23.07.2003] | |
Žáček F., Petržílka V., Adámek J., Goniche M., Devynck P.: Positive plasma biasing in front of the lower hybrid grill of CASTOR tokamak. 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. Nice, 2004. s. -. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Plasma Physics/12th./. Nice (FR), 25.10.2004-29.10.2004] | |
Adámek J., Stöckel J., Hron M., Ryszawy J., Tichý M., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Martines E., Van Oost G.: A novel approach to direct measurement of the plasma potential. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [supll.C] (2004) C95-C99. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
2003 | Balan P., Adámek J., Barina O., DeBeule P., Ďuran I., Gunn J. P., Hron M., Ionita C., Martines E., Pánek R.: Simultaneous Measurement of Electron and Ion Temperature with a New Kind of Langmuir Probe. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. P-1.84. - (27A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] |
Ďuran I., Gunn J. P., Pánek R., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Loarer T., Pascal J.Y., Pégourie B., Tsitrone E., Stöckel J.: SOL Response to Supersonic Pulsed Gas Injection in Tore Supra. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. P-1.181. - (EPS.. 27A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] | |
Devynck P., Farge M., Schneider K., Stöckel J., Hron M., Ďuran I., Adámek J., Van Oost G.: Diffusive and Convective parts of the turbulent flux in the SOL of tokamaks. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : EPS, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. P-1.168. - (27A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] | |
Tsitrone E., Bucalossi J., Loarer T., Pégourié B., Brosset C., Adámek J., Delchambre E., Ďuran I., Gauthier E., Ghendrih P., Grisolia C., Grosman A., Gunn J., Hogan J., Mitteau R., Pánek R., Philips V., Reichle R., Reiter D., Roubin P.: Steady state density control in Tore Supra long discharges. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. O-2.5A. - (EPS .) [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] | |
Balan P., Schrittweiser R., Ionita C., Cabral J. A., Figueiredo H. F. C., Fernandes H., Varandas C., Adámek J., Hron M., Stöckel J., Martines E., Tichý M., Van Oost G.: Emissive probe measurements of plasma potential fluctuations in the edge plasma regions of tokamaks. Review of Scientific Instruments 74 [3] (2003) 1583-1587. [ Abstract ] | |
Van Oost G., Adámek J., Antoni V., Balan P., Boedo J. A., Devynck P., Ďuran I., Eliseev L., Gunn J., Hron M., Ionita C., Jachmich S., Kirnev G. S., Martines E., Melnikov A., Schrittwieser R., Silva C., Stöckel J., Tendler M., Varandas C., Van Schoor M., Vershkov V., Weynants R. R.: Turbulent transport reduction by B x B velocity shear during edge plasma biasing:recent experimental results. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 45 [5] (2003) 621-643. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Plasma Physics/2002./. Sydney, 15.07.2002-19.07.2002] | |
Stöckel J., Devynck P., Bonhomme G., Martines E., Van Oost G., Hron M., Voitsekhovitch I., Adámek J., Doveil F., Ďuran I., Gunn J., Stejskal P., Weinzettl V.: Poloidal structure of the scrape off layer turbulence in the CASTOR tokamak. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. P-1.179. - (EPS.. 27A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] | |
Devynck P., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Van Oost G.: Poloidal structure of the turbulence and the turbulent flux during edge plasma biasing in the Castor tokamak. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 53 [10] (2003) 853-862. [ Abstract ] [Workshop "Electric Fields Structures and Relaxation in Edge Plasmas"/6th./. St. Petersburg, 13.06.2003-14.06.2003] | |
2002 | Gunn J. P., Adámek J., Barina O., Devynck P., Ďuran I., Hrach R., Hron M., Pascal J. Y., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., Vicher M., Žáček F.: A DC Probe Diagnostic for Fast Electron Temperature Measurements in Tokamak Edge Plasmas. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2002 - (Behn, R.; Varandas, C.) s. P-5.093. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /29./. Montreux (CH), 17.06.2002-21.06.2002] |
Gunn J. P., Devynck P., Pascal J. Y., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Bařina O., Hrach R., Vicher M.: A DC probe diagnostics for fast electron temperature measurements in tokamak edge plasmas. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 52 [10] (2002) 1107-1114. [ Abstract ] [Workshop"Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement and Exhaust"/5th./. Montreux, 23.06.2002-24.06.2002] | |
Hron M., Martines E., Devynck P., Bonhomme G., Gravier E., Adámek J., Doveil F., Voitsekhovitch I., Stöckel J., Azeroual A., Ďuran I., Van Oost G., Žáček F.: Probe array diagnostics for spatially resolved fluctuation measurements. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2002 - (Behn, R.; Varandas, C.) s. P-5.043. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/29th./. Montreux (CH), 17.06.2002-21.06.2002] | |
Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Stöckel J., Balan P., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Martines E., Tichý M., Van Oost G.: Fluctuation measurements with emissive probes in tokamaks. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 52 [10] (2002) 1115-1120. [ Abstract ] [Workshop Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement and Exhaust/5th./. Montreux, 23.06.2002-24.06.2002] | |
Stöckel J., Devynck P., Voitsekhovitch I., Adámek J., Azeroual A., Bonhomme G., Doveil F., Ďuran I., Gravier E., Hron M., Martines E., Van Oost G.: Turbulence and transport with constant and spatial-temporal biasing in the scrape-off layer of CASTOR tokamak. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2002 - (Behn, R.; Varandas, C.) s. O-2.03. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /29./. Montreux (CH), 17.06.2002-21.06.2002] | |
Balan P., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Ionita C., Martines E., Schrittwieser R., Stöckel J., Tichý M., Van Oost G.: Measurement of the Fluctuation-Induced Flux with Emissive Probe in the CASTOR Tokamak. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2002 - (Behn, R.; Varandas, C.) s. P-2.072. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /29./. Montreux (CH), 17.06.2002-21.06.2002] | |
Schrittwieser R., Adámek J., Balan P., Hron M., Ionita C., Jakubka K., Kryška L., Martines E., Stöckel J., Tichý M., Van Oost G.: Measurements with an emissive probe in the CASTOR tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44 [5] (2002) 567-578. [ Abstract ] | |
2001 | Stöckel J., Gunn J., Van Oost G., Ďuran I., Hron M., Adámek J., Horáček J., Hrach R., Jakubka K., Kryška L., Vicher M., Žáček F.: Optimization of Gundestrup Probe for Ion Flow Measurements in Magnetized Plasmas. Contributed Papers of 28th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2001 - (Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.) s. 237-240. - (Europhysics Physical Society.. 25A). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/28th./. Funchal, Madeira (PT), 18.06.2001-22.06.2001] |
Schrittweiser R., Adámek J., Balan P., Hron M., Ionita C., Jakubka K., Kryška L., Martines E., Pohoata V., Stöckel J., Tichý M., Van Oost G.: Plasma Potential Measurements with Emissive Probes in the CASTOR Tokamak. 28th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2001 - (Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.) s. 409-412. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 25A). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/28th./. Funchal, Madeira (PT), 18.06.2001-22.06.2001] | |
Gunn J., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Horáček J., Hron M., Jakubka K., Kryška L., Žáček F., Van Oost G.: Direct measurements of E B flow and its impact on edge turbulence in the CASTOR tokamak using an optimized Gundestrup probe. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 51 [10] (2001) 1001-1010. [ Abstract ] [Europhysics Workshop on Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement and Exhaust/4th./. Funchal, Madeira, 24.06.2001-25.06.2001] | |
Van Oost G., Stöckel J., Gunn J., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Horáček J., Hron M., Jakubka K., Kryška L., Žáček F.: Direct measurements of ExB flows and its impact on edge turbulence in the CASTOR tokamak. 28th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2001 - (Silva, C.; Varandas, D.; Campbell, D.) s. 1665-1668. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 25A). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/28th./. Funchal, Madeira (PT), 18.06.2001-22.06.2001] | |
2000 | Adámek P., Čada M., Hubička Z., Jastrabík L., Adámek J., Stöckel J.: Způsob měření iontové distribuční funkce v nízkoteplotním plazmatu, měřicí systém pro provádění tohoto způsobu a sonda pro měřicí systém. 2014. Vlastník: Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i - Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, v. v. i. Datum udělení patentu: 16.04.2014. Číslo patentu: 304493 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] |