![]() | Ing. Václav Prukner, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Department of Pulse Plasma Systems ] Place: Pulse Plasma Systems Bldg., Office: E 111 Tel.: (+420) 266 053252 Email: prukner@ipp.cas.cz |
Research projects
2018-2020 | Fundamental phenomena of nanosecond discharge in liquid water Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA18-04676S |
2016-2018 | Nanocellulose Reinforced Composites for Advanced Earthquake-proof Construction Technology (nCEL-CONST) Co-investigator Provider: Czech Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KONNECT - 009 |
2015-2017 | Advanced research of kinetic processes in streamer discharges Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA15-04023S |
2013-2016 | Optimization of ozone production and its transport efficiency Co-investigator Provider: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic; Project ID: TA03010098 |
2014-2016 | Surface nanostructuring of various materials exposed to intense extreme ultraviolet and X-ray radiation Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA14-29772S |
2013-2015 | New atmospheric plasma sources based on surface barrier discharges for biomedical applications Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LD13010 |
2013-2015 | Research in the Frame of the Internatinal Center for Dense Magnetized Plasmas Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LG13029 |
2012-2015 | Laboratory discharges for simulating and investigating Transient Luminous Events Co-investigator Provider: Czech Academy of Sciences; Project ID: *M100431201 |
2012-2014 | Advanced optical diagnostics of non-equilibrium micro-discharges Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP205/12/1709 |
2007-2011 | Creating and probing nanostructures with X-ray lasers Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KAN300100702 |
2005-2011 | Centre of Laser Plasma Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LC528 |
2006-2008 | Radiation of pulse high-current discharges stabilised by proximity wall Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/06/1324 |
2004-2006 | Experimental and modelling studies leading ot onhanced generation and de-NOx processes in non-equilibrium, atmopsheric-pressure discharges Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: IAA1043403 |
2003-2005 | Radiation processes in pulse high-current discharges Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/03/0711 |
List of Publications
2024 | Fujera J., Homola T., Jirásek V., Ondráček J., Tarabová B., Prukner V., Šimek M.: Aerosol-based multihollow surface DBD: a promising approach for nitrogen fixation. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 33 [7] (2024) č. článku 075002. [ Abstract ] |
Kalachova T., Jindřichová B., Pospíchalová R., Fujera J., Artemenko A., Jančík J., Antonova A., Kylián O., Prukner V., Burketová L., Šimek M., Homola T.: Plasma Treatment Modifies Element Distribution in Seed Coating and Affects Further Germination and Plant Growth through Interaction with Soil Microbiome. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 72 [11] (2024) 5609-5624. [ Abstract ] | |
Bílek P., Dias T. C., Prukner V., Guerra V., Šimek M.: Streamer-induced kinetics of excited states in pure N2: II. Formation of N2(B3?g,v=0-21) through analysis of emission produced by the first positive system. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 33 [1] (2024) č. článku 015011. [ Abstract ] | |
2023 | Frolov O., Stelmashuk V., Koláček K., Prukner V., Tuholukov A., Hoffer P., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Jirásek V., Oliva E.: Pressure in underwater spark discharge initiated with the help of bubble injection and its evaluation based on H-alpha line broadening. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 56 [28] (2023) č. článku 285201. [ Abstract ] |
Hoffer P., Niedoba K., Jirásek V., Prukner V., Šimek M.: Streamer-Based Discharge on Water–Air Interface as a Source of Plasma-Activated Water: Conceptual Design and Basic Performance. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 43 [6] (2023) 1531-1547. [ Abstract ] | |
Bílek P., Dias T. C., Prukner V., Hoffer P., Guerra V., Šimek M.: Streamer-induced kinetics of excited states in pure N2: I. Propagation velocity, E / N and vibrational distributions of N2(C3?u) and N2+(B2?u+) states. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 32 [10] (2023) č. článku 105002. [ Abstract ] | |
Hoffer P., Prukner V., Arora G., Šimek M.: High-speed imaging reveals the dynamics of the initiation and subsequent evolution of a nanosecond discharge propagating along the air-water interface. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 32 [9] (2023) č. článku 09LT01. [ Abstract ] | |
2022 | Hoffer P., Bílek P., Prukner V., Bonaventura Z., Šimek M.: Dynamics of macro- and micro-bubbles induced by nanosecond discharge in liquid water. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 31 [1] (2022) č. článku 015005. [ Abstract ] |
Stelmashuk V., Prukner V., Koláček K., Tuholukov A., Hoffer P., Štraus J., Frolov O., Jirásek V.: Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Underwater Spark Generated by Pulse High-Voltage Discharge with Gas Bubble Assistant. Processes 10 [8] (2022) č. článku 1474. E. [ Abstract ] | |
2021 | Prukner V., Schmidt J., Hoffer P., Šimek M.: Demonstration of Dynamics of Nanosecond Discharge in Liquid Water Using Four-Channel Time-Resolved ICCD Microscopy. - [4] (2021) 183-200. E. [ Abstract ] |
Hoffer P., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Šimek M.: Shockwaves evolving on nanosecond timescales around individual micro-discharge filaments in deionised water. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 54 [28] (2021) č. článku 285202. [ Abstract ] | |
Homola T., Prukner V., Artemenko A., Hanuš J., Kylián O., Šimek M.: Direct treatment of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and melon (Cucumis melo) seeds by amplitude-modulated dielectric barrier discharge in air. Journal of Applied Physics 129 [19] (2021) č. článku 193303. [ Abstract ] | |
2020 | Doležalová E., Prukner V., Kuzminova A., Šimek M.: On the inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores by surface streamer discharge in humid air caused by reactive species. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 53 [24] (2020) č. článku 245203. [ Abstract ] |
Šimek M., Hoffer P., Tungli J., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Bílek P., Bonaventura Z.: Investigation of the initial phases of nanosecond discharges in liquid water. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 29 [6] (2020) č. článku 064001. [ Abstract ] | |
Hoffer P., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Šimek M.: Picosecond interferometry and analysis of pressure fields around nanosecond microdischarge filaments that develop in deionized water. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59 [H] (2020) č. článku SHHA08. [ Abstract ] | |
Ambrico P. F., Šimek M., Ambrico M., Morano M., Prukner V., Minafra A., Allegretta I., Porfido C., Senesi G. S., Terzano D.: On the air atmospheric pressure plasma treatment effect on the physiology, germination and seedlings of basil seeds. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 53 [10] (2020) č. článku 104001. [ Abstract ] | |
Hoder T., Bonaventura Z., Prukner V., Gordillo-Vázquez F.J., Šimek M.: Emerging and expanding streamer head in low-pressure air. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 29 [3] (2020) č. článku 03LT01. [ Abstract ] | |
Homola T., Prukner V., Hoffer P., Šimek M.: Multi-hollow surface dielectric barrier discharge: an ozone generator with flexible performance and supreme efficiency. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 29 [9] (2020) č. článku 095014. [ Abstract ] | |
Šimek M., Hoffer P., Prukner V., Schmidt J.: Disentangling dark and luminous phases of nanosecond discharges developing in liquid water. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 29 [9] (2020) č. článku 095001. [ Abstract ] | |
2019 | Dvořák P., Šimek M., Prukner V.: Evolution of N(4S) atoms produced under nitrogen streamer conditions: time-resolved TALIF study at reduced pressures. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 28 [12] (2019) č. článku 125004. E. |
2018 | Wei L.S., Pongrác B., Zhang Y.F., Liang X., Prukner V., Šimek M.: Influence of Duty Cycle on Ozone Generation and Discharge Using Volume Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 38 [2] (2018) 355-364. [ Abstract ] |
Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., Hoder T., Prukner V., Dilecce G., De Benedictis S., Babický V.: Nanosecond imaging and emission spectroscopy of argon streamer micro-discharge developing in coplanar surface DBD. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 27 [5] (2018) č. článku 055019. [ Abstract ] | |
2017 | Schmidt J., Koláček K., Štraus J., Frolov O., Prukner V., Melich R., Psota P., Sobota J., Fořt T.: Reflectivity of a mirror in XUV spectral region (46.9 nm). Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Frontiers of X&XUV Optics and its Applications, 3rd IW FX & XUVOA. Prague: Institute of Plasma Physics Czech Academy of Sciences, 2017 - (Koláček, K.; Sobota, J.), č. článku O-05. ISBN 978-80-870026-09-0. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Frontiers of X&XUV Optics and its Applications 2017, 3rd IW FX & XUVOA /3./. Prague (CZ), 04.10.2017-06.10.2017] |
Kuzminova A., Kretková T., Kylián O., Hanuš J., Khalakhan I., Prukner V., Doležalová E., Šimek M., Biederman H.: Etching of polymers, proteins and bacterial spores by atmospheric pressure DBD plasma in air. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 50 [13] (2017) č. článku 135201. [ Abstract ] | |
Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., Prukner V.: Evolution of N2(A3?+u) in streamer discharges: influence of oxygen admixtures on formation of low vibrational levels. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 50 [50] (2017) č. článku 504002. [ Abstract ] | |
Ambrico P. F., Šimek M., Morano M., De Miccolis Angelini R.M., Minafra A., Trotti P., Ambrico M., Prukner V., Faretra F.: Reduction of microbial contamination and improvement of germination of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) seeds via surface dielectric barrier discharge. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 50 [30] (2017) č. článku 305401. [ Abstract ] | |
2016 | Šimek M., Prukner V.: ATMOSPHERIC JET BASED ON SURFACE STREAMER DIELECTRIC BARRIER DISCHARGE. Book of Contributed Papers of 15th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XV). Brno: Masaryk University, 2016 - (Černák, M.; Hoder, T.), s. 369-371. ISBN 978-80-210-8318-9. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XV) /15./. Brno (CZ), 11.09.2016-16.09.2016] |
Hoder T., Bonaventura Z., Prukner V., Šimek M.: DYNAMICS OF ACCELERATING STREAMER IN BARRIER DISCHARGE IN AIR. Book of Contributed Papers of 15th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XV). Brno: Masaryk University, 2016 - (Černák, M.; Hoder, T.), s. 78-80. ISBN 978-80-210-8318-9. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XV) /15./. Brno (CZ), 11.09.2016-16.09.2016] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O., Prukner V., Melich R., Psota P.: Spontaneous and artificial direct nanostructuring of solid surface by extreme ultraviolet laser with nanosecond pulses. Laser and Particle Beams 34 [1] (2016) 11-22. [ Abstract ] | |
Doležalová E., Prukner V., Lukeš P., Šimek M.: Stress response of Escherichia coli induced by surface streamer discharge in humid air. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49 [7] (2016) 075401. [ Abstract ] | |
Doležalová E., Prukner V., Lukeš P., Šimek M.: Stress response of Escherichia coli induced by surface streamer discharge in humid air. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49 [7] (2016) č. článku 075401. [ Abstract ] | |
Gordeev I., Šimek M., Prukner V., Artemenko A., Kousal J., Nikitin D., Choukourov A., Biederman H.: Deposition of Poly(Ethylene Oxide)-Like Plasma Polymers on Inner Surfaces of Cavities by Means of Atmospheric-Pressure SDBD-Based Jet. Plasma Processes and Polymers 13 [8] (2016) 823-833. [ Abstract ] | |
Hoder T., Šimek M., Bonaventura Z., Prukner V., Gordillo-Vázquez F.J.: Radially and temporally resolved electric field of positive streamers in air and modelling of the induced plasma chemistry. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 25 [4] (2016) č. článku 045021. [ Abstract ] | |
2015 | Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., Prukner V.: LIF study of N2(A3+u, v=0-10) vibrational kinetics under nitrogen streamer conditions. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 48 [26] (2015) 265202-265202. [ Abstract ] |
Doležalová E., Prukner V., Lukeš P., Šimek M.: Active but nonculturable state of Escherichia coli induced by plasma generated in gas and liquid phase. SAPP XX: 20th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes COST TD1208 Workshop on Application of Gaseous Plasma with Liquids Book of Contributed Papers. Bratislava : Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia); Society for Plasma Research and Applications in cooperation with Library and Publishing Centre CU, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2015 - (Papp, P.; Országh, J.; Moravský, L.; Ribar, A.; Matejčík, Š.), s. 17-21 ISBN 978-80-8147-027-1. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes COST TD1208 Workshop on Application of Gaseous Plasma with Liquids: SAPP XX /20./. Tatranská Lomnica (SK), 17.01.2015-22.01.2015] | |
Prukner V., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O.: Zařízení pro vyvedení XUV a/nebo měkkého rentgenového záření z komory do vakua a způsob provedení tohoto procesu. 2015. Vlastník: Ústav fyziky plazmatu Akademie věd České republiky, v. v. i. Datum udělení patentu: 08.07.2015. Číslo patentu: 305364 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
2014 | Frolov O., Koláček K., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Shukurov A.: Generation and application of the soft X-ray laser beam based on capillary discharge. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 511. Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2014, 012035-012035. ISSN 1742-6596. - (IOPscience. 511). [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2010) & 13th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (LAWPP2010)/15./. Santiago (CL), 08.08.2010-13.08.2010] |
Doležalová E., Prukner V., Šimek M.: Inactivation of Escherichia coli by surface streamer discharges. 14th International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry-Book of contributions:HAKONE XIV. Greifswald : INP Greifswald and IfP Greiswald, 2014 - (Brandenburg, R.; Stollenwerk, L.) ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry/14./. Zinnowitz (DE), 21.09.2014-26.09.2014] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O., Prukner V., Melich R.: An extreme ultraviolet interferometer suitable to generate dense interference pattern. Proceedings of SPIE 9206, Advances in Metrology for X-Ray and EUV Optics V. Bellingham : SPIE, 2014 - (Assoufid, L.; Ohashi, H.; Asundi, A.), 92060D-92060D ISBN 978-1-62841-233-8. ISSN 0277-786X. - (SPIE. 9206). [ Abstract ] [SPIE Conference on Advances in Metrology for X-Ray and EUV Optics V. San Diego (GB), 19.08.2014-21.08.2014] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Repetitive XUV Discharge-Pumped Laser at 46.9 nm. Springer Proceedings in Physics:X-Ray Lasers 2012; Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers. Berlin : Springer International Publishing, 2014 - (Sebban, S.; Gautier, J.; Ros, D.; Zeitoun, P.), s. 231-234 ISBN 978-3-319-00695-6. ISSN 0930-8989. - (Springer Proceedings in Physics). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on X-Ray Lasers (ICXRL)/13./. Paris (FR), 11.06.2012-15.06.2012] | |
Šimek M., Hoder T., Prukner V., Ambrico P. F.: Optical diagnostics of streamers: from laboratory micro-scale to upper-atmospheric large-scale discharges. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 550. Bristol : IOP Publishing Ltd, 2014, 012037-012037. ISSN 1742-6588. - (IOPscience. 550). [ Abstract ] [High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP-2014) /13./. Toulouse (FR), 22.06.2014-27.06.2014] | |
2013 | Doležalová E., Prukner V., Lukeš P., Šimek M.: Surface DBD streamer induced inactivation of Escherichia coli in humid air. Proceedings of XXXI ICPIG Granada 2013. Granada : Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA – CSIC), 2013 - (Gordillo-Vázquez, F.), PS3-103-PS3-103 ISBN N. - (ICPIG. 31). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)/31./. Granada (ES), 14.07.2013-19.07.2013] |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Choukourov A.: Application of EUV optics to surface modification of materials. Proceedings of SPIE 8777. Bellingham, Washington : SPIE Press, 2013 - (Juha, L.; Bajt, S.; London, R.; Hudec, R.; Pína, L.), s. 877707-877707 ISBN 9780819495792. ISSN 0277-786X. - (Proceedings of SPIE. 8777). [ Abstract ] [SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics :Damage to VUV, EUV, and X-ray Optics IV; and EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space III. Prague (CZ), 15.04.2013-18.04.2013] | |
Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., De Benedictis S., Dilecce G., Prukner V., Hoffer P.: LIF diagnostics of OH radicals produced by a single streamer micro-discharge in surface coplanar DBD geometry. Proceedings of XXXI ICPIG Granada 2013. Granada : Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA – CSIC), 2013 - (Gordillo-Vázquez, F.), PS4-039-PS4-039 ISBN N. - (ICPIG. 31). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)/31./. Granada (ES), 14.07.2013-19.07.2013] | |
Prukner V., Doležalová E., Šimek M.: Single surface-streamer micro-discharge reactor for treatment of biologically contaminated samples. Proceedings of XXXI ICPIG Granada 2013, Book of abstracts. Granada : Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA – CSIC), 2013 - (Gordillo-Vázquez, F.), PS4-100-PS4-100 ISBN N. - (ICPIG. 31). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)/31./. Granada (ES), 14.07.2013-19.07.2013] | |
Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., Prukner V.: Formation of N2(A3Σ+u , v = 0–3)metastable species in decaying nitrogen streamer. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 46 [48] (2013) 485205-485205. [ Abstract ] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O., Prukner V., Melich R., Choukourov A.: A new method of determination of ablation threshold contour in the spot of focused XUV laser beam of nanosecond duration. Proceedings of SPIE 8777. Bellingham, Washington : SPIE Press, 2013 - (Juha, L.; Bajt, S.; London, R.; Hudec, R.; Pína, L.), 87770N-87770N ISBN 978-081949579-2. ISSN 0277-786X. - (Proceedings of SPIE. 8777). [ Abstract ] [SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2013. Prague (CZ), 15.04.2013-18.04.2013] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J., Kaufman J.: Beam characteristics of CAPEX XUV argon laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. San Diego : The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2013 - (Klisnick, A.; Menoni, C.), s. 884917-884917 ISBN 978-081949699-7. ISSN 0277-786X. - (SPIE. 8849). [ Abstract ] [X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications X Conference. San Diego (US), 27.08.2013-29.08.2013] | |
2012 | Gordeev I., Šimek M., Prukner V., Choukourov A., Biederman H.: Surface DBD for deposition of the PEO-like plasma polymers. Plasma Processes and Polymers 9 [1] (2012) 83-89. [ Abstract ] |
Koláček K., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Prukner V., Shukurov A., Holý V., Sobota J., Fořt T.: Nano-structuring of solid surface by extreme ultraviolet Ar8+ laser. Laser and Particle Beams 30 [1] (2012) 57-63. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology/5./. Singapore, 18.04.2011-22.04.2011] | |
Gordeev I., Choukourov A., Šimek M., Prukner V., Biederman H.: PEO-like Plasma Polymers Prepared by Atmospheric Pressure Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge. Plasma Processes and Polymers 9 [8] (2012) 782-791. [ Abstract ] | |
Šimek M., Pekárek S., Prukner V.: Ozone production using a power modulated surface dielectric barrier discharge in dry synthetic air. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 32 [4] (2012) 743-754. [ Abstract ] | |
2011 | Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Repetitive XUV laser based on the fast capillary discharge. Proceedings of SPIE Volume: 8140; X-ray Lasers and Coherent X-ray Sources: Development and Applications IX. San Diego, California : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2011 - (Dunn, J.; Klisnick, A.) 814015-1-814015-6. ISBN 9780819487506. - (SPIE. 8140). [ Abstract ] [SPIE Conference : X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications. San Diego (US), 23.08.2011-25.08.2011] |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Prukner V., Shukurov A.: Surface modification by EUV laser beam based on capillary discharge. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology - [58] (2011) 484-487. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Fusion and Plasma Physics. Bali, Indonésie, 26.10.2011-28.10.2011] | |
Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., Prukner V.: ICCD microscopic imaging of a single micro-discharge in surface coplanar DBD geometry: determination of the luminous diameter of N-2 and Ar streamers. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 20 [2] (2011) 025010-025010. [ Abstract ] [European Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIGXX)/20th./. Novi Sad, SERBIA, 13.07.2010-17.07.2010] | |
Šimek M., Prukner V., Schmidt J.: Optical and electrical characteristics of a single surface DBD micro-discharge produced in atmospheric-pressure nitrogen and synthetic air. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 20 [2] (2011) 025009-025009. [European Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIGXX)/20th./. Novi Sad, SERBIA, 13.07.2010-17.07.2010] | |
2010 | Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Pre-Pulse Current Measurement of the Fast High-Current Capillary-Discharge Experiment. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference. Atlanta : IEEE, 2011 - (Tuncer, E.) S. 573-575. ISBN 978-1-4244-7129-4. - (IEEE). [2010 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference. Atlanta (US), 23.05.2010-27.06.2010] |
Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., Dilecce G., Prukner V., Schmidt J., De Benedictis S.: N2(A3+u) behaviour in a N2-NO surface dielectric barrier discharge in the modulated ac regime at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 43 [12] (2010) 124003-124003. [ Abstract ] | |
Koláček K., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Prukner V., Sobota J., Fořt T., Shukurov A.: EUV radiation of pulse high-current proximity wall-stabilized discharges. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers. Berlin : Springer - Verlag, 2011 - (Lee, J.; Nam, C.; Janulewicz, K.) S. 263-268. ISBN 978-94-007-1185-3. ISSN 0930-8989. - (Springer Proceedings in Physics. 136). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on X-ray lasers/12./. Gwangju (KR), 30.05.2010-04.06.2010] | |
Koláček K., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Štraus J.: A potential environment for lasing below 15 nm initiated by exploding wire in water. Laser and Particle Beams 28 [1] (2010) 61-67. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology/4th./. Kathmandu, Nepal, 06.04.2009-10.04.2009] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J., Sobota J., Fořt T.: Gas-Filled-Capillary Discharge Experiment. Pulsed Power Conference, 2009. PPC '09. IEEE. Washington, DC : IEEE, 2010. S. 707-709. ISBN 978-1-4244-4064-1. - (IEEE Xplore). [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference/17th./. Washington, D.C. (US), 28.06.2010-02.07.2010] | |
Šimek M., Pekárek S., Prukner V.: Influence of Power Modulation on Ozone Production Using an AC Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Oxygen. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 30 [5] (2010) 607-617. [ Abstract ] | |
2009 | Koláček K., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Exploding wire in water – a source of long, dense, hot, and quasi-stable plasma suitable for amplification of EUV/Soft X-ray emission. ICPIG 2009 Conference Proceedings 29th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Cancún : ICPIG2009 Local Organizing Committee, 2009 - (de Urquijo, J.) PB15-6. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases(ICPIG)/29th./. Cancún (MX), 12.07.2009-17.07.2009] |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Štraus J., Frolov O.: Generátory koherentního EUV/měkkého rtg. záření založené na impulsních silnoproudých výbojích stabilizovaných blízkou stěnou. Československý časopis pro fyziku. Roč. 59, č. 4 (2009), s. 218-223. ISSN 0009-0700 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Soft X-ray radiation generated by fast capillary discharge. Proceedings of the XXIX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Cancun, Mexico : Institute of Physics (IOP)., 2009. PB15-5-7. ISBN N. - (ICPIG). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases/29./. Cancun (MX), 12.07.2009-17.07.2009] | |
2008 | Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Ways to discharge-based soft X-ray lasers with the wavelength ?<15 nm. Laser and Particle Beams 26 [2] (2008) 167-178. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics and Technology/3rd./. Bangkok, Thailand, 05.03.2007-09.03.2007] |
Prukner V., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Wire explosion in water. XXVIII International conference on phenomena in ionized gases ICPIG 07. Prague : Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR,v.v.i, 2008 - (Schmidt, J.; Šimek, M.; Pekárek, S.; Prukner, V.) S. 1279-1281. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4. - (ICPIG. 28). [ Abstract ] [XXVIII International conference on phenomena in ionized gases ICPIG’07. Prague (CZ), 15.07.2007-20.07.2007] | |
Prukner V., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Ag wire explosion in water - a potential source of coherent soft X-ray radiation. Proceedings of the 2008 Power Modulators and High-Voltage Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada : IEEE Conference Proceedings, 2008. S. 409-411. ISBN 1-4244-1535-7. [ Abstract ] [International Power Modulator Symposium and 2008 High Voltage Workshop/28th./. Las Vegas , Nevada (US), 27.05.2008-31.05.2008] | |
Prukner V., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Ag wire explosion in water - a potential source of coherent soft X-ray radiation. Conference Record of the 2008 IEEE Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference. Las Vegas , Nevada : IEEE Conference Proceedings, 2008 - (Kirkici, H.) S. 409-411. ISBN 1-4244-1534-9. [ Abstract ] [International Power Modulator Symposium and 2008 High Voltage Workshop/28th./. Las Vegas , Nevada (US), 27.05.2008-31.05.2008] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Boháček V., Řípa M., Frolov O., Vrba P., Štraus J., Prukner V., Rupasov A. A., Shikanov A. S.: Amplification of spontaneous emission of neon-like argon in a fast gas-filled capillary discharge. Plasma Physics Reports 34 [2] (2008) 162-168. [ Abstract ] | |
Šimek M., Prukner V., Schmidt J.: Optical and electrical characteristics of N2 microdischarges produced in coplanar surface DBD geometry. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 53 [10] (2008) 60-60. [ Abstract ] [The 61st Annual Gaseous Electronic Conference. Dallas,Texas, 13.10.2008-17.10.2008] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Recent progress in discharge-based soft X-ray lasers at IPP ASci CR. Proceedings of SPIE Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers VII. Washington : SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2008 - (Tarasenko, V.) S. 693805-693805. ISSN 0277-786X. - (SPIE). [ Abstract ] [8th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers (AMPL 2007). Tomsk (RU), 10.09.2007-14.09.2007] | |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Experiment WEX – wire explosion in water. Proceedings of of the 17th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams BEAMS’08. Mianyang, China : Institute of Fluid Physics, China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), 2008 - (Deng, J.; Shi, J.) S. 518-520. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams/17th./. Xi’an, P.R. China (CN), 06.07.2008-11.06.2008] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: High Resolved Spectra of Pulse High Current Capillary Discharge Plasma. Conference Record of the 2008 IEEE Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference. Las Vegas , Nevada : IEEE Conference Proceedings, 2008 - (Kirkici, H.) S. 412-414. ISBN 1-4244-1534-9. [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference 2008. Las Vegas , Nevada (US), 27.05.2008-31.05.2008] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: HIGH RESOLVED SPECTRA OF PULSE HIGH CURRENT CAPILLARY DISCHARGE PLASMA. Proceedings of the 2008 Power Modulators and High-Voltage Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada : IEEE Conference Proceedings, 2008. S. 412-414. ISBN 1-4244-1535-7. [ Abstract ] [2008 IEEE International Power Modulator Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada (US), 27.05.2008-31.05.2008] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Boháček V., Řípa M., Frolov O., Vrba P., Štraus J., Prukner V., Rupasov A. A., Šikanov A.S.: Usilenie spontannoj emissii neonopodobnogo argona v bystrom razrjade v gazonaponennom kapilljare. Fizika plazmy 34 [2] (2008) 185-192. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
2007 | Šimek M., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Koláček K., Štraus J., Frolov O.: Visible emission from exploding wire in water. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 53 [10] (2007) 53-53. [ Abstract ] [The 61st Annual Gaseous Electronic Conference. Dallas,Texas, 13.10.2008-17.10.2008] |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Šunka P., Frolov O., Štraus J., Martínková M.: Wire Exploding in a Focus of Converging Cylindrical Shock Wave in Water – Introductory Remarks. 15th International Pulsed Power Conference, Digest of Technical Papers 1976-2005. Monterey : IEEE, 2007 - (Maenchen, J.; Schamiloglu, E.) S. 208-283. ISBN 0-7803-9190-X. [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference/15th./. Monterey, California (US), 13.06.2007-17.06.2007] | |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Prukner V.: Laser-triggered facility CAPEX-U for capillary discharge experiment. Proceedings of of the First Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference EAPPC’06. Mianyang : Institute of Fluid Physics, CAEP, 2007 - (Deng, J.) S. 825-828. ISBN 0-86341-774-4. [ Abstract ] [First Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference EAPPC’06. Chengdu, China (CN), 18.09.2006-22.09.2006] | |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Prukner V.: Multi-channel laser-triggered spark gap. Proceedings of International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Prague : Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i, 2007 - (Schmidt, J.; Šimek, M.; Pekárek, S.; Prukner, V.) S. 1282-1283. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4. - (ICPIG). [ Abstract ] [International conference on phenomena in ionized gases ICPIG’07/28./. Praha (CZ), 15.07.2007-20.07.2007] | |
Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Štraus J.: CAPEX-U device – driver for discharge-based soft X-ray lasers with ? < 15 nm. IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference 2007, The 34th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science & The 16th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, PPPS-2007, Pulsed Power Conference, Digests of Technical Papers 1976-2007. Wisconsin : Omnipress, 2007 - (Schamiloglu, E.; Peterkin, F.) S. 1683-1683. ISBN 1-4244-0914-4. - (IEEE. IEEE Katalog Numbe 07CH37864C). [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference/16th./. Albuquerque, New Mexico (US), 17.06.2007-22.06.2007] | |
Štraus J., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Frolov O., Prukner V.: Computer generated spectra indicating parameters of capillary-dischargeplasma suitable to amplify radiation of Balmer-alpha transition of H-like N (13.4.nm). Proceedings of International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Prague : Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i, 2007 - (Schmidt, J.; Šimek, M.; Pekárek, S.; Prukner, V.) S. 1284-1285. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4. - (ICPIG). [ Abstract ] [International conference on phenomena in ionized gases ICPIG’07/28th./. Prague (CZ), 15.07.2007-20.07.2007] | |
Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Jančárek A., Martínková M.: Proximity-wall-stabilised high-current pulse discharges at IPP ASci CR. Proceedings of the 1st Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC´06), The 6th International Symposium on Pulsed Power and Plasma Applications (ISPP), The 3rd European Pulsed Power Symposium (EPPS). Mianyang, Sichuan : Institute of Fluid Physics, China Academy of Engineering Physics, 2007 - (DENG, J.; SHI, J.) S. 592-596. ISBN 0-86341-774-4. [ Abstract ] [Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference (EAPPC´06), The 6th International Symposium on Pulsed Power and Plasma Applications (ISPP), The 3rd European Pulsed Power Symposium (EPPS)/1st./. Chengdu, Sichuan (CN), 18.09.2006-22.09.2006] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Exploding wire in water – a potential environment for amplification of spontaneous emission in soft X-ray region below 15 nm. XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, July 15-20, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings. Praha : Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i, 2007 - (Schmidt, J.; Šimek, M.; Pekárek, S.; Prukner, V.) S. 74-77. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases/28th./. Praha (CZ), 15.07.2007-20.07.2007] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Soft X-ray radiation measured by four-segment vacuum photodiode. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52 [16] (2007) 295-295. [ Abstract ] [Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/49th./. Orlando, Florida, 12.11.2007-16.11.2007] | |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Prukner V.: Fast capillary discharge facility CAPEX-U as a source of the soft X-ray radiation. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52 [16] (2007) 295-295. [ Abstract ] [Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/49th./. Orlando, Florida, 12.11.2007-16.11.2007] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Four-segment soft X-ray vacuum photodiode. Proceedings of ICPIG’07. Praha : Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR,v.v, 2007 - (Schmidt, J.; Simek, M.; Pekarek, S.; Prukner, V.) S. 1276-1278. ISBN 978-80-87026-01-4. [ Abstract ] [International conference on phenomena in ionized gases ICPIG’07/28th./. Prague (CZ), 15.07.2007-20.07.2007] | |
2006 | Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Štraus J., Frolov O., Martínková M.: Research on High Current Pulse Discharges at IPP ASci CR. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl. B] (2006) 259-266. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Boháček V., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Experiment CAPEX-U: Present and Future. AIP Conference proceedings. Melvile, New York : AIP, 2006 - (Sadowski, M.; Dudeck, M.; Hartfuss, H.; Pawelec, E.) s. 268-271. ISBN 0-7354-0304-X. ISSN 0094-243X. - (812). [ Abstract ] [International Conference PLASMA 2005 & 3rd GPPD & 5th FPSTP. Opole - Turawa (PL), 06.09.2005-09.09.2005] | |
Prukner V., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O., Martínková M.: Shock wave in water generated by corona-like multi-streamer discharge. 33rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Frascati : European Physical Society, 2006 - (De Marco, F.; Vlad, G.; Duval, B.) P-4.014-P-4.014. ISBN 2-914771-40-1. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 301). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/33rd./. Roma (IT), 19.06.2006-23.06.2006] | |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Prukner V., Boháček V.: Four-channel laser-triggered spark gap. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl. B] (2006) 218-222. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
Štraus J., Koláček K., Neufuss K., Kolman B., Dubský J., Frolov O., Schmidt J., Prukner V.: Modification of alumina-capillary inner-surface by pulse high-current discharge. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [supplem. B] (2006) B564-B570. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
Prukner V., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O., Martínková M.: Apparatus for converging cylindrical shock wave in water generated by pulsed multi-streamer discharge at one cylindrical electrode. AIP Conference proceedings. Melvile, New York : AIP, 2006 - (Sadowski, M.; Dudeck, M.; Hartfuss, H.; Pawelec, E.) s. 435-438. ISBN 0-7354-0304-X. ISSN 0094-243X. - (812). [ Abstract ] [International Conference PLASMA 2005 & 3rd GPPD & 5th FPSTP. Opole - Turawa (PL), 06.09.2006-09.09.2006] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J., Stelmashuk V., Martínková M., Matějec V., Kašík I.: CAPEX-U – a new driver for discharge-pumped lasers working on the wavelength below 15 nm. 10th International Conference on X-ray Lasers, XRL 2006 Conference Program and Book of Abstracts. Berlin : Max Born Institute, Max-Born-Strasse 2A, D-12489 Berlin, 2006. s. 85. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on X-ray Lasers, XRL 2006/10th./. Berlin (DE), 21.08.2006-25.08.2006] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: Comparing of Calculated and Experimental Results of CAPEX-U Device. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [Suppl.B] (2006) 371-376. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
Prukner V., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O., Martínková M.: Corona-like multistreamer discharge in water for cylindrical shock wave generation. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl.B] (2006) 342-348. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Jančárek A., Martínková M.: Possibilities to shorten wavelength of discharge-based soft X-ray lasers. ICDMP Workshop ´06. Varšava : Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, 2006. I-04 1-I-04 -37. [ Abstract ] [ICDMP (International Centre for Dense Magnetized Plasma) Workshop. Warsaw (PL), 29.11.2006-30.11.2006] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Prukner V., Štraus J.: ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS OF HIGH CURRENT CAPILLARY DISCHARGE DEVICE. 2006 International Power Modulator Conference. Washington D.C : IEEE, 2006. S. 515-517. ISBN 1-4244-0019-8. ISSN 1930-885X. - (IEEE Catalog). [ Abstract ] [2006 International Power Modulator Conference. Washington D.C. (US), 14.05.2006-18.05.2006] | |
2005 | Frolov O., Koláček K., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Boháček V., Prukner V.: Experiment CAPEX-U: Present and Future. WDS 2005 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Praha : Praha, MATFYZPRESS, 2005 - (Šafránková, J.) s. 357-361. ISBN 80-86732-59-2. - (part 2). [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students - Week Doctoral Students 2005/14th./. Praha (CZ), 07.06.2005-10.06.2005] |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Štraus J., Prukner V., Frolov O., Boháček V.: Soft X-ray emission of a fast-capillary-discharge device. Plasma Devices and Operations 13 [2] (2005) 105-109. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams, BEAMS /15th./. St. Petersburg, 18.7.2004-23.7.2004] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Štraus J., Prukner V., Frolov O., Boháček V.: STRONG AMPLIFICATION OF NE-LIKE AR LINE IN THE SOURCE BASED ON CAPILLARY DISCHARGE. 15th International Pulsed Power Conference, Pocket Program. Monterey, 2005. s. 17. [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference/15th./. Monterey, California, USA (US), 13.06.2005-17.06.2005] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Šunka P., Frolov O., Štraus J., Martínková M.: Wire Exploding in a Focus of Converging Cylindrical Shock Wave in Water – Introductory Remarks. 15th International Pulsed Power Conference, Pocket Program. Monterey, 2005. s. 13. [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference/15th./. Monterey (US), 13.06.2005-17.06.2005] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J., Boháček V., Martínková M.: Pulsed High Current Experiments at IPP ASci CR Prague. 6th International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches. Oxford, 2005. s. 94. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Dense Z-Pinches/6th./. Oxford (GB), 25.07.2005-28.07.2005] | |
2004 | Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Štraus J., Boháček V., Frolov O., Vrba P.: Role of Pre-pulse in Gas-filled-capillary Soft X-ray Source. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl. C] (2004) C334-C343. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, 21st SPPT 2004.. Prague, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Řípa M., Frolov O., Štraus J., Vrba P.: Route to Soft X-ray Laser Pumped by Gas-Filled-Capillary Discharge. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich 34 [-] (2004) 154-157. [ Abstract ] [First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications. Cairo, 11.10.2003-15.10.2003] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Boháček V., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Desing of a laser-triggered driver for fast capillary discharge. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C321-C325. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Boháček V., Řípa M., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J.: Spectroscopic Measurement of Radiation Generated by Discharge in Alumina Capillary. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich 34 [-] (2004) 158-161. [ Abstract ] [First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications. Cairo, 11.10.2003-15.10.2003] | |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Prukner V., Štraus J., Boháček V., Frolov O., Vrba P.: Fast Capillary Discharge-Enviroment for Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Soft X-ray Region. 2nd European Pulsed Power Symposium, EPPS 2004. Aachen : International Society of Pulsed Power Applications e.V, 2004. s. 19-23. ISBN 3-8322-3217-6. [ Abstract ] [European Pulsed Power Symposium/2nd./. DESY, Hamburg (DE), 20.09.2004-23.09.2004] | |
Frolov O., Koláček K., Boháček V., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Prukner V.: Gas-filled laser-triggered spark gap. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [supll.C] (2004) C309-C313. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
Štraus J., Koláček K., Boháček V., Frolov O., Prukner V., Řípa M., Sember V., Schmidt J., Vrba P., Klír D.: Interactive System for Ionterpretation of Atomic Spectra. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C314-C320. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Boháček V., Prukner V., Frolov O., Štraus J.: A LASER-TRIGGERED DRIVER FOR FAST CAPILLARY DISCHARGE DEVICE. Proceedings of the 26th International Power Modulator Symposium and 2004 High Voltage Workshop. Piscataway : IEEE Operations Center, 2004. s. 82-84. ISBN 0-7803-8586-1. ISSN 1076-8467. [ Abstract ] [Power Modulator Symposium and 2004 High Voltage Workshop/26th./. San Francisco (US), 23.05.2004-26.05.2004] | |
2003 | Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Boháček V., Prukner V., Řípa M.: Desing of laser-triggered spark gap. WDS 2003 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Praha : MATFYZPRESS, Praha, 2003 - (Šafránková, J.) s. 477-480. ISBN 80-86732-18-5. [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students-WDS 2003/12th./. Praha (CZ), 10.06.2003-13.06.2003] |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Prukner V., Boháček V., Řípa M., Šunka P., Frolov O.: Influence of initial conditions on capillary discharge device CAPEX 2. Digest of Technical Papers PPC-2003, 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. Dallas, 2003 - (Giesselman, M.; Neuber, A.) s. 729-732. ISBN 0-7803-7915-2. [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference/14th./. Dallas (US), 15.06.2003-18.06.2003] |