![]() | prof. RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Deputy Director ] , Tokamak Department ] Place: NHB, Office: H 501 Tel.: (+420) 266 053770 Email: panek@ipp.cas.cz |
Research Interests
2023 | Professor Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague |
2019 | Assoc. Prof. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague Role of edge plasma in the energy confinement in tokamaks |
2002 | Ph.D Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague Non-linear interation of waves with plasma |
1998 | Mgr. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague Stochastic interaction of waves with thermonuclear alpha particles in tokamaks with generally non-circular plasma cross-section |
Research experience
2001 | scientist CNRS Milano, Italy |
2001-2002 | scientist University of Innsbruck, Austria |
2003 | scientist CEA Cadarache, France |
2004 | scientist JET UKAEA Culham, Great Britain |
Academic Awards
2009 | Otto Wichterle Prize Award Awarded by : Czech Academy of Sciences |
Membership in professional societies, committees, editorial boards, ...
2024 - now | Chair of General Assembly EUROfusion consortium |
2019 | member of Programme Committee 46th Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, Italy |
2019 - now | members of the European Commission delegation Satellite Tokamak Project Committee of the Broader Approach |
2020 - now | expert DEMO Programme Steering Committee, EUROfusion consortium |
2020 - now | member of European delegation Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) ITER Organization |
2020 - now | Chair of the Technical Advisory Panel of the Governing Board Joint Undertaking Fusion for Energy |
2020 - now | Vice-chair of the Governing Board Joint Undertaking Fusion for Energy |
2018 - now | Chairman of Council Insitute of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
2007-2017 | Vice-chairman of Council Insitute of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
2015 - now | member of programmatic committee Symphosium on Plasma Physics nad Technology |
2008-2013 | member of Steering Committee European Fusion Development Agreement |
2010-now | Member of Academy Assembly Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
2012 - now | Member of Council of Doctoral studies (Physics) Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague |
2015 - now | Chairman of Scientific board Research Centre Řež |
2014 - now | Member of WEST Governing Board CEA Cadarache, France |
2014 - now | Member of EURATOM Programme Committee - configuration Fusion European Commission |
2015 - now | Member of Energy committee of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Supervised students
2014 - now | Mgr. Matěj Peterka PhD study Stability and transport in the tokamak edge plasma |
2005-2006 | Martin Kočan diploma thesis - supervisor |
2006-2007 | Michael Komm diploma thesis - supervisor |
2005-2010 | Mgr. Pavel Cahyna PhD thesis - supervisor |
2006-2013 | Mgr. Jakub Seidl PhD thesis - supervisor |
2005-dosud | Mgr. Richard Papřok PhD thesis - supervisor |
2007-2011 | Mgr. Michael Komm PhD thesis - supervisor |
2008-now | Mgr. Matúš Kurián PhD thesis - supervisor |
Research projects
2020-2022 | Determination of the plasma properties in the SOL and in the divertor of the COMPASS tokamak using probe techniques Co-investigator Provider: Czech Academy of Sciences; Project ID: *BAS-20-13 |
2020-2022 | COMPASS – Tokamak for Thermonuclear Fusion Research Principal investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LM2018117 |
2017-2022 | COMPASS-U: Tokamak for cutting-edge fusion research Principal investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: EF16_019/0000768 |
2012-2016 | COMPASS-RI - Contribution to operation and baseline human resources of the COMPASS tokamak - a large research infrastructure of European impact Principal investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LM2011021 |
2014-2015 | Power decay-length scaling and pedestal scaling studies and related diagnostics in support of MST and JET Co-investigator Provider: Euratom under European Fusion Development Agreement; Project ID: *WP14-MST2-12 |
2014-2015 | Studies of generation and mitigation of runaway electrons in the COMPASS tokamak Co-investigator Provider: Euratom under European Fusion Development Agreement; Project ID: EF WP14-MST2-9 |
2011-2014 | Control of edge localized modes in tokamaks by external magnetic perturbations Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP205/11/2341 |
2012-2014 | Edge Plasma Studies on the Compass Tokamak Co-investigator Provider: International Atomic Energy Agency; Project ID: 16992/R0 |
2010-2013 | Joint carrying out by the Contracting Parties of activities within the thematic area "fusion energy research" of the Seventh Community (Euratom) Framework Program Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: 7G10072 |
2011-2013 | Control of ELM size and frequency using externally imposed changes of the plasma position in the COMPASS tokamak Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP205/11/2470 |
2011-2013 | Collaboration in Fusion Research on the joint European tokamak JET Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LG11018 |
2007-2011 | Nonlinear Effects Near Antennas in Tokamaks Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/07/0044 |
2009-2011 | Systematic measurements of the plasma potential and the electron temperature during the L-mode and ELMy H-mode on several large European facilities by using ball-pen probe technique. Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KJB100430901 |
2006-2011 | Enabling a programme of ITER relevant plasma studies by transferring and installing COMPASS-D to the Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, Association EURATOM-IPP.CR. Principal investigator Provider: Euratom; Project ID: *FU06-CT-2006-00088 |
2009-2009 | Joint carrying out by the Contracting Parties of activities within the thematic area "fusion energy research" of the Seventh Community (Euratom) Framework Program Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: 7G09042 |
2006-2008 | Development of the novel method of the direct plasma potential measurements in magnetic confinement fusion devices. Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KJB100430601 |
2006-2008 | Study of edge plasma interaction with plasma facing components in tokamaks. Principal investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KJB100430602 |
2005-2007 | Effect of edge plasma turbulence in tokamaks on the particle transport Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: IAA100430502 |
2004-2006 | Dissipation of strong electromagnetic waves and its consequences near antennas Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/04/0360 |
2003-2005 | 3D structure of the edge turbulence and its control on the Castor tokamak Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/03/0786 |
2003-2005 | Modelling of specific processes in the edge plasma in tokamak Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GP202/03/P062 |
2002-2004 | Anomalous diffusion of plasma particles in electrostatic turbulence and systems of magnetic islands. Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: IAA1043201 |
2000-2001 | Interaction of intense spatially localized waves with tokamak Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: IAA1043003 |
List of Publications
2024 | Hečko J., Komm M., Šos M., Adámek J., Bílková P., Bogár K., Böhm P., Jaulmes F., Mysiura I., Tomeš M., Vondráček P., Hron M., Pánek R.: Experimental evidence of very short power decay lengths in H-mode discharges in the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66 [1] (2024) č. článku 015013. [ Abstract ] |
Čeřovský J., Ficker O., Mlynář J., Tomešová E., Cavalier J., Weinzettl V., Jeřáb M., Čaloud J., Farník M., Casolari A., Varju J., Bartoň P., Lang P.T., Ploeckl B., Pánek R., Hron M.: Installation of the room temperature solid state pellet injector for investigation of runaway electrons at the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 201 [April] (2024) č. článku 114270. [ Abstract ] | |
2023 | Čaloud J., Tomešová E., Balner V., Bogár O., Corre Y., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Gerardin J., Hron M., Pánek R., Patočka K., Peterka M., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Conceptual design of Fiber Bragg Grating temperature sensors for heat load measurements in COMPASS-U plasma-facing components. Fusion Engineering and Design 193 [August] (2023) č. článku 113608. [ Abstract ] |
Krbec J., Vondráček P., Králík T., Konopík M., Junek P., Hromádka J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Material selection for cryogenically cooled toroidal field coils of the COMPASS-U tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 192 [July] (2023) č. článku 113600. [ Abstract ] | |
Weinzettl V., Bílková P., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Markovič T., Varavin M., Cavalier J., Kovařík K., Torres A., Matveeva E., Böhm P., Ficker O., Horáček J., Čeřovský J., Zajac J., Adámek J., Dimitrova M., Imríšek M., Šos M., Tomešová E., Vondráček P., Mikszuta-Michalik K., Svoboda J., Naydenkova D., Bogár K., Čaloud J., Ivanov V., Lukeš S., Podolník A., Bogár O., Entler S., Havránek A., Preinhaelter J., Jaulmes F., Dejarnac R., Balner V., Veselovský V., Bělina P., Král M., Gerardin J., Vlček J., Tadros M., Turjanica P., Kindl V., Reboun J., Rowan W., Houshmandyar S., Scholz M., Bielecki J., Makowski D., Chernyshova M., Cipciar D.: Development of the diagnostic tools for the COMPASS-U tokamak and plans for the first plasma. Fusion Engineering and Design 191 [June] (2023) č. článku 113545. [ Abstract ] | |
Brooks A., Rana C., Hromádka J., Převrátil J., Patočka K., Havlíček J., Pánek R.: Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic and Structural Analysis of Disruptions in the COMPASS Upgrade Vacuum Vessel. Fusion Science and Technology 79 [8] (2023) 1092-1098. [ Abstract ] | |
Dimitrova M., Popov Tsv.K., Dejarnac R., Kovačič J., Ivanova P., Gyergyek T., Losada U., Hidalgo C., Pánek R., Stöckel J.: Application of the triple-probe technique to magnetized plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 65 [1] (2023) č. článku 015009. [ Abstract ] | |
Bogár K., Varju J., Havlíček J., Stöckel J., Podolník A., Hron M., Pánek R.: Characterisation of the auxiliary heating power delivered by the 40 keV neutral beam injectors on the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 65 [2] (2023) č. článku 025004. [ Abstract ] | |
2022 | Adámek J., Artola F. J., Loarte A., Matveeva E., Cavalier J., Pitts R.A., Roccella R., Lehnen M., Havlíček J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Current density limitation during disruptions due to plasma-sheaths. Nuclear Fusion 62 [8] (2022) č. článku 086034. [ Abstract ] |
Entler S., Pánek R.: Česká stopa v projektu ITER. Jaderná energie 3 [1] (2022) 44-51. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Ortwein R., Świerblewski J., Hromádka J., Kovařík K., Havlíček J., Šesták D., Patel N., Yanovskiy V., Pánek R.: Analytical solution of tokamak vibrations during axisymmetric plasma disruptions. Fusion Engineering and Design 174 [January] (2022) č. článku 112997. [ Abstract ] | |
Ortwein R., Hromádka J., Kovařík K., Havlíček J., Šesták D., Yanovskiy V., Pánek R.: Dynamic analysis of the COMPASS-U tokamak for the design of foundation. Fusion Engineering and Design 182 [September] (2022) č. článku 113221. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Brotánková J., Grover O., Hečko J., Horáček J., Matějíček J., Peterka M., Podolník A., Seidl J., Hron M., Pánek R.: On the applicability of three and four parameter fits for analysis of swept embedded Langmuir probes in magnetised plasma. Nuclear Fusion 62 [9] (2022) č. článku 096021. [ Abstract ] | |
Jaulmes F., Ficker O., Weinzettl V., Komm M., Grover O., Seidl J., Zadvitskiy G., Macúšová E., Pánek R.: Modelling of Neutron Markers for the COMPASS Upgrade Tokamak and Generation of Synthetic Neutron Spectra. Journal of Fusion Energy 41 [2] (2022) č. článku 16. [ Abstract ] | |
Hron M., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Ficker O., Grover O., Horáček J., Komm M., Macúšová E., Matveeva E., Pánek R., Peterka M., Seidl J., Tskhakaya D., Yanovskiy V., Artola F. J., Atikukke S., Bartoň P., Bencze A., Berta M., Bílková P., Bin W., Bogár K., Bogár O., Böhm P., Borodkina I., Brezinsek S., Brochard F., Buratti P., Čaloud J., Casolari A., Castaldo C., Čečrdle J., Čeřovský J., Cipciar A., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Ďuran I., Entler S., Farník M., Fernandes H., Fridrich D., Fuková Š., Gauthier E., Gerardin J., Gobbin M., Grenfell G., Gribov Y., Grof M., Gunn J., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hidalgo C., Hromasová K., Hronová-Bilyková O., Iafrati M., Imríšek M., Isernia N., Jaulmes F., Jeřáb M., Jirsa M., Junek P., Kallenbach A., Kovanda O., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Kripner L., Krlín L., Kulhánek P., Lehnen M., Lemoine N., Litaudon X., Liu Y.Q., Logan N. C., Loarer T., Loarte A., Lourenco P., Lukeš S., Mácha P., Rabinski M., Marin Roldan A., Markovič T., Matějíček J., Mazzitelli G., Mlynář J., Mysiura I., Napoli F., Naydenkova D., Park J. K., Patel N., Pavlo P., Pitts R., Podolník A., Poradzinski M., Preinhaelter J., Prishvitsin A., Refy D., Roccella R., Šesták D., Shyshkin O., Škvára V., Šos M., Spolaore M., Stöckel J., Svoboda J., Tomeš M., Torres A., Turjanica P., Tynan G., Valovič M., Van Oost G., Varavin M., Varju J., Veis P., Vilémová M., Villone F., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V., Žáček F., Zadvitskiy G., Zajac J., Zaloga D., Zebrowski J., Zoletnik S.: Overview of the COMPASS results. Nuclear Fusion 62 [4] (2022) č. článku 042021. [ Abstract ] | |
Dimitrova M., Gerardin J., Podolník A., Balner V., Mitov M., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Weinzettl V., Veselovský V., Dejarnac R., Komm M., Hron M., Pánek R.: Embedded-probes diagnostics for the COMPASS upgrade tokamak: a concept. Journal of Instrumentation 17 [11] (2022) č. článku P11018. [ Abstract ] | |
Matveeva E., Havlíček J., Artola F. J., Yanovskiy V., Havránek A., Adámek J., Gerardin J., Imríšek M., Loarte A., Ficker O., Hronová-Bilyková O., Weinzettl V., Pánek R.: Current quench and vessel currents characterisation at the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64 [12] (2022) č. článku 125010. [ Abstract ] | |
2021 | Komm M., Mancini D., Morbey M., Cavalier J., Adámek J., Bernert M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Brida D., Février C., Henderson S., Hron M., Jeřáb M., Imríšek M., Kripner L., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Šos M., Vondráček P.: Power exhaust by core radiation at COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 61 [3] (2021) č. článku 036016. [ Abstract ] |
Böhm P., Šos M., Bílková P., Král M., Hečko J., Tomeš M., Havránek A., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R.: Conceptual design of Thomson scattering diagnostics for the COMPASS-U tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 92 [8] (2021) č. článku 083503. [ Abstract ] | |
Artola F. J., Loarte A., Matveeva E., Havlíček J., Markovič T., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Kripner L., Huijsmans G. T.A., Lehnen M., Hoelzl M., Pánek R.: Simulations of COMPASS vertical displacement events with a self-consistent model for halo currents including neutrals and sheath boundary conditions. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 [6] (2021) č. článku 064004. [ Abstract ] | |
Dimitrova M., Popov Tsv.K., Havlíček J., Bogár K., Varju J., Hasan E., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Imríšek M., Hron M., Pánek R.: Experimental observations of local plasma parameters in the COMPASS divertor in NBI-assisted L-mode plasmas. Journal of Instrumentation 16 [9] (2021) č. článku P09004. [ Abstract ] | |
Adámek J., Cipciar A., Devitre A., Horáček J., Cavalier J., Komm M., Krbec J., Tichý M., Trunec D., Böhm P., Pánek R.: Ion temperature measurements in the tokamak scrape-off layer with high temporal resolution. Nuclear Fusion 61 [3] (2021) č. článku 036023. [ Abstract ] | |
Jaulmes F., Zadvitskiy G., Bogár K., Imríšek M., Hromádka J., Cats S. Y., Varju J., Komm M., Pánek R.: Modelling of charge-exchange induced NBI losses in the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 61 [4] (2021) č. článku 046012. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Cecrdle J., Tskhakaya D., Dejarnac R., Schwartz J., Komm M., Cavalier J., Adámek J., Lukeš S., Veselovský V., Varju J., Bartoň P., Entler S., Gasparyan Y., Gauthier E., Gerardin J., Hromádka J., Hron M., Iafrati M., Imríšek M., Jeřáb M., Kovařík K., Mazzitelli G., Naydenkova D., van Oost G., Pánek R., Prishvitsin A., Seidl J., Šesták D., Tomeš M., Vasina Y., Vertkov A., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Predictive modelling of liquid metal divertor: From COMPASS tokamak towards Upgrade. Physica Scripta 96 [12] (2021) č. článku ac1dc9. [ Abstract ] | |
Svoboda J., Imríšek M., Mikszuta-Michalik K., Mlynář J., Ficker O., Bílková P., Weinzettl V., Jaulmes F., Hron M., Pánek R.: Conceptual design of tomographic soft X-ray detectors for COMPASS-U tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 168 [July] (2021) č. článku 112656. [ Abstract ] | |
Tomeš M., Carr M., Meakins A., Šos M., Böhm P., Bílková P., Imríšek M., Jaulmes F., Borodkina I., Hečko J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Thomson scattering synthetic diagnostic module for the Cherab framework. Review of Scientific Instruments 92 [5] (2021) č. článku 053532. [ Abstract ] | |
Tomeš M., Carr M., Meakins A., Imríšek M., Jaulmes F., Balner V., Bogár K., Bílková P., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R.: Feasibility study and CXRS synthetic diagnostic model for COMPASS upgrade based on Cherab and Raysect framework. Fusion Engineering and Design 170 [September] (2021) č. článku 112498. [ Abstract ] | |
Havránek A., Bogár O., Fridrich D., Hanák I., Majer T., Burant J., Havlíček J., Vondráček P., Komm M., Hron M., Pánek R.: Conceptual design of the COMPASS-U control systems. Fusion Engineering and Design 170 [September] (2021) č. článku 112550. [ Abstract ] | |
Patel N., Hromádka J., Havlíček J., Balner V., Šesták D., Převrátil J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Design and verification status of COMPASS-U vacuum vessel and stabilization loop. Fusion Engineering and Design 171 [October] (2021) č. článku 112568. [ Abstract ] | |
Khodunov I., Komm M., Havránek A., Adámek J., Böhm P., Cavalier J., Seidl J., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Elmore S., Faitsch M., Háček P., Havlíček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Krbec J., Peterka M., Pánek R., Samoylov O., Tomeš M., Tomova B., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Real-time feedback system for divertor heat flux control at COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 [6] (2021) č. článku 065012. [ Abstract ] | |
Stöckel J., Cavalier J., Mlynář J., Hron M., Pánek R.: More than 30 years of experience in fusion education at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. European Journal of Physics 42 [4] (2021) č. článku 045703. [ Abstract ] | |
Vondráček P., Pánek R., Hron M., Havlíček J., Weinzettl V., Todd T., Tskhakaya D., Cunningham G., Háček P., Hromádka J., Junek P., Krbec J., Patel N., Šesták D., Varju J., Adámek J., Balázsová M., Balner V., Bartoň P., Bielecki J., Bílková P., Błocki J., Bocian D., Bogár K., Bogár O., Boócz P., Borodkina I., Brooks A., Böhm P., Burant J., Casolari A., Cavalier J., Chappuis R., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Dudák M., Ďuran I., Ellis R., Entler S., Fang J., Farník M., Ficker O., Fridrich D., Fuková Š., Gerardin J., Hanák I., Havránek A., Herrmann A., Horáček J., Hronová-Bilyková O., Imríšek M., Isernia N., Jaulmes F., Jeřáb M., Kindl V., Komm M., Kovařík K., Král M., Kripner L., Macúšová E., Majer T., Markovič T., Matveeva E., Mikszuta-Michalik K., Mohelník M., Mysiura I., Naydenkova D., Němec I., Ortwein R., Patočka K., Peterka M., Podolník A., Procházka F., Převrátil J., Řeboun J., Scalera V., Scholz M., Svoboda J., Swierblewski J., Šos M., Tadros M., Titus J. H., Tomeš M., Torres A., Tracz G., Turjanica P., Varavin M., Veselovský V., Villone F., Wąchal P., Yanovskiy V., Zadvitskiy G., Zajac J., Žák A., Zaloga D., Zelda J., Zhang H.: Preliminary design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 169 [August] (2021) č. článku 112490. [ Abstract ] | |
Mikszuta-Michalik K., Imríšek M., Svoboda J., Weinzettl V., Bílková P., Hron M., Pánek R.: Concept of the bolometry diagnostics design for COMPASS-Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 168 (2021) č. článku 112421. [ Abstract ] | |
Hromádka J., Havlíček J., Patel N., Yanovskiy V., Patočka K., Převrátil J., Imríšek M., Jaulmes F., Brooks A., Titus J. H., Balner V., Šesták D., Pánek R.: Electromagnetic model for finite element analyses of plasma disruption events used in the design phase of the COMPASS-U tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 167 [June] (2021) č. článku 112369. [ Abstract ] | |
2020 | Dimitrova M., Tomeš M., Popov Tsv., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Vasileva E., Hron M., Pánek R.: Effect of the gas puff location on the divertor plasma properties in COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 17 [1492] (2020) č. článku 012003. E. [ Abstract ] |
Patel N., Hromádka J., Šesták D., Havlíček J., Balner V., Veselovský V., Samec K., Hron M., Pánek R., Yanovskiy V., Imríšek M., Peterka M., Kripner L.: Design Study of Vacuum Vessel Concepts for COMPASS-U Tokamak. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48 [6] (2020) 1452-1456, č. článku 897. [ Abstract ] | |
Salzedas F., Shah S. I.W., Havlíček J., Stöckel J., Háček P., Varju J., Havránek A., Pánek R., Silva C.: Study of secondary instability of precursor magnetic island in COMPASS density limit disruptions. Physics of Plasmas 27 [2] (2020) č. článku 022515. [ Abstract ] | |
Bogár O., Zajac J., Žáček F., Varavin M., Hron M., Pánek R., Silva A.: Microwave reflectometer for density profile and turbulence measurements on the COMPASS tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 91 [1] (2020) č. článku 013515. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Dejarnac R., Cecrdle J., Tskhakaya D., Vertkov A., Cavalier J., Vondráček P., Jeřáb M., Bartoň P., Van Oost G., Hron M., Weinzettl V., Šesták D., Lukeš S., Adámek J., Prishvitsin A., Iafratti M., Gasparyan A.A., Vasina Y., Naydenkova D., Seidl J., Gauthier E., Mazzitelli G., Komm M., Gerardin J., Varju J., Tomeš M., Entler S., Hromádka J., Pánek R.: Modeling of COMPASS tokamak divertor liquid metal experiments. Nuclear Materials and Energy 25 [December] (2020) č. článku 100860. [ Abstract ] | |
Lourenço P. D., Santos J.M., Havránek A., Bogár O., Havlíček J., Zajac J., Silva A., Batista A.J.N., Hron M., Pánek R., Fernandes H.: Real-time plasma position reflectometry system development and integration on COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 160 [November] (2020) č. článku 112017. [ Abstract ] | |
Adámek J., Tskhakaya D., Devitre A., Cavalier J., Horáček J., Komm M., Šos M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Seidl J., Weinzettl V., Vondráček P., Markovič T., Hron M., Pánek R.: On the transport of edge localized mode filaments in the tokamak scrape-off layer. Nuclear Fusion 60 [9] (2020) č. článku 096014. [ Abstract ] | |
Dimitrova M., Popov Tsv.K., Kovacic J., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Ivanova P., Imríšek M., Stöckel J., Vondráček P., Hron M., Pánek R.: Impact of impurity seeding on the electron energy distribution function in the COMPASS divertor region. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62 [12] (2020) č. článku 125015. [ Abstract ] | |
2019 | Wachal P., Błocki J., Hromádka J., Háček P., Šesták D., Havlíček J., Junek P., Imríšek M., Kripner L., Peterka M., Bartoň P., Havránek A., Jeřáb M., Krbec J., Balner V., Pánek R.: Development and mechanical investigation of central solenoid structure for COMPASS-U tokamak. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2239. Melville: AIP Publishing LLC, 2020, Roč. 2239 (2020), č. článku 020047. ISBN 978-073541998-8. [ Abstract ] [4th Polish Congress of Mechanics. Krakow (PL), 08.09.2019-12.09.2019] |
Ortwein R., Blocki J., Hromádka J., Šesták D., Havlíček J., Patel N., Kovařík K., Pánek R.: Dynamic analysis of the forces on the COMPASS-U tokamak foundations during vertical displacement events. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2239. Melville: AIP Publishing LLC, 2020, č. článku 020036. ISBN 978-073541998-8. [ Abstract ] [4th Polish Congress of Mechanics. Krakow (PL), 08.09.2019-12.09.2019] | |
Entler S., Ficker O., Havlíček J., Horáček J., Hron M., Mlynář J., Pánek R., Řípa M., Stöckel J., Varju J., Weinzettl V.: Budoucnost energetiky: jaderná fúze. Praha: Středisko společných činností AV ČR, 2019. 73 s. ISBN 978-80-200-3007-8 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Cavalier J., Lemoine N., Brochard F., Weinzettl V., Seidl J., Silburn S., Tamain P., Dejarnac R., Adámek J., Pánek R.: Tomographic reconstruction of tokamak edge turbulence from single visible camera data and automatic turbulence structure tracking. Nuclear Fusion 59 [5] (2019) č. článku 056025. [ Abstract ] | |
Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Vondráček P., Komm M., Pánek R., Pitts R.A.: Physics of toroidal gap heat loading on castellated plasma-facing components. Nuclear Materials and Energy 19 (2019) 19-27. [ Abstract ] | |
Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Bílková P., Havlíček J., Pánek R., Hron M., Bogár O., Böhm P., Casolari A., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Ďuran I., Entler S., Ficker O., Háček P., Horáček J., Imríšek M., Jaulmes F., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Kripner L., Markovič T., Naydenkova D., Peterka M., Podolník A., Pova F., Šos M., Šesták D., Tomeš M., Varavin M., Varju J., Vondráček P., Zajac J.: Constraints on conceptual design of diagnostics for the high magnetic field COMPASS-U tokamak with hot walls. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 [September] (2019) 1703-1707. [ Abstract ] | |
Podolník A., Komm M., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: Interpretation of flush-mounted probe current-voltage characteristics using four-parametric fits. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 [10] (2019) č. článku 105011. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Khodunov I., Cavalier J., Vondráček P., Henderson S., Seidl J., Horáček J., Naydenkova D., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Elmore S., Faitsch M., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Imríšek M., Krbec J., Peterka M., Pánek R., Samoylov O., Šos M., Tomeš M., Tomova B., Weinzettl V.: Divertor impurity seeding experiments at the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 59 [10] (2019) č. článku 106035. [ Abstract ] | |
Ficker O., Macúšová E., Mlynář J., Břeň D., Casolari A., Čeřovský J., Farník M., Grover O., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hron M., Imríšek M., Jeřáb M., Krbec J., Kulhánek P., Linhart V., Marcisovský M., Markovič T., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Šos M., Svihra P., Svoboda V., Tomeš M., Urban J., Varju J., Vlainic M., Vondráček P., Vrba V., Weinzettl V., Carnevale D., Decker J., Gobbin M., Gospodarczyk M., Papp G., Peysson Y., Plyusnin V.V., Rabinski M., Reux C.: Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS. Nuclear Fusion 59 [9] (2019) č. článku 096036. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Kremers B., Vondráček P., Bílková P., Böhm P., Šos M., Pánek R.: On the possiblity of direct electrical power extraction from scrape-off layer currents in tokamaks. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 [9] (2019) č. článku 095017. [ Abstract ] | |
Vondráček P., Gauthier E., Grof M., Hron M., Komm M., Pánek R.: Divertor infrared thermography on COMPASS. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 [September] (2019) 1003-1006. [ Abstract ] | |
Lourenco P. D., Santos J.M., Bogár O., Havránek A., Havlíček J., Zajac J., Hron M., Pánek R., Fernandes H.: Real-time multi-threaded reflectometry density profile reconstructions on COMPASS Tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation 14 [November] (2019) č. článku C11023. [ Abstract ] | |
Torres A., Kovařík K., Markovič T., Adámek J., Weinzettl V., Carvalho B.B., Fernandes H., Hron M., Pánek R.: Mineral insulated cable assessment for inductive magnetic diagnostic sensors of a hot-wall tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation 14 [9] (2019) č. článku C09043. [ Abstract ] | |
Mlynář J., Ficker O., Macúšová E., Markovič T., Naydenkova D., Papp G., Urban J., Vlainić M., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V., Bogár O., Břeň D., Carnevale D., Casolari A., Čeřovský J., Farník M., Gobbin M., Gospodarczyk M., Hron M., Kulhánek P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Imríšek M., Jakubowski M., Lamas N., Linhart V., Malinowski K., Marcisovsky M., Matveeva E., Pánek R., Plyusnin V.V., Rabinski M., Svoboda V., Svihra P., Varju J., Zebrowski J.: Runaway electron experiments at COMPASS in support of the EUROfusion ITER physics research. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 [1] (2019) č. článku 014010. [ Abstract ] | |
Farník M., Casolari A., Bogár O., Macúšová E., Varavin M., Havlíček J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Preliminary concept of electron cyclotron resonance heating for the COMPASS-U tokamak. Europhysics Conference Abstracts. Milán: European Physical Society, 2019, (2019), č. článku P4.1071. ISBN 979-10-96389-11-7. [ Abstract ] [46th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Milán (IT), 08.07.2019-12.07.2019] | |
Varavin M., Varavin A., Naydenkova D., Zajac J., Žáček F., Nanobashvilil S., Pánek R., Weinzettl V., Bílková P., Kovařík K., Jaulmes F., Farník M., Imríšek M., Bogár O.: Study for the microwave interferometer for high densities plasmas on COMPASS-U tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 [September] (2019) 1858-1862. [ Abstract ] | |
Yanovskiy V., Isernia N., Pustovitov V., Villone F., Abate M., Bettini P., Chen S., Havlíček J., Herrmann A., Hromádka J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Komm M., Paccagnella R., Pánek R., Pautasso G., Peruzzo S., Šesták D., Teschke O., Zammuto I.: Comparison of approaches to the electromagnetic analysis of COMPASS-U vacuum vessel during fast transients. Fusion Engineering and Design 146 [September] (2019) 2338-2342. [ Abstract ] | |
2018 | Bílková P., Böhm P., Aftanas M., Šos M., Havránek A., Šesták D., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R.: High resolution Thomson scattering on the COMPASS tokamak - extending edge plasma view and increasing repetition rate. Journal of Instrumentation 13 [1] (2018) č. článku C01024. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics (LAPD2017) /18./. Prague, 24.09.2017-28.09.2017] |
Markovič T., Peterka M., Loarte A., Park K., Gribov Y., Pánek R., Háček P., Havlíček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Kripner L., Bogár K., Šos M., Tomeš M., Varju J., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: High-field side error field effects on H-mode plasma performance and their correction in ITER-like experiments on COMPASS. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2018. ISBN 9781510868441. [ Abstract ] [45th Europeas Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018] | |
Horáček J., Entler S., Vondráček P., Adámek J., Šesták D., Hron M., Pánek R., Dejarnac R., Weinzettl V., Kovařík K., Van Oost G.: Plans for Liquid Metal Divertor in Tokamak Compass. Plasma Physics Reports 44 [7] (2018) 652-656. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Liquid metals Applications for Fusion (ISLA2017) /5./. Moscow, 25.09.2017-27.09.2017] | |
Podolník A., Komm M., Adámek J., Háček P., Krbec J., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: 3D particle-in-cell modeling of Langmuir probe effective collecting area in magnetized plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 [8] (2018) č. článku 085008. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Entler S., Vondráček P., Adámek J., Šesták D., Hron M., Pánek R., Dejarnac R., Weinzettl V., Kovařík K., Van Oost G.: PLANIRUYEMYY ZHIDKOMETALLICHESKIY DIVERTOR DLYA TOKAMAKA COMPASS. FIZIKA PLAZMY. Moskva, 2018, s. 557-563. ISSN 0367-2921. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [International symposium on liquid metals applications for fusion (ISLA-5). Moskva (RU), 25.09.2017-25.09.2017] | |
Pánek R., Entler S.: Systémy pro jadernou energetiku. Energetika 68 [6] (2018) 356-361. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Danilov A., Dnestrovskij Yu.N., Melnikov A.V., Cherkasov S. V., Eliseev L.G., Dnestrovskij A.Yu., Lysenko S.E., Subbotin G. F., Vershkov V.A., Havlíček J., Urban J., Stöckel J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Šos M., Hron M., Komm M., Pánek R.: Heat and particle transport simulation in COMPASS and T-10 with canonical profile transport model. Europhysics Conference Abstracts. Vol. 42A. European Physical Society, 2018 - (Coda, S.; Berndt, J.; Lapenta, G.; Mantsinen, M.; Michaut, C.; Weber, S.), s. 1656-1659, č. článku P5.1088. ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7. [ Abstract ] [45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018] | |
Krbec J., Háček P., Berta M., Seidl J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Fast density reconstruction of Li-BES signal on the COMPASS tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 89 [11] (2018) č. článku 113504. [ Abstract ] | |
Šos M., Böhm P., Grover O., Bílková P., Peterka M., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R.: Observation and evaluation of the alignment of Thomson scattering systems. Review of Scientific Instruments 89 [10] (2018) č. článku 10C105. [ Abstract ] [HTPD 2018 - High Temperature Plasma Diagnostic Conference. San Diego, 16.04.2018-16.04.2018] | |
Háček P., Berta M., Anda G., Aradi M., Bencze A., Dunai D., Krbec J., Pánek R., Refy D.I., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V., Zoletnik S.: Development of an ion beam detector for the atomic beam probe diagnostic. Review of Scientific Instruments 89 [11] (2018) č. článku 113506. [ Abstract ] | |
Ficker O., Imríšek M., Mlynář J., Macúšová E., Svoboda J., Weinzettl V., Urban J., Havránek A., Čeřovský J., Farník M., Grover O., Hron M., Pánek R., Plyusnin V., Vlainic M.: Analysis of MGI disruptions and runaway electron beams at COMPASS using tomography and fast camera data. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 42A. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2018, 2018-July (2018), s. 353-356. ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7. [ Abstract ] [45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018] | |
Urban J., Casolari A., Fridrich D., Jaulmes F., Havlíček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Komm M., Kripner L., Macúšová E., Markovič T., Pánek R., Peterka M., Podolník A., Weinzettl V.: Performance predictions for the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 42A. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2018, 2018-July (2018), s. 121-124. ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7. [ Abstract ] [45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018] | |
Čeřovský J., Ficker O., Mlynář J., Urban J., Macúšová E., Weinzettl V., Farník M., Zebrowski J., Rabinski M., Sadowski M. J., Pánek R., Hron M.: Simulation of trajectories of runaway electrons for support diagnostics at the COMPASS tokamak. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 42A. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2018, July (2018), s. 605-608. ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7. [ Abstract ] [45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018] | |
Dejarnac R., Corre Y., Vondráček P., Gaspar J., Gauthier E., Gunn J. P., Komm M., Gardarein J.-L., Horáček J., Hron M., Matějíček J., Pitts R.A., Pánek R.: Heat loads on poloidal and toroidal edges of castellated plasma-facing components in COMPASS. Nuclear Fusion 58 [6] (2018) č. článku 066003. [ Abstract ] | |
Hasan E., Dimitrova M., Popov T., Ivanova P., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Pánek R.: Advantages of the first-derivative probe technique over the three- and four-parameter probe techniques in fusion plasmas diagnostics. Journal of Instrumentation 13 [4] (2018) č. článku P04005. [ Abstract ] | |
2017 | Horáček J., Pánek R., Havlíček J.: DESIGN OF THE COMPASS UPGRADE TOKAMAK. 19th Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists Proceedings. Košice: Slovak Physical Society, 2017, č. článku OP16. ISBN 978-80-89855-04-9. [ Abstract ] [Conference of Czech and Slovak Physicists/19./. Prešov (SK), 04.09.2017-07.09.2017] |
Kripner L., Urban J., Loarte A., Cahyna P., Evans T., Schmitz O., Pánek R.: Methods for reduction of time averaged power fluxes in presence of RMP field on ITER. 643. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Impact of 3D Magnetic Fields on Hot Plasmas. Vol. 643. Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 2017 - (Liang, Y.; Sunn Pedersen, T.; Schmitz, O.; Günter, S.), č. článku P3. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 643. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Impact of 3D magnetic fields on hot plasmas/643./. Bad Honnef (DE), 22.05.2017-24.05.2017] | |
Komm M., Bílková P., Aftanas M., Berta M., Böhm P., Bogár O., Frassinetti L., Grover O., Háček P., Havlíček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Krbec J., Mitošinková K., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Peterka M., Snyder P.B., Stefanikova E., Stöckel J., Šos M., Urban J., Varju J., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Contribution to the multi-machine pedestal scaling from COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 57 [5] (2017) č. článku 056041. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016)/26./. Kyoto, 17.10.2016-22.10.2016] | |
Kovařík K., Ďuran I., Stöckel J., Seidl J., Adámek J., Spolaore M., Vianello N., Háček P., Hron M., Pánek R.: Filamentary probe on the COMPASS tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 88 [3] (2017) č. článku 035106. [ Abstract ] | |
Markovič T., Peterka M., Pánek R., Havlíček J., Bílková P., Cahyna P., Evans T., Háček P., Krbec J., Hron M., Liu Y., Tomeš M., Urban J., Weinzettl V.: Plasma response to n=2 HFS RMP fields on COMPASS. 643. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Impact of 3D Magnetic Fields on Hot Plasmas. Vol. 643. Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 2017 - (Liang, Y.; Sunn Pedersen, T.; Schmitz, O.; Günter, S.), č. článku O3.3. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 643. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Impact of 3D magnetic fields on hot plasmas/643./. Bad Honnef (DE), 22.05.2017-24.05.2017] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Komm M., Weinzettl V., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Hron M., Háček P., Imríšek M., Vondráček P., Horáček J., Devitre A.: Fast measurements of the electron temperature and parallel heat flux in ELMy H-mode on the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 57 [2] (2017) č. článku 022010. [ Abstract ] | |
Jirman T., Peterka M., Seidl J., Cavalier J., Weinzettl V., Brochard F., Cahyna P., Harrison J., Imríšek M., Kirk A., Pánek R.: Edge plasma study using a fast visible light camera in the COMPASS tokamak. Energy Procedia. Vol. 127. Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd, 2017 - (Jimenez, G.; Capriotti, L.; Cao, L.), s. 360-368. Elsevier Science. ISSN 1876-6102. [ Abstract ] [International Youth Nuclear Congress 2016, IYNC 2016. Hangzhou (CN), 24.07.2016-30.07.2016] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Horáček J., Komm M., Eich T., Pánek R., Cavalier J., Devitre A., Peterka M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J., Šesták D., Grover O., Bílková P., Böhm P., Varju J., Havránek A., Weinzettl V., Lovell J., Dimitrova M., Mitošinková K., Dejarnac R., Hron M.: Electron temperature and heat load measurements in the COMPASS divertor using the new system of probes. Nuclear Fusion 57 [11] (2017) č. článku 116017. [ Abstract ] | |
Zajac J., Bogár O., Varavin M., Žáček F., Hron M., Pánek R., Nanobashvili S., Silva A.: Upgrade of the COMPASS tokamak microwave reflectometry system with I/Q modulation and detection. Fusion Engineering and Design 123 [November] (2017) 911-914. [ Abstract ] [SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Berta M., Bílková P., Bogár O., Böhm P., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Ficker O., Fridrich D., Grover O., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Komm M., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Markovič T., Matveeva E., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Papřok R., Peterka M., Podolník A., Seidl J., Šos M., Stöckel J., Tomeš M., Varavin M., Varju J., Vlainic M., Vondráček P., Zajac J., Žáček F., Stano M., Anda G., Dunai D., Krizsanóczi T., Refy D., Zoletnik S., Silva A., Gomes R., Pereira T., Popov Tsv., Sarychev D., Ermak G.P., Zebrowski J., Jakubowski M., Rabinski M., Malinowski K., Nanobashvili S., Spolaore M., Vianello N., Gauthier E., Gunn J. P., Devitre A.: Progress in diagnostics of the COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation 12 [December] (2017) č. článku C12015. [ Abstract ] [European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD2017)/2./. Bordeaux, 18.04.2017-21.04.2017] | |
Markovič T., Melnikov A., Seidl J., Eliseev L., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hron M., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Varju J., Weinzettl V.: Alfvén-character oscillations in ohmic plasmas observed on the COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P5.140. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Macúšová E., Urban J., Ficker O., Mlynář J., Vlainić M., Papřok R., Varju J., Weinzettl V., Čeřovský J., Farník M., Pokol G., Plyusnin V., Havlíček J., Pánek R., Hron M.: Estimation of the runaway electron current during the flattop phase in COMPASS. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P4.141. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Grover O., Seidl J., Adámek J., Vondráček P., Tomeš M., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R.: Reynolds stress and fluctuation measurements with Langmuir and ball-pen probes in the vicinity of the L-H transition on COMPASS. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P2.181. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Bílková P., Böhm P., Komm M., Frassinetti L., Štefániková E., Peterka M., Šos M., Seidl J., Grover O., Havlíček J., Mitošinková K., Varju J., Vondráček P., Urban J., Imríšek M., Markovič T., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R.: Relative shift in position of temperature and density pedestals at the COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P2.120. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Markovič T., Melnikov A., Seidl J., Eliseev L., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hron M., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Medvedev S., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Varju J., Weinzettl V.: Observations of Alfvénic-character oscillations in ohmic plasmas on the COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P5.005. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Bogár O., Bílková P., Böhm P., Hron M., Pánek R., Silva A., Zajac J., Varavin M.: Microwave reflectometry for density profile and turbulence measurements on the COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P2.111. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Ficker O., Mlynář J., Macúšová E., Vlainić M., Weinzettl V., Urban J., Čeřovský J., Farník M., Markovič T., Papřok R., Vondráček P., Imríšek M., Tomeš M., Havlíček J., Varju J., Varavin M., Bogár O., Havránek A., Gospodarczyk M., Rabinski M., Jakubowski M., Malinovski K., Zebrowski J., Plyusnin V., Papp G., Pánek R., Hron M.: RE beam generation in MGI disruptions on COMPASS. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P5.126. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Salzedas F., Shah S.I.W., Havlíček J., Stöckel J., Háček P., Varju J., Havránek A., Pánek R., Silva C.: Study of Secondary Instability of 2/1 Magnetic Island in COMPASS High Density Limit Plasmas. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P4.129. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Horáček J., Komm M., Eich T., Pánek R., Cavalier J., Devitre A., Peterka M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J., Šesták D., Grover O., Bílková P., Böhm P., Varju J., Havránek A., Weinzettl V., Lovell J., Dimitrova M., Mitošinková M., Dejarnac R., Hron M.: Electron temperature and heat load measurements in the COMPASS divertor using the new system of probes. Nuclear Fusion 57 [11] (2017) č. článku 116017. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Tolias P., Ratynskaia S., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Krieger K., Podolník A., Pitts R.A., Pánek R.: Simulations of thermionic suppression during tungsten transient melting experiments. Scripta. T170 [December] (2017) č. článku 014069. [ Abstract ] [PFMC 2017: 16th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications. Düsseldorf, 16.05.2017-19.05.2017] | |
Komm M., Cavalier J., Seidl J., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Devitre A., Dimitrova M., Elmore S., Faitsch M., Háček P., Havlíček J., Imríšek M., Krbec J., Peterka M., Pánek R., Popov T., Tomeš M., Weinzettl V.: First detachment studies on COMPASS tokamak using nitrogen seeding. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.118. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Dimitrova M., Popov Tsv.K., Dejarnac R., Komm M., Cavalier J., Seidl J., Krbec J., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V., Háček P., Pánek R.: EEDF in the COMPASS open divertor during a detachment experiment. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P2.105. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Vondráček P., Adámek J., Cavalier J., Devitre A., Horáček J., Hron M., Pánek R., Peterka M., Seidl J.: Divertor heat load study in COMPASS using IR thermography and divertor probes. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.120. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Podolník A., Komm M., Adámek J., Háček P., Krbec J., Dejarnac R., Pánek R., Gunn J. P.: Particle-in-cell simulations of Langmuir probes at COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2017: 44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 41F. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2017 - (Fajardo, M.; Westerhof, E.; Riconda, C.; Melzer, A.; Bret, A.; Dromey, B.), č. článku P1.110. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA). ISBN 979-10-96389-07. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2017 Conference on Plasma Physics/44./. Belfast (IE), 26.06.2017-30.06.2017] | |
Vondráček P., Gauthier C., Ficker O., Hron M., Imríšek M., Pánek R.: Fast infrared thermography on the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 123 [November] (2017) 764-767. [ Abstract ] [SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Pánek R., Markovič T., Cahyna P., Dejarnac R., Havlíček J., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Junek P., Komm M., Šesták D., Urban J., Varju J., Weinzettl V., Adámek J., Bílková P., Böhm P., Dimitrova M., Háček P., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Mlynář J., Podolník A., Seidl J., Stöckel J., Tomeš M., Zajac J., Mitošinková K., Peterka M., Vondráček P.: Conceptual design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 123 [October] (2017) 11-16. [ Abstract ] [SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Spolaore M., Kovařík K., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Dejarnac R., Ďuran I., Komm M., Markovič T., Martines E., Pánek R., Seidl J., Vianello N.: Electromagnetic ELM and inter-ELM filaments detected in the COMPASS Scrape-Off Layer. Nuclear Materials and Energy 12 [August] (2017) 844-851. [ Abstract ] [PSI 2016 - 22nd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/22./. Roma, 30.05.2016-03.06.2016] | |
Dejarnac R., Corre Y., Vondráček P., Gardarein J.-L., Gaspar J., Gauthier E., Gunn J. P., Horáček J., Hron M., Komm M., Pánek R., Pitts R.A.: Power deposition on misaligned edges in COMPASS. Nuclear Materials and Energy 12 [August] (2017) 1374-1378. [ Abstract ] [PSI 2016 - 22nd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/22./. Roma, 30.05.2016-03.06.2016] | |
Rabinski M., Jakubowski L., Malinowski K., Sadowski M. J., Zebrowski J., Jakubowski M.J., Mirowski R., Weinzettl V., Ficker O., Mlynář J., Pánek R., Papřok R., Vlainic M.: Development of a Cherenkov-type diagnostic system to study runaway electrons within the COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation 12 [October] (2017) č. článku C10014. [ Abstract ] [European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD2017)/2./. Bordeaux, 18.04.2017-21.04.2017] | |
Seidl J., Krbec J., Hron M., Adámek J., Hidalgo C., Markovič T., Melnikov A.V., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Bogár O., Böhm P., Eliseev L.G., Háček P., Havlíček J., Horáček J., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Mitošinková K., Pánek R., Tomeš M., Vondráček P.: Electromagnetic characteristics of geodesic acoustic mode in the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 57 [12] (2017) č. článku 126048. [ Abstract ] | |
Komm M., Gunn J. P., Dejarnac R., Pánek R., Pitts R.A., Podolník A.: Particle-in-cell simulations of the plasma interaction with poloidal gaps in the ITER divertor outer vertical target. Nuclear Fusion 57 [12] (2017) č. článku 126047. [ Abstract ] | |
Weinzettl V., Matějíček J., Ratynskaia S., Tolias P., De Angeli M., Riva G., Dimitrova M., Havlíček J., Adámek J., Seidl J., Tomeš M., Cavalier J., Imríšek M., Havránek A., Pánek R., Peterka M.: Dust remobilization experiments on the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 124 [November] (2017) 446-449. [ Abstract ] [SOFT 2016: Symposium on Fusion Technology /29./. Prague, 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Dimitrova M., Popov Tsv.K., Adámek J., Kovačič J., Ivanova P., Hasan E., López-Bruna D., Seidl J., Vondráček P., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Imríšek M., Pánek R.: Plasma potential and electron temperature evaluated by ball-pen and Langmuir probes in the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 [12] (2017) č. článku 125001. [ Abstract ] | |
Ratynskaia S., Tolias P., De Angeli M., Weinzettl V., Matějíček J., Bykov I., Rudakov D.L., Vignitchouk L., Thorén E., Riva G., Ripamonti D., Morgan T., Pánek R., De Temmerman G.: Tungsten dust remobilization under steady-state and transient plasma conditions. Nuclear Materials and Energy 12 [August] (2017) 569-574. [ Abstract ] [PSI 2016 - 22nd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/22./. Roma, 30.05.2016-03.06.2016] | |
Ficker O., Mlynář J., Vlainic M., Čeřovský J., Urban J., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V., Macúšová E., Decker J., Gospodarczyk M., Martin P., Nardon E., Papp G., Plyusnin V.V., Reux C., Saint-Laurent F., Sommariva C., Cavalier J., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hronová-Bilyková O., Imríšek M., Markovič T., Varju J., Papřok R., Pánek R., Hron M.: Losses of runaway electrons in MHD-active plasmas of the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 57 [7] (2017) č. článku 076002. [ Abstract ] | |
2016 | Horáček J., Pitts R.A., Adámek J., Arnoux G., Bak J.-G., Brezinsek S., Dimitrova M., Goldston R.J., Gunn J. P., Havlíček J., Hong S.-H., Janky F., LaBombard B., Marsen S., Maddaluno G., Nie L., Pericoli V., Popov Tsv., Pánek R., Rudakov D., Seidl J., Seo D.S., Shimada M., Silva C., Stangeby P.C., Viola B., Vondráček P., Wang H., Xu G.S., Xu Y.: Multi-machine scaling of the main SOL parallel heat flux width in tokamak limiter plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58 [7] (2016) 074005. [ Abstract ] |
Bílková P., Walsh M., Böhm P., Bassan M., Aftanas M., Pánek R.: Scaling Thomson scattering to big machines. Journal of Instrumentation 11 [3] (2016) C03023. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics/17./. Sapporo, 27.09.2015-01.10.2015] | |
Adámek J., Müller H.W., Silva C., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Mehlmann F., Costea S., Horáček J., Kurzan B., Bílková P., Böhm P., Aftanas M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J., Pánek R., Fernandes H., Figueiredo H.: Profile measurements of the electron temperature on the ASDEX Upgrade, COMPASS, and ISTTOK tokamak using Thomson scattering, triple, and ball-pen probes. Review of Scientific Instruments 87 [4] (2016) 043510. [ Abstract ] | |
Štefániková E., Peterka M., Böhm P., Bílková P., Aftanas M., Sos M., Urban J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Fitting of the Thomson scattering density and temperature profiles on the COMPASS tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 87 [11] (2016) č. článku 11E536. [ Abstract ] [Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics 2016/21./. Madison, Wisconsin, 05.06.2016-09.06.2016] | |
Dimitrova M., Cahyna P., Peterka M., Hasan E., Popov Tsv.K., Ivanova P., Vasileva E., Pánek R., Cavalier J., Seidl J., Markovič T., Havlíček J., Dejarnac R., Weinzettl V., Háček P., Tomeš M.: Effect of the resonant magnetic perturbation on the plasma parameters in COMPASS tokamak's divertor region. Journal of Physics: Conference Series., Roč. 982, č. 1 (2018), č. článku 012001. E-ISSN 1742-6596. [ Abstract ] [7th International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics. Kiten (BG), 26.06.2016-02.07.2016] | |
Markovič T., Melnikov A., Seidl J., Eliseev L., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hron M., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Medvedev S., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Naydenkova D., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Varju J., Weinzettl V.: Observations of ALfvénic-character oscillations in ohmic plasmas on the COMPASS tokamak. EPS 2016: 43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 40A. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2016 - (Mantica, P.; Giruzzi, G.; Fajardo, M.; Gans, T.; Poedts, S.; Vennekens, N.), č. článku P5.005. Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA), ECA, 40A. ISBN 2-914771-99-1. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2016: Conference on Plasma Physics/43./. Leuven (BE), 04.07.2016-08.07.2016] | |
Vondráček P., Horáček J., Pánek R., Gauthier E.: Infrared measurements in medium and long wavelength on COMPASS. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2016. Prague: MATFYZPRESS Prague, 2016 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.), s. 161-165. WDS´. ISBN 978-80-7378-333-4. [ Abstract ] [WDS´2016 - 25th Annual Student Conference Week of Doctoral Students 2016. Prague (CZ), 07.06.2016-09.06.2016] | |
Hasan E., Dimitrova M., Havlíček J., Mitošinková K., Stöckel J., Varju J., Popov Tsv.K., Komm M., Dejarnac R., Háček P., Pánek R.: Electron energy distribution function in the divertor region of the COMPASS tokamak during neutral beam injection heating. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 982. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing, Ltd., 2018, č. článku 012002. IOP Publishing. ISSN 1742-6596. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics, IWSSPP 2016/7./. Kiten (BG), 26.06.2016-02.07.2016] | |
Dimitrova M., Cahyna P., Peterka M., Hasan E., Popov Tsv.K., Ivanova P., Vasileva E., Pánek R., Cavalier J., Seidl J., Markovič T., Havlíček J., Dejarnac R., Weinzettl V., Háček P., Tomeš M.: Effect of the resonant magnetic perturbation on the plasma parameters in COMPASS tokamak’s divertor region. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 982. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing, Ltd., 2018, č. článku 012001. IOP Publishing. ISSN 1742-6596. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics, IWSSPP 2016/7./. Kiten (BG), 26.06.2016-02.07.2016] | |
Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Dimitrova M., Hron M., Pánek R., Pascal J.-Y., Saragosti-Chausy C., Tamain P.: Simultaneous poloidal measurements using new magnetically driven reciprocating probes in COMPASS. Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 700. Bristol: IOP Publishing, Ltd., 2016, č. článku 012017. IOPscience. ISSN 1742-6588. [ Abstract ] [International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies (VEIT2015)/19./. Sozopol (BG), 21.09.2015-25.09.2015] | |
Markovič T., Liu Y.Q., Cahyna P., Pánek R., Peterka M., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Imríšek M., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Komm M., Urban J., Weinzettl V.: Measurements and modelling of plasma response field to RMP on the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 56 [9] (2016) č. článku 092010. [ Abstract ] [Joint Meeting of the 597th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar / 7th International Workshop on Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas. Greifswald, 10.09.2015-12.09.2015] | |
2015 | Vlainić M., Vondráček P., Mlynář J., Weinzettl V., Ficker O., Varavin M., Papřok R., Imríšek M., Havlíček J., Pánek R., Noterdaeme J.-M.: Synchrotron Radiation from Runaway Electrons in COMPASS Tokamak. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, P4.108-P4.108. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS 2015 Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] |
Kocan M., Pitts R.A., Arnoux G., Balboa I., de Vries P.C., Dejarnac R., Furno I., Goldston R.J., Gribov Y., Horáček J., Komm M., Labit B., LaBombard B., Lasnier C.J., Mitteau R., Nespoli F., Pace D., Pánek R., Stangeby P.C., Terry J.L., Tsui C., Vondráček P.: Impact of a narrow limiter SOL heat flux channel on the ITER first wall panel shaping. Nuclear Fusion 55 [3] (2015) 033019-033019. [ Abstract ] | |
Melnikov A., Markovič T., Eliseev L.G., Adámek J., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Gryaznevich M., Imríšek M., Lysenko S.E., Medvedev S.Yu., Pánek R., Peterka M., Seidl J., Štefániková E., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V.: Quasicoherent modes on the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 [6] (2015) 065006-065006. [ Abstract ] | |
Cahyna P., Kripner L., Loarte A., Huijsmans G., Peterka M., Pánek R.: Evaluation of first wall heat fluxes due to magnetic perturbations for a range of ITER scenarios. Journal of Nuclear Materials 463 [August] (2015) 406-410. [ Abstract ] [PLASMA-SURFACE INTERACTIONS 21: International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices. Kanazawa, 26.05.2014-30.05.2014] | |
Dejarnac R., Stangeby P.C., Goldston R.J., Gauthier E., Horáček J., Hron M., Kocan M., Komm M., Pánek R., Pitts R.A., Vondráček P.: Understanding narrow SOL power flux component in COMPASS limiter plasmas by use of Langmuir probes. Journal of Nuclear Materials 463 [August] (2015) 381-384. [ Abstract ] [PLASMA-SURFACE INTERACTIONS 21: International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices. Kanazawa, 26.05.2014-30.05.2014] | |
Horáček J., Vondráček P., Pánek R., Dejarnac R., Komm M., Pitts R.A., Kocan M., Goldston R.J., Stangeby P.C., Gauthier E., Háček P., Havlíček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Janky F., Seidl J.: Narrow heat flux channels in the COMPASS limiter scrape-off layer. Journal of Nuclear Materials 463 [August] (2015) 385-388. [ Abstract ] [PLASMA-SURFACE INTERACTIONS 21: International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices. Kanazawa, 26.05.2014-30.05.2014] | |
Dimitrova M., Hasan E., Ivanova P., Vasileva E., Popov T., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Pánek R.: Electron energy distribution function in the divertor region of the COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 700. Bristol: IOP Publishing, Ltd., 2016, s. 012009. IOPscience. ISSN 1742-6588. [ Abstract ] [International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies/19./. Sozopol (BG), 21.09.2015-25.09.2015] | |
Dimitrova M., Weinzettl V., Matějíček J., Popov T., Marinov S., Costea S., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Havlíček J., Pánek R.: Plasma interaction with tungsten samples in the COMPASS tokamak in ohmic ELMy H-modes. Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 700. Bristol: IOP Publishing, Ltd., 2016, s. 012008. IOPscience. ISSN 1742-6588. [ Abstract ] [International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies/19./. Sozopol (BG), 21.09.2015-25.09.2015] | |
Berta M., Anda G., Bencze A., Dunai D., Háček P., Hron M., Kovácsik A., Krbec J., Pánek R., Réfy D., Véres G., Weinzettl V., Zoletnik S.: Li-BES detection system for plasma turbulence measurements on the COMPASS tokamak. Engineering and Design. [October] (2015) 795-798. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Fusion Technology 2014(SOFT-28)/28./. San Sebastián, 29.09.2014-03.10.2014] | |
Dejarnac R., Corre C., Vondráček P., Gardarein J.-L., Gauthier E., Gunn J. P., Horáček J., Hron M., Komm M., Pánek R., Pitts R. A.: Power loads to misaligned edges in COMPASS. 15th International Conference on PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS and COMPONENTS for FUSION APPLICATIONS. Aix-en-Provence : Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, 2015. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on PLASMA-FACING MATERIALS and COMPONENTS for FUSION APPLICATIONS/15./. Aix-en-Provence (FR), 18.05.2015-22.05.2015] | |
Markovič T., Gryaznevich M., Ďuran I., Svoboda V., Pánek R.: Development of 3D ferromagnetic model of tokamak core withstrong toroidal asymmetry. Engineering and Design. [October] (2015) 302-305. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Fusion Technology 2014(SOFT-28)/28./. San Sebastián, 29.09.2014-03.10.2014] | |
Popov Tsv.K., Dimitrova M., Ivanova P., Kovačič J., Gyergyek T., Stöckel J., Pánek R.: Langmuir probe diagnostics of the plasma potential and electron energy distribution function in magnetized plasma. 32nd International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG) Book of abstracts. Vol. 32. Iasi : Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, 2015 - (Popa, G.) ISBN N. - (ICPIG. 32). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases -ICPIG 2015/32./. Iasi (RO), 26.07.2015-31.07.2015] | |
Weinzettl V., Shukla G., Ghosh J., Melich R., Pánek R., Tomeš M., Imríšek M., Naydenkova D., Varju J., Pereira T., Gomes R., Abramovic I., Jaspers R., Písařík M., Odstrčil T., Van Oost G.: High-resolution spectroscopy diagnostics for measuring impurity ion temperature and velocity on the COMPASS tokamak. Engineering and Design. [October] (2015) 1006-1011. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Fusion Technology 2014(SOFT-28)/28./. San Sebastián, 29.09.2014-03.10.2014] | |
Popov T.S.V.K., Dimitrova M., Pedrosa M. A., López-Bruna D., Horáček J., Kovačič J., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Aftanas M., Böhm P., Bílková P., Hidalgo C., Pánek R.: Bi-Maxwellian electron energy distribution function in the vicinity of the last closed flux surface in fusion plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 [11] (2015) 115011-115011. [ Abstract ] | |
Seidl J., Hron M., Adámek J., Vondráček P., Horáček J., Hidalgo C., Melnikov A., Eliseev L., Markovič T., Stöckel J., Basu D., Háček P., Havlíček J., Imríšek M., Kovařík K., Weinzettl V., Pánek R.: Observation of geodesic acoustic mode-like oscillations on COMPASS. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, P4.103-P4.103. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Adámek J., Seidl J., Pánek R., Komm M., Vondráček P., Stöckel J.: Fast measurements of the electron temperature in divertor region of the COMPASS tokamak using ball-pen probe. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, P4.101-P4.101. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS 2015 Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Gerasimov S.N., Abreu P., Baruzzo M., Drozdov V., Dvornova A., Havlíček J., Hender T.C., Hronová-Bilyková O., Kruezi U., Li X., Markovič T., Pánek R., Rubinacci G., Tsalas M., Ventre S., Villone F., Zakharov L.E.: JET and COMPASS asymmetrical disruptions. Nuclear Fusion 55 [11] (2015) 113006-113006. [ Abstract ] | |
Horáček J., Pitts R.A., Gunn J., Silva C., Rudakov D., Arnoux G., Marsen S., Vondráček P., Maddaluno G., Pericoli V., Viola B., Xu G.S., Wang H., Nie L., LaBombard B., Brezinsek S., Xu Y., Shimada M., Adámek J., Popov Tsv., Dimitrova M., Seidl J., Janky F., Pánek R., Goldston R.J., Stangeby P.C.: Multi-machine scaling of main SOL parallel heat flux width in tokamak limiter plasmas. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, O2.105-O2.105. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS 2015 Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Janky F., Hron M., Havlíček J., Varavin M., Žáček F., Seidl J., Pánek R.: Plasma density control in real-time on the COMPASS tokamak. Engineering and Design. [October] (2015) 637-640. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Fusion Technology 2014(SOFT-28)/28./. San Sebastián, 29.09.2014-03.10.2014] | |
Mlynář J., Ficker O., Vlainić M., Weinzettl V., Imríšek M., Papřok R., Rabinski M., Jakubowski M., Tomeš M., Peterka M., Pánek R.: Effects of Plasma Control on Runaway Electrons in the COMPASS Tokamak. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2015, P4.102-P4.102. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. ECA. 39E). [ Abstract ] [EPS 2015 Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisabon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Markovič T., Seidl J., Melnikov A., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Hron M., Hronová-Bilyková O., Imríšek M., Janky F., Kovařík K., Mikulín O., Pánek R., Papřok R., Pipek J., Vondráček P., Weinzettl V.: Alfvén-wave character oscillations in tokamak COMPASS plasma. EPS 2015:42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 39E. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2015, č. článku P4.104. Europhysics Conference Abstracts, ECA, 39E. ISBN 2-914771-98-3. [ Abstract ] [EPS 2015 Conference on Plasma Physics/42./. Lisbon (PT), 22.06.2015-26.06.2015] | |
Pánek R., Adámek J., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Brochard F., Cahyna P., Cavalier J., Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Grover O., Harrison J., Háček P., Havlíček J., Havránek A., Horáček J., Hron M., Imríšek M., Janky F., Kirk A., Komm M., Kovařík K., Krbec J., Kripner L., Markovič T., Mitošinková K., Mlynář J., Naydenkova D., Peterka M., Seidl J., Stöckel J., Štefániková E., Tomeš M., Urban J., Vondráček P., Varavin M., Varju J., Weinzettl V., Zajac J.: Status of the COMPASS tokamak and characterization of the first H-mode. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58 [1] (2015) 014015-014015. [ Abstract ] | |
2014 | Hron M., Janky F., Pipek J., Sousa J., Carvalho B.B., Fernandes H., Vondráček P., Cahyna P., Urban J., Papřok R., Mikulín O., Aftanas M., Pánek R., Havlíček J., Fortunato J., Batista A.J.N., Santos B.A., Duarte A., Pereira T., Valcárcel D.: Overview of the COMPASS CODAC system. Fusion Engineering and Design 89 [3] (2014) 177-185. [ Abstract ] |
Fuchs V., Laqua H.P., Seidl J., Krlín L., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Relativistic Fermi-Ulam map: Application to WEGA stellarator lower hybrid power operation. Physics of Plasmas 21 [6] (2014) 061513-061513. [ Abstract ] [Twentieth Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas. Sorrento, 25.06.2013-28.06.2013] | |
Böhm P., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Štefániková E., Mikulín O., Melich R., Janky F., Havlíček J., Šesták D., Weinzettl V., Stöckel J., Hron M., Pánek R., Scannell R., Frassinetti L., Fassina A., Naylor G., Walsh M.J.: Edge Thomson scattering diagnostic on COMPASS tokamak: Installation, calibration,operation, improvements. Review of Scientific Instruments 85 [11] (2014) 11E431-11E431. [ Abstract ] [Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/20./. Atlanta, Georgia, 01.06.2014-05.06.2014] | |
Dimitrova M., Silva C., Fernandes H., Duarte P., Popov Tsv.K., Stöckel J., Pánek R.: Determination of the electron energy distribution function in the ISTTOK tokamak. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 514. Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2014, 012050-012050. ISSN 1742-6596. - (IOPscience. 514). [ Abstract ] [International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies/18./. Sozopol (BG), 07.10.2013-11.10.2013] | |
Dimitrova M., Popov Tsv.K., Ivanova P., Vasileva E., Hasan E., Horáček J., Vondráček P., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Weinzettl V., Havlíček J., Janky F., Pánek R.: Evaluation of the scrape-off-layer plasma parameters by a horizontal reciprocating Langmuir probe in the COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 514. Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2014, 012049-012049. ISSN 1742-6596. - (IOPscience. 514). [ Abstract ] [International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies/18./. Sozopol (BG), 07.10.2013-11.10.2013] | |
Dimitrova M., Dejarnac R., Popov Tsv.K., Ivanova P., Kovačič J., Stöckel J., Havlíček J., Janky F., Pánek R.: Plasma Parameters in the COMPASS Divertor During Ohmic Plasmas. Contributions to Plasma Physics 54 [3] (2014) 255-260. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electric Probes in Magnetized Plasmas/10./. Madrid, 09.07.2013-12.07.2013] | |
Mikulín O., Hron M., Böhm P., Naylor G., Bílková P., Janky F., Salášek J., Pánek R.: Timing and triggering of the Thomson scattering diagnostics on the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 89 [5] (2014) 693-697. [ Abstract ] [The 9th Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research/9./. Hefei, 06.05.2013-10.05.2013] | |
Cahyna P., Peterka M., Nardon E., Frerichs H., Pánek R.: Method for comparison of tokamak divertor strike point data with magnetic perturbation models. Nuclear Fusion 54 [6] (2014) 064002-064002. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas /6./. Jülich, 18.03.2013-20.03.2013] | |
Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Komm M., Schweer B., Terra A., Martin A., Boizante G., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: Direct measurements of particle flux along gap sides in castellated plasma facing component in COMPASS. Fusion Engineering and Design 89 [9-10] (2014) 2220-2224. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology-11 (ISFNT-11). Barcelona, 15.09.2013-20.09.2013] | |
Dejarnac R., Stangeby P.C., Goldston R.J., Horáček J., Hron M., Komm M., Pánek R., Vondráček P., Gauthier E., Kocan M., Pitts R.A.: The narrow feature in power flux deposition profiles in COMPASS limiter plasmas. International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics. Sofia : University of Sofia, 2014. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics/6./. Kiten (BG), 30.06.2014-06.07.2014] | |
Krlín L., Fuchs V., Pánek R., Papřok R., Seidl J.: Interation of Spatially Localized LHW with Banana Particles. Plasma Physics and Technology 1 [3] (2014) 166-168. [ Abstract ] [SPPT 14 - 26th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/26./. Prague, 16.06.2014-19.06.2014] | |
Vondráček P., Horáček J., Pánek R., Gauthier E.: Parallel Heat Flux Decay Length Study in the COMPASS Tokamak Using MWIR and LWIR Cameras. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2014. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2014 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.), s. 227-232 ISBN 978-80-7378-276-4. - (WDS). [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2014 /23./. Prague (CZ), 03.06.2014-05.06.2014] | |
Ivanova P., Dimitrova M., Vasileva E., Popov Tsv.K., Dejarnac R., Stöckel J., Imríšek M., Háček P., Pánek R.: Determination of the plasma potential and the EEDF by Langmuir probes in the divertor region of COMPASS tokamak. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 768. Bristol: IOP Publishing, Ltd., 2016, č. článku 012003. IOPscience. ISSN 1742-6588. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop & Summer School on Plasma Physics 2014 (IWSSPP’14)/6./. Kiten (BG), 30.06.2014-06.07.2014] | |
Fuchs V., Laqua H.P., Krlín L., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Seidl J., Urban J.: Lower Hybrid Wavepacket Stochasticity Revisited. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1580. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2014, s. 442-445. ISBN 978-0-7354-1210-1. ISSN 0094-243X. - ( AIP Publishing. 1580). [ Abstract ] [Topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas/20./. Sorrento (IT), 25.06.2013-28.06.2013] | |
Imríšek M., Weinzettl V., Mlynář J., Odstrčil T., Odstrčil M., Ficker O., Pinzon J.R., Ehrlacher C., Pánek R., Hron M.: Use of soft x-ray diagnostic on the COMPASS tokamak for investigations of sawteeth crash neighborhood and of plasma position using fast inversion methods. Review of Scientific Instruments 85 [11] (2014) 11E433-11E433. [ Abstract ] [Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/20./. Atlanta, 01.06.2014-05.06.2014] | |
Janky F., Havlíček J., Batista A.J.N., Kudláček O., Seidl J., Neto A.C., Pipek J., Hron M., Mikulín O., Duarte A.S., Carvalho B.B., Stöckel J., Pánek R.: Upgrade of the COMPASS tokamak real-time control system. Fusion Engineering and Design 89 [3] (2014) 186-194. [ Abstract ] | |
Podolník A., Komm M., Dejarnac R., Pánek R., Gunn J. P.: Particle-in-cell Simulations of Flush-Mounted Probes. EPS2014:41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 38F. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2014 - (Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R.; Hirsch, M.; Kemnitz, B.; Klinger, T.), P1.041-P1.041 ISBN 2-914771-90-8. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA)). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/41./. Berlin (DE), 23.06.2014-27.06.2014] | |
Adámek J., Müller H.W., Horáček J., Schrittwieser R., Vondráček P., Kurzan B., Bílková P., Böhm P., Aftanas M., Pánek R.: Radial profiles of the electron temperature on COMPASS and ASDEX Upgrade from ball-pen probe and Thomson scattering diagnostic. EPS2014:41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Vol. 38F. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2014 - (Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R.; Hirsch, M.; Kemnitz, B.; Klinger, T.), P2.011-P2.011 ISBN 2-914771-90-8. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts (ECA)). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/41./. Berlin (DE), 23.06.2014-27.06.2014] | |
2013 | Cahyna P., Liu Y.Q., Nardon E., Kirk A., Peterka M., Harrison J.R., Thornton A., Chapman I., Pánek R., Schmitz O.: Modelling of plasma response to resonant magnetic perturbations and its influence on divertor strike points. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference – Programme, Abstracts,. San Diego : International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2013, TH/P4-27-TH/P4-27. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/24./. San Diego,California (US), 08.10.2012-13.10.2012] |
Cahyna P., Peterka M., Kirk A., Thornton A., Harrison J., Muir D., Pánek R.: Strike point splitting induced by the application of magnetic perturbations on MAST. Journal of Nuclear Materials 438 [suppl] (2013) S326-S329. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/20./. Aachen, 21.05.2012-25.05.2012] | |
Havlíček J., Hauptmann R., Peroutka O., Tadros M., Hron M., Janky F., Vondráček P., Cahyna P., Mikulín O., Šesták D., Junek P., Pánek R.: Power supplies for plasma column control in COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 88 [9-10] (2013) 1640-1640. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-27)/27./. Liège, 24.09.2012-28.09.2012] | |
Pánek R., Stöckel J., Havlíček J., Janky F., Hron M., Weinzettl V., Bílková P., Dimitrova M., Háček P., Dejarnac R., Aftanas M., Böhm P., Cahyna P., Imríšek M., Śtefániková E., Varju J.: Characterization of Ohmic and NBI heated H-mode in the COMPASS tokamak. EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Helsinki : European Physical Society, 2013 - (Naulin, V.; Angioni, C.; Borghesi, M.; Ratynskaia, S.; Poedts, S.; Donné, T.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Hakola, A.; Airila, M.), P4.103-P4.103 ISBN 2-914771-84-3. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/40./. Espoo (FI), 01.07.2013-05.07.2013] | |
Böhm P., Bílková P., Aftanas M., Śtefániková E., Mikulín O., Melich R., Janky F., Havlíček J., Šesták D., Weinzettl V., Stöckel J., Hron M., Pánek R., Scannell R., Frassinetti L., Fassina A., Naylor G., Walsh M.J.: Thomson Scattering on COMPASS Tokamak – Plasma Edge Profile. Book of Abstracts. Madison : UW Madison, 2013. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium Laser Aided Plasma Diagnostics/16./. Madison (US), 22.09.2013-26.09.2013] | |
Dejarnac R., Dimitrova M., Komm M., Schweer B., Terra A., Martin A., Boizante G., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: Direct measurements of particle flux along gap sides in castellated plasma facing component in COMPASS. International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology 2013. Barcelona : Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC), 2013. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology 2013/11./. Barcelona (ES), 16.09.2013-20.09.2013] | |
Fuchs V., Krlín L., Laqua H.P., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Seidl J., Urban J.: Lower hybrid wave packet stochasticity revisited. 20th Topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas Book of Abstracts. Roma : ENEA - Italian National Agency new Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 2013 - (Tuccillo, A.), P2.18-P2.18 ISBN N. - (ENEA). [ Abstract ] [Topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas/20./. Sorrento (IT), 25.06.2013-28.06.2013] | |
Kurian M., Krlín L., Cahyna P., Pánek R.: Particle dynamics in the rmp ergodic layer under the influence of edge plasma turbulence. Acta polytechnica 53 [4] (2013) 359-364. [ Abstract ] | |
Podolnik A., Pánek R., Komm M., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P.: Heat and Particle Deposition on the Plasma-Facing Components. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2013. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2013 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.), s. 104-108 ISBN 978-80-7378-251-1. - (WDS). [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2013 /22./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.2013-07.06.2013] | |
Vondráček P., Horáček J., Cahyna P., Pánek R., Uličný J.: Infrared Thermography on the COMPASS Tokamak. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2013. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2013 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.), s. 80-85 ISBN 978-80-7378-251-1. - (WDS). [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2013 /22./. Praha (CZ), 04.06.2013-07.06.2013] | |
2012 | Písačka J., Hron M., Janky F., Pánek R.: Cluster storage for COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 87 [12] (2012) 2238-2241. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research/8./. San Francisco, 20.06.2011-24.06.2011] |
Aftanas M., Böhm P., Scannell R., Tripsky M., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Walsh M., Bílková P.: Thomson scattering on COMPASS – commissioning and first data. Journal of Instrumentation 7 [1] (2012) C01074-C01074. [ Abstract ] [INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LASER AIDED PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS/15./. Jeju, 13.10.2011-19.10.2011] | |
Aftanas M., Böhm P., Bílková P., Weinzettl V., Zajac J., Žáček F., Stöckel J., Hron M., Pánek R., Scannell R., Walsh M.: High-resolution Thomson scattering system on the COMPASS tokamak: Evaluation of plasma parameters and error analysis. Review of Scientific Instruments 83 [10] (2012) 10E350-10E350. [ Abstract ] [Topical Conference High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/19./. Monterey, 06.05.2012-10.05.2012] | |
2011 | Weinzettl V., Pánek R., Hron M., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Havlíček J., Bílková P., Naydenkova D., Háček P., Zajac J., Dejarnac R., Horáček J., Adámek J., Mlynář J., Janky F., Aftanas M., Böhm P., Brotánková J., Šesták D., Ďuran I., Melich R., Jareš D., Ghosh J., Anda B., Veres G., Szappanos A., Zoletnik S., Berta M., Shevchenko V. F., Scannell R., Walsh D., Müller H. W., Igochine V., Silva A., Manso M., Gomes R., Popov Tsv., Sarychev D., Kiselov V.K., Nanobashvili S.: Overview of the COMPASS diagnostics. Fusion Engineering and Design 86 [6-8] (2011) 1227-1231. [Symposium of Fusion Technology (SOFT-26). Porto, 27.09.2010-01.10.2010] |
Böhm P., Hron M., Kovar J., Sova J., Zvolanek M., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Pánek R., Walsh M.J.: Personnel protection during the operation of Thomson scattering laser system on COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 86 [6-8] (2011) 699-702. [Symposium on Fusion Technology, SOFT-26/26th./. Porto, 27.09.2010-01.10.2010] | |
Krlín L., Papřok R., Seidl J., Pánek R., Stöckel J.: Anomalous Diffusion of Particles in Edge Plasma Turbulence in Tokamaks and Random and Lévy Walk Distributions. Statistical Mechanics and Random Walks: Principles, Processes and Applications. New York : Nova Science Publisher, 2011 - (Skogseid, A.; Fasano, V.) S. 65-90. ISBN 978-1-61470-966-4 [ Abstract ] | |
Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Weinzettl V., Stöckel J., Hron M., Pánek R.: Measurement of the Laser Beam Position and Width for the Thomson Scattering Diagnostics on Tokamak COMPASS. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students - WDS 2011. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2011 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.) S. 237-240. ISBN 978-80-7378-185-9. - (WDS. 2). [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students - WDS 2011/20./. Prague (CZ), 31.05.2011-03.06.2011] | |
Pánek R., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Havlíček J., Horáček J., Hron M., Janky F., Naydenkova D., Stöckel J., Urban J., Weinzettl V., Zajac J., Žáček F.: First results of the COMPASS tokamak. Acta Technica CSAV 56 [-] (2011) T31-T42. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on plasma physics and technology/24th./. Prague, 14.06.2010-17.06.2010] | |
Valcárcel D.F., Neto A., Carvalho I.S., Carvalho B.B., Fernandes H., Sousa J., Janky F., Havlíček J., Beňo R., Horáček J., Hron M., Pánek R.: The COMPASS Tokamak Plasma Control Software Performance. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 58 [4] (2011) 1490-1496. [ Abstract ] [Real Time Conference, RT10/17th./. Lisboa, 24.05.2010-28.05.2010] | |
Janky F., Havlicek J., Valcárcel D., Hron M., Horáček J., Kudláček O., Pánek R., Carvalho B.B.: Determination of the plasma position for its real-time control in the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 86 [6-8] (2011) 1120-1124. [Symposium of Fusion Technology (SOFT-26). Porto, 27.09.2010-01.10.2010] | |
2010 | Szappanos A., Berta M., Hron M., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Veres G., Weinzettl V., Zoletnik S., Tulipán S.: EDICAM fast video diagnostic installation on the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 85 [3-4] (2010) 370-373. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research/7th./. Aix – en – Provence, 15.06.2009-19.06.2009] |
Hron M., Sova J., Šíba J., Kovář J., Adámek J., Pánek R., Havlíček J., Písačka J., Mlynář J., Stöckel J.: Interlock system for the COMPASS tokamak. Fusion Engineering and Design 85 [3-4] (2010) 505-508. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research/7th./. Aix – en – Provence, 15.06.2009-19.06.2009] | |
Böhm P., Šesták D., Bílková P., Aftanas M., Weinzettl V., Hron M., Pánek R., Baillon L., Dunstan M.R., Naylor G., Walsh M.J.: Laser system for high resolution Thomson scattering diagnostics on the COMPASS tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 81 [10] (2010) 10D511-10D511. [ Abstract ] [TOPICAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH-TEMPERATURE PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS/18th./. Wildwood, New Jersey, 16.05.2010-20.05.2010] | |
Komm M., Adámek J., Pekárek Z., Pánek R.: Particle-In-Cell simulations of the Ball-pen probe. Contributions to Plasma Physics 50 [9] (2010) 814-818. [ Abstract ] | |
Bílková P., Melich R., Aftanas M., Böhm P., Šesták D., Jareš D., Weinzettl V., Stöckel J., Hron M., Pánek R., Scannell R., Walsh M.: Progress of development of Thomson scattering diagnostic system on COMPASS. Review of Scientific Instruments 81 [10] (2010) 10D531-10D531. [ Abstract ] [Topical Conference on High-Tempertaure Plasma Diagnostics/18th./. Wildwood, New Jersey, 16.05.2009-20.05.2009] | |
Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Weinzettl V., Stöckel J., Hron M., Pánek R., Scannell R., Walsh M.: Data Acquisition System and Data Processing for the New Thomson Scattering System on the COMPASS Tokamak. WDS 2010 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2010 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.) S. 28-32. ISBN 978-80-7378-140-8. - (WDS'10). [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students - WDS 2010 /19th./. Prague (CZ), 01.06.2010-04.06.2010] | |
Valcárcel D.F., Duarte A.S., Neto A., Carvalho I.S., Carvalho B.B., Fernandes H., Sousa J., Sartori F., Janky F., Cahyna P., Hron M., Pánek R.: Real-time software for the COMPASS tokamak plasma control. Fusion Engineering and Design 85 [3-4] (2010) 470-473. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research/7th./. Aix – en – Provence, 15.06.2009-19.06.2009] | |
Havlíček J., Kudláček O., Janky F., Horáček J., Beňo R., Valcárcel D.F., Fixa J., Brotánková J., Zajac J., Hron M., Pánek R., Cahyna P.: Status of Magnetic Diagnostics on COMPASS. WDS’10 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part II – Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, 2010 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.) S. 12-17. ISBN 978-80-7378-140-8. [ Abstract ] [Annual Student Conference Week of Doctoral Students 2010/19th./. Prague (CZ), 01.06.2010-04.06.2010] | |
2009 | Cahyna P., Pánek R., Fuchs V., Krlín L., Bécoulet M., Huysmans G., Nardon E.: Optimization of magnetic perturbation spectra for the COMPASS tokamak. Proceedings of the 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Vienna : The International Atomic Energy Agency, 2009. TH/P9-7-1-TH/P9-7-8. ISBN N. - (IAEA). [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/22nd./. Geneva (CH), 13.10.2008-18.10.2008] |
Komm M., Pekarek Z., Pánek R., Matveev D., Kirschner A., Litnovsky A.: Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Shaped and Non-shaped Gaps in TEXTOR Test Limiter. WDS’09 Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Prague : MATFYZPRESS, Prague, 2009 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.) S. 169-175. ISBN 978-80-7378-102-6. [ Abstract ] [Annual Conference of Doctoral Students - WDS 2009 /18th./. Prague (CZ), 02.06.2009-05.06.2009] | |
Cahyna P., Pánek R., Fuchs V., Havlíček J., Krlín L., Bécoulet M., Nardon E., Huysmans G.: Planning of RMP experiments on COMPASS. 4th International Workshop on Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas Programme and Book of Abstracts. Jülich : Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy Research, Plasma Physics, 2009. S. 48-48. ISBN N. [International Workshop on Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas/4th./. Jülich (DE), 02.03.2009-04.03.2009] | |
Dejarnac R., Komm M., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: Power flux in the ITER divertor tile gaps during ELMs. Journal of Nuclear Materials 390-391 [-] (2009) 818-821. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/18th./. Toledo, 26.05.2008-30.05.2008] | |
Zajac J., Pánek R., Žáček F., Vlček J., Hron M., Křivská A., Hauptmann R., Daněk M., Šimek J., Prosek J.: Power supply system for COMPASS tokamak re-installed at the IPP, Prague. Fusion Engineering and Design 84 [7-11] (2009) 2020-2024. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Fusion Technology/25th./. Rostock, 15.09.2008-19.09.2008] | |
Seidl J., Krlín L., Pánek R., Pavlo P., Stöckel J., Svoboda V.: Simulations of anomalous ion diffusion in experimentally measured turbulent potential. European Physical Journal D 54 [2] (2009) 399-407. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/23rd./. Prague, 16.06.2008-19.06.2008] | |
Cahyna P., Pánek R., Fuchs V., Krlín L., Bécoulet M., Nardon E., Huysmans G.: The optimization of resonant magnetic perturbation spectra for the COMPASS tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 49 [5] (2009) 055024. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/22nd./. Geneva, 13.10.2008-18.10.2008] | |
Mlynář J., Pánek R.: Tokamak COMPASS back in operation. Le Scienze Web News 10 [-] (2009) 1. [ Abstract ] | |
2008 | Dejarnac R., Komm M., Stöckel J., Pánek R.: Measurement of plasma flows into tile gaps. Journal of Nuclear Materials 382 [1] (2008) 31-34. [ Abstract ] |
Dejarnac R., Komm M., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: Power flux in the ITER divertor tile gaps during ELMs. Proceedings of the 18th Plasma Surface Interactions Conference 2008. Toledo : The National Fusion Laboratory, 2008. S. 1-4. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [Plasma Surface Interactions Conference 2008/18th./. Toledo (ES), 26.05.2008-30.05.2008] | |
Cahyna P., Bécoulet M., Pánek R., Fuchs V., Nardon E., Krlín L.: Resonant magnetic perturbations and edge ergodization on the COMPASS tokamak. Plasma Physics Reports 34 [4] (2008) 746-749. [ Abstract ] [Workshop on Electric Fields, Structures, and Relaxation in Plasmas/10th./. Varšava, 8.7.2007-9.7.2007] | |
Adámek J., Stöckel J., Brotánková J., Pánek R., Kocan M., Gunn J. P., Martines E., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Popa G., Costin C., Van Oost G.: Simultaneous Measurements of Ion Temperature by Katsumata and Segmented Tunnel Probe. Contributions to Plasma Physics 48 [5-7] (2008) 395-399. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas/7th./. Praha, 22.07.2007-25.07.2007] | |
Mlynář J., Pánek R.: Tracking ITER with COMPASS. Physics World 21 [10] (2008) 14-14. [ Abstract ] | |
2007 | Cahyna P., Krlín L., Pánek R., Kurian M.: Interaction of particles with systems of magnetic islands and edge turbulence in tokamaks in fully Hamiltonian approach. 34th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics Contributed Papers. Varšava : EPS, 2007 - (Gąsior, P.; Wołowski, J.) P4.044-P4.044. ISBN 978-83-926290-0-9. - (Europhysics conference abstracts. 31F). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion/34th./. Varšava (PL), 02.07.2007-06.07.2007] |
Kocan M., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Hron M., Gunn J. P., Dejarnac R.: Ion temperature measurements in the tokamak scrape-off layer. Journal of Nuclear Materials 363-365 [bez čísla] (2007) 1436-1440. [ Abstract ] | |
Gunn J. P., Boucher C., Dionne M., Ďuran I., Fuchs V., Loarer T., Nanobashvili I., Pánek R., Pascal J.-Y., Saint-Laurent F., Stöckel J., Van Rompuy T., Zagórski R., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Hertout P., Hron M., Lebrun G., Moreau P., Rimini F., Sarkissian A., Van Oost G.: Evidence for a poloidally localized enhancement of radial transport in the scrape-off layer of the Tore Supra tokamak. Journal of Nuclear Materials 363-365 (2007) 484-490. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices/17th./. Hefei, 22.05.2006-26.05. 2006] | |
Cahyna P., Pánek R., Fuchs V., Krlín L., Bécoulet M., Nardon E.: Field Ergodization by External Coils on the COMPASS Tokamak. WDS'07 Proceedings of contributed papers. Praha : MATFYZPRESS, Praha, 2007 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.) S. 240-245. ISBN 978-80-7378-024-1. [ Abstract ] [16th Annual Student Conference Week of Doctoral Students 2007. Praha (CZ), 05.06.2007-08.06.2007] | |
2006 | Gunn J. P., Boucher C., Dionne M., Ďuran I., Fuchs V., Loarer T., Pánek R., Saint-Laurent F., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Hertout P., Hron M., Nanobashvili I., Rimini F.G., Sarkissian A.: Scrape-off layer flows in the Tore Supra tokamak. AIP Conference Proceedings. - : -, 2006 - (Sadowski, M.; Soltan, A.; Dudek, M.; Hartfuss, H.; Pawelec, E.) S. 27-34. - (812). [ Abstract ] [AIP Conference Proceedings. Opole-Turawa (PL), 06.09.2006-09.09.2006] |
Gunn J. P., Boucher C., Dionne M., Ďuran I., Fuchs V., Loarer T., Nanobashvili I., Pánek R., Pascal J.Y., Saint-Laurent F., Stöckel J., Van Rompuy T., Zagórski R., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Ciraolo G., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Ghendrih P., Hertout P., Hron M., Moreau P., Pégourié B., Rimini F.G., Sarazin Y., Sarkissian A., Van Oost G.: Links Between Wide Scrape-Off Layers, Large Parallel Flows, and Bursty Transport in Tokamaks. IEAEA FEC Preprints. Web Mezinarodní atomové agentury (IAEA) : Web Mezinarodní atomové agentury (IAEA), 2006. EX/P4-9. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Chengdu (CN), 16.10.2006-21.10.2006] | |
Fuchs V., Pánek R., Urban J., Žáček F., Stöckel J., Voitsekovitch I., Fitzegerald M., Valovič M., Hronová-Bilyková O.: Modeling of plasma performance on COMPASS-D tokamak in the presence of NBI and LHCD. 33rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Frascati : European Physical Society, 2006 - (De Marco, F.; Vlad, G.; Duval, B.) P1-103-P1-103. ISBN 2-914771-40-1. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 301). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/33rd./. Řím (IT), 19.06.2006-23.06.2006] | |
Urban J., Fuchs V., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Davydenko V.I., Mishagin V.V.: NBI system for reinstalled COMPASS{D tokamak. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl.B] (2006) 176-181. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2206] | |
Stöckel J., Adámek J., Balan P., Hronová-Bilyková O., Brotánková J., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Ďuran I., Gunn J. P., Hron M., Horáček J., Ionita C., Kocan M., Martines E., Pánek R., Peleman P., Schrittwieser R., Van Oost G., Žáček F.: Advanced probes for edge plasma diagnostics on the CASTOR tokamak. Journal of Physics, Conference Series 63 (2006) 012001-012002. [ Abstract ] [SECOND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP AND SUMMER SCHOOL ON PLASMA PHYSICS. Kiten, 03.07.2006-09.07.2006] | |
Hronová-Bilyková O., Fuchs V., Pánek R., Urban J., Žáček F., Stöckel J., Voitsekhovitch I., Valovič M., Fitzgerald M.: COMPASS-D magnetic equilibria with LH and NBI current drive. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl.B] (2006) B24-B30. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
Rubel M.J., Coad J.P., Pitts R.A., Dejarnac R., Gunn J. P., Pánek R.: Co-deposition and fuel inventory in castellated plasma-facing components at JET. IAEA FEC Preprints. Web Mezinarodní atomové agentury (IAEA) : IAEA, 2006. EX/P4-24. [ Abstract ] [IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/21st./. Chengdu (CN), 16.10.2006-21.10.2006] | |
Pánek R., Hronová-Bilyková O., Fuchs V., Hron M., Chráska P., Pavlo P., Stöckel J., Urban J., Weinzettl V., Zajac J., Žáček F.: Current stastus of the project for re-installation of the COMPASS-D tokamak at IPP Prague. Proceedings of the Sixth International workshop and school „Towards Fusion Energy – Plasma Physics, Diagnostics, Spin-offs“. Kudowa Zdrój : -, 2006. s. 936-968. [ Abstract ] [Sixth International Workshop and Summer School Towards Fusion Energy - Plasma Physics, Diagnostics, Spin-offs. Kudowa Zdrój (PL), 18.09.2006-22.09.2006] | |
Stöckel J., Spolaore M., Peleman P., Brotánková J., Horáček J., Dejarnac R., Devynck P., Ďuran I., Gunn J. P., Hron M., Kocan M., Martines E., Pánek R., Sharma A., Van Oost G.: Dynamics of the edge transport barrier at plasma biasing on the CASTOR tokamak. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 12 [6] (2006) 19-23. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma Physics and Technology/11th./. Alushta, 11.9.2006-16.9.2006] | |
Pánek R., Hronová-Bilyková O., Fuchs V., Hron M., Chráska P., Pavlo P., Stöckel J., Urban J., Weinzettl V., Zajac J., Žáček F.: Reinstallation of the COMPASS-D tokamak in IPP ASCR. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl. B] (2006) 125-137. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Prague, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
2005 | Gunn J. P., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Van Oost G., Van Rompuy T.: Simultaneous measurements of fluctuation of ion current, electron temperature, and floating potential with a tunnel probe. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 55 [3] (2005) 255-263. [ Abstract ] [Wokshop on Electric Fields, Structures and Relaxations in Edge Plasma. Nice, 26.10.2004-27.10.2004] |
Pánek R., Gunn J. P., Bucalossi J., Ďuran I., Geraud A., Hron M., Loarer T., Pégourié B., Stöckel J., Tsitrone E.: The response of the Tore Supra edge plasma to supersonic pulsed gas injection. Journal of Nuclear Materials 337-339 [16] (2005) 530-534. [ Abstract ] [Plasma Surface Interactions /16./. Portland, 24.5.2005-28.5.2005] | |
Kočan M., Pánek R., Gunn J. P., Stöckel J., Skalný J. D.: A new probe for ion temperature measurements in the tokamak scrape-off layer. Proceedings of 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Tarragona : European Physical Society, 2005 - (Milligen, B.; Hidalgo, C.) P-2.082. ISBN 2-914771-24-X. - (EPS. 29). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/32nd./. Tarragona (ES), 27.06.2005-01.07.2005] | |
Pánek R., Krlín L., Stöckel J., Tskhakaya D., Kuhn S., Pavlo P., Tendler M.: Anomalous impurity diffusion in an experimentally measured turbulent potential. Proceedings of 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Tarragona : European Physical Society, 2005 - (Milligen, B.; Hidalgo, C.) P-5.020. ISBN 2-914771-24-X. - (EPS. 29C). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/32nd./. Tarragona (ES), 27.06.2005-01.07.2005] | |
Pánek R., Krlín L., Tender M., Tskhakaya D., Kuhn S., Svoboda V., Klíma R., Pavlo P., Stöckel J., Petržílka V.: Anomalous Ion Diffusion and Radial-Electric-Field Generation in a Turbulent Edge Plasma Potential Weakly Correlated in Time and Space. Physica Scripta 72 [-] (2005) 327-332. [ Abstract ] | |
Kočan M., Skalný J. D., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Gunn J., Kuhn S.: Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Segmented Tunnel Probe for Ion-Temperature Measurements in the Tokamak Scrape-off Layer. Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe. - : -, 2005. -. [ Abstract ] [International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe. Blend (SI), 05.09.2005-08.09.2005] | |
Adámek J., Stöckel J., Hron M., Ďuran I., Pánek R., Tichý M., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Martines E., Van Oost G.: Comparative measurements of the plasma potential with the ball-pen and emissive probes on the CASTOR tokamak. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 55 [3] (2005) 235-242. [ Abstract ] | |
2004 | Pánek R., Krlín L., Taskhakaya D., Kuhn S., Stöckel J., Pavlo P., Tender M., Svoboda V., Petržílka V.: Anomalous diffusion and radial electric field generation due to edge plasma turbulence. Contributions to Plasma Physics 44 [1-3] (2004) 203-204. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices/9th./. San Diego, 03.09.2003-05.09.2003] |
Krlín L., Pánek R., Petržílka V., Stöckel J., Svoboda V., Kuhn S., Tskhakaya D., Tendler M.: Anomalous impurity diffusion in models of tokamak edge plasma turbulence. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C157-C163. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
Stöckel J., Devynck P., Gunn J., Martines E., Bonhomme G., Van Oost G., Hron M., Ďuran I., Pánek R., Stejskal P., Adámek J.: Edge Plasma Physics and Relevant Diagnostics on the CASTOR tokamak. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich 3 [-] (2004) 1-6. [ Abstract ] [First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications. Cairo, 11.10.2003-15.10.2003] | |
Stöckel J., Devynck P., Gunn J., Martines E., Bonhomme G., Van Oost G., Hron M., Adámek J., Brotánková J., Dejarnac R., Ďuran I., Görler T., Hansen T., Pánek R., Stejskal P., Svoboda V., Žáček F.: Formation of convective cells in the scrape-off layer of the CASTOR tokamak. 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics. Nice, 2004. s. -. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Plasma Physics/12th./. Nice (FR), 25.10.2004-29.10.2004] | |
Gunn J. P., Schrittwieser R., Balan P., Ionita C., Stöckel J., Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Bařina O., Hrach R., Vicher M., Van Oost G., Van Rompuy T., Martines E.: Tunnel probes for measurements of the electron and ion temperature in fusion plasmas. Review of Scientific Instruments 75 [10] (2004) 4328-4330. [ Abstract ] [Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/15th./. San Diego, 19.04.2004-22.04.2004] | |
Mlynář J., Ongena J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Petržílka V., Žáček F.: JET:Preparing the future in fusion. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C28-C38. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
Adámek J., Stöckel J., Hron M., Ďuran I., Pánek R., Žáček F., Tichý M., Bařina O., Hrach R., Vicher M., Gunn J. P., Schrittwieser R., Ionita C., Balan P., Martines E., Van Oost G., Van Rompuy T., De Beule P.: Measurement of Electron Temperature Fluctuations with Tunnel Probe in the CASTOR Tokamak. Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich. Forschungszentrum Julich , Německo, 2004. s. 81-84. ISBN 3-89336-374-2. [ Abstract ] [First Cairo Conference on Plasma Physics & Applications. Cairo (EG), 11.10.2003-15.10.2003] | |
Adámek J., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Bařina O., Hrach R., Vicher M., Balan P., Schrittwiesser R., Ionita C., De Beule P., Van Den Berge G., Van Rompuy T., Van Oost G., Gunn J. P., Martines E.: Measurements of the Parallel and Perpendicular Ion Temperatures by Means of an Ion-sensitive Segmented Tunnel Probe. Contributions to Plasma Physics 44 [7-8] (2004) 683-688. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Electrical Probes in Magnetized Plasmas /5./. Greifswald, 21.07.2003-23.07.2003] | |
Pánek R., Pitts R. A., Gunn J. P., Erents S. K.: Particle-in-cell simulations of the impact of retarding field analyser probe head geometry on ion saturation current measurements. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C150-C156. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
2003 | Pánek R., Krlín L., Tskhakaya D., Kuhn S., Stöckel J., Pavlo P., Svoboda V., Tendler M., Klíma R., Petržílka V., Zápotocký M.: Radial electric field generation due to edge plasma turbulence. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. P-1.178. - (EPS.. 27A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] |
Balan P., Adámek J., Barina O., DeBeule P., Ďuran I., Gunn J. P., Hron M., Ionita C., Martines E., Pánek R.: Simultaneous Measurement of Electron and Ion Temperature with a New Kind of Langmuir Probe. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. P-1.84. - (27A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] | |
Ďuran I., Gunn J. P., Pánek R., Adámek J., Bucalossi J., Loarer T., Pascal J.Y., Pégourie B., Tsitrone E., Stöckel J.: SOL Response to Supersonic Pulsed Gas Injection in Tore Supra. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. P-1.181. - (EPS.. 27A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] | |
Tsitrone E., Bucalossi J., Loarer T., Pégourié B., Brosset C., Adámek J., Delchambre E., Ďuran I., Gauthier E., Ghendrih P., Grisolia C., Grosman A., Gunn J., Hogan J., Mitteau R., Pánek R., Philips V., Reichle R., Reiter D., Roubin P.: Steady state density control in Tore Supra long discharges. 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. St. Petersburg : European Physical Society, 2003 - (Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.) s. O-2.5A. - (EPS .) [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/30th./. St. Petersburg (RU), 07.07.2003-11.07.2003] | |
2002 | Krlín L., Pavlo P., Pánek R., Klíma R., Petržílka V.: Nonlinear effects in LH wave-plasma interaction. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 44 [2] (2002) 159-170. [ Abstract ] |
Krlín L., Pánek R., Svoboda V., Tskhakaya D., Tendler M., Kuhn S., Klíma R., Pavlo P., Petržílka V., Stöckel J., Zápotocký M.: Anomalous ion diffusion and radial electric field generation in edge tokamak plasma turbulence of the Hasegawa-Wakatani model. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2002 - (Behn, R.; Varandas, C.) s. P-1.119. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/29th./. Montreux (CH), 17.06.2002-21.06.2002] | |
Pavlo P., Pánek R. (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on the Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement and Exhaust. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 52 [10] (2002) 1-88. [ Abstract ] [Workshop "Role of Electric Fields in Plasma Confinement and Exhaust" /5./. Montreux, 23.06.2002-24.06.2002] | |
Petržílka V., Fuchs V., Klíma R., Krlín L., Pavlo P., Pánek R., Žáček F., Goniche M., Gunn J., Peysson Y.: Effects of the Tilt of Magnetic Field Lines on Electron Acceleration in Front of LH Grills and on Ensuing Plasma Flows, Density Perturbations and Charge Separation Fields. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2002 - (Behn, R.; Varandas, C.) s. P-2.105. [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /29./. Montreux (CH), 17.06.2002-21.06.2002] | |
2001 | Pánek R., Krlín L., Pavlo P., Fuchs V., Klíma R., Petržílka V., Tskhakaya D., Kuhn S.: One-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Electron Acceleration in a Spatially Localized LH Wave. 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2001 - (Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.) s. 341-344. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. volume 25A. 25A). [ Abstract ] [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/28th./. Funchal, Madeira (PT), 18.06.2001-22.06.2001] |
Petržílka V., Fuchs V., Klíma R., Krlín L., Pavlo P., Pánek R., Žáček F., Goniche M., Gunn J., Tskhakaya D.: A 3-D Two Fluid Model of the Plasma Vortex in Front of LM Grills. Proceedings of the 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2001 - (Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.) s. 289-292. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 25A). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/28th./. Funchal, Madeira (PT), 18.06.2001-22.06.2001] | |
Krlín L., Kuhn S., Lavička M., Pánek R., Stöckel J., Svoboda V., Tendler M., Tskhakaya D., Zápotocký M.: Anomalous ExB Ion Diffusion and Radial Electric Field Generation in a Fluctuating Electrostatic Potential. Proceedings of the 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2001 - (Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.) s. 269-272. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 25A). [ Abstract ] [European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/28th./. Funchal, Madeira (PT), 18.06.2001-22.06.2001] | |
2000 | Pánek R., Krlín L., Pavlo P., Klíma R., Petržílka V.: The Role of Nonlinear Effects in LH Wave-Plasma Interaction. 27th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2000 - (Szegö, K.; Todd, T.; Zoletnik, S.) s. 1208-1211. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 24B). [European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/27th./. Budapest (HU), 12.06.2000-16.06.2000] |
1999 | Pavlo P., Krlín L., Preinhaelter J., Klíma R., Petržílka J., Pánek R.: Resonance Broadening by the Interaction of Spatially Localized LHW with Plasma. Contributions to the 26th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Lausanne : European Physical Society, 1999 - (Schweer, B.; Oost, v.; Vietzke, E.) s. 85-88. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 23J). [EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 14.06.1999-18.06.1999] |