doc. RNDr. Karel Žídek, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, TOPTEC Centre ]

Place: Detached establishment Turnov, Office: Sob1
Tel.: (+420) 487 953 901

Research Interests


2006-2010Ph.D. studies
Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Dept. of Chemical Physics
Nonlinear optical properties of silicon nanostructures
2001-2006MSc. studies
Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Dept. of Chemical Physics
Ultrafast processes in silicon nanocrystals

Research experience

2011-2015post-doctoral position
Department of Chemical Physics, Lund University, Sweden.
Ultrafast spectroscopy of light harvesting materials and complexes>> more...
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
study of stimulated emission in silicon nanocrystals; preparation and optical characterization of silicon nanocrystals>> more...

Academic Awards

2017Otto Wichterle Award
Awarded by : The Czech Academy of Sciences
Award for outstanding young researchers

Supervised students

2018-2019Lukáš Klein
Supervisor of bachelor thesis
Light Collection in the Imaging Systems Based on Compressed Sensing
2016-2017Ondřej Denk
Supervisor of diploma thesis
Single- and double-pixel camera for computational imaging
2016-to dateJiří Hlubuček
Ph.D. supervisor
Development of methods and experimental setups based on compressed sensing for studying nanomaterials via laser spectroscopy.
2018-to dateJiří Junek
Ph.D. supervisor
Study of imaging and time-resolved measurements in spectroscopy by using the methods of compressed sensing

Research projects

2017-2019Coherent excitation coding for exploitation of compressed sensing in laser spectroscopy
Principal investigator
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GJ17-26284Y

Selected publications

2023Miller V., Žídek K.: High-precision FoM measurement setup for Ti:sapphire crystals. Applied Optics 62 [5] (2023) 1345-1350.
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 Mach M., Psota P., Žídek K., Mokrý P.: Compact lensless Fizeau holographic interferometry for imaging domain patterns in ferroelectric single crystals. Applied Optics 62 [10] (2023) 2522-2530.
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 Junek J., Žídek K.: Nanosecond compressive FLIM via Random Temporal Signals with direct lifetime retrieval. 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference. New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023, (2023), č. článku 192392. ISBN 9798350345995.
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[2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. Mnichov (DE), 26.06.2023-30.06.2023]
 Junek J., Žídek K.: Nanosecond compressive fluorescence lifetime microscopy imaging via the RATS method with a direct reconstruction of lifetime maps. Optics Express 31 [4] (2023) 5181-5199.
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 Lukeš J., Kanclíř V., Václavík J., Melich R., Fuchs U., Žídek K.: Optically modified second harmonic generation in silicon oxynitride thin films via local layer heating. Scientific Reports 13 [1] (2023) č. článku 8658.
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 Klein L., Touš J., Žídek K.: Spatially encoded hyperspectral compressive microscope for ultrabroadband VIS/NIR hyperspectral imaging. Applied Optics 62 [15] (2023) 4030-4039.
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 Mach M., Psota P., Žídek K., Mokrý P.: On-chip digital holographic interferometry for measuring wavefront deformation in transparent samples. Optics Express 31 [11] (2023) 17185-17200.
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 Guesmi M., Kanclíř V., Thoř T., Taboubi O., Šeděnková I., Panthi Y., Pfleger J., Žídek K.: Study of defects in fused silica via a Franck-Condon analysis. Journal of Luminescence 257 [May] (2023) č. článku 119668.
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2022Klein L., Kristoffersen A. S., Touš J., Žídek K.: Versatile compressive microscope for hyperspectral transmission and fluorescence lifetime imaging. Optics Express 30 [9] (2022) 15708-15720.
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 Guesmi M., Veselá P., Žídek K.: Targeted generation of complex temporal pulse profiles. Scientific Reports 12 [1] (2022) č. článku 3827.
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 Wang Z., Lenngren N., Amarotti E., Hedse A., Žídek K., Zheng K., Zigmantas D., Pullerits T.: Excited states and their dynamics in CdSe quantum dots studied by two-color 2D spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 [5] (2022) 1266-1271.
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 Wang Z., Hedse A., Amarotti E., Lenngren N., Žídek K., Zheng K., Zigmantas D., Pullerits T.: Beating signals in CdSe quantum dots measured by low-temperature 2D spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics 157 [1] (2022) č. článku 014201.
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 Junek J., Žídek K.: Noise effect on 2D photoluminescence decay analysis using the RATS method in a single-pixel camera configuration. Optics Express 30 [8] (2022) 12654-12669.
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 Hlubuček J., Lukeš J., Václavík J., Žídek K.: Differential coded aperture single-snapshot spectral imaging. Optics Letters 47 [9] (2022) 2342-2345.
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2021Guesmi M., Žídek K.: Calibration of the pixel crosstalk in spatial light modulators for 4f pulse shaping. Applied Optics 60 [25] (2021) 7648-7652.
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 Junek J., Žídek K.: Fluorescence lifetime imaging via spatio-temporal speckle patterns in a single-pixel camera configuration. Optics Express 29 [4] (2021) 5538-5551.
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 Hlubuček J., Lukeš J., Václavík J., Žídek K.: Enhancement of CASSI by a zero-order image employing a single detector. Applied Optics 60 [5] (2021) 1463-1469.
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 Das N., Kanclíř V., Mokrý P., Žídek K.: Bulk and interface second harmonic generation in the Si3N4 thin films deposited via ion beam sputtering. Journal of Optics 23 [2] (2021) č. článku 024003.
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 Alvarez S., Lin W., Abdellah M., Meng J., Žídek K., Pullerits T., Zheng K.: Charge Carrier Diffusion Dynamics in Multisized Quaternary Alkylammonium-Capped CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystal Solids. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 [37] (2021) 44742-44750.
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 Kanclíř V., Václavík J., Žídek K.: Precision of silicon oxynitride refractive-index profile retrieval using optical characterization. Acta Physica Polonica A 143 [3] (2021) 215-221.
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 Veselá P., Žídek K.: Influence of the delay line jitter on the SHG FROG reconstruction. Optics Express 29 [3] (2021) 4392-4404.
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2020Junek J., Ondič L., Žídek K.: Random temporal laser speckles for the robust measurement of sub-microsecond photoluminescence decay. Optics Express 28 [8] (2020) 12363-12372, č. článku 3.
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 Klein L., Žídek K.: Collection of micromirror-modulated light in the single-pixel broadband hyperspectral microscope. Review of Scientific Instruments 91 [6] (2020) č. článku 5132337.
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2019Denk O., Musiienko A., Žídek K.: Differential single-pixel camera enabling low-cost microscopy in the near-infrared spectral region. Optics Express 27 [4] (2019) 4562-4571.
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 Denk O., Zheng K., Zigmantas D., Žídek K.: Compressive imaging of transient absorption dynamics on the femtosecond timescale. Optics Express 27 [7] (2019) 10234-10246.
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2018Žídek K.: Focal plane speckle patterns for compressive microskopic imaging in laser spectroscopy. Eurasip 2018. Berlín: Eurasip, 2018, č. článku A7. ISBN 978-90-827970-0-8.
[ Abstract ]

[5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging. Siegen (DE), 10.09.2018-13.09.2018]
 Thyrhaug E., Tempelaar R., Alcocer M., Žídek K., Bína D., Knoester J., Jansen T.L.C., Zigmantas D.: Identification and characterization of diverse coherences in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex. Nature Chemistry 10 [7] (2018) 780-786.
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 Hlubuček J., Budasz J., Václavík J., Žídek K.: Construction of a vacuum ultraviolet transmission spectrometer. ACC JOURNAL 24 [1] (2018) 17-23.
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 Hlubuček J., Žídek K.: Hyperspectral imaging in infrared region using compressed sensing methods. ACC JOURNAL 24 [1] (2018) 24-32.
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 Hlubuček J., Žídek K.: Evaluation of using coded aperture imaging in the mid- and far-infrared region. Eurasip 2018. Eurasip, 2018, č. článku 19..
[5th International Workshop on Compressed Sensing applied to Radar, Multimodal Sensing, and Imaging. Siegen (DE), 10.09.2018-13.09.2018]
 Erling Thyrhaug, Roel Tempelaar, Marcelo JP Alcocer, Karel Žídek, David Bína, Jasper Knoester, Thomas LC Jansen, Donatas Zigmantas: Identification and characterization of diverse coherences in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex.. Nature Chemistry 10, 780–786 (2018).  [ Abstract ] [ DOI ]
2017Žídek K., Hlubuček J., Horodyská P., Budasz J., Václavík J.: Analysis of sub-bandgap losses in TiO2 coating deposited via single and dual ion beam deposition. Thin Solid Films 626 [March] (2017) 60-65.
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 Bamini S.N., Němec H., Žídek K., Abdellah M., Al-Marri M.J., Chábera P., Ponseca C., Zheng K., Pullerits T.: Time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy reveals the influence of charged sensitizing quantum dots on the electron dynamics in ZnO. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 [8] (2017) 6006-6012.
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 Horodyská P., Hlubuček J., Žídek K., Václavík J.: Příprava tenkých filmů Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 pomocí depozice iontovým svazkem. Jemná mechanika a optika 62 [1] (2017) 18-21. [ EN ] 
[ Abstract ]
 Abdellah M., Poulsen F., Zhu Q., Zhu N., Žídek K., Chábera P., Corti A., Hansen T., Chi Q., Canton S.E., Zheng K., Pullerits T.: Drastic difference between hole and electron injection through the gradient shell of CdxSeyZn1-xS1-y quantum dots. Nanoscale 9 [34] (2017) 12503-12508.
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 Žídek K., Denk O., Hlubuček J.: Lensless Photoluminescence Hyperspectral Camera Employing Random Speckle Patterns. Scientific Reports 7 [1] (2017) č. článku 15309.
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 Chen J., Yang B., Li C., Zheng K., Žídek K., Pullerits T.: Photostability of the Oleic Acid-Encapsulated Water-Soluble CdxSeyZn1-xS1-y Gradient Core-Shell Quantum Dots. ACS Omega 2 [5] (2017) 1922-1929.
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 Žídek K., Hlubuček J., Denk O.: Random image encoding via speckle pattern: The effect of patterns correlation. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Proceedings Imaging and Applied Optics. Vol. F44-3D. San Francisco: OSA - The Optical Society, 2017, č. článku JTu5A.1. OSA Publishing. ISBN 978-1-557528-20-9.
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[3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications, 3D 2017. San Francisco (US), 26.06.2017-29.06.2017]
 Chen J., Žídek K., Chábera P., Liu D., Cheng P., Nuuttila L., Al-Marri M.J., Lehtivuori H., Messing M.E., Han K., Zheng K., Pullerits T.: Size-And Wavelength-Dependent Two-Photon Absorption Cross-Section of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 [10] (2017) 2316-2321.
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2016Žídek K., Denk O., Hlubuček J., Václavík J.: Compact and robust hyperspectral camera based on compressed sensing. Proceedings of SPIE 10151, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Vol. 10151. Bellingham: SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2016 - (Kovačičinová, J.), č. článku 101510N. SPIE. ISBN 978-1-5106-0753-8. ISSN 0277-786X.
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[OAM 2016, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Liberec (CZ), 11.10.2016-14.10.2016]
 Žídek K., Václavík J.: Imaging in laser spectroscopy by a single-pixel camera based on speckle patterns. Proceedings of SPIE 10151, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Vol. 10151. Bellingham: SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2016 - (Kovačičinová, J.), č. článku 1015105. SPIE. ISBN 978-1-5106-0753-8. ISSN 0277-786X.
[ Abstract ]
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[OAM 2016, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Liberec (CZ), 11.10.2016-14.10.2016]
 Horodyská P., Hlubuček J., Žídek K., Václavík J.: Influence of oxygen on the quality of the PZT thin films prepared by IBS. Proceedings of SPIE 10151, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Vol. 10151. Bellingham: SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2016 - (Kovačičinová, J.), č. článku 1015117. SPIE. ISBN 978-1-5106-0753-8. ISSN 0277-786X.
[ Abstract ]
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[OAM 2016, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Liberec (CZ), 11.10.2016-14.10.2016]
 Zheng K., Žídek K., Abdellah M., Chen J.S., Chábera P., Zhang W., Al-Marri M.J., Pullerits T.: High Excitation Intensity Opens a New Trapping Channel in Organic - Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Nanoparticles. ACS ENERGY LETTERS 1 [6] (2016) 1154-1161.
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 Lenngren N., Abdellah M.A., Zheng K., Al-Marri M.J., Zigmantas D., Žídek K., Pullerits T.: Hot electron and hole dynamics in thiol-capped CdSe quantum dots revealed by 2D electronic spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 [37] (2016) 26199-26204.
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 Chen J., Žídek K., Abdellah M., Al-Marri M.J., Zheng K., Pullerits T.: Surface plasmon inhibited photo-luminescence activation in CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 28 [25] (2016) č. článku 254001.
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2012K. Žídek, K. Zheng, M. Abdellah, N. Lenngren, P. Chábera, and T. Pullerits: Ultrafast Dynamics of Multiple Exciton Harvesting in the CdSe–ZnO System: Electron Injection versus Auger Recombination. Nano Lett., 2012, 12 (12), pp 6393–6399 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
 K. Žídek, K. Zheng, C. S- Ponseca Jr, M. E. Messing, L.R. Wallenberg, P. Chábera, M. Abdellah, V. Sundström, T. Pullerits: Electron transfer in quantum-dot-sensitized ZnO nanowires: ultrafast time-resolved absorption and terahertz study. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134 (29), pp 12110–12117 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ]
2000Žídek K., Thyrhaug E., Tempelaar R., Alcocer M., Bína D., Knoester J., Jansen T., Zigmantas D.: Identification and characterization of diverse coherences in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex (2000) .
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