Ing. Josef Preinhaelter, DrSc. [ Technician, Support and Services ]Email:

Research projects

2008-2012Electron cyclotron emission and Bernstein waves
Principal investigator
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/08/0419
2003-2007Advanced topics in physics and chemistry of plasmas
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GD202/03/H162
2000-2002New launchers of lower hybrid and electron Bernstein waves for heating and current drive in tokamaks
Principal investigator
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/00/1215
1997-1999New launchers for lower hybrid current drive in tokamaks - quasi - optical grills
Principal investigator
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/97/0778
1996-1997Interaction of intense wave pulses with thermonuclear tokamak plasma
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/96/1350
1993-1994Complex optimization of lower hybrid current drive and plasma heating in reactor size tokamak
Principal investigator
Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: IA143103

List of Publications

2023Weinzettl V., Bílková P., Ďuran I., Hron M., Pánek R., Markovič T., Varavin M., Cavalier J., Kovařík K., Torres A., Matveeva E., Böhm P., Ficker O., Horáček J., Čeřovský J., Zajac J., Adámek J., Dimitrova M., Imríšek M., Šos M., Tomešová E., Vondráček P., Mikszuta-Michalik K., Svoboda J., Naydenkova D., Bogár K., Čaloud J., Ivanov V., Lukeš S., Podolník A., Bogár O., Entler S., Havránek A., Preinhaelter J., Jaulmes F., Dejarnac R., Balner V., Veselovský V., Bělina P., Král M., Gerardin J., Vlček J., Tadros M., Turjanica P., Kindl V., Reboun J., Rowan W., Houshmandyar S., Scholz M., Bielecki J., Makowski D., Chernyshova M., Cipciar D.: Development of the diagnostic tools for the COMPASS-U tokamak and plans for the first plasma. Fusion Engineering and Design 191 [June] (2023) č. článku 113545.
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2018Preinhaelter J., Hillairet J., Urban J.: OLGA – efficient full wave code for the coupling of LH grills. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, europhysics conference abstracts. Vol. P11069. Praha: European physical society, 2018 - (Weber, S.), s. 1-4. Europhysics conference abstracts, 42A. ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7.
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[45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Praha (CZ), 02.07.2018-06.07.2018]
2017Wolf R.C., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Zajac J.: Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Nuclear Fusion 57 [10] (2017) č. článku 102020.
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 Preinhaelter J., Hillairet J., Milanesio D., Maggiora R., Urban J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Efficient full wave code for the coupling of large multirow multijunction LH grills. Nuclear Fusion 57 [11] (2017) č. článku 116060.
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2014Fuchs V., Laqua H.P., Seidl J., Krlín L., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Relativistic Fermi-Ulam map: Application to WEGA stellarator lower hybrid power operation. Physics of Plasmas 21 [6] (2014) 061513-061513.
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[Twentieth Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas. Sorrento, 25.06.2013-28.06.2013]
 Fuchs V., Laqua H.P., Krlín L., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Seidl J., Urban J.: Lower Hybrid Wavepacket Stochasticity Revisited. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1580. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2014, s. 442-445. ISBN 978-0-7354-1210-1. ISSN 0094-243X. - ( AIP Publishing. 1580).
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[Topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas/20./. Sorrento (IT), 25.06.2013-28.06.2013]
 Preinhaelter J., Hillairet J., Urban J.: Benchmarking the OLGA lower-hybrid full-wave code for a future integration with ALOHA. AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1580. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2014, s. 430-433. ISBN 978-0-7354-1210-1. ISSN 0094-243X. - ( AIP Publishing. 1580).
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[Topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas/20./. Sorrento (IT), 25.06.2013-28.06.2013]
2013Sabbagh S.A., Ahn J-W., Allain J., Andre R., Balbaky A., Bastasz R., Battaglia D., Bell M., Bell R., Beiersdorfer P., Belova E., Berkery J., Betti R., Bialek J., Bigelow T., Bitter M., Boedo J., Bonoli P., Boozer A., Bortolon A., Boyle D., Brennan D., Breslau J., Buttery R., Canik J., Caravelli G., Chang C., Crocker N., Darrow D., Davis B., Delgado-Aparicio L., Diallo A., Ding S., D’Ippolito D., Domier C., Dorland W., Ethier S., Evans T., Ferron J., Finkenthal M., Foley J., Fonck R., Frazin R., Fredrickson E., Fu G., Gates D., Gerhardt S., Glasser A., Gorelenkov N., Gray T., Guo Y., Guttenfelder W., Hahm T., Harvey R., Hassanein A., Heidbrink W., Hill K., Hirooka Y., Hooper E.B., Hosea J., Jardin S., Jaworski M., Kaita R., Kallman J., Katsuro-Hopkins O., Kaye S., Kessel C., Kim J., Kolemen E., Kramer G., Krasheninnikov S., Kubota S., Kugel H., La Haye R.J., Lao L., LeBlanc B., Lee W., Lee K., Leuer J., Levinton F., Liang Y., Liu D., Lore J., Luhmann Jr N., Maingi R., Majeski R., Manickam J., Mansfield D., Maqueda R., McKee G., Medley S., Meier E., Menard J., Menon M., Meyer H., Mikkelsen D., Miloshevsky G., Mueller D., Munsat T., Myra J., Nelson B., Nishino N., Nygren R., Ono M., Osborne T., Park J., Park Y.S., Paul S., Peebles W., Penaflor B., Perkins R.J., Phillips C., Pigarov A., Podesta M., Preinhaelter J., Raman R., Ren Y., Rewoldt G., Rognlien T., Ross P., Rowley C., Ruskov E., Russell D., Ruzic D., Ryan P., Schaffer M., Schuster E., Scotti F., Shaing K., Shevchenko V., Shinohara K., Sizyuk V., Skinner C.H., Smirnov A., Smith A., Snyder P., Solomon W., Sontag A., Soukhanovskii V., Stoltzfus-Dueck T., Stotler D., Stratton B., Stutman D., Takahashi H., Takase Y., Tamura N., Tang X., Taylor G., Taylor C., Tritz K., Tsarouhas D., Umansky M., Urban J., Untergberg E., Walker M., Wampler W., Wang W., Whaley J., White R., Wilgen J., Wilson R., Wong K.L., Wright J., Xia Z., Youchison D., Yu G., Yuh H., Zakharov L., Zemlyanov D., Zimmer G., Zweben S.J.: Overview of physics results from the conclusive operation of the National Spherical Torus Experiment. Nuclear Fusion 53 [10] (2013) 104007-104007.
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[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/24./. San Diego, 08.10.2012-13.10.2012]
 Sabbagh S.A., Ahn J-W., Allain J., Andre R., Balbaky A., Bastasz R., Battaglia D., Bell M., Bell R., Belova E., Berkery J., Betti R., Bialek J., Bigelow T., Bitter M., Boedo J., Bonoli P., Boozer A., Bortolon A., Brennan D., Breslau J., Buttery R., Canik J., Caravelli G., Chang C., Crocker N., Darrow D., Davis B., Delgado-Aparicio L., Diallo A., Ding S., D’Ippolito D., Domier C., Dorland W., Ethier S., Evans T., Ferron J., Finkenthal M., Foley J., Fonck R., Frazin R., Fredrickson E., Fu G., Gates D., Gerhardt S., Glasser A., Gorelenkov N., Gray T., Guo Y., Guttenfelder W., Hahm T., Harvey R., Hassanein A., Heidbrink W., Hill K., Hirooka Y., Hooper E.B., Hosea J., Humphreys D., Indireshkumar K., Jaeger F., Jarboe T., Jardin S., Jaworski M., Kaita R., Kallman J., Katsuro-Hopkins O., Kaye S., Kessel C., Kim J., Kolemen E., Kramer G., Krasheninnikov S., Kubota S., Kugel H., La Haye R.J., Lao L., LeBlanc B., Lee W., Lee K., Leuer J., Levinton F., Liang Y., Liu D., Luhmann Jr N., Maingi R., Majeski R., Manickam J., Mansfield D., Maqueda R., Mazzucato E., McLean A., McCune D., McGeehan B., McKee G., Medley S., Meier E., Menard J., Menon M., Meyer H., Mikkelsen D., Miloshevsky G., Mueller D., Munsat T., Myra J., Nelson B., Nishino N., Nygren R., Ono M., Osborne T., Park H., Park J., Park Y., Paul S., Peebles W., Penaflor B., Phillips C., Pigarov A., Podesta M., Preinhaelter J., Raman R., Ren Y., Rewoldt G., Rognlien T., Ross P., Rowley C., Ruskov E., Russell D., Ruzic D., Ryan P., Schaffer M., Schuster E., Scotti F., Shaing K., Shevchenko V., Shinohara K., Sizyuk V., Skinner C., Smirnov A., Smith D., Snyder P., Solomon W., Sontag A., Soukhanovskii V., Stoltzfus-Dueck T., Stotler D., Stratton B., Stutman D., Takahashi H., Takase Y., Tamura N., Tang X., Taylor G., Taylor C., Tritz K., Tsarouhas D., Umansky M., Urban J., Untergberg E., Walker M., Wampler W., Wang W., Whaley J., White R., Wilgen J., Wilson R., Wong K.L., Wright J., Xia Z., Youchison D., Yu G., Yuh H., Zakharov L., Zemlyanov D., Zimmer G., Zweben S.J.: Overview of Physics Results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference – Programme, Abstracts,. San Diego : International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2013, OV/3-1-OV/3-1. ISBN N.
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[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/24./. San Diego (US), 08.10.2012-13.10.2012]
 Fuchs V., Krlín L., Laqua H.P., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Seidl J., Urban J.: Lower hybrid wave packet stochasticity revisited. 20th Topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas Book of Abstracts. Roma : ENEA - Italian National Agency new Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, 2013 - (Tuccillo, A.), P2.18-P2.18 ISBN N. - (ENEA).
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[Topical conference on radio frequency power in plasmas/20./. Sorrento (IT), 25.06.2013-28.06.2013]
2012Otte M., Laqua H.P., Chlechowitz E., Marsen S., Preinhaelter J., Stange T., Rodatos A., Urban J., Zhang D.: Overview of recent results from the WEGA stellarator. Nukleonika 57 [2] (2012) 171--175.
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[International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas (PLASMA). Warsaw, 12.09.2011-16.09.2011]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: An analysis of lower hybrid grill coupling using an efficient full wave code. Nuclear Fusion 52 [8] (2012) 083005-083005.
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 Zajac J., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Fuchs V., Nanobashvili S., Weinzettl V., Žáček F.: First results from EBW emission diagnostics on COMPASS. Review of Scientific Instruments 83 [10] (2012) 10E327-10E327.
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[Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/19./. Monterey, 06.05.2012-10.05.2012]
 Preinhaelter J., Zajac J., Urban J., Fuchs V., Aftanas M., Bílková P., Böhm P., Nanobashvili S., Weinzettl V., Žáček F.: New results from EBW emission experiment on COMPASS. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts Volume 36F – Contributed papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2012 - (Ratynskaya, S.; Blomberg, L.; Fasoli, A.), P1.064-P1.064 ISBN 2-914771-79-7. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts).
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[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics & 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics (EPS/ICPP 2012)/39./. Stockholm (SE), 02.07.2012-06.07.2012]
2011Raman R., Ahn J-W., Allain J.P., Andre R., Bastasz R., Battaglia D., Beiersdorfer P., Bell M., Bell R., Belova E., Berkery J., Betti R., Bialek J., Bigelow T., Bitter M., Boedo J., Bonoli P., Boozer A., Bortolon A., Brennan D., Breslau J., Buttery R., Canik J., Caravelli G., Chang C., Crocker N.A., Darrow D., Davis W., Delgado-Aparicio L., Diallo A., Ding S., D’Ippolito D., Domier C., Dorland W., Ethier S., Evans T., Ferron J., Finkenthal M., Foley J., Fonck R., Frazin R., Fredrickson E., Fu G., Gates D., Gerhardt S., Glasser A., Gorelenkov N., Gray T., Guo Y., Guttenfelder W., Hahm T., Harvey R., Hassanein A., Heidbrink W., Hill K., Hirooka Y., Hooper E.B., Hosea J., Hu B., Humphreys D., Indireshkumar K., Jaeger F., Jarboe T., Jardin S., Jaworski M., Kaita R., Kallman J., Katsuro-Hopkins O., Kaye S., Kessel C., Kim J., Kolemen E., Krasheninnikov S., Kubota S., Kugel H., La Haye R., Lao L., LeBlanc B., Lee W., Lee K., Leuer J., Levinton F., Liang Y., Liu D., Luhmann Jr N., Maingi R., Majeski R., Manickam J., Mansfield D., Maqueda R., Mazzucato E., McLean A., McCune D., McGeehan B., McKee G., Medley S., Menard J., Menon M., Meyer H., Mikkelsen D., Miloshevsky G., Mueller D., Munsat T., Myra J., Nelson B., Nishino N., Nygren R., Ono M., Osborne T., Park H., Park J., Paul S., Peebles W., Penaflor B., Phillips C., Pigarov A., Podesta M., Preinhaelter J., Ren Y., Reimerdes H., Ross P., Rowley C., Ruskov E., Russell D., Ruzic D., Ryan P., Sabbagh S.A., Schaffer M., Schuster E., Scotti F., Shaing K., Shevchenko V., Shinohara K., Sizyuk V., Skinner C.H., Smirnov A., Smith D., Snyder P., Solomon W., Sontag A., Soukhanovskii V., Stoltzfus-Dueck T., Stotler D., Stratton B., Stutman D., Takahashi H., Takase Y., Tamura N., Tang X., Taylor C.N., Taylor G., Taylor C., Tritz K., Tsarouhas D., Umansky M., Urban J., Walker M., Wampler W., Wang W., Whaley J., White R., Wilgen J., Wilson R., Wong K.L., Wright J., Xia Z., Youchison D., Yu H., Yuh H., Zakharov L., Zemlyanov D., Zimmer G., Zweben S.J.: Overview of physics results from NSTX. Nuclear Fusion 51 [9] (2011) 094011-094011.
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[Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2010)/23rd./. Daejon, 11.10.2010-16.10.2010]
 Laqua H.P., Chlechowitz E., Chouli B., Marsen S., Stange T., Otte M., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Multi-Frequency Microwave Heating and Current Drive in over-dense Plasmas at the WEGA Stellarator. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts Volume 35G – Contributed papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2011 - (Becoulet, A.; Hoang, T.; Stroth, U.) O3.114-O3.114. ISBN 2-914771-68-1. - (EPS. 35G).
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[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/38./. Strasbourg (FR), 27.06.2011-01.07.2011]
 Urban J., Decker J., Peysson Y., Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Taylor G., Vahala L., Vahala G.: EBW H&CD Potential for Spherical Tokamaks. AIP Conference Proceedings 1406. New York : American Institute of Physics, 2011 - (Phillips, C.; Wilson, J.) S. 477-480. ISBN 978-0-7354-0978-1. - (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1406).
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[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/19./. Newport (US), 01.06.2011-03.06.2011]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Vahala L., Vahala G., Záruba M.: Full wave 2D Theory of LH Grills suitable for large structure. AIP Conference Proceedings 1406. New York : American Institute of Physics, 2011 - (Phillips, C.; Wilson, J.) S. 149-152. ISBN 978-0-7354-0978-1. - (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1406).
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[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/19./. Newport (US), 01.06.2011-03.06.2011]
 Urban J., Decker J., Peysson Y., Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Taylor G., Vahala L., Vahala G.: A survey of electron Bernstein wave heating and current drive potential for spherical tokamaks. Nuclear Fusion 51 [8] (2011) 083050-083050.
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2010Otte M., Laqua H.P., Marsen S., Podoba Y., Preinhaelter J., Stange T., Urban J., Wagner F., Zhang D.: Overdense Plasma Operation in the WEGA Stellarator. Contributions to Plasma Physics 50 [8] (2010) 785-789.
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[International Stellarator/Heliotron Workshop/17th./. Princeton, 12.10.2009-16.10.2009]
 Urban J., Decker J., Preinhaelter J., Taylor G., Vahala G., Vahala L.: Comparison of EBW heating and current drive simulaton models in realistic tokamak conditions. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts Volume 34A – Contributed papers. Dublin : European Physical Society, 2010 - (McKenna, C.) P5.191-P5.191. ISBN 2-914771-62-2. - (34A).
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[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/37st./. Dublin (IE), 21.06.2010-25.06.2010]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: OVERVIEW OF PHYSICS RESULTS FROM NSTX. Contributed Paper 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2010. OV2-4-OV2-4. ISBN N. - (IAEA).
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[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference /23rd./. Daejon (KR), 11.10.2010-16.10.2010]
 Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Decker J., Peysson Y., Taylor G., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Prospects for EBW Heating and Current Drive on Spherical Tori. Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (EC-16):Proceedings of the 16th Joint Workshop. Toh Tuck Link : World Scientific, 2011. S. 257-262. ISBN 978-981-4340-26-7.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating/16th./. Sanya (CN), 12.04.2010-15.04.2010]
 Laqua H.P., Chlechowitz E., Glaubitz M., Marsen S., Stange T., Otte M., Zhang D., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: 28 GHZ EBW HEATING, CURRENT DRIVE AND EMISSION EXPERIMENTS AT THE WEGA STELLARATOR. Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (EC-16):Proceedings of the 16th Joint Workshop. Toh Tuck Link : World Scientific, 2011. S. 263-268. ISBN 978-981-4340-26-7.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating/16th./. Sanya (CN), 12.04.2010-15.04.2010]
 Zajac J., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Žáček F., Šesták D., Nanobashvili S.: Electron cyclotron-electron Bernstein wave emission diagnostics for the COMPASS tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments 81 [10] (2010) 10D911-10D911.
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[TOPICAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH-TEMPERATURE PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS/18th./. Wildwood, New Jersey, 16.05.2010-20.05.2010]
2009Diem S.J., Taylor G., Caughman J., Efthimion P.C., Kugel H., LeBlanc B.P., Phillips C.K., Preinhaelter J., Sabbagh S.A., Urban J.: Collisional Damping of Electron BernsteinWaves and its Mitigation by Evaporated Lithium Conditioning in Spherical-Tokamak Plasmas. Physical Review Letters 103 [1] (2009) 015002-015002.
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 Urban J., Decker J., Peysson Y., Preinhaelter J., Taylor G., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Coupled Ray-tracing and Fokker-Planck EBW Modeling for Spherical Tokamaks. RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 - (Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.) S. 465-468. ISBN 978-0-7354-0753-3. - (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1187).
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[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/18th./. Ghent (BE), 24.06.2009-26.06.2009]
 Preinhaelter J., Laqua H.P., Urban J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: EBW Power Deposition and Current Drive in WEGA - Comparison of Simulation with Experiment. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 [12] (2009) 125008-125026.
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 Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Diem S.J., Laqua H.P., Pavlo P., Shevchenko V., Taylor G., Vahala G., Vahala L., Valovič M.: EBW simulations in experimental context. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 8 [-] (2009) 1153-1157.
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[International Congress on Plasma Physics /14./. Fukuoka, 08.09.2008-12.09.2008]
 Zajac J., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Šesták D., Křivská A., Nanobashvili S.: EBW/ECE Radiometry on COMPASS tokamak – design and first measurements. RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 - (Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.) S. 473-476. ISBN 978-0-7354-0753-3. - (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1187).
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[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/18th./. Ghent (BE), 24.06.2009-26.06.2009]
 Stange T., Hartfuß H.J., Laqua H.P., Marsen S., Otte M., Podoba Y.Y., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: ECE and EBE at WEGA. 21st Joint Russian-German Workshop on ECRH and Gyrotrons (STC-Meeting). Greifswald : IPP Greifswald, 2009. S. 1-1. ISBN N.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Russian-German Workshop on ECRH and Gyrotrons (STC-Meeting)/21st./. Greifswald (DE), 11.05.2009-15.05.2009]
 Laqua H.P., Marsen S., Otte M., Podoba Y.Y., Preinhaelter J., Stange T., Urban J., Zhang D.: Electron Bernstein Wave Experiments at the WEGA Stellarator. RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 - (Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.) S. 441-448. ISBN 978-0-7354-0753-3. - (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1187).
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/18th./. Ghent (BE), 24.06.2009-26.06.2009]
 Laqua H., Marsen S., Otte M., Preinhaelter J., Stange T., Urban J., Warr G.B., Zhang D.: Electron Cyclotron Wave Experiments at the WEGA Stellarator. Contributed Papers 36th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Sofia : European Physical Society, 2009 - (Mateev, M.; Benova, E.) O-4.047. ISBN 2-914771-61-4. - (Europhysics conference abstracts).
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[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/36th./. Sofie (BG), 29.06.2009-03.07.2009]
 Laqua H.P., Andruczyk D., Marsen S., Otte M., Podoba Y.Y., Warr G.B., Urban J., Preinhaelter J.: Experiments with electron Bernstein waves at the WEGA stellarator. Proceedings of EC-15, 2008, of Joint Workshopn on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating. Singapore : WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2009 - (Lohr, J.) S. 149-154. ISBN 978-981-281-463-0.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating/15th./. Yosemite Natl Park, CA (US), 10.03.2008-13.03.2008]
 Diem S.J., Taylor G., Efthimion P.C., Kugel H.W., LeBlanc B.P., Phillips C.K., Caughman J.B., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Sabbagh S.A.: Investigation of EBW thermal emission and mode conversion physics in H-mode plasmas on NSTX. Proceedings of EC-15, 2008, of Joint Workshopn on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating. Singapore : WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2009 - (Lohr, J.) S. 226-231. ISBN 978-981-281-463-0.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating/15th./. Yosemite Natl Park, CA (US), 10.03.2008-13.03.2008]
 Diem S.J., Taylor G., Caughman J.B., Efthimion P.C., Kugel H.W., LeBlanc B.P., Phillips C.K., Preinhaelter J., Sabbagh S.A., Urban J., Wilgen J.B.: Investigation of electron Bernstein wave (EBW) coupling and its critical dependence on EBW collisional loss in high-ß, H-mode ST plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 49 [9] (2009) 095027-095027.
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 Urban J., Decker J., Peysson Y., Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Modeling of Optimization and Control of EBW Heating and Current Drive. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 54 [15] (2009) 100-100.
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[Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics/51st./. Atlanta, 02.11.2009-06.11.2009]
 Taylor G., Diem S.J., Ellis R.A., Fredd E., Greenough N., Hosea J.C., Bigelow T.S., Caughman J.B., Rasmussen D.A., Ryan P., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Smirnov A.P., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Ram A.K.: Modeling results for proposed NSTX 28 GHz ECH/ EBWH System. Proceedings of EC-15, 2008, of Joint Workshopn on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating. Singapore : WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO PTE LTD, 2009 - (Lohr, J.) S. 509-514. ISBN 978-981-281-463-0.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating/15th./. Yosemite Natl Park, CA (US), 10.03.2008-13.03.2008]
 Podoba Y.Y., Laqua H.P., Marsen S., Otte M., Preinhaelter J., Stange T., Urban J., Zhang D.: Overdense plasma generation by 2.45 GHz heating in WEGA. 21st Joint Russian-German Workshop on ECRH and Gyrotrons (STC-Meeting). Greifswald : IPP Greifswald, 2009. S. 3-3. ISBN N.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Russian-German Workshop on ECRH and Gyrotrons (STC-Meeting)/21st./. Greifswald (DE), 11.05.2009-15.05.2009]
 Meyer H., Akers R.J., Alladio F., Appel L.C., Axon K.B., Ben Ayed N., Boerner P., Buttery R.J., Carolan P.G., Ciric D., Challis C.D., Chapman I., Coyler G., Conner J.W., Conway N.J., Cowley S., Cox M., Counsell G.F., Cunningham G., Darke A., deBock M., deTemmerman G., Dendy R.O., Dowling J., Dnestrovskij A.Yu., Dnestrovskij Yu.N., Dudson B., Dunai D., Dunstan M., Field A.R., Foster A., Garzotti L., Gibbon K., Gryaznevich M.P., Guttenfelder W., Hawkes N.C., Harrison J., Helander P., Hnat B., Hole M.J., Howell D.F., Duc Hua M., Hubbard A., Istenic M., Joiner N., Keeling D., Kirk A., Koslowski H.R., Liang Y., Lilley M., Lisgo S., Lloyd B., Maddison G.P., Maingi R., Mancuso A., Manhood S.J., Martin R., McArdle G.J., McCone J., Michael C., Micozzi P., Morgan T., Morris A.W., Muir D.G., Nardon E., Naylor G., O’Brien M.R., O’Gorman T., Patel A., Pinches S., Preinhaelter J., Price M.N., Rachlew E., Reiter D., Roach C.M., Rozhansky V., Saarelma S., Saveliev A., Scannell R., Sharapov S.E., Shevchenko V., Shibaev S., Smith H., Staebler G.E., Stork D., Storrs J., Sykes A., Tallents S., Tamain P., Taylor D., Temple D., Thomas-Davies N., Thornton A., Thyagaraja A., Turnyanskiy M.R., Urban J., Valovic M., Vann R.G.L., Volpe F., Voss F., Walsh M.J., Warder S.E.V., Watkins R., Wilson H.R., Windridge M., Wisse M., Zabolotski A., Zoletnik S., Zolotukhin O., MAST Mast.Teams., NBI NBI.Teams.: Overview of physics results from MAST. Nuclear Fusion 49 [10] (2009) 104017-104017.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/22nd./. Geneva, 13.10.2008-18.10.2008]
 Gates D.A., Ahn J., Allain J., Andre R., Bastasz R., Bell M., Bell R., Belova E., Berkery J., Betti R., Bialek J., Biewer T., Bigelow T., Bitter M., Boedo J., Bonoli P., Boozer A., Brennan D., Breslau J., Brower D., Bush C., Canik J., Caravelli G., Carter M., Caughman J., Chang C., Crocker N., Darrow D., Delgado-Aparicio L., Diem S., D’Ippolito D., Domier C., Dorland W., Efthimion P., Ejiri A., Ershov N., Evans T., Feibush E., Fenstermacher M., Ferron J., Finkenthal M., Foley J., Frazin R., Fredrickson E., Fu G., Funaba H., Gerhardt S., Glasser A., Gorelenkov N., Grisham L., Hahm T., Harvey R., Hassanein A., Heidbrink W., Hill K., Hillesheim J., Hillis D., Hirooka Y., Hosea J., Hu B., Humphreys D., Idehara T., Indireshkumar K., Ishida A., Jaeger F., Jarboe T., Jardin S., Jaworski M., Ji H., Kaita R., Kallman J., Katsuro-Hopkins O., Kawahata K., Kawamori E., Kaye S., Kessel C., Kimura H., Kolemen E., Krasheninnikov H., Krstic P., Ku S., Kubota S., Kugel H., La Haye R., Lao L., LeBlanc B., Lee K., Leuer J., Levinton F., Liang Y., Liu D., Luhmann Jr N., Maingi R., Majeski R., Manickam J., Mansfield D., Maqueda R., Mazzucato E., McCune D., McGeehan B., McKee G., Medley S., Menard J., Menon M., Meyer H., Mikkelsen D., Miloshevsky G., Mitarai O., Mueller D., Mueller S., Munsat T., Myra J., Nagayama Y., Nelson B., Nguyen X., Nishino N., Nishiura M., Nygren R., Ono M., Osborne T., Pacella D., Park J., Paul S., Peebles W., Penaflor B., Peng M., Phillips C., Pigarov A., Podesta M., Preinhaelter J., Ram A., Raman R., Rasmussen D., Redd A., Reimerdes H., Rewoldt G., Ross P., Rowley C., Ruskov E., Russell D., Ruzic D., Ryan P., Sabbagh S., Schaffer M., Schuster E., Scott S., Shaing K., Sharpe P., Shevchenko V., Shinohara K., Sizyuk V., Skinner C., Smirnov A., Smith D., Snyder P., Solomon W., Sontag A., Soukhanovskii V., Stoltzfus-Dueck T., Stotler D., Strait T., Stratton B., Stutman D., Takahashi R., Takase Y., Tamura N., Tang X., Taylor G., Taylor C., Ticos C., Tritz K., Tsarouhas D., Turrnbull A., Tynan G., Ulrickson M., Umansky M., Urban J., Utergberg E., Walker M., Wampler M., Wang J., Wang W., Welander A., Whaley J., White R., Wilgen J., Wilson R., Wong K., Wright J., Xia Z., Xu X., Youchison D., Yu G., Yuh H., Zakharov L., Zemlyanov D., Zweben S., Choe W., Jung H., Kim J., Lee W., Park H.: Overview of results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). Nuclear Fusion 49 [10] (2009) 104016-104016.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/22nd./. Geneva, 13.10.2008-18.10.2008]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Laqua H.P., Podoba Y., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Simulations of EBW current drive and power deposition in the WEGA Stellarator. RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS: Proceedings of the 18th Topical Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 - (Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.) S. 449-452. ISBN 978-0-7354-0753-3. - (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1187).
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/18th./. Ghent (BE), 24.06.2009-26.06.2009]
 Laqua H.P., Marsen S., Otte M., Podoba Y.Y., Preinhaelter J., Stange T., Urban J., Zhang D.: 28 GHz ECRH at WEGA. 21st Joint Russian-German Workshop on ECRH and Gyrotrons (STC-Meeting). Greifswald : IPP Greifswald, 2009. S. 2-2. ISBN N.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Russian-German Workshop on ECRH and Gyrotrons (STC-Meeting)/21st./. Greifswald (DE), 11.05.2009-15.05.2009]
 Zajac J., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Šesták D., Křivská A., Nanobashvili S.: EBE/ECE Radiometry on COMPASS Tokamak – Design and First Measurements. AIP Conference Proceedings. MELVILLE : American Institute of Physics, 2009 - (Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.) S. 473-476. ISBN 978-0-7354-0753-3. ISSN 0094-243X. - (AIP. 1187).
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency in Plasmas/18th./. Gent (BE), 24.06.2009-26.06.2009]
2008Diem S.J., Taylor G., Caughman J., Efthimion P., LeBlanc B.P., Kugel H., Phillips C.K., Preinhaelter J., Sabbagh R.A., Urban J., Wilgen J.B.: Investigation of Electron Bernstein Wave (EBW) Coupling and its Critical. Proceedings 22st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 2008, on web only. Geneva : IAEA, 2008. S. 1-8. ISBN N.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/22nd./. Geneva (CH), 13.10.2008-18.10.2008]
 Preinhaelter J., Fuchs V., Urban J., Zajac J.: PLANS for ELECTRON BERNSTEIN WAVES EMISSION DETECTION in COMPASS. Proceedings 35. European Physical Society plasma physics conference; 10. International workshop on fast ignition of fusion targets. Hersonissos, Kréta : European Physical Society, Paris, 2008 - (Lalousis, P.; Moustaizis, S.) S. 1-4. ISBN 2-914771-52-5. - (EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts).
[ Abstract ]

[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/35th./. Hersonissos, Kréta (GR), 09.06.2008-13.06.2008]
 Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Pavlo P., Diem S.J., Taylor G., Laqua H.P., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Vahala L., Vahala G.: EBW simulations in experimental context. ICPP2008 Abstracts, International Congress on Plasma Physics 2008. Fukuoka : Kyushu University, 2008. S. 274-279. ISBN N.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[International Congress on Plasma Physics 2008/14st./. 08.09.2008-12.09.2008, Fukuoka]
 Diem S.J., Taylor G., Caughman J., Efthimion P., LeBlanc B.P., Preinhaelter J., Sabbagh R.A., Wilgen J.B., Urban J.: Electron Bernstein wave emission based diagnostic on National Spherical Torus Experiment (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments 79 [10] (2008) 10F101-10F106.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/17th./. Albuquerque, New Mexico, 11.05.2008-15.05.2008]
 Laqua H.P., Andruczyk D., Marsen S., Otte M., Podoba Y., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Fundamental Investigation of Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive at the WEGA Stellarator. Proceedings 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2008, on web only. Geneva : IAEA, 2008. EXP6-18-EXP6-18. ISBN N.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/22nd./. Geneva (CH), 13.10.2008-18.10.2008]
2007Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Diem S.J., Taylor G., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Investigation of collisional EBW damping and its importance to EBW emission from NSTX. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52 [16] (2007) 304-304.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/49th./. Orlando, Florida, 12.11.2007-16.11.2007]
 Lloyd B., Avers R.J., Alladio F., Andrew Y., Appel L.C., Applegate D., Axon K.B., Ben Ayed N., Bunting C., Buttery R.J., Carolan P.G., Chapman I., Ciric D., Conner J.W., Conway N.J., Cox M., Counsell G.F., Cunningham G., Darke A., Delchambre E., Dendy R.O., Bowling J., Dudson B., Dunstan M.R., Field A.R., Foster A., Gee S., Garzotti L., Gryaznevich M.P., Gurchenko A., Gusakov E., Hawkes N.C., Helander P., Tender T.C., Hnat B., Howell D.H., Kliner N., Keeling D., Kirk A., Koch B., Kuldkepp M., Lisgo S., Lott F., Maddison G.P., Maingi R., Mancuso A., Mangold S.J., Martin R., McArdle G.J., McCone J., Meyer H., Micozzi P., Morfia A.W., Muir D.G., Nelson M., O’Brien M.R., Patel A., Pinches S., Preinhaelter J., Price M.N., Rachlew E., Roach C.M., Rozhansky V., Saarelma S., Saveliev A., Scannell R., Sharapov S.E., Shevchenko V., Shibaev S., Stammers K., Storrs J., Surkov A., Sykes A., Tallents S., Tailor D., Thomas-Davies N., Turnyanskiy M.R., Urban J., Valovic M., Vann R.G.L., Volpe F., Voss G., Walsh M.J., Warder S.E.V., Watkins R., Wilson H. R., Wisse M., MAST Mast.Teams., NBI NBI.Teams.: Overview of physics results from MAST. Nuclear Fusion 47 [10] (2007) S658-S667.
[ Abstract ]

[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/21st./. Chengdu, 16.10.2006-21.10.2006]
 Taylor G., Bigelow T.S., Caughman J., Diem S.J., Ellis R.A., Ershov N.M., Fred E.H., Greenough N.I., Harvey R.W., Hosea J.C., Preinhaelter J., Ram A.K., Rasmussen D.A., Ryan P.M., Smirnov A.P., Urban J., Wilgen J.B.: Plans for Electron Bernstein Wave and Electron Cyclotron Heating in NSTX. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville : -, 2007 - (Ryan, P.; Rasmussen, D.) S. 339-342. ISBN 978-0-7354-0444-1. ISSN 0094-243X.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/17th./. Clearwater (US), 07.05.2007-09.05.2007]
 Bosch H.-S., Wolf R.C., Andreeva T., Baldzuhn J., Birus D., Bluhm T., Bräuer T., Braune H., Bykov V., Cardella A., Durodié F., Endler M., Erckmann V., Gantenbein G., Hartmann D., Hathiramani D., Heimann P., Heinemann B., Hennig C., Hirsch M., Holtum D., Jelonnek J., Kasparek W., Klinger T., König R., Kornejew P., Kroiss H., Krom J.G., Kühner G., Laqua H., Laqua H.P., Lechte C., Lewerentz M., Maier J., McNeely P., Messiaen A., Michel G., Ongena J., Peacock A., Pedersen T.S., Riedl R., Riemann H., Rong P., Rust N., Schacht J., Schauer F., Schroeder R., Schweer B., Spring A., Stäbler A., Thumm M., Turkin Y., Wegener L., Werner A., Zhang D., Zilker M., Akijama T., Alzbutas R., Ascasibar E., Balden M., Banduch M., Baylard Ch., Behr W., Beidler C., Benndorf A., Bergmann T., Biedermann C., Bieg B., Biel W., Borchardt M., Borowitz G., Borsuk V., Bozhenkov S., Brakel R., Brand H., Brown T., Brucker B., Burhenn R., Buscher K.-P., Caldwell-Nichols C., Cappa A., Cardella A., Carls A., Carvalho P., Ciupinski L., Cole M., Collienne J., Czarnecka A., Czymek G., Dammertz G., Dhard C.P., Davydenko V.I., Dinklage A., Drevlak M., Drotziger S., Dudek A., Dumortier P., Dundulis G., Eeten P.v., Egorov K., Estrada T., Faugel H., Fellinger J., Feng Y., Fernandes H., Fietz W.H., Figacz W., Fischer F., Fontdecaba J., Freund A., Funaba T., Fünfgelder H., Galkowski A., Gates D., Giannone L., García Regana J.M., Geiger J., Geißler S., Greuner H., Grahl M., Groß S., Grosman A., Grote H., Grulke O., Haas M., Haiduk L., Hartfuß H.-J., Harris J.H., Haus D., Hein B., Heitzenroeder P., Helander P., Heller R., Hidalgo C., Hildebrandt D., Höhnle H., Holtz A., Holzhauer E., Holzthüm R., Huber A., Hunger H., Hurd F., Ihrke M., Illy S., Ivanov A., Jablonski S., Jaksic N., Jakubowski M., Jaspers R., Jensen H., Jenzsch H., Kacmarczyk J., Kaliatk T., Kallmeyer J., Kamionka U., Karaleviciu B., Kern S., Keunecke M., Kleiber R., Knauer J., Koch R., Kocsis G., Könies A., Köppen M., Koslowski R., Koshurinov J., Krämer-Flecken A., Krampitz R., Kravtsov Y., Krychowiak M., Krzesinski G., Ksiazek I., Kubkowska Fr., Kus A., Langish S., Laube R., Laux M., Lazerson S., Lennartz M., Li C., Lietzow R., Lohs A., Lorenz A., Louche F., Lubyako L., Lumsdaine A., Lyssoivan A., Maaßberg H., Marek P., Martens C., Marushchenko N., Mayer M., Mendelevitch B., Mertens Ph., Mikkelsen D., Mishchenko A., Missal B., Mizuuchi T., Modrow H., Mönnich T., Morizaki T., Murakami S., Musielok F., Nagel M., Naujoks D., Neilson H., Neubauer O., Neuner U., Nocentini R., Noterdaeme J.-M., Nührenberg C., Obermayer S., Offermanns G., Oosterbeek H., Otte M., Panin A., Pap M., Paquay S., Pasch E., Peng X., Petrov S., Pilopp D., Pirsch H., Plaum B., Pompon F., Povilaitis M., Preinhaelter J., Prinz O., Purps F., Rajna T., Récsei S., Reiman A., Reiter D., Remmel J., Renard S., Rhode V., Riemann J., Rimkevicius S., Riße K., Rodatos A., Rodin I., Romé M., Roscher H.-J., Rummel K., Rummel Th., Runov A., Ryc L., Sachtleben J., Samartsev A., Sanchez M., Sano F., Scarabosio A., Schmid M., Schmitz H., Schmitz O., Schneider M., Schneider W., Scheibl L., Scholz M., Schröder G., Schröder M., Schruff J., Schumacher H., Shikhovtsev I.V., Shoji M., Siegl G., Skodzik J., Smirnow M., Speth E., Spong D.A., Stadler R., Sulek Z., Szabó V., Szabolics T., Szetefi T., Szökefalvi-Nagy Z., Tereshchenko A., Thomsen H., Thumm M., Timmermann D., Tittes H., Toi K., Tournianski M., Toussaint U.v., Tretter J., Tulipán S., Turba P., Uhlemann R., Urban J., Urbonavic .: ius, E. - Urlings, P. - Valet, S. - Van Eester, D. - Van Schoor, M. - Vervier, M. - Viebke, H. - Vilbrandt, R. - Vrancken, M. - Wauters, T. - Weissgerber, M. - Weiß, E. - Weller, A. - Wendorf, J. - Wenzel, U. - Windisch, T. - Winkler, E. - Winkler, M. - Wolowski, J. - Wolters, J. - Wrochna, G. - Xanthopoulos, P. - Yamada, H. - Yokoyama, M. - Zacharias, D. - Zajac, Jaromír - Zangl, G. - Zarnstorff, M. - Zeplien, H. - Zoletnik, S. - Zuin, M. al challenges in the con (2007) .
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Laqua H., Marsen S., Otte M., Podoba Y., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Direct Measurement of the Electron Bernstein Wave Absorption and Current Drive at the WEGA Stellarator. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52 [16] (2007) 280-280.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/49th./. Orlando, Florida, 12.11.2007-16.11.2007]
 Taylor G., Diem S.J., Ellis R.A., Fredd E., Greenough N.I., Hosea J.C., Bigelow T.S., Caughman J.B., Rasmussen D.A., Ryan P., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Smirnov A.P., Ershov N.M., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Ram A.K.: Recent EBW Emission Results and Plans for a 350 kW 28 GHz EC/EBW Heating System on NSTX. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52 [16] (2007) 304-304.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/49th./. Orlando, Florida, 12.11.2007-16.11.2007]
 Diem S.J., Taylor G., Efthimion P.C., LeBlanc B.P., Caughman J.B., Bigelow T.S., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Sabbagh S.A.: Recent EBW Emission Results on NSTX. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52 [16] (2007) 63-63.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/49th./. Orlando, Florida, 12.11.2007-16.11.2007]
 Podoba Y.Y., Laqua H.P., Warr G.B., Schubert M., Otte M., Marsen S., Wagner F., Andruczyk D., Holzhauer E., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Electron Bernstein Wave Heating by OXB-Mode Conversion at Low Magnetic Field in the WEGA Stellarator. Stellaror News - [109] (2007) 4-6.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Diem S.J., Taylor G., Caughman J., Bigelow T.S., Garstka G.D., Harvey R.W., LeBlanc B.P., Preinhaelter J., Sabbagh S.A., Urban J., Wilgen J.: Electron Bernstein Wave Research on NSTX and PEGASUS. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville : -, 2007 - (Ryan, P.; Rasmussen, D.) S. 331-334. ISBN 978-0-7354-0444-1. ISSN 0094-243X.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/17th./. Clearwater (US), 07.05.2007-09.05.2007]
 Laqua H.P., Andruczyk D., Holzhauer E., Marsen S., Otte M., Podoba Y.Y., Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Warr G.B.: Electron Cyclotron Wave Experiments at the WEGA Stellarator. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts – Contributed papers. Warsaw : European Physical Society, 2007 - (Gąsior, P.; Wołowski, J.) S. 4-7. ISBN 978-83-926290-0-9. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts).
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/34th./. Warsaw (PL), 02.07.2007-06.07.2007]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Laqua H.P., Podoba Y., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Simulation of EBW Heating in WEGA. AIP Conference Proceedings. Melville : -, 2007 - (Ryan, P.; Rasmussen, D.) S. 343-346. ISBN 978-0-7354-0444-1. ISSN 0094-243X.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/17th./. Clearwater (US), 07.05.2007-09.05.2007]
 LeBlanc B.P., Bell R.E., Bernabei S., Caughman J.B., Delgado-Aparicio L., Diem S.J., Efthimion P.C., Harvey R.W., Hosea J.C., Phillips C.K., Preinhaelter J., Ryan P.M., Sabbagh S., Taylor G., Tritz K., Urban J., Wilgen J.B., Wilson J.R., NSTX team.: HHFW AND EBW RESEARCH ON NSTX. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts – Contributed papers. Warsaw : European Physical Society, 2007 - (Gąsior, P.; Wołowski, J.) P4.160-P4.160. ISBN 978-83-926290-0-9. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts).
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics/34th./. Warsaw (PL), 02.07.2007-06.07.2007]
2006Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Taylor G., Diem S., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Simulation of the time development of EBW emission from NSTX. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 51 [4] (2006) K1.00024.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference/2006./. Dallas, Texas, 22.4.2006-25.4.2006]
 Diem S.J., Taylor G., Efthimion P.C., LeBlanc P.C., Carter M., Caughman J., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Te(R, t) measurements using electron Bernstein wave thermal emission on NSTX. Review of Scientific Instruments 77 [10] (2006) 10E919, 1-10E919,4.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/16th./. Williamsburg, Virginia, 7.5.2006-11.5.2006]
 Diem S.J., Taylor G., Efthimion P., LeBlanc B.P., Philips C.K., Caughman J., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Thermal Electron Bernstein Wave Emission Measurements on NST. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 51 [7] (2006) 134.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/48th./. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30.10.2006-3.11.2006]
 Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Sabbagh S.A., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Interpretation of EBW simulation and comparison with NSTX. EPS Europhysics Conference Abstracts – Contributed papers. Roma : EPS, 2006. P5.171.
[ Abstract ]

[3Annual European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/33rd./. Rome (IT), 19.06.2006-23.06.2006]
 Urban J., Fuchs V., Pánek R., Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Davydenko V.I., Mishagin V.V.: NBI system for reinstalled COMPASS{D tokamak. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl.B] (2006) 176-181.
[ Abstract ]

[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2206]
 Urban J., Preinhaelter J.: Adaptive finite elements for a set of second-order ODEs. Journal of Plasma Physics 72 [6] (2006) 1-4.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Conference of 19th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas and 7th Asia Pacific Plasma Theory Conference. Nara, Japonsko, 12.7.2006-15.7.2006]
 Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Pavlo P., Diem S.J., Taylor G., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Vahala L., Vahala G.: EBW Emission Simulations and Plasma Diagnostics. Proceedings of EC-14, 2006, on web only. Řecko : Heliotopos Conferences Ltd, 2006. nečíslováno.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating/14th./. Santorini, Greece (GR), 09.05.2006-12.05.2006]
 Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Sabbagh S., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Effect of Various EFIT NSTX Equilibria on EBW Simulations. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 51 [7] (2006) QPI.00027.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/48th./. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30.10.2006-3.11.2006]
 Taylor G., Diem S.J., Caughman J., Efthimion P., Harvey R.W., LeBlanc B.P., Philips C.K., Preinhaelter J., Urban J.: Electron Bernstein Wave Coupling and Emission Measurements on NSTX. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 51 [7] (2006) 177.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/48th./. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30.10.2006-3.11.2006]
 Shevchenko V., Cunningham G., Gurchenko A., Gusakov E., Lloyd B., O´Brien M., Preinhaelter J., Saveliev A., Surkov A., Volpe F., Walsh M.: Electron Bernstein Wave Heating Experiments on MAST. Proceedings 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 2006, on web only. Čína : IAEA, 2006. EX/P6-22, 1-8.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/21st./. Chengdu, China (CN), 16.10.2006-21.10.2006]
 Taylor G., Bigelow T.S., Caughman J.B., Carter M.D., Diem S.J., Efthimion P., Ellis R.A., Ershov N.M., Fredd E., Harvey R.W., Hosea J., Jaeger F., LeBlanc B.P., Philips C.K., Preinhaelter J., Ram A.K., Rasmussen D.A., Smirnov A.P., Urban J., Wilgen J.B., Wilson J.R.: Electron Bernstein Wave Research on Overdense Plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment. Proceedings of EC-14. Řecko : Heliotopos Conferences Ltd., 2006. -. - (42).
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating/14th./. Santorini, Greece (GR), 09.05.2006-12.05.2006]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Pavlo P., Diem S., Vahala L., Vahala G., Taylor G.: Electron Bernstein wave simulations and comparison to preliminary NSTX emission data. Review of Scientific Instruments 77 [10] (2006) 10F524, 1-4.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/16th./. Williamsburg, Virginia, 7.5.2006-11.5.2006]
 Harvey R.W., Cary J.R., Taylor G., Barnes D.C., Bigelow T.S., Coda S., Carlsson J., Caughman J.B., Carter M.D., Diem S., Efthimion P.C., Ellis R.A., Ershov N.M., Fonck R.J., Fredd E., Gartska G.D., Hosea J., Jaeger F., LeBlanck B., Lewicki B.T., Phillips C.K., Preinhaelter J., Ram A.K., Rasmussen D.A., Smirnov A.P., Urban J., Wilgen J.B., Wilson J.R., Xiang N.: Electron Bernstein Wave Studies: Current Drive; Emission and Absorption with Nonthermal Distributions; Delta-F Particle in Cell Simulations. Proceedings 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 2006, on web only. Čína : IAEA, 2006. TH/P6-11.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[IAEA Fusion Energy Conference/21st./. Chengdu, China (CN), 16.10.2006-21.10.2006]
 Taylor G., Caughman J.B., Carter M.D., Diem S., Efthimion P.C., Harvey R.W., Preinhaelter J., Wilgen J.B., Bigelow T.S., Ellis R.A., Ershov N.M., Fonck R.J., Fredd E., Gartska G.D., Hosea J., Jaeger F., LeBlanck B., Lewicki B.T., Philips C.K., Ram A.K., Rasmussen D.A., Smirnov A.P., Urban J., Wilson J.R.: Electron Bernstein Wave (EBW) Physics In NSTX and PEGASUS. Proceedings of Innovative Confinement Concepts Workshop 2006. USA : The University of Texas at Austin, 2006. s. 1-24.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Innovative Confinement Concepts Workshop. Austin,Texas (US), 13.02.2006-16.02.2006]
2005Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Taylor G., Valovic M., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Simulation of ECE frequency spectra for NSTX and comparison with new radiometer resultsSimulation of ECE frequency spectra for NSTX and comparison with new radiometer results. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 50 [10] (2005) nečíslováno.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/47th./. Denver, 24.10.2005-28.10.2005]
 Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Taylor G., Valovic M., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Methodology of electron Bernstein wave emission simulations. ECA, Contributed Papers, 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion combined with the 8th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets. Tarragona : EPS, 2005 - (Hidalgo, C.; van Milligen, B.) P-11.121. ISBN 2-914771-24-X. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts. 29C).
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[European Physical Society Conference on. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion combined with the 8th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets/32nd./. Tarragona (ES), 26.06.2005-01.07.2005]
 Counsell G.F., Akers R.J., Appel L.C., Applegate D., Axon K.B., Baranov Y., Brickley C., Bunting C., Buttery C., Carolan P.G., Challis C., Ciric D., Conway N.J., Cox M., Cunningham G., Darke A., Dnestrovskij A., Dowling J., Dudson B., Dunstan M.R., Delchambre E., Field A.R., Foster A., Gee S., Gryaznevich M.P., Helander P., Hender T.C., Hole M., Howell D.H., Joiner N., Keeling D., Kirk A., Lehane I.P., Lisgo S., Lloyd B., Lott F., Maddison G.P., Manhood S.J., Martin R., McArdle G.J., McClements K.G., Meyer H., Morris A.W., Nelson M., O Brien M.R., Patel A., Pinfold T., Preinhaelter J., Price M.N., Roach C.M., Rozhansky V., Saarelma S., Saveliev A., Scannell R., Sharapov S., Shevchenko V., Shibaev S., Stammers K., Storrs J., Sykes A., Tabasso A., Tallents S., Taylor D., Tournianski M.R., Turner A., Turri G., Valovic M., Volpe F., Voss G., Walsh M.J., Watkins J.R., Wilson H.R., Wisse M., MAST Mast.Teams., NBI NBI.Teams., ECRCH ECRCH.Teams.: Overview of MAST results. Nuclear Fusion 45 [10] (2005) S157-S167.
[ Abstract ]

[Fusion Energy Conference 2004. Vilamoura, 01.11.2004-06.11.2004]
 Preinhaelter J., Taylor G., Shevchenko V., Urban J., Valovic M., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: EBW simulation for MAST and NSTX experiments. International Congress on Plasma Physics:ICPP2002 /11./. Melville, NY, USA, 2005 - (Wukicht, S.; Bonoli, P.) s. 349-352. ISBN 0-7354-0133. ISSN 0094-243X.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas /16th./. Park City, Utah USA (US), 11.04.2005-13.04.2005]
 Taylor G., Efthimion P.C., LeBlanc P.C., Carter M.D., Caughman J.B., Wilgen J.B., Preinhaelter J., Harvey R.W., Sabbagh S.A.: Efficient coupling of thermal electron Bernstein waves to the ordinary electromagnetic mode on the National Spherical Torus Experiment. Physics of Plasmas 12 [5] (2005) 052511-- 1-052511 -7.
[ Abstract ]
 Taylor G., Diem S., Efthimion P.C., Ellis R.A., Fredd E., Hosea J., Wilson J.R., Bigelow T.S., Carter M.D., Caughman J.B., Jaeger F., Rasmussen D.A., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Smirnov A.P., Ershov N.M., Urban J., Preinhaelter J., Bers A., Decker J., Ram A.K.: Electron Bernstein Wave Physics in NSTXElectron Bernstein Wave Physics in NSTX. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 50 [10] (2005) nečíslováno.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/47th./. Denver, Colorado, 24.10.2005-28.10.2005]
 Taylor G., Efthimion P.C., Fredd E., Hosea J., Wilson J.R., Bigelow T.S., Carter M.D., Caughman J.B., Jaeger F., Rasmussen D.A., Wilgen J.B., Harvey R.W., Smirnov A.P., Ershov N.M., Preinhaelter J., Ram A.K., Bers A.: Electron Bernstein Wave Research on the National Spherical Torus Experiment. International Congress on Plasma Physics:ICPP2002 /11./. Melville, NY, USA, 2005 - (Wukitch, S.; Bonoli, P.) s. 337-340. ISBN 0-7354-0133. ISSN 0094-243X.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/16th./. Park City, Utah USA (US), 11.04.2005-13.04.2005]
2004Urban J., Preinhaelter J.: Adaptive finite elements method for the solution of the Maxwell equations in inhomogeneous magnetized plasma. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C109-C115.
[ Abstract ]

[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004]
 Shevchenko V. F., Baranov Y., O'Brien M., Piliya A. D., Preinhaelter J., Saveliev A. N., Tregubova E. N., Volpe F.: Prospects of EBW emission diagnostics and EBW heating in spherical tokamaks. Proceedings of the 13th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance. Institute of Applied Physics, Russia Academy of Sciences, 2004. s. 13-22.
[ Abstract ]

[Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance/13th./. Nizhniy Novgorod (RU), 17.05.2004-20.05.2004]
 Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G., Urban J.: Comparison of Theory and Experiment on Electron Cyclotron Emission from Spherical Tori. 31st IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. Baltimore, 2004. 6P14. - (IEEE).
[ Abstract ]

[IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science/31st./. Baltimore (US), 28.06.2004-01.07.2004]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Pavlo P., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Vahala L., Vahala G.: ECE from MAST - Gaussian beams and antenna aiming problem. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C116-C122.
[ Abstract ]

[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004]
 Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Wilson H. R., Urban J., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: The role of magnetic equilibria in determining ECE in MAST. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 50 [11] (2004) PP1-013.
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/46th./. Savannah, 15.11.2004-19.11.2004]
 Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Wilson H., Urban J., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: The sensitivity of ECE simulations in MAST to different magnetic equlibria models. 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. London : ECA, 2004. s. P-4.184. - (EPS.)
[ Abstract ]

[EPS Conference on Plasma Physics/31st./. London (GB), 28.06.2004-02.07.2004]
 Preinhaelter J., Urban J., Pavlo P., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Influence of antenna aiming on ECE in MAST. Review of Scientific Instruments 75 [10] (2004) 3804-3806.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/15th./. San Diego, 19.04.2004-22.04.2004]
 Zajac J., Preinhaelter J., Žáček F., Nanobashvili S.: Microwave experiments on the tokamak CASTOR: fundamental ECE radiometry. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl. C] (2004) C68-C73.
[ Abstract ]

[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/21st./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004]
2003Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: ECE in MAST:Theory and Experiment. Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, 15th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas. New York : American Institute of Physics, 2003 - (Forest, C.) s. 388-392. ISBN 0-7354-0158-6.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas/15th./. Moran, Wyoming (US), 19.05.2003-21.05.2003]
 Preinhaelter J., Pavlo P., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Electron Bernstein wave-X-O mode conversion and electron cyclotron emission in MAST. Review of Scientific Instruments 74 (2003) 1437-1440.
[ Abstract ]
 Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Theory of EBW-X-O with Comparison to ECE data in MAST. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 48 [-] (2003) QP1.053.
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/45th./. Albuquerque, 27.10.2003-31.10.2003]
2002Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Valovic M., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: EBW-X-O and ECE in MAST. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47 [9] (2002) 211.
[ Abstract ]

[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society /44./. Orlando, Florida, 11.11.2001-15.11.2001]
 Preinhaelter J., Shevchenko V., Valovič M., Vahala G., Vahala L., Pavlo P.: Interpretation of ECE measurement on MAST. 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion-Contributed Papers. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2002 - (Behn, R.; Varandas, C.) s. P-5.095.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/29th./. Montreux (CH), 17.06.2002-21.06.2002]
2001Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Vahala G., Vahala L.: Mode Conversion Processes for Electron Bernstein Wave Excitation in Spherical Tori. 0-7803-7141-0. In: Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. Piscataway : IEEE Service Center, 2001. s. 537. - (IEEE Conference Record-Abstracts.)
[ Abstract ]

[IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science /28./. Las Vegas (US), 17.06.2001-22.06.2001]
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Tregubova E., Vahala G., Vahala L., Žáček F.: ECE on CASTOR. 0-7354-0038-5. In: Radio frequency power in plasmas. New York : Melville, 2001 - (Mau, T.; de Grossie, J.) s. 326-329. - (AIP Conference Proceedings.. 595).
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on Radio frequency /14./. Oxnard (US), 07.05.2001-09.05.2001]
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Electron cyclotron resonance heating in spherical plasmas:O-X-EBW mode conversion in MAST. Review of Scientific Instruments 72 [1] (2001) 391-.
[ Abstract ]

[Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics/13th./. Tuscon, Arizona, 18.06.2000-22.06.2000]
 Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Irzak M. A., Tregubova E., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Influence of the plasma surface density fluctuations on ECE in CASTOR. Contributed Papers of 28th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2001 - (Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.) s. 329-332. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 25A).
[European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/28th./. Funchal, Madeira (PT), 18.06.2001-22.06.2001]
 Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Irzak M., Tregubova E., Vahala G., Vahala L.: Influence of the plasma surface density fluctuations on ECE in CASTOR. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 46 [8] (2001) 307.
[ Abstract ]

[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society/43rd./. Long Beach, 29.10.2001-02.11.2001]
2000Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Vahala G., Vahala L.: ECE and ECRH from O-X-EBW Mode Conversion in Spherical Plasmas. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 45 [7] (2000) 254.
[ Abstract ]

[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society and the 10th International Congress on Plasma Physics /42./. Quebec City, 23.10.2000-27.10.2000]
 Preinhaelter J., Žáček F., Irzak M. A., Vahala L., Vahala G.: ECRH on CASTOR. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 50 [S 3] (2000) 51-56.
[ Abstract ]

[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/19th./. Prague, 06.06.2000-09.06.2000]
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Pavlo P., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Excitation of Electron Bernstein Waves in MAST. 27th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 2000 - (Szegö, K.; Todd, T.; Zoletnik, S.) s. 1204-1207. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 24B).
[European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics/27th./. Budapest (HU), 12.06.2000-16.06.2000]
1999Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Vahala G., Vahala L.: Comparison of Quasi-Optical and Passive active Multijunction Grills for ITER- and NSTX-like Plasmas. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 44 [7] (1999) 210.
[ Abstract ]

[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society/41st./. Seattle, 15.11.1999-19.11.1999]
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Proporels of quasi-optical grills for ITER and NTSTX tokamaks. Mulhouse : European Physical Society, 1999. 4 s. (Schweer B. (ed.), Oost van G. (ed.), Vietzke E. (ed.) Europhysics Conference Abstracts., 23J).
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Quasi-optical grills for ITER and NSTX plasmas. New York : AIP, 1999. 4 s. (American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings. Bernabei S. (ed.), Paoletti F. (ed.)) ISBN 1-56396-861-4.
 Pavlo P., Krlín L., Preinhaelter J., Klíma R., Petržílka J., Pánek R.: Resonance Broadening by the Interaction of Spatially Localized LHW with Plasma. Contributions to the 26th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Lausanne : European Physical Society, 1999 - (Schweer, B.; Oost, v.; Vietzke, E.) s. 85-88. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.. 23J).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /26./. Maastricht (NL), 14.06.1999-18.06.1999]
 Žáček F., Klíma R., Jakubka K., Plíšek P., Nanobashvili S., Pavlo P., Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Kryška L.: Spectrum broadening and fluctuations of lower hybrid waves observed in the CASTOR tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 41 [10] (1999) 1221-1230.
1998Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Côté A., Demers Y., Fuchs V., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Launch of 5GHz LH Waves into ITER using Quasi-Optical Grills. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 43 [8] (1998) 1876.
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics/40./. New Orleans, Louisiana, 16.11.1998-20.11.1998]
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Côté A., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Proposal of Quasi-Optical Grill for ITER Tokamak. Rey G. (ed.) Cadarache, 1998. 24 s.
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Côté A., Vahala L., Vahala G., : Proposal of quasi-optical grill for ITER tokamak. Prague : European Physical Society, 1998. 5 s. (Pavlo P. (ed.) Europhysics Conference Abstracts., 22C).
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Côté A., Demers Y., Fuchs V., Vahala L., Vahala G., : Quasi-optical grill structures for TdeV, Ignitor and Tore Supra tokamaks. Jacquinot J. (ed.), Oost van G. (ed.), Weynants R.R. (ed.) European Physical Society, 1998. 4 s. (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.)
 Žáček F., Klíma R., Jakubka K., Plíšek P., Nanobashvili S., Pavlo P., Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Kryška L.: Spectrum broadening of LHW launched in tokamak CASTOR by multijunction grill antenna. Proceedings of 1998 ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Prague : EPS, 1998 - (Pavlo, P.) s. 1414-1417. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts.)
[ICPP and 25th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /25./. Prague (CZ), 29.06.1998-03.07.1998]
1997Žáček F., Stöckel J., Jakubka K., Klíma R., Kryška L., Nanobashvili S., Nanobashvili I., Pavlo P., Preinhaelter J.: Turbulent characteristics of plasma in front of quasioptical grill on CASTOR tokamak. Nagoya : Japan Society of Plasma Sciences and Nuclear Fusion Research, 1997.
[International Conference on Plasma Physics 1996. Nagoya (JP), 09.09.1996-13.09.1996]
 Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: A new concept of launchers for lower hybrid waves in tokamaks:quasi-optical grills. Theory of Fusion Plasmas. Bologna : Societa Italiana di Fisica, 1997 - (Connor, J.; Sidoni, E.; Václavík, J.) s. 87-100. ISBN 88-7794-090-5.
[Joint Varenna Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas. Varenna (IT), 26.08.1996-30.08.1996]
 Preinhaelter J., Côté A., Demers Y., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Preliminary proposals of quasi-optical grills for ignitor and T de V tokamaks. Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997 - (Ryan, P.; Intrator, T.) s. 165-168.
[Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas /12./. Savannah, Georgia (US), 01.04.1997-03.04.1997]
 Preinhaelter J., Côté A., Demers Y., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Preliminary proposals of quasi-optical grills for Ignitor and T de V tokamaks. Proceedings of 1997 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference. Madison : American Institute of Physics, 1997. s. 1.
[International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference/1997./. Madison (US), 28.04.1997-30.04.1997]
 Preinhaelter J., Coté A., Demers Y., Fuchs V., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Proposal of a quesioptical grill operating at 3.7GHz for TdeV Tokamak. Garching : EPS, 1997. - (part1).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /24./. Berchtesgaden (DE), 09.06.1997-13.06.1997]
 Preinhaelter J., Coté A., Demers Y., Fuchs V., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Proposals of quasi optical grills for ignitor and TdeV tokamaks. Prague : Czech Technical University, 1997. ISBN 80-01-01641-2.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /18./. Prague (CZ), 17.06.1997-20.06.1997]
 Preinhaelter J., Irzak M. A., Côté A., Demers Y., Fuchs V., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Quasi-Optical Grills:Desing of LH launchers for Ingnitor and TdeV. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 42 [10] (1997) 1935.
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics /39./. Pittsburgh, 17.11.1997-21.11.1997]
 Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Role of higher spatial harmonics in the launched LH spectrum in the ponderomotive efects at the plamsa edge. Journal of Plasma Physics 57 [3] (1997) 555-574.
 Žáček F., Jakubka K., Klíma R., Kryška L., Nanobashvili S., Pavlo P., Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J.: Characteristics of low intensity LHW launched in tokamak CASTOR. Berchtesgaden : EPS, 1997. - (Europhysics Conference Abstracts., A).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /24./. Berchtesgaden (DE), 09.06.1997-13.06.1997]
1996Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: A new lower hybrid wave launcher in the 4-8GHz range: the quasi-optical grill. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 41 [7] (1996) 1426.
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics /38./. Denver, 11.11.1996-15.11.1996]
 Preinhaelter J.: Quasi-optical grill mounted in hyperguide. Nuclear Fusion 36 [5] (1996) 593-611.
 Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: The Theory of the Quasi-Optical Grill: A LH Wave Launcher in the 4-10GHz Range for High Fields Tokamaks. Proceedings of 1996 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference. Philadelphia : American Institute of Physics, 1996. s. 1D18.
[International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference /1996./. Philadelphia (US), 18.04.1996-19.04.1996]
1995Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Coupling of Slow Lower Hybrid Waves at the Plasma Edge. Proceedings of 1995 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference. American Institute of Physics, 1995. s. 1.
[International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference /1995./. Incile Village (US), 03.04.1995-05.04.1995]
 Preinhaelter J., Vahala G., Vahala L.: Design of Large Quasi-Optical Grills for Launch of LH Waves at 10GHz in Large Tokamaks. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 40 [11] (1995) 1707.
[Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of APS /37./. Louisville, 06.11.1995-10.11.1995]
 Žáček F., Kletečka P., Jakubka K., Preinhaelter J., Klíma R., Pavlo P., Stöckel J.: Quasioptical antenna system for LHCD. Proceeding of 17th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Prague : ÚFP, Czech Technical University, 1995 - (Píchal, J.) ISBN 80-01-01344-8.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /17./. Prague (CZ), 13.06.1995-16.06.1995]
 Preinhaelter J., Vahala G., Vahala L.: Slow Lower Hybrid Ponderomotive Effects in the Edge Tokamak Plasma. Proceeding of 11th Topical Conference on RFP in Plasmas. AIP, 1995 - (Prater, R.; Chan, V.) - (A.I.P. Conference Proceedings.. 355).
[Topical Conference on RFP in Plasmas /11./. Palm Springs (US)]
 Žáček F., Kletečka P., Klíma R., Krlín L., Kryška L., Nanobashvili S., Pavlo P., Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Jakubka K.: Experiments with quasi-optical grill on tokamak CASTOR. Proceeding of 22nd EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion. Abingdon : European Physical Society, 1995 - (Keen, B.; Stott, P.; Winter, J.) - (EPS Conference.. part 4).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion /22./. Bournemouth (GB), 03.07.1995-07.07.1995]
 Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala G.: Large quasi-optical grills mounted in hyper guides. Proceeding of 17th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Prague : ÚFP, Czech Technical University, 1995 - (Píchal, J.) ISBN 80-01-01344-8.
[Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /17./. Prague (CZ), 13.06.1995-16.06.1995]
1994Preinhaelter J., Huřťák O.: Ponderomotive effects in plasma in front of waveguide structure radiating the slow lower hybrid waves. Contributed Papers. Montpellier : EPS, 1994 - (Joffrin, E.; Platz, P.; Stott, P.) s. 1074-1077. - (Vol. 18B. part III).
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /21./. Montpellier (FR), 27.06.1994-01.07.1994]
 Preinhaelter J., Vahala L., Vahala B.: Ponderomotive effects in the edge plasma in the Waveguide Launch on Slow Lower Hybrid Waves. Bulletin of APS. APS, 1994 - (Buggett, N.) s. 1629. - (Vol. 39.)
[Annual Meeting of Plasma Physics, Division of APS. Minneapolis (US), 07.11.1994-11.11.1994]
 Klíma R., Pavlo P., Preinhaelter J., Stöckel J., Žáček F., Jakubka K., Kletečka P., Kryška L.: Design of the Quasi-Optical Grill for LHCD on the CASTOR Tokamak. Proceeding of 21st EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Cadarache : European Physical Society, 1994 - (Joffrin, E.; Platz, P.; Stott, P.) - (European Physical Society.)
[EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /21./. Montpellier (FR), 27.06.1994-01.07.1994]