![]() | prof. doc. Pavel Mokrý, Ing. Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, TOPTEC Centre ] Place: Detached establishment Turnov, Office: Sob1 Tel.: (+420) 487 953 903 Email: mokry@ipp.cas.cz |
Research Interests
2001 | Ph.D. Faculty of Education, Technical University of Liberec The Role of Domain Structures in Piezoelectrically Active Systems |
1999 | M.Sc. Faculty of Mechatronics and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies, Technical University of Liberec Response of ferroelectric domain structure to external electric field |
Research experience
2016-now | Professor Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Technical University of Liberec Material research focused on ferroelectric materials and metamaterials, optics and acoustice |
2008 | Visiting Professor (Sabbatical leave from TUL) Ceramics Laboratory, Institute of Materials, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland Basic research of domain properties of ferroelectric materials for FRAM memory applications |
2006-2016 | Associate Professor Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Technical University of Liberec Basic and applied research of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials |
2004-2006 | Assistant Professor Faculty of Mechatronics and Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies, Technical University of Liberec Basic and applied research of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials |
2003-2004 | Post-doc Assistant Ceramics Laboratory, Institute of Materials, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland Basic research of thermodynamic properties of ferroelectric materials |
2001-2003 | Visiting Researcher Applied Piezoelectricity Laboratory, Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research, Tokyo, Japan Design and realization of devices for the suppression of noise and vibration transmission |
2001-2003 | Research Student Department of Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan Basic research of electromechanical properties of piezoelectric polymers |
Academic Awards
2000 | Werner von Siemens Excellence Award Fellowship for Ph.D. Students |
1999 | Werner von Siemens Excellence Award for Master Thesis |
Membership in professional societies, committees, editorial boards, ...
2016-now | Member IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectricity and Frequency Control |
2013 | Member of the organizing Committee 2013 IEEE-UFFC joint symposia IEEE–International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Joint IEEE–International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric (ISAF) and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials (PFM), Joint IEEE–International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS) and European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) 21–25 July 2013, Prague, Czech Republic >> more... |
2011 | Steering Committee Chair ECMS 2011, 11 th International Workshop on Electronics, Control, Modelling, Measurement and Signals, May 21 - 23, 2011, Liberec, Czech Republic >> more... |
2010 | Member of the organizing Committee ISFD-10, 10th International Symposium on Ferroic Domains, September 20 – 24, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic >> more... |
2007 | Program Committee Member PIEZO 2007, POLECER conference: Piezoelectricity for End Users III, February 7- 9, 2007, Liberec, Czech Republic >> more... |
2007 | Program Committee Member ECMS 2007, 8 th International Workshop on Electronics, Control, Modelling, Measurement and Signals, May 21 - 23, 2007, Liberec, Czech Republic >> more... |
since 2004 | Member of the Advisory Board for the doctoral study program Science Engineering Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Technical University of Liberec >> more... |
Supervised students
2019-now | Vojtěch Lindauer Ph.D. study supervision Advanced functional materials based on ferroelectrics and their applications in healthcare |
2017-now | Marek Mach Ph.D. study supervision Development of methods for measuring the spatial distribution of refractive index using on-chip tomography |
2015-2020 | Tomáš Hubáček Ph.D. study supervision Fabrication, characterization and application of scintillation nano-heterostructures based on multiple quantum pits in InGaN/GaN |
2014-2018 | Michal Kašpárek Ph.D. study supervision Semiactive sound absorption using electrodynamic loudspeaker with the negative impedance shunt circuit |
2013-now | Jan Václavík Ph.D. study supervision Wall-plug energy efficiency optimization in electronic circuits for active acoustic metamaterials |
2012 | Václav Linhart Master Thesis supervision Design and implementation of electronics for adaptive control of vibration transmission in a wide frequency range using piezoelectric actuators |
2011-2019 | David Vápenka Ph.D. study supervision Optimization of dielectric layers sputtering procedures for optical applications |
2007-2013 | Miloš Kodejška Ph.D. study supervision Adaptive vibration control methods: Solution of single-mode and broad frequency band problems |
2006-2013 | Kateřina Nováková Ph.D. study supervision 186. Control of static and dynamic mechanical response of piezoelectric composite shells: Applications to acoustics and adaptive optics |
2011-2012 | Alexey Kruchenko Bachelor Thesis supervision Numerical modeling and optimization of the adaptive optics system |
2010 | Alexey Kruchenko Bachelor project supervision Modeling of electromechanical properties of ferroelectric nanodomain structures |
2010-2011 | Jiří Popelka Bachelor Thesis supervision Design and realization of semi-active system with piezoelectric actuators for a vibration suppression in a wide frequency range |
2010-2011 | Václav Linhart Master Thesis supervision Design and realization of electronics for the adaptive vibration control in the broad frequency range using piezoelectric actuators |
2010 | Jiří Popelka Bachelor project supervision Semiactive system for the vibration control |
2010 | Michal Podzimek Master Thesis Supervision Vibration control using a piezoelectric bimorphs connected to the negative capacitance circuit |
2010 | Jiří Veltruský Master Thesis Supervision Design and realization of the experimental device for measurements of the acoustic transmission loss in the acoustic tube |
2010 | Jan Křivka Master Thesis Supervision Methods for parameters adjustment of the negative capacitance circuit in a vibration control system with a piezoelectric actuator |
2009 | Jan Křivka Master project supervision Methods for the continuous negative capacitance circuit control |
2009 | Jiří Borovec Master project supervision Efficiency analysis and optimization of the energy harvesting system using a piezoelectric actuator |
2009 | Michal Podzimek Master project supervision Measurements of electric and mechanical vibrational quantities of piezoelectric bender connected to active electric shunt |
2005-2008 | Tomáš Sluka Ph.D. study supervision Noise and vibration control using piezoelectric elements shunted by a negative capacitor |
2008 | Lukáš Novák Bachelor Thesis supervision Design and realization of the source of vibrations |
2007-2008 | Petr Kleprlík Bachelor Thesis supervision Design of the semiactive method for the suppression of vibration transmission in the micropositioning system |
2007-2008 | Michal Podzimek Bachelor Thesis supervision Design and realization of the system for controlling the vibrations of bending piezoelectric actuator |
2007 | Miloš Kodejška Master Thesis Supervision Design and realization of electronics for the semiactive vibration control system with a piezoelectric element |
2007 | Jan Licek Master Thesis Supervision Multipurpose device for measurements of dielectric hysteresis loop and permittivity of ferroelectric materials |
2007 | Michal Lisner Master Thesis Supervision Design and realization of a vibration transmissibility measurement setup |
2007 | Jan Licek, Michal Lisner Master project supervision Design and realization of the analyzer for the simultaneous measurement of the dielectric hysteresis loop and permittivity |
2006 | Jan Kubart Master Thesis Supervision Characterization of dielectric properties of ferroelectric materials using hysteresis loop measurement |
2005 | Ladislava Raulímová Master Thesis Supervision Design and realization of negative capacitance electronics for smart material vibration control system |
Research projects
2019-2021 | Super-resolution on-chip tomography of ferroelectric domains Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA19-22000S |
2016-2018 | Adaptive acoustic metasurfaces for the active sound field control Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA16-11965S |
2014-2016 | Digital holographic tomography of ferroelectric domain walls Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA14-32228S |
2014-2016 | Digital holographic tomography of ferroelectric domain walls Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA14-32228S |
2013-2015 | Planar acoustic metamaterials with the active control of acoustic impedance Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA13-10365S |
2011-2014 | Large aperture composite structures for high-power laser active and adaptive optics Participant Provider: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic; Project ID: TA01010878 |
2010-2012 | Modern piezoelectric perovskites: lattice vibrations and domain walls Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP204/10/0616 |
2008-2010 | Modern methods for noise and vibration suppression using piezoelectric materials Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA101/08/1279 |
2007-2009 | Electromechanical properties of aadvanced ferroelectrics materials Participant Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/07/1289 |
2006-2008 | Domain phenomena in ferroic crystals Participant Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/06/0411 |
2003-2005 | Electromechanical properties of ceramics and layer composites Participant Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/03/0569 |
1999-2004 | Micro Electro-mechanical Systems Participant Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: MSM 242200002 |
2000-2002 | Ferrolelectric composites Participant Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/00/1245 |
1996-1999 | Electromechanical properties of dielectrics Participant Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: VS96006 |
List of Publications
2023 | Mach M., Psota P., Žídek K., Mokrý P.: Compact lensless Fizeau holographic interferometry for imaging domain patterns in ferroelectric single crystals. Applied Optics 62 [10] (2023) 2522-2530. [ Abstract ] |
Mach M., Stašík M., Kaván F., Mokrý P., Lédl V., Psota P.: Subaperture stitching digital holographic microscopy for precise wear volume measurement in tribology. Applied Optics 62 [8] (2023) 2137-2144. [ Abstract ] | |
Mach M., Psota P., Žídek K., Mokrý P.: On-chip digital holographic interferometry for measuring wavefront deformation in transparent samples. Optics Express 31 [11] (2023) 17185-17200. [ Abstract ] | |
2021 | Das N., Kanclíř V., Mokrý P., Žídek K.: Bulk and interface second harmonic generation in the Si3N4 thin films deposited via ion beam sputtering. Journal of Optics 23 [2] (2021) č. článku 024003. [ Abstract ] |
2019 | Psota P., Mokrý P., Lédl V., Stašík M., Matoušek O., Kredba J.: Absolute and pixel-wise measurements of vibration amplitudes using time-averaged digital holography. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 121 (2019) 236-245. [ Abstract ] |
2018 | Mokrý P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Vápenka D., Lédl V.: Metoda digitální holografické tomografie pro 3D pozorování doménových struktur ve feroelektrickém monokrystalu. Jemná mechanika a optika 63 [2] (2018) 55-58. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] |
Mokrý P., Lédl V., Psota P., Sládek J., Steiger K., Václavík J.: Three-dimensional imaging of ferroelectric domain structure in periodically poled lithium niobate using digital holographic tomography. Applied Physics Letters 112 [15] (2018) č. článku 152903. [ Abstract ] | |
Mokrý P., Lédl V., Psota P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Sládek J.: 3D zobrazování feroelektrických doménových struktur v periodicky polarizovaném niobičitanu lithném pomocí digitální holografické tomografie. Jemná mechanika a optika 63 [6] (2018) 185-190. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
2017 | Sluka T., Mokrý P., Setter N.: Static negative capacitance of a ferroelectric nano-domain nucleus. Applied Physics Letters 111 [15] (2017) č. článku 152902. [ Abstract ] |
Lédl V., Psota P., Kaván F., Matoušek O., Mokrý P.: Surface topography measurement by frequency sweeping digital holography. Applied Optics 56 [28] (2017) 7808-7814. [ Abstract ] | |
Mokrý P., Václavík J., Nečásek J., Psota P., Steiger K., Vápenka D.: Adaptive acoustic metasurfaces for the noise shielding. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2017. London: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, IIAV, 2017 - (Gibbs, B.), č. článku 129801. ISBN 978-1-906913-27-4. ISSN 2329-3675. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2017/24./. London (GB), 23.07.2017-27.07.2017] | |
Psota P., Doleček R., Lédl V., Vít T., Mokrý P., Dančová P.: Validation of digital holographic tomography in flow measurement. EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, 2017 - (Dančová, P.), č. článku 02097. ISSN 2101-6275. [ Abstract ] [11th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics. Mariánské Lázně (CZ), 15.11.2016-18.11.2016] | |
Psota P., Lédl V., Kaván F., Matoušek O., Mokrý P.: Surface profilometry by digital holography. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. IEEE, 2017. ISBN 978-1-5090-6505-9. ISSN 1946-0759. [ Abstract ] [22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. Limassol (CY), 12.09.2017-15.09.2017] | |
Mokrý P., Sluka T.: Identification of microscopic domain wall motion from temperature dependence of nonlinear dielectric response. Applied Physics Letters 110 [16] (2017) č. článku 162906. [ Abstract ] | |
Psota P., Doleček R., Lédl V., Vít T., Mokrý P., Dančová P.: Validation of digital holographic tomography in flow measurement. EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 143. Cedex: EDP Sciences, 2017 - (Dančová, P.), č. článku 02097. EPJ Web of Conferences, 143. ISSN 2100-014x. [ Abstract ] [EFM16 - Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2016. Mariánské Lázně, Marienbad (CZ), 15.11.2016-18.11.2016] | |
2016 | Mokrý P., Psota P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Doleček R., Vápenka D., Lédl V.: Ferroelectric domain pattern in barium titanate single crystals studied by means of digital holographic microscopy. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49 [25] (2016) 255307. [ Abstract ] |
Mokrý P., Sluka T.: Identification of defect distribution at ferroelectric domain walls from evolution of nonlinear dielectric response during the aging process. Physical Review B 93 [6] (2016) 064114. [ Abstract ] | |
Václavík J., Kodejška M., Mokrý P.: Wall-plug efficiency analysis of semi-active piezoelectric shunt damping systems. Journal of Vibration and Control 22 [11] (2016) 2582-2590. [ Abstract ] | |
Mokrý P., Psota P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Doleček R., Vápenka D., Lédl V.: Ferroelectric domain pattern in barium titanate single crystals studied by means of digital holographic microscopy. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49 [25] (2016) č. článku 255307. [ Abstract ] | |
Steiger K., Mokrý P., Václavík J., Psota P., Doleček R., Vápenka D., Nečásek J., Koldovský Z.: Adaptive acoustic metasurfaces for the active sound field control. PROCEEDINGS of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics. Buenos Aires: Asociación de Acústicos Argentinos, 2016, č. článku ICA2016-597. ICA. ISBN 978-987-24713-6-1. ISSN 2415-1599. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Acoustics (ICA2016) /22./. Buenos Aires (AR), 05.09.2016-09.09.2016] | |
Mokrý P.: Iterative method for solving the eikonal equation. Proceedings of SPIE 10151, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Vol. 10151. Bellingham: SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2016 - (Kovačičinová, J.), č. článku 101510Z. SPIE. ISBN 978-1-5106-0753-8. ISSN 0277-786X. [ Abstract ] [OAM 2016, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Liberec (CZ), 11.10.2016-14.10.2016] | |
Mokrý P., Psota P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Doleček R., Vojtíšek P., Sládek J., Lédl V.: Digital holographic tomography method for 3D observation of domain patterns in ferroelectric single crystals. Proceedings of SPIE 10151, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Vol. 10151. Bellingham: SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2016 - (Kovačičinová, J.), č. článku 101510J. SPIE. ISBN 978-1-5106-0753-8. ISSN 0277-786X. [ Abstract ] [OAM 2016, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Liberec (CZ), 11.10.2016-14.10.2016] | |
Steiger K., Mokrý P.: Multi-wavelength simulations of the wavefront deformation of the optical wave passing through the domain patterns in ferroelectric single crystals. Proceedings of SPIE 10151, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Vol. 10151. Bellingham: SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2016 - (Kovačičinová, J.), č. článku 1015111. SPIE. ISBN 978-1-5106-0753-8. ISSN 0277-786X. [ Abstract ] [OAM 2016, Optics and Measurement International Conference 2016. Liberec (CZ), 11.10.2016-14.10.2016] | |
Psota P., Mokrý P., Lédl V., Vojtíšek P.: Image plane digital holographic microscope for the inspection of ferroelectric single crystals. Optical Engineering 55 [12] (2016) č. článku 121731. [ Abstract ] | |
Psota P., Lédl V., Doleček R., Mokrý P., Vojtíšek P., Václavík J.: Comprehensive time average digital holographic vibrometry. Optical Engineering 55 [12] (2016) č. článku 121726. [ Abstract ] | |
2015 | Steiger K., Mokrý P., Václavík J., Márton P., Nečásek J., Psota P., Doleček R., Lédl V.: Potlačování emise hluku pomocí piezoelektrických prvků s řízenou tuhostí/kap.8/. Aplikace piezoelektrických prvků v mechanických a akustických soustavách. Liberec : VÚTS, a.s, 2015, s. 95-116. ISBN 978-80-87184-57-8 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] |
Steiger K., Mokrý P.: Finite element analysis of the macro fiber composite actuator: macroscopic elastic and piezoelectric properties and active control thereof by means of negative capacitance shunt circuit. Smart Materials & Structures 24 [2] (2015) 025026-025026. [ Abstract ] | |
Mokrý P., Václavík J., Nečásek J., Steiger K., Psota P., Doleček R.: Noise transmission through active acoustic metamaterials in the negative elasticity regime. Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22), 2015. Florence: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), 2015, 2015 - (Crocker, M.; Pawelczyk, M.; Pedrielli, F.; Carletti, E.; Luzzi, S.), s. 1117-1125. ISBN 978-88-88942-48-3. ISSN 2329-3675. [ Abstract ] [International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22)/22./. Florence (IT), 12.07.2015-16.07.2015] | |
Lédl V., Psota P., Vojtíšek P., Doleček R., Mokrý P.: Holografické konturování a jeho limit při měření slabě difúzně reflexivních povrchů. Jemná mechanika a optika 60 [2] (2015) 77-80. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Lédl V., Psota P., Vojtíšek P., Doleček R., Mokrý P.: Holographic contouring and its limitations in nearly specularly reflecting surface measurement. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9442: Optics and Measurement Conference 2014. Vol. 9442. Bellingham : SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2015 - (Kovačičinová, J.; Vít, T.), 94420Q-94420Q ISBN 978-1-62841-557-5. ISSN 0277-786X. - (SPIE). [ Abstract ] [Optics and Measurement Conference 2014 (OaM 2014). Liberec (CZ), 07.10.2014-10.10.2014] | |
Mokrý P., Psota P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Doleček R., Lédl V., Šulc M.: Noise suppression in curved glass shells using macro-fiber-composite actuators studied by the means of digital holography and acoustic measurements. AIP ADVANCES 5 [2] (2015) 27132-27132. [ Abstract ] | |
Mokrý P., Steiger K., Psota P., Doleček R., Vojtíšek P., Lédl V.: Digital holographic interferometry as an experimental instrumentation for measurements of macroscopic properties of polydomain ferroelectrics. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9442: Optics and Measurement Conference 2014. Vol. 9442. Bellingham : SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2015 - (Kovačičinová, J.; Vít, T.), 94420V-94420V ISBN 978-1-62841-557-5. ISSN 0277-786X. - (SPIE). [ Abstract ] [Optics and Measurement Conference 2014 (OaM 2014). Liberec (CZ), 07.10.2014-10.10.2014] | |
Psota P., Lédl V., Vojtíšek P., Václavík J., Doleček R., Mokrý P.: Holographical arrangement employing frequency and phase modulation of reference wave in time average digital holographic interferometry. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Optical Measurement Techniques for Structures & Systems III, OPTIMESS2015. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, 2016, s. 243-250. ISBN 978-90-423-0439-0. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Optical Measurement Techniques for Structures and Systems III (OPTIMESS2015) /6./. Antwerp (BE), 08.09.2015-09.09.2015] | |
Lédl V., Psota P., Vojtíšek P., Doleček R., Mokrý P., Dlask M.: Challenges in holographic measurement of aspheric and freeform optical components shape. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9508: Holography: Advances and Modern Trends IV. Vol. 9508. Bellingham : SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2015 - (Hrabovsky, M.; Sheridan, J.; Fimia, A.), 95080M-95080M ISBN 978-1-62841-629-9. ISSN 0277-786X. - (SPIE). [ Abstract ] [Conference on Holography - Advances and Modern Trends IV. Prague (CZ), 15.04.2015-16.04.2015] | |
Psota P., Lédl V., Vojtíšek P., Václavík J., Doleček R., Mokrý P.: Advanced time average holographic method for measurement in extensive vibration amplitude range with quantitative single-pixel analysis. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9508: Holography: Advances and Modern Trends IV. Vol. 9508. Bellingham : SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2015 - (Hrabovsky, M.; Sheridan, J.; Fimia, A.), 95080N-95080N ISBN 978-1-62841-629-9. ISSN 0277-786X. - (SPIE). [ Abstract ] [Conference on Holography - Advances and Modern Trends IV. Prague (CZ), 15.04.2015-16.04.2015] | |
Kodejška M., Mokrý P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Márton P., Nečásek J.: Adaptivní systémy pro potlačení přenosu vibrací pomocí piezoelektrických prvků s řízenou tuhostí/kap.7/. Aplikace piezoelektrických prvků v mechanických a akustických soustavách. Liberec : VÚTS, a.s, 2015, s. 75-93. ISBN 978-80-87184-57-8 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
2014 | Mokrý P., Steiger K., Václavík J., Psota P., Doleček R., Márton P., Kodejška M., Černík M.: Noise shielding using active acoustic metamaterials with electronically tunable acoustic impedance. Proceedings of INTERNOISE2014. Toowong DC QLD 4066 : The Australian Acoustical Society, 2014 - (Davy, J.; Don, C.; McMinn, T.; Dowsett, L.; Broner, N.; Burgess, M.), s. 1-9 ISBN 978-0-909882-04-4. [ Abstract ] [Internoise 2014 Conference. Melbourne (AU), 16.11.2014-19.11.2014] |
Steiger K., Mokrý P., Václavík J., Kodejška M.: Wide Frequency Range Noise Shield using Curved Glass Plates with Piezoelectric Macro Fiber Composite Actuators. 2014 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/IWATMD/PFM). State College, PA : IEEE, 2014, s. 1-4. - (IEEE). [ Abstract ] [2014 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics, International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices & Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/IWATMD/PFM). State College, PA (US), 12.05.2014-16.05.2014] | |
Václavík J., Kodejška M., Mokrý P.: Wall-plug efficiency analysis of semi-active piezoelectric shunt damping systems. Journal of Vibration and Control 20 [-] (2014) "1077546314548910"-"1077. [ Abstract ] | |
2013 | Kruchenko A., Nováková K., Mokrý P.: Optimization of electrode geometry and piezoelectric layer thickness of a deformable mirror. EPJ Web of Conferences: International Conference on Optics and Measurement, OAM 2012. Cedex : EDP Sciences, 2013 - (Šulc, M.; Kopecký, V.; Lédl, V.; Melich, R.; Skeren, M.), 00011-00011 ISSN 2100-014X. - (Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences. 48). [ Abstract ] [OaM 2012 International Conference on Optics and Measurement. Liberec (CZ), 16.10.2012-18.10.2012] |
Nováková K., Mokrý P., Václavík J., Marton P., Cernik M., Psota P., Doleček R., Lédl V.: Planar acoustic metamaterials with the active control of acoustic impedance using a piezoelectric composite actuator. Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Prague : IEEE-UFFC, 2013 - (Kamba, S.), s. 317-320 [ Abstract ] [2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Prague (CZ), 21.07.2013-25.07.2013] | |
Psota P., Lédl V., Doleček R., Mokrý P., Kopecký V.: Measurement of Vibration Mode Structure for Adaptive Vibration Suppression System by Digital Holography. Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Prague : IEEE-UFFC, 2013 - (Kamba, S.), s. 215-217 [ Abstract ] [2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Prague (CZ), 21.07.2013-25.07.2013] | |
Vápenka D., Václavík J., Mokrý P.: Design and fabrication of anti-reflection coating on Gallium Phosphide, Zinc Selenide and Zinc Sulfide substrates for visible and infrared application. EPJ Web of Conferences: International Conference on Optics and Measurement, OAM 2012. Cedex : EDP Sciences, 2013 - (Šulc, M.; Kopecký, V.; Lédl, V.; Melich, R.; Skeren, M.), 00029-00029 ISSN 2100-014X. - (Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences. 48). [ Abstract ] [OaM 2012 International Conference on Optics and Measurement. Liberec (CZ), 16.10.2012-18.10.2012] | |
J. Václavík, P. Mokrý, and P. Márton: Design of Wall-plug Efficiency Optimized Semi-active Piezoelectric Shunt Damping Systems. Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Prague : IEEE-UFFC, 2013 - (Kamba, S.), s. 325-328 | |
K. Nováková and P. Mokrý: Computation of Macro-Fiber-Composite actuator effective material constants. Short oral talk and poster, 2013 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2013 | |
P. Mokrý and T. Sluka: Nonlinear extrinsic piezoelectricity in lead titanate due to 90° domain wall pinning. Invited talk and poster, 2013 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2013 | |
P. Mokrý, T. Sluka, and A. K. Tagantsev: Nonlinear extrinsic permittivity and piezoelectricity in lead titanate due to 90 domain walls pinning. Proceedings of the Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Prague : IEEE-UFFC, 2013 - (Kamba, S.), s. 222-226 [ Abstract ] | |
K. Nováková, J. Václavík, P. Márton, M. Černík, P. Psota, R. Doleček, V. Lédl and P. Mokrý: Planar acoustic metamaterials with the active control of acoustic impedance. Invited talk and poster, 2013 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2013 | |
P. Mokrý, T. Sluka, and A. K. Tagantsev: Pinning and bending of domain walls in lead titanate. Oral talk, The 13th International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF-13), Krakow, Poland, Jul 2013 | |
2012 | Nováková K., Mokrý P., Václavík J.: Application of Piezoelectric Macro-Fiber-Composite Actuators to the Suppression of Noise Transmission Through Curved Glass Plates. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 59 [9] (2012) 2004-2014. [ Abstract ] |
Gureev M.Y., Mokrý P., Tagantsev A.K., Setter N.: Ferroelectric charged domain walls in an applied electric field. Physical Review. B 86 [10] (2012) 104104-104104. [ Abstract ] | |
Černík M., Mokrý P.: Sound reflection in an acoustic impedance tube terminated with a loudspeaker shunted by a negative impedance converter. Smart Materials & Structures 21 [11] (2012) 115016-115016. [ Abstract ] | |
Nováková K., Mokrý P., Václavík J.: Využití piezoelektrických kompozitních aktuátorů k potlačování přenášeného hluku skrz tenkostěnné plošné struktury. Jemná mechanika a optika 57 [11-12] (2012) 300-307. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [OaM/ 2012/ Optics and Measurement International Conference. Liberec, 16.10.2012-18.10.2012] | |
Kruchenko A., Nováková K., Mokrý P.: Optimization of electrode geometry and piezoelectric layer thickness of a deformable mirror. OaM/ 2012/ Optics and Measurement International Conference. Conference Proceedings. Praha : IPP AS CR - TOPTEC, 2012 - (Vít, T.; Kovačičinová, J.; Lédl, V.), s. 69-73 ISBN 978-80-87026-02-1. [ Abstract ] [OaM 2012 International Conference on Optics and Measurement. Liberec (CZ), 16.10.2012-18.10.2012] | |
P. Mokrý, T. Sluka, and A. K. Tagantsev: Surface semiconductor phenomena in ferroelectrics. Invited talk, ISAF-ECAPD-PFM-2012, Aveiro, Portugal 2012 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý, T. Sluka, and A. K. Tagantsev: Role of Domain Walls on Macroscopic Properties of Perovskite Ceramics. Invited talk, 8th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, Penang, Malaysia, 2012 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý, M. Kodejška, V. Linhart, and J. Václavík: Adaptive system for the broadband vibration control using a piezoelectric actuator shunted by a negative capacitor. Invited talk, 2012 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2012 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý and T. Sluka: Geometry and fundamental properties of ferroelectrics domain walls (part I, part II). Invited talk, Workshop on Domain walls and domain patterns, Chateau-d’Oex, Switzerland, January 18 – 21, 2012 [ Abstract ] | |
J. Václavík and P. Mokrý: Measurement of mechanical and electrical energy flows in the semiactive piezoelectric shunt damping system. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, 23(5) 527-533 (2012) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
M. Kodejška, P. Mokrý, V. Linhart, J. Vaclavik, and T. Sluka: Adaptive vibration suppression system: an iterative control law for a piezoelectric actuator shunted by a negative capacitor. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL, 59(12) 2785 - 2796 (DEC 5 2012) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
A. V. Kruchenko, K. Nováková, and P. Mokrý: Optimization of electrode geometry and piezoelectric layer thickness of a deformable mirror. Proceedings Optics and Measurement 2012, pgs. 69-73, Liberec 16-18 October 2012 [ Abstract ] | |
K. Nováková and P. Mokrý: Glass plates noise transmission suppression by means of distributed piezoelectric composite actuators shunted by an active circuit. Proc. 2012 COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy (OCT 2012) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] | |
K. Nováková, P. Mokrý, and J. Václavík: Využití piezoelektrických kompozitních aktuátorů k potlačování přenášeného hluku skrz tenkostěnné plošné struktury. JEMNÁ MECHANIKA A OPTIKA, 57(11-12) 300-307 (2012) [ Abstract ] | |
D. Vápenka, J. Václavík, and P. Mokrý: Design and fabrication of anti-reflection coating on gallium phosphide substrate for visible and infrared application. EJP Web Proceedings - Optics and Measurement 2012, pgs. 69-73, Liberec 16-18 October 2012 [ Abstract ] | |
2011 | P. Mokrý, K. Nováková, and T. Sluka: Domain back-switching due to the free charge injection under the afm tip studied by phase field simulations. Oral talk, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, Vancouver, Canada, 2011 [ Abstract ] |
P. Mokrý and T. Sluka: On the Extrinsic Piezoelectricity of Perovskite Materials Controlled by Crystal Lattice Defects. Invited talk, 2011 International Workshop on Acoustic Transduction Materials and Devices, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2011 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý and T. Sluka: On the nonlinear dielectric response of ferroelectric polydomain films controlled by crystal lattice defects. Oral talk, 12th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity 2011, Bordeaux, France 2011 | |
P. Mokry, K. Nováková, M. Marvan , J. Fousek: Dielectrophoretic forces generated by ferroelectric polydomain films. PHASE TRANSITIONS 84(9-10) 810-820 (2011) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
K. Novakova, P. Mokry: Application of piezoelectric macro-fiber-composite actuators for the suppression of noise transmission through curved glass plates. 2011 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APPLICATIONS OF FERROELECTRICS (ISAF/PFM) AND 2011 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PIEZORESPONSE FORCE MICROSCOPY AND NANOSCALE PHENOMENA IN POLAR MATERIALS, Vancouver, CANADA (2011) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
K. Novakova, P. Mokry: Numerical simulation of mechanical behavior of a Macro Fiber Composite piezoelectric actuator shunted by a negative capacitor. Proc. Electronics, Control, Measurement and Signals (ECMS), 2011 10th International Workshop on, Liberec, Czech Republic (2011) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
2010 | M. Pustka, J. Erhart, P. Mokrý: Vibration control using piezoelectric bimorphs connected to negative capacitance circuits. ADVANCES IN APPLIED CERAMICS, 109(3) 180-183 (2010) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] |
T. Sluka, P. Mokry, H. Lissek: A theory of sound transmission through a clamped curved piezoelectric membrane connected to a negative capacitor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, 47(17) 2260-2267 (2010) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
P. Mokrý, M. Marvan , J. Fousek: Patterning of dielectric nanoparticles using dielectrophoretic forces generated by ferroelectric polydomain films. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107(9) 094104 (2010) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
K. Nováková, P. Mokrý, J. Václavík, V. Lédl: Moderní trendy v semi-aktivním potlačování přenosu hluku skrz okenní tabuli pomocí piezoelektrických aktuátorů. SILNICE ŽELEZNICE, 5/2010 [ Link ] | |
P. Mokrý, K. Nováková, J. Václavík, and V. Lédl: Control of Noise Transmission through the Glass Window using the MFC Actuator. Invited talk, Office of Naval Research Workshop, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2010 [ Abstract ] | |
K. Nováková, P. Mokrý, J. Václavík, and V. Lédl: Analysis of noise transmission through the window glass plate and its control using the Macro Fiber Composite Actuator. 2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATIONS OF FERROELECTRICS (ISAF), [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
M. Kodejška, J. Václavík, and P. Mokrý: A system for the vibration suppression in the broad frequency range using a single piezoelectric actuator shunted by a negative capacitor. 2010 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATIONS OF FERROELECTRICS (ISAF), [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
J. Václavík, P. Mokrý: Measurements of mechanical and electrical energy flows in the semiactive piezoelectric shunt damping system. Oral talk, 19th International Symposium on Application of Ferroelectrics, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2010 [ Abstract ] | |
2009 | M. Kodejška, J. Václavík, J. Křivka, and P. Mokrý: Adaptive Piezoelectric Shunt Acoustic Control (APSAC): A Single Piezoelectric Element System for the Vibration Suppression. Poster, IMF-ISAF-2009, Xian, P. R. China, 23.-26. August 2009 [ Abstract ] |
P. Mokrý, J. Václavík, M. Černík, M. Kodejška, and J. Borovec: Efficiency-optimized Designs of Vibration Control and Energy Harvesting Devices. Oral talk, IMF-ISAF-2009, Xian, P. R. China, 23.-26. August 2009 [ Abstract ] | |
J. Václavík Jan, T. Černý, M. Černík Martin, P. Mokrý: Ověření metod pro čerpání energie z vibrací piezoelektrického elementu. Sborník Elektrické pohony a výkonová elektronika 2009, VUT Brno FEKT UVEE, ISBN 978-80-214-3974-0 | |
P. Mokrý: Moderní trendy v tlumení hluku a vibrací pomocí piezoelektrických materiálů. SILNICE ŽELEZNICE, pg. 38, 2/2009 [ Link ] | |
P. Mokrý, J. Václavík, M. Černík, M. Kodejška, and J. Borovec: Energy Harvesting and Vibration Control Devices with Enhanced Efficiency. Invited talk, Office of Naval Research Workshop, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2009 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý and A. K. Tagantsev: Alternative Characterization Tool for Ferroelectric Polydomain Films. Oral talk, IMF-ISAF-2009, Xian, P. R. China, 23.-26. August 2009 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý, Y. Wang, A. K. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, I. Stolichnov, N. Setter: Erratum: Evidence for dielectric aging due to progressive 180° domain wall pinning in polydomain Pb(Zr0.45Ti0.55)O3 thin films (vol 79, 054104, 2009). Physical Review B, 79(21) 219903 (2009) | |
P. Mokrý, Y. Wang, A. K. Tagantsev, D. Damjanovic, I. Stolichnov, N. Setter: Evidence for dielectric aging due to progressive 180 degrees domain wall pinning in polydomain Pb(Zr0.45Ti0.55)O-3 thin films. Physical Review B, 79(5) 054104 (2009) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
H. Lissek, R. Boulandet, M. Černík , J. Václavík, P. Mokrý: Design of switching amplifier used in nega-tive impedance disposal for the active con-trol of transducer’s acoustic impedance. Proc. 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Krakow, Poland, July 2009 | |
2008 | P. Mokrý, M. Kodejška, and J. Václavík: Recent Trends in Application of Piezoelectric Materials to Vibration Control. RECENT ADVANCES IN MECHATRONICS: 2008-2009, p. 251 (Eds. T. Brezina and R. Jablonski), (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009) ISBN 978-3-642-05021-3 [ Abstract ] |
T. Sluka, P. Mokrý: Adaptivní zařízení pro potlačení přenosu hluku skrz tenkou zakřivenou piezoelektrickou membránu. Funkční vzorek, RIV/46747885:24220/08:#0000921 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] | |
M. Kodejška, T. Sluka, P. Mokrý: Adaptivní zařízení pro potlačení přenosu vibrací skrz objemový piezoelektrický aktuátor. Funkční vzorek, RIV/46747885:24220/08:#0000920 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] | |
T. Sluka, H. Kodama, E. Fukada, and P. Mokrý: Sound shielding by a piezoelectric membrane and a negative capacitor with feedback control. 9. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 55(8) 1859 (2008) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
R. Gysel, I. Stolichnov, A. K. Tagantsev, N. Setter, and P. Mokrý: Restricted domain growth and polarization reversal kinetics in ferroelectric polymer thin films. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 103(8) 084120 (2008) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
T. Sluka and P. Mokrý: Stability of the sound shielding system realized by a piezoelectric curved membrane with a negative capacitor shunt. Proc. 13th International Symposium on Electrets, Tokyo, Japan, September 2008 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý: A Method to Study Ageing of Polydomain Ferroelectrics using Measurements of Nonlinear Permittivity. FERROELECTRICS 375(1), 40-55 (2008) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
P. Mokrý, T. Sluka, and M. Kodejška: Adaptive vibration control using a piezoelectric actuator and a negative capacitor. Invited talk, Office of Naval Research Workshop, State College, Pennsylvania, May 2008 [ Abstract ] | |
2007 | M. Kodejška, T. Sluka, P. Mokrý: Zařízení pro potlačení přenosu vibrací skrz objemový piezoelektrický aktuátor. Funkční vzorek, RIV/46747885:24220/07:#0000213 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] |
P. Mokrý, J. Václavík, T. Mikolanda: Univerzální zařízení pro současné měření dielektrické hysterezní smyčky a permitivity s volitelnou mezní frekvencí. Funkční vzorek, RIV/46747885:24220/07:#0000211 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] | |
T. Sluka, P. Mokrý: Zařízení pro potlačení přenosu hluku skrz tenkou zakřivenou piezoelektrickou membránu. Funkční vzorek, RIV/46747885:24220/07:#0000212 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] | |
P. Mokrý, A. K. Tagantsev, and J. Fousek: Pressure on charged domain walls and additional imprint mechanism in ferroelectrics. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 (9) 94110 (2007) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
P. Mokrý, Y. L. Wang, A. K. Tagantsev, and I. Stolichnov: Study of the evolution of 180 degrees domain pattern microstructure using measurements of nonlinear permittivity. 2007 SIXTEENTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATIONS OF FERROELECTRICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, Nara, Japan, Pages: 336-339 (2007) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
T. Sluka, P. Mokrý: Feedback control of piezoelectric actuator elastic properties in a vibration isolation system. FERROELECTRICS 351, 51-61 (2007) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
T. Sluka, H. Kodama, E. Fukada, and P. Mokrý: Electric feedback control of PVDF elastic properties in a sound isolation system. Poster, Piezoelectricity for End Users III, Liberec, Czech Republic, February 2007 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý: Piezoelectric materials and their applications to noise and vibration control. Tutorial Course, Piezoelectricity for End Users III, Liberec, Czech Republic, February 2007 | |
2006 | P. Mokrý, M. Černík, T. Mikolanda, M. Pustka: *Výzkum a vývoj blokování pomocí piezoelektrických aktuátorů v zámkových systémech FAB: Nemef 1796, FAB Dynamic. Funkční vzorek, RIV/46747885:24220/06:@0000113 [ Abstract ] [ Link ] |
P. Mokrý and A. K. Tagantsev: The role of free charge screening in polydomain ferroelectrics. Invited talk, 9th International Symposium on Ferroic Domains, Dresden, Germany, 2006 [ Abstract ] | |
P. Mokrý, M. Kodejška, T. Sluka: On the vibration control using a piezoelectric actuator and a negative capacitor adjusted by a microprocessor. 2007 SIXTEENTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATIONS OF FERROELECTRICS, VOLS 1 AND 2, Nara, Japan, Pgs. 786-789 (2007) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
A. K. Tagantsev and P. Mokrý: Stability and mobility of charged ferroelectric domain walls. Invited talk, Material Research Symposium, Boston, USA, 2006 [ Abstract ] | |
2005 | P. Mokrý, A. K. Tagantsev, and J. Fousek: Role of free charges in polarizing the ferroelectric ceramics. Invited talk, 4th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, Hangzhou, China, 2005 [ Abstract ] |
J. Fousek, P. Mokrý, and M. Marvan: Role of bound charge compensation in thin film samples. Poster, 4th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, Hangzhou, China, 2005 [ Abstract ] | |
J. Fousek, P. Mokrý: Stress-free domain quadruplets in ferroics. FERROELECTRICS 323, 3-9 (2005) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
2004 | E. Fukada, M. Date, K. Kimura, T. Okubo, H. Kodama, P. Mokrý and K. Yamamoto: Sound isolation by piezoelectric polymer films connected to negative capacitance circuits. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION 11 (2) 328-333 (2004) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] |
P. Mokrý, A. K. Tagantsev, and N. Setter: Size effect on permittivity in ferroelectric polydomain thin films. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 70 (17) 172107 (2004) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
2003 | P. Mokrý, E. Fukada and K. Yamamoto: Sound absorbing system as an application of the active elasticity control technique. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 94 (11) 7356-7362 (2003) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] |
A. Kopal, P. Mokrý: Interrelation of domain wall contributions to dielectric, piezoelectric and mechanical properties of a ferroic layer composite sample. FERROELECTRICS, 290, 125–131 (2003) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
P. Mokrý, E. Fukada and K. Yamamoto: Noise shielding system utilizing a thin piezoelectric membrane and elasticity control. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 94 (1) 789-796 (2003) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
2002 | Fukada, E.; Date, M.; Kimura, K.; Okubo, T.; Kodama, H.; Mokrý, P.; Yamamoto, K.: Sound isolation by piezoelectric polymer films connected with negative capacitance circuits. 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRETS (ISE 11), Melbourne, Australia, Pgs. 223-226 (2002); [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] |
Mokrý, P.; Fukada, E.; Yamamoto, K.: Attenuation of the sound transmitted through the piezoelectric curved membrane: The effect of the electrically controlled elasticity. 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRETS (ISE 11), Melbourne, Australia, Pgs. 227-230 (2002); [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
2001 | P. Mokrý, A. Kopal and J. Fousek: Extrinsic contributions in a nonuniform ferroic sample: Dielectric, piezoelectric and elastic. FERROELECTRICS, 257, 211–220 (2001) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] |
2000 | A. Kopal, P. Mokrý: Exaktní výpočty rovnovážné reakce doménové struktury feroelektrika na vnější elektrické pole. Sborník 13. konference slovenkých a českých fyziků, pp. 204-205, vydala Slovenská fyzikálna spoločnost, TU Zvolen 2000 |
A. Kopal, P. Mokrý, J. Fousek and T. Bahník: On the extrinsic piezoelectricity. FERROELECTRICS, 238, 203 (2000) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] | |
1999 | A. Kopal, P. Mokrý, J. Fousek and T. Bahník: Displacements of 180 degrees domain walls in electroded ferroelectric single crystals: the effect of surface layers on restoring force. FERROELECTRICS, 223, 127 (1999) [ Abstract ] [ Link ] [ DOI ] |
1998 | A. Kopal, P. Mokrý, J. Fousek, T. Bahník: Response of Domain Structure in Electroded Ferroelectrics to External Field. Proceedings of the Czech-Polish Seminar on Structural Phase Transitions, Liblice (1998) [ Abstract ] |