Mgr. Ksenia Illková, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Department of Materials Engineering ]

Place: SHB, Office: A 110A
Tel.: (+420) 266 053069, 3907

Research Interests


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Influence of Solid Solution Elements and Precipitate Formation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Magnesium Alloys
Sumy State University, Department of Physical and Biological electronics, Sumy, Ukraine.

Research experience

01.01.2016Scientific assistant
Institute of Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
Thermal analysis and heat treatment
2014-2015Postdoctoral researcher
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Faculté sciences de base, Švýcarsko
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague

Research projects

2020-2025NeGeTun - New Generation of Tungsten Components for High Heat Loads in Fusion Devices
Provider: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic; Project ID: TK03030045
2021-2025Development and upscaling of SPS W-based materials
Provider: Euratom; Project ID: *PRD-T.03.T01-T001-D004
2020-2022Tailoring thermal stability of W-Cr based alloys for fusion application
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA20-18392S
2017-2019Stability of the interfaces in advanced tungsten materials for high temperature environments
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA17-23154S
2017-2019Dispersion strengthened high entropy alloys for extreme conditions
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA17-23964S

List of Publications

2024Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Illková K., Straka L.: Characterization of LaFeO3 Dielectric Ceramics Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering. Materials 17 [2] (2024) č. článku 287. E.
[ Abstract ]
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 Mušálek R., Dudík J., Tesař T., Medřický J., Minařík J., Illková K., Lukáč F.: Microstructure and Thermal Properties of the Early-Stage Experimental Thermal Barrier Coatings Deposited by Hybrid Plasma Spraying. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 33 (2024) 732-745.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
2023Abramovskis V., Drunka R., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Veverka J., Illková K., Gavrilovs P., Shishkin A.: Preparation and Characteristics of High-Performance, Low-Density Metallo–Ceramics Composite. Materials 16 [24] (2023) č. článku 7523. E.
[ Abstract ]
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2020Doležal P., Duverger-Nédellec E., Mičková Z., Proschek P., Illková K., Daniš S., Bartha K., Javorský P.: CePt2Al2: Structural and Bulk Properties. Inorganic Chemistry 59 [17] (2020) 12263-12275.
[ Abstract ]
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 Uczak de Goes W., Markocsan N., Gupta M., Vaßen R., Matsushita T., Illková K.: Thermal barrier coatings with novel architectures for diesel engine applications. Surface and Coatings Technology 396 [August] (2020) č. článku 125950.
[ Abstract ]
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2019Heuer S., Matějíček J., Vilémová M., Koller M., Illková K., Veverka J., Weber T., Pintsuk G., Coenen J.W., Linsmeier Ch.: Atmospheric plasma spraying of functionally graded steel/tungsten layers for the first wall of future fusion reactors. Surface and Coatings Technology 366 [25 May 2019] (2019) 170-178.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Matějíček J., Veverka J., Nemanič V., Cvrček L., Lukáč F., Havránek V., Illková K.: Characterization of less common nitrides as potential permeation barriers. Fusion Engineering and Design 139 [February 2019] (2019) 74-80.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
 Vilémová M., Lukáč F., Veverka J., Illková K., Matějíček J.: Controlling the carbide formation and chromium depletion in W-Cr alloy during field assisted sintering. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 79 (2019) 217-223.
[ Abstract ]
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 Vilémová M., Illková K., Csáki Š., Lukáč F., Hadraba H., Matějíček J., Chlup Z., Klečka J.: Thermal and Oxidation Behavior of CoCrFeMnNi Alloy with and Without Yttrium Oxide Particle Dispersion. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28 [9] (2019) 5850-5859.
[ Abstract ]
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2018Vilémová M., Illková K., Lukáč F., Matějíček J., Klečka J., Leitner J.: Microstructure and phase stability of W-Cr alloy prepared by spark plasma sintering. Fusion Engineering and Design 127 [February] (2018) 173-178.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
2017Illková K., Vilémová M., Lukáč F.: FÁZOVÁ STABILITA Y2O3 A W-Y2O3 ZPRACOVANÝCH METODOU MECHANICKÉHO LEGOVÁNÍ. 39. Mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář, Sborník příspěvků. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2017, s. 69-72. ISBN 978-80-7560-060-8. [ EN ] 
[ Abstract ]

[Mezinárodní český a slovenský kalorimetrický seminář/39./. Kouty u Ledče nad Sázavou (CZ), 22.05.2017-26.05.2017]
 Mušálek R., Medřický J., Tesař T., Kotlan J., Pala Z., Lukáč F., Illková K., Hlína M., Chráska T., Sokołowski P., Curry N.: Controlling Microstructure of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Prepared from Suspensions and Solutions by Plasma Spraying with High Feed Rates. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26 [8] (2017) 1787-1803.
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