![]() | Ing. Petr Hoffer, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Department of Pulse Plasma Systems ] Place: Pulse Plasma Systems Bldg., Office: E 105 Tel.: (+420) 266 053361 Email: hoffer@ipp.cas.cz |
Research projects
2020-2022 | Intense electronic excitations and ionizations in electrical discharges in fluids Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LTC20061 |
2018-2020 | Fundamental phenomena of nanosecond discharge in liquid water Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA18-04676S |
2018-2020 | Experimental study of acoustical characteristics of underwater high voltage electrical discharge Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA18-12386S |
2015-2017 | Plasma-liquid interactions in organic solutions induced by high-voltage electrical discharges Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA15-12987S |
2013-2016 | Optimization of ozone production and its transport efficiency Co-investigator Provider: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic; Project ID: TA03010098 |
2014-2016 | Chemical processes initiated by electrical discharge plasma in aqueous liquids for new applications Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LD14080 |
2013-2015 | New atmospheric plasma sources based on surface barrier discharges for biomedical applications Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LD13010 |
2012-2015 | Characterization of physical and chemical processes in underwater discharge plasma for biological and biomedical applications Co-investigator Provider: Czech Academy of Sciences; Project ID: *M100431203 |
2012-2015 | Laboratory discharges for simulating and investigating Transient Luminous Events Co-investigator Provider: Czech Academy of Sciences; Project ID: *M100431201 |
2009-2011 | Focused tandem shock waves and their potential application in cancer treatment and controlled drug delivery Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/09/1151 |
2006-2008 | Radiation of pulse high-current discharges stabilised by proximity wall Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/06/1324 |
List of Publications
2023 | Frolov O., Stelmashuk V., Koláček K., Prukner V., Tuholukov A., Hoffer P., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Jirásek V., Oliva E.: Pressure in underwater spark discharge initiated with the help of bubble injection and its evaluation based on H-alpha line broadening. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 56 [28] (2023) č. článku 285201. [ Abstract ] |
Hoffer P., Niedoba K., Jirásek V., Prukner V., Šimek M.: Streamer-Based Discharge on Water–Air Interface as a Source of Plasma-Activated Water: Conceptual Design and Basic Performance. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 43 [6] (2023) 1531-1547. [ Abstract ] | |
Bílek P., Dias T. C., Prukner V., Hoffer P., Guerra V., Šimek M.: Streamer-induced kinetics of excited states in pure N2: I. Propagation velocity, E / N and vibrational distributions of N2(C3?u) and N2+(B2?u+) states. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 32 [10] (2023) č. článku 105002. [ Abstract ] | |
Hoffer P., Prukner V., Arora G., Šimek M.: High-speed imaging reveals the dynamics of the initiation and subsequent evolution of a nanosecond discharge propagating along the air-water interface. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 32 [9] (2023) č. článku 09LT01. [ Abstract ] | |
Stelmashuk V., Tuholukov A., Krasik Y. E., Hoffer P., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O.: Study of underwater discharge initiated by a high-voltage preliminary pulse produced by a Marx generator. Journal of Applied Physics 133 [3] (2023) č. článku 033301. [ Abstract ] | |
2022 | Hoffer P., Bílek P., Prukner V., Bonaventura Z., Šimek M.: Dynamics of macro- and micro-bubbles induced by nanosecond discharge in liquid water. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 31 [1] (2022) č. článku 015005. [ Abstract ] |
Stelmashuk V., Prukner V., Koláček K., Tuholukov A., Hoffer P., Štraus J., Frolov O., Jirásek V.: Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Underwater Spark Generated by Pulse High-Voltage Discharge with Gas Bubble Assistant. Processes 10 [8] (2022) č. článku 1474. E. [ Abstract ] | |
2021 | Prukner V., Schmidt J., Hoffer P., Šimek M.: Demonstration of Dynamics of Nanosecond Discharge in Liquid Water Using Four-Channel Time-Resolved ICCD Microscopy. - [4] (2021) 183-200. E. [ Abstract ] |
Schmidt J., Koláček K., Frolov O., Štraus J., Hoffer P., Stelmashuk V., Tuholukov A., Jiříček P., Houdková J.: Long-term changes in Al thin-film extreme ultraviolet filters. Applied Optics 60 [28] (2021) 8766-8773. [ Abstract ] | |
Hoffer P., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Šimek M.: Shockwaves evolving on nanosecond timescales around individual micro-discharge filaments in deionised water. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 54 [28] (2021) č. článku 285202. [ Abstract ] | |
2020 | Šimek M., Hoffer P., Tungli J., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Bílek P., Bonaventura Z.: Investigation of the initial phases of nanosecond discharges in liquid water. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 29 [6] (2020) č. článku 064001. [ Abstract ] |
Hoffer P., Prukner V., Schmidt J., Šimek M.: Picosecond interferometry and analysis of pressure fields around nanosecond microdischarge filaments that develop in deionized water. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 59 [H] (2020) č. článku SHHA08. [ Abstract ] | |
Stelmashuk V., Hoffer P., Koláček K., Štraus J.: Experimental Study of Spark Channel Expansion in Water. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48 [2] (2020) 491-499, č. článku 89612. [ Abstract ] | |
Homola T., Prukner V., Hoffer P., Šimek M.: Multi-hollow surface dielectric barrier discharge: an ozone generator with flexible performance and supreme efficiency. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 29 [9] (2020) č. článku 095014. [ Abstract ] | |
Šimek M., Hoffer P., Prukner V., Schmidt J.: Disentangling dark and luminous phases of nanosecond discharges developing in liquid water. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 29 [9] (2020) č. článku 095001. [ Abstract ] | |
Koláček K., Stelmashuk V., Tuholukov A., Hoffer P., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Frolov O., Oliva E.: Modelling of time development of cylindrical underwater spark channel in compressible viscous liquid. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 53 [50] (2020) č. článku 505201. [ Abstract ] | |
2019 | Koláček K., Frolov O., Schmidt J., Štraus J., Hoffer P., Stelmashuk V., Lukeš P., Juha L.: Aging of Al thin film extreme ultraviolet filters. Proceedings of SPIE. In: Proceedings of SPIE. 2019 - (Juha, L.; Bajt, S.; Guizard, S.), Roč. 11035 (2019), č. článku 110350O. ISBN 978-1-5106-2737-6. ISSN 0277-786X. [ Abstract ] [Optics Damage and Materials Processing by EUV/X-ray Radiation VII. Praha (CZ), 01.04.2019-03.04.2019] |
Stelmashuk V., Hoffer P., Štraus J., Koláček K.: Numerical simulation of a spark channel expansion in water and its comparison with an experimental result. IEEE Pulsed Power & Plasma Science. Orlando: The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, 2019, 2019-June (2019), č. článku 9009660. ISBN 9781538679692. ISSN 2158-4915. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Pulsed Power. Orlando (US), 23.06.2019-29.06.2019] | |
2017 | Bychkov V., Anpilov S. V., Savenkova N. P., Stelmashuk V., Hoffer P.: On modeling of “plasmoid” created by electric discharge. Journal of Physics: conference series. Bristol: Institute of physics, 2018, č. článku 012012. ISSN 1742-6588. [ Abstract ] [International Interdisciplinary Conference on Euler Readings MRSU 2017. Moskva (RU), 22.11.2017-24.11.2017] |
Hoffer P., Lukeš P., Akiyama H., Hosseini H.: Spatiotemporal dynamics of underwater conical shock wave focusing. Shock Waves 27 [4] (2017) 685-690. [ Abstract ] | |
Stelmashuk V., Hoffer P.: Experimental Study of a Long-Living Plasmoid Using High-Speed Filming. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 45 [12] (2017) 3160-3165. [ Abstract ] | |
2016 | Hoffer P., Sugiyama Y., Hosseini S.H.R., Akiyama H., Lukeš P., Akiyama M.: Characteristics of meter-scale surface electrical discharge propagating along water surface at atmospheric pressure. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49 [41] (2016) č. článku 415202. [ Abstract ] |
Hoffer P., Sugiyama Y., Hamid S., Hosseini R., Akiyama H., Akiyama M., Lukeš P.: Physical properties of plasma streamers produced on water surface (ICOPS 2016). 2016. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). Vol. 43. Alberta: IEEE, 2016, č. článku 16225706. IEEExplore. ISBN 978-1-4673-9602-8. [ Abstract ] [IEEE - 2016 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)/43./. Banff, Alberta (CA), 19.06.2016-23.06.2016] | |
2015 | Hoffer P., Koláček K., Lukeš P., Stelmashuk V.: Pressure Field Around Underwater Negative Streamers. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 43 [5] (2015) 1787-1792. [ Abstract ] |
Hoffer P., Koláček K., Stelmashuk V., Lukeš P.: Penetration of gas discharge through the gas–liquid interface into the bulk volume of conductive aqueous solution. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 43 [11] (2015) 3868-3875. [ Abstract ] | |
2014 | Lukeš P., Šunka P., Hoffer P., Stelmashuk V., Poučková P., Zadinová M., Zeman J., Dibdiak L., Kolářová H., Tománková K., Binder S., Beneš J.: Focused tandem shock waves in water and their potential application in cancer treatment. Shock Waves 24 [1] (2014) 51-57. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Shock Waves/28./. Manchester, 17.07.2011-22.07.2011] |
Hoffer P.: Shock waves generated by corona-like discharges in water. Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ĆR. Obhájeno: Praha. 18.12.2014. - Praha, 2014. 93 s. | |
Lukeš P., Zeman J., Horák V., Hoffer P., Poučková P., Holubová M., Hosseini S.H.R., Akiyama H., Šunka P., Beneš J.: In vivo effects of focused shock waves on tumor tissue visualized by fluorescence staining techniques. trochemistry. - [-] (2014) 06789-06789. [ Abstract ] | |
2013 | Šimek M., Ambrico P. F., De Benedictis S., Dilecce G., Prukner V., Hoffer P.: LIF diagnostics of OH radicals produced by a single streamer micro-discharge in surface coplanar DBD geometry. Proceedings of XXXI ICPIG Granada 2013. Granada : Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA – CSIC), 2013 - (Gordillo-Vázquez, F.), PS4-039-PS4-039 ISBN N. - (ICPIG. 31). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)/31./. Granada (ES), 14.07.2013-19.07.2013] |
2012 | Lukeš P., Šunka P., Hoffer P., Stelmashuk V., Beneš J., Poučková P., Zadinová M., Zeman J.: Generation of Focused Shock Waves in Water for Biomedical Applications. Plasma for Bio-Decontamination, Medicine and Food Security. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012 - (Machala, Z.; Hensel, K.; Akishev, Y.) s. 403-416. ISBN 978-94-007-2851-6 [ Abstract ] |
Zeman J., Hach J., Dibdiak L., Šunka P., Lukeš P., Hoffer P., Sedláček R., Kociová K., Beneš J.: Účinek rázové vlny na kostní cement a její potenciální využití v ortopedii. Ortopedie 6 [3] (2012) 100-102. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Stelmashuk V., Lukeš P., Hoffer P.: Effect of solution conductivity on shock wave pressure generated by multichannel electrical discharge in water. 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves. Volume 2, Part XXI: Special Session Medical and Biological Applications. Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Verlag GmbH, 2012 - (Kontis, K.), s. 599-604 ISBN 978-3-642-25684-4 [ Abstract ] | |
Lukeš P., Šunka P., Hoffer P., Stelmashuk V., Beneš J., Poučková P., Zadinová M., Zeman J., Dibdiak L., Kolářová H., Tománková K., Binder S.: Focused tandem shock waves in water and their potential application in cancer treatment. 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves. Volume 2, Part XXI: Special Session Medical and Biological Applications. Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Verlag GmbH, 2012 - (Kontis, K.), s. 839-845 ISBN 978-3-642-25684-4 [ Abstract ] | |
Stelmashuk V., Hoffer P.: Shock Waves Generated by an Electrical Discharge on Composite Electrode Immersed in Water With Different Conductivities. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 40 [7] (2012) 1907-1912. [ Abstract ] | |
2011 | Stelmashuk V., Lukeš P., Hoffer P.: Effect of solution conductivity on shock wave pressure generated by multichannel electrical discharge. Proceedings of 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves. Manchester : Springer Verlag, 2011. P-2698-P-2698. ISBN 978-3-642-25687-5. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Shock Waves/28./. Manchester (GB), 17.07.2011-22.07.2011] |
Lukeš P., Šunka P., Hoffer P., Stelmashuk V., Beneš J., Poučková P., Zeman J., Dibdiak L., Kolářová H., Tománková K., Binder S.: Focused tandem shock waves in water and their potential application in cancer treatment. Proceedings of 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves. Manchester : Springer Verlag, 2011. P-2849-P-2849. ISBN 978-3-642-25687-5. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Shock Waves/28./. Manchester (GB), 17.07.2011-22.07.2011] | |
Hoffer P., Šunka P., Lukeš P.: Dynamics of cavitation induced by focused tandem shock waves in water. WDS'11 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part II: Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media. Praha : MATFYZPRESS, 2011 - (Šafránková, J.; Pavlů, J.) s. 267-272. ISBN 978-80-7378-185-9. [ Abstract ] [WDS 2011 - Annual Conference of Doctoral Students /20./. Prague (CZ), 31.05.2011-03.06.2011] | |
2009 | Hoffer P., Šunka P., Stelmashuk V.: Dynamics of cavitations induced by tandem shock waves in water. Proceedings of the XXIX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Cancun, Mexico : Institute of Physics (IOP)., 2009. PA4-5-8. ISBN N. - (ICPIG). [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases 2009/29th./. Cancún (MX), 12.07.2009-17.07.2009] |
Lukeš P., Šunka P., Člupek M., Babický V., Hoffer P., Šimek M., Stelmashuk V.: Elektrické výboje ve vodě a jejich využití k čištění vody a v medicíně. Československý časopis pro fyziku. Roč. 59, č. 4 (2009), s. 202-206. ISSN 0009-0700 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
2008 | Kusýn L., Hoffer P., Bonaventura Z., Hoder T.: Automatized analysis of interferometric measurements on nanosecond pulsed discharge in liquid water . [ Abstract ] Europhysics Conference Abstracts. Vol. 42A. European Physical Society, 2018 - (Coda, S.; Berndt, J.; Lapenta, G.; Mantsinen, M.; Michaut, C.; Weber, S.). ISBN 979-10-96389-08-7. |