![]() | doc. Ing. Pavel Ctibor, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Department of Materials Engineering ] Place: SHB, Office: A 110 Tel.: (+420) 266 053717, 3091 Email: ctibor@ipp.cas.cz |
Research Interests
1995-2000 | PhD, physical engineering post-graduate study at the Department of Materials, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague. |
1989-1994 | Ing., mechanical engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague. |
Research experience
2003-2004 | scientific worker University of Limoges, France - in frame of French-Canadian project AOPS0024 |
Membership in professional societies, committees, editorial boards, ...
2009 | Member of the Scientific comitee Spring meeting of the European Materials Research Society, June 2009, Strasbourg, France |
Supervised students
2001-now | each year 2 to 4 students from ENSIL, Limoges, France - summer stay (3 months) scientific supervisor |
Research projects
2018-2020 | Development of ball valve TOP ENTRY – KK8TE Principal investigator Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic; Project ID: FV30058 |
2015-2019 | Research center of surface treatment Co-investigator Provider: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic; Project ID: TE02000011 |
2013-2015 | Precise powder feeding mechanism for water stabilized plasma WSP spray technology Co-investigator Provider: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic; Project ID: TA03010270 |
2010-2013 | Development of stabilized plasma (WSP) torch based technology
Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic; Project ID: FR-TI2/702 |
2008-2010 | Study of the influence of dopants on the photocatalytic activity of the plasma-sprayed titanium oxide layers Principal investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: IAAX00430803 |
2007-2009 | Control of air entrainment process in thermal plasma jets generated by hybrid gas-water torch Co-investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: KJB100430701 |
2005-2008 | Progressive thermally sprayed coatings with enhanced wear resistance Principal investigator Provider: Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences; Project ID: 1QS200430560 |
2003-2005 | Composition changes of ceramic and metallic materials during their plasma spraying Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA106/03/0710 |
2001-2003 | Boron carbide continual plasmachemical synthesis Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA104/01/0149 |
2001-2003 | Failure processes of thermaly sprayed materials Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA106/01/0094 |
2000-2001 | Low-Z Coatings for Plasma Facing Components of Fusion Reactors Co-investigator Provider: Euratom under European Fusion Development Agreement; Project ID: DV4/04(TW0) |
1997-1999 | Internal stresses in plasma sprayed coatings Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA106/97/0775 |
List of Publications
2024 | Rednyk A., Mušálek R., Tesař T., Medřický J., Tsepeleva A., Lukáč F., Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Chráska T.: Liquid plasma spraying of NiO-YSZ anode layers applicable for SOFC. Materials Today Communications 38 [March] (2024) č. článku 107855. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Illková K., Straka L.: Characterization of LaFeO3 Dielectric Ceramics Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering. Materials 17 [2] (2024) č. článku 287. E. [ Abstract ] | |
2023 | Veselý P., Froš D., Hudec T., Sedláček J., Ctibor P., Dušek K.: Dielectric spectroscopy of PETG/TiO2 composite intended for 3D printing. Virtual and Physical Prototyping 18 [1] (2023) č. článku e2170253. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Straka L., Sedláček J., Lukáč F.: Dielectric Properties of Compacts Sintered after High-Pressure Forming of Lithium Fluoride. Ceramics 6 [4] (2023) 1913-1925. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Evangeline T. G., Annamalai A. R., Ctibor P.: Dielectric Response and Low Dielectric Loss of Gadolinium-Doped CaCu3Ti4O12Ceramics Processed Through Conventional and Microwave Sintering. Journal of Electronic Materials 52 [6] (2023) 3848-3858. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Straka L., Lukáč F., Neufuss K.: Dielectric Spectroscopy of Calcium Titanate Processed by Spark Plasma Sintering. Materials 16 [3] (2023) č. článku 975. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Evangeline T. G., Annamalai A. R., Ctibor P.: Effect of Europium Addition on the Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of CCTO Ceramic Prepared Using Conventional and Microwave Sintering. Molecules 28 [4] (2023) č. článku 1649. E. [ Abstract ] | |
2022 | Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Straka L.: Dielectric Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Fully Natural Garnets. Coatings 12 [7] (2022) č. článku 1017. E. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Straka L., Lukáč F., Sedláček J.: Stability Study of Dielectric Properties of Plasma-Sprayed BaTiO3. Coatings 12 [3] (2022) č. článku 355. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Hudec T.: Dielectric properties of Ce-doped YAG coatings produced by two techniques of plasma spraying. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio 61 [5] (2022) 408-416. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Straka L., Sedláček J.: Dielectric Properties of Lithium Fluoride Sintered After High-Pressure Forming. Proceedings of International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy. Chemnitz: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022, (2022), s. 95-98. ISBN 979-835031039-9. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, IWIS 2022. Chemnitz (DE), 27.09.2022-30.09.2022] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Straka L.: LaFeO3 Dielectric Fired by Spark Plasma Sintering: First Experiences. Proceedings of International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy. Chemnitz: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022, s. 92-94. ISBN 979-835031039-9. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, IWIS 2022. Chemnitz (DE), 27.09.2022-30.09.2022] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Mušálek R., Tesař T., Lukáč F.: Structure and electrical properties of yttrium oxide sprayed by plasma torches from powders and suspensions. Ceramics International 48 [6] (2022) 7464-7474. [ Abstract ] | |
2021 | Nevrlá B., Ctibor P., Koudelková V., Lukáč F., Neufuss K.: Plasma spraying of natural kaolinite and metakaolinite. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio 60 [5] (2021) 274-282. [ Abstract ] |
Petrášek J., Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Lukáč F.: Synthesis and pressure-assisted sintering of cacuinf3/inftiinf4/infoinf12/inf dielectrics. Ceramics-Switzerland 4 [3] (2021) 447-466. [ Abstract ] | |
Matějíček J., Kavka T., Mušálek R., Ctibor P., Medřický J., Vilémová M., Nevrlá B., Degot S., Denoirjean A.: Tungsten-steel composites and FGMs prepared by argon-shrouded plasma spraying. Surface and Coatings Technology 406 [January] (2021) č. článku 126746. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Haušild P., Nevrlá B., Koudelková V., Dudr M.: Formation of mullite and mullite-corundum composites from kaolin using spark plasma sintering. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society 57 [3] (2021) 651-661. [ Abstract ] | |
2020 | Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Hudec T.: Tantalum oxide dielectrics processed with spark-plasma sintering. Materiali in Tehnologije 54 [2] (2020) 197-202. E. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Petrášek J., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: Dielectric properties of CaZrO3 coatings made by plasma spraying and bulks fired by spark plasma sintering. Materials Research Bulletin 124 [April] (2020) 1-10, č. článku 110775. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Nevrlá B., Neufuss K., Petrášek J., Sedláček J.: Plasma spray coatings of natural ores from structural, mechanical, thermal, and dielectric viewpoints. Coatings 10 [1] (2020) č. článku 3. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P.: Interaction of strontium zirconate plasma sprayed coating with natural silicate (CMAS) dust-origin of luminescent phases. Coatings 10 [8] (2020) č. článku 738. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Papež V., Lukáč F.: Radiofrequency and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Plasma Sprayed and Annealed Thick Layers of Titanium Dioxide. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 29 [7] (2020) 1718-1727. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Hudec T., Sedláček J., Veselý P.: Dielectric Properties of Lithium Silicate Fired by Spark Plasma Sintering. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 9 [7] (2020) č. článku 073003. [ Abstract ] | |
2019 | Cinert J., Ctibor P., Brožek V., Bouda V., Mastný L.: Preparation of ZrB2 by boro/carbothermal reduction in SPS device. Ceramics - Silikáty 63 [1] (2019) 93-99. [ Abstract ] |
2018 | Ctibor P., Nevrlá B., Pala Z., Vrtiška L.: Natural tourmaline as an efficient alternative to ceramic-type material for plasma spraying. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 118 [4] (2018) 387-393. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J.: Tantalum Oxide Dielectrics Fired by Spark Plasma Sintering. Proceedings of the EURO PM2018 – European powder metallurgy association (EPMA) Congress and Exhibition. EPMA, Haughmond View, Sitka Drive, Shrewsburry: European powder metallurgy association, 2018, č. článku 3983352. ISBN 978-1-899072-50-7. [ Abstract ] [EURO PM2018 – European powder metallurgy association (EPMA) Congress and Exhibition. Bilbao (ES), 14.10.2018-18.10.2018] | |
Ctibor P.: After-glow luminescence of SrZrO3 prepared by plasma spraying. Boletin de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica Y Vidrio 57 [5] (2018) 190-194. [ Abstract ] | |
Kotlan J., Seshadri R.C., Ctibor P.: Electrical and Optical Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Yttria. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50 [1] (2018) 504-511. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Lukáč F., Sedláček J., Ryukhtin V.: Barium titanate dielectrics sprayed by a high feed-rate water-stabilized plasma torch. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 [10] (2018) 5291-5299. [ Abstract ] [European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes. Thessaloniki, 17.09.2017-22.09.2017] | |
2017 | Ctibor P., Pala Z., Nevrlá B., Neufuss K.: Plasma-Sprayed Fine-grained Zirconium Silicate and Its Dielectric Properties. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26 [5] (2017) 2388-2393. [ Abstract ] |
Kubatík T., Lukáč F., Stoulil J., Ctibor P., Průša F., Stehlíková K.: Preparation and properties of plasma sprayed NiAl10 and NiAl40 coatings on AZ91 substrate. Surface and Coatings Technology 319 [June] (2017) 145-154. [ Abstract ] | |
Kubatík T., Ctibor P., Mušálek R., Janata M.: Mechanical properties of plasma-sprayed layers of aluminium and aluminium alloy on AZ 91. Materials and Technology 51 [2] (2017) 323-327. [ Abstract ] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Ctibor P., Lukáč F.: Vliv velikosti částic prášku na vznik suspenzních nástřiků oxidu hlinitého připravených pomocí vysokoentalpického hořáku. Zborník prednášok - Vrstvy a povlaky 2017. Trenčianska Teplá: M-PRESS s.r.o., 2017 - (Šošovičková, J.), s. 99-102. ISBN 978-80-972133-2-9. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2017/16./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 23.10.2017-24.10.2017] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Lukáč F., Pala Z., Ctibor P., Chráska T., Houdková Š., Rimal V., Curry N.: Development of suspension plasma sprayed alumina coatings with high enthalpy plasma torch. Surface and Coatings Technology 325 [September] (2017) 277-288. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Čížek J., Sedláček J., Lukáč F.: Dielectric properties and vacancy-like defects in plasma-sprayed barium titanate. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 [7] (2017) 2972-2983. [ Abstract ] | |
Mušálek R., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Tesař T., Lukáč F., Ctibor P., Illkova K., Chráska T.: High Feed Rate Plasma Spraying of YSZ from Various Suspensions. ITSC 2017 - Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. Düsseldorf: DVS Media GmbH, 2017, s. 36-41. ITSC. ISBN 978-3-96144-000-9. [ Abstract ] [ITSC 2017: International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. Düsseldorf (DE), 07.06.2017-09.06.2017] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Nevrlá B., Neufuss K.: Dielectric properties of plasma sprayed silicates subjected to additional annealing. Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings 10 [2] (2017) 105-114. [ Abstract ] | |
Mušálek R., Ctibor P., Medřický J., Tesař T., Kotlan J., Lukáč F.: Suspension plasma spraying of sub-stoichiometric titania by hybrid water/argon stabilized plasma torch. METAL 2017 - 26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Conference Proceedings. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., 2018, s. 1388-1393. ISBN 978-80-87294-79-6. [ Abstract ] [METAL 2017: International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials /26./. Brno (CZ), 24.05.2017-26.05.2017] | |
Kubatík T., Brodil R., Ctibor P., Průša F., Brožek V.: Mechanical properties of plasma sprayed layers of NiAl10 and NiAl40 on AZ91 alloy. METAL 2017 - 26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Conference Proceedings. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., 2018, s. 1658-1663. ISBN 978-80-87294-79-6. [ Abstract ] [METAL 2017: International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials /26./. Brno (CZ), 24.05.2017-26.05.2017] | |
Ctibor P., Nevrlá B., Čížek J., Lukáč F.: Strontium Zirconate TBC Sprayed by a High Feed-Rate Water-Stabilized Plasma Torch. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26 [8] (2017) 1804-1809. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Janata M.: Dielectric Strontium Zirconate Sprayed by a Plasma Torch. Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings 10 [4] (2017) 226-230. [ Abstract ] | |
2016 | Ctibor P., Prantnerová M.: Plasma Spraying and Characterization of Chromium Carbide-Nickel Chromium Coatings. Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings 9 [4] (2016) 281-290, č. článku PCCC-. [ Abstract ] |
Koller M., Seiner H., Sedlák P., Kotlan J., Ctibor P., Mušálek R., Landa M.: Application of laser-ultrasound for characterization of plasma-sprayed ceramics. Defect and Diffusion Forum. Vol. 368. Zürich: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2016 - (Louda, P.), s. 69-72, č. článku 4. 368. ISBN 978-3-03835-720-9. ISSN 1012-0386. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties /12./. Liberec (CZ), 04.11.2015-06.11.2015] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Pala Z.: Dielectric and electrochemical properties through-thickness mapping on extremely thick plasma sprayed TiO2. Ceramics International 42 [6] (2016) 7183-7191. [ Abstract ] | |
Kotlan J., Pala Z., Mušálek R., Ctibor P.: On reactive suspension plasma spraying of calcium titanate. Ceramics International 42 [3] (2016) 4607-4615. [ Abstract ] | |
Kotlan J., Seshadri R.C., Sampath S., Ctibor P.: The role of amorphous phase content on the electrical properties of atmospheric plasma sprayed (Ba,Sr)TiO3 coatings. Ceramics International 42 [9] (2016) 11010-11014. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Seshadri R.C., Henych J., Nehasil V., Pala Z., Kotlan J.: Photocatalytic and electrochemical properties of single- and multi-layer sub-stoichiometric titanium oxide coatings prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying. Journal of Advanced Ceramics 5 [2] (2016) 126-136. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Kubatík T., Sedláček J., Kotlan J.: Spark Plasma Sintering of Dielectric Ceramics Zr0.8Sn0.2TiO4. Materials Science 22 [3] (2016) 435-439. [ Abstract ] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Ctibor P., Lukáč F., Houdková Šimůnková Š.: Porovnání mechanických vlastností práškových a suspenzních plazmových nástřiků oxidu hlinitého. Vrstvy a povlaky 2016. Zborník prednášok.. Trenčianská Teplá: M-PRESS, 2016, s. 95-100. ISBN 978-80-972133-1-2. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2016/15./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 17.10.2016-18.10.2016] | |
2015 | Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Pala Z.: Structure and properties of plasma sprayed BaTiO3 coatings after thermal posttreatment. Ceramics International 41 [6] (2015) 7453-7460. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Pala Z., Kotlan J., Soumar J.: Dielectric and mechanical properties of plasma-sprayed olivine. Romanian Report in Physics 67 [2] (2015) 600-617. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications/16./. Magurele, Bucharest, 20.06.2013-25.06.2013] | |
Ctibor P., Nevrlá B., Pala Z., Sedláček J., Soumar J., Kubatík T., Neufuss K., Vilémová M., Medřický J.: Study on the plasma sprayed amorphous diopside and annealed fine-grained crystalline diopside. Ceramics International 41 [9] (2015) 10578-10586. [ Abstract ] | |
Kotlan J., Seshadri R.C., Sampath S., Ctibor P., Pala Z., Mušálek R.: On the dielectric strengths of atmospheric plasma sprayed Al2O3 ,Y2O3 , ZrO2 - 7% Y2O3 and (Ba,Sr)TiO3 coatings. Ceramics International 41 [9] (2015) 11169-11176. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Kotlan J., Pala Z., Sedláček J., Hájková Z., Matys Grygar T.: Calcium titanate (CaTiO3) dielectrics prepared by plasma spray and post-deposition thermal treatment. Materials Research Bulletin 72 [December] (2015) 123-132. [ Abstract ] | |
2014 | Ctibor P., Pala Z., Štengl V., Mušálek R.: Photocatalytic activity of visible-light-active iron-doped coatings prepared by plasma spraying. Ceramics International 40 [1] (2014) 2365-2372. [ Abstract ] |
Kotlan J., Ctibor P., Pala Z., Homola P., Nehasil V.: Improving dielectric properties of plasma sprayed calcium titanate (CaTiO3) coatings by thermal annealing. Ceramics International 40 [8] (2014) 13049-13055. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Pala Z., Nevrlá B., Kubát J.: Plasma sprayed Ce:YAG. ITSC 2014 :Interational Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition, Abstracts (including manuscripts on CD-ROM). Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH, 2014, s. 593-598. ISBN 978-3-87155-574-9. - (DVS-Berichte. 302). [ Abstract ] [ITSC 2014 :Interational Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. Barcelona (ES), 21.05.2014-23.05.2014] | |
Ctibor P., Kubát J., Nevrlá B., Pala Z.: Plasma spraying of cerium-doped YAG. Journal of Materials Research 29 [19] (2014) 2344-2351. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Nevrlá B., Pala Z., Sedláček J., Kubatík T., Neufuss K., Vilémová M., Medřický J.: Study on the Plasma Sprayed Diopside. Vrstvy a povlaky 2014. Trenčín : Knihviazačstvo, 2014, s. 23-28. ISBN 978-80-970824-3-7. [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2014. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 20.10.2014-21.10.2014] | |
Rohan P., Kubelka M., Molotovnik A., Neufuss K., Ctibor P., Ševčík S.: Tribologické vlastnosti plazmových kovokeramických amorfních nanokrystalických nástřiků. Vrstvy a povlaky 2014. Trenčín : Knihviazačstvo, 2014, s. 163-166. ISBN 978-80-970824-3-7. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2014. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 20.10.2014-21.10.2014] | |
Ctibor P., Kubatík T., Chráska P.: Spark Plasma Sintering of Multilayer Ceramics – Case Study of Al2O3 - Mg(Ca)TiO3 Sandwich. Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 606. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2014 - (Haušíld, P.; Materna, A.; Vilémová, M.), s. 205-208 ISSN 1662-9795. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Local Mechanical Properties, LMP 2013/10./. Kutná Hora (CZ), 06.11.2013-08.11.2013] | |
2013 | Ctibor P., Seiner H., Sedláček J., Pala Z., Vaněk P.: Phase stabilization in plasma sprayed BaTiO3. Ceramics International 39 [-] (2013) 5039-5048. [ Abstract ] |
Matějíček J., Kavka T., Bertolissi G., Ctibor P., Vilémová M., Mušálek R., Nevrlá B.: The Role of Spraying Parameters and Inert Gas Shrouding in Hybrid Water-Argon Plasma Spraying of Tungsten and Copper for Nuclear Fusion Applications. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 22 [5] (2013) 744-755. [ Abstract ] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Matějíček J., Mušálek R., Weiss Z.: Tungsten coatings and free standing parts. METAL 2013 Conference Proceedings: 22nd International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Ostrava : Tanger spol. s r.o, 2013, 1445-1-14445-6. ISBN 978-80-87294-39-0. [ Abstract ] [METAL 2013: International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials/22./. Brno (CZ), 15.05.2013-17.05.2013] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Pala Z., Boldyryeva H.: Fotokatalytická aktivita vrstev na bázi TiO2 připravených různými metodami žárových nástřiků. Zborník prednášok Vrstvy a povlaky 2013. Trenčín : LISS a.s, 2013 - (Šošovičková, J.), s. 13-18 ISBN 978-80-970824-2-0. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2013. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 30.09.2013-01.10.2013] | |
Ctibor P., Píš I., Kotlan J., Pala Z., Štengl V., Homola P.: Microstructure and Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Mixture of Cr2O3 and TiO2. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 22 [7] (2013) 1163-1169. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Pala Z.: Photocatalytic Activity of Titanium Oxide – Iron Oxide Coatings Prepared by Plasma Spraying. American Chemical Science Journal 3 [4] (2013) 387-400. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Pala Z.: Structural and photocatalytic characteristics of TiO2 coatings produced by various thermal spray techniques. Journal of Advanced Ceramics 2 [3] (2013) 218-226. [ Abstract ] | |
Sedláček J., Ctibor P., Kotlan J., Pala Z.: Dielectric properties of CaTiO3 coatings prepared by plasma spraying. Surface Engineering 29 [5] (2013) 384-389. [ Abstract ] | |
Kotlan J., Ctibor P., Pala Z.: PLASMA SPRAYED AND ANNEALED CALCIUM TITANATE DIELECTRICS. The Proceedings of the 1st International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2013. Çeşme Izmir : The Organizing Committee ofThe International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition, 2013 - (Ozdemir, S.; Polat, M.; Tanoglu, M.), s. 207-211 ISBN 978-975-6590-05-8. [ Abstract ] [International Porous and Powder Materials Symposium and Exhibition PPM 2013/1./. Çeşme Izmir (TR), 03.09.2013-06.09.2013] | |
2012 | Kavka T., Matějíček J., Ctibor P., Hrabovský M.: Spraying of metallic powders by hybrid gas/water torch and the effects of inert gas shrouding. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 21 [3-4] (2012) 695-705. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Pala Z., Boldyryeva H., Sedláček J., Kmetík V.: Microstructure and Properties of Plasma Sprayed Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Ceramics. Coatings 2 [2] (2012) 64-75. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Píš I., Zahoranová T., Nehasil V.: Plasma sprayed TiO2: The influence of power of an electric supply on relations among stoichiometry, surface state and photocatalytic decomposition of acetone. Ceramics International 38 [4] (2012) 3453-3458. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J.: Selected aspects of dielectric behavior of plasma sprayed titanates. Journal of Advanced Ceramics 1 [1] (2012) 50-59. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Pala Z., Sedláček J., Štengl V., Píš I., Zahoranová T., Nehasil V.: Titanium Dioxide Coatings Sprayed by a Water-Stabilized Plasma Gun (WSP) with Argon and Nitrogen as the Powder Feeding Gas: Differences in Structural, Mechanical and Photocatalytic Behavior. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 21 [3-4] (2012) 425-434. [ Abstract ] | |
2011 | Ctibor P., Sedláček J.: Spectroscopic and Dielectric Characterization of Plasma Sprayed Titanates. Advances in Ceramics - Characterization, Raw Materials, Processing, Properties, Degradation and Healing. Rijeka : InTech, 2011 - (Sikalidis, C.) S. 19-38. ISBN 978-953-307-504-4 |
Ctibor P., Ageorges H., Štengl V., Murafa N., Píš I., Zahoranová T., Nehasil V., Pala Z.: Structure and properties of plasma sprayed BaTiO(3) coatings: Spray parameters versus structure and photocatalytic activity. Ceramics International 37 [7] (2011) 2561-2567. | |
Ctibor P., Pala Z., Neufuss K., Štengl V., Píš I., Zahoranová T., Nehasil V.: Titanium dioxide coatings sprayed by a water stabilized plasma gun (WSP) with argon and nitrogen as the powder feeding gas: differences in structural, mechanical and photocatalytic behavior. DVS-Berichte Volume 276 ( Proceedings of the International thermal spray conference 2011). Düsseldorf : DVS-German Welding Society, 2011. S. 672-678. ISBN 978-3-87155-268-7. - (DVS-Reports Volume 276. 276). [International thermal spray conference 2011. Hamburg (DE), 27.09.2011-29.09.2011] | |
Brožek V., Doležal J., Novák M., Ctibor P., Kolman B.: Ceramo-metallic materials of the Ti-B-C and Ti-B-N systems. METAL 2011 Conference Proceedings - Papers. Ostrava : Tanger s.r.o., 2011. S. 1085-1090. ISBN 978-80-87294-24-6. [ Abstract ] [Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials METAL 2011/20th./. Brno (CZ), 18.05.2011-20.05.2011] | |
Kavka T., Matějíček J., Ctibor P., Hrabovský M.: Spraying of metallic powders by hybrid gas/water torch and the effects of inert gas shrouding. DVS Berichte, vol. 276( Proceedings of the International thermal spray conference 2011). Düsseldorf : DVS Media GmbH, 2011. S. 1373-1380. ISBN 978-3-87155-268-7. - (ITSC. 2011. 276). [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2011(ITSC2011).. Hamburg (DE), 27.09.2011-29.09.2011] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Zahálka F., Murafa N.: Microstructure and performance of titanium oxide coatings sprayed by oxygen-acetylene flame. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 10 [3] (2011) 403-407. [ Abstract ] | |
Brožek V., Doležal J., Ctibor P., Kolman B., Novák M.: Ceramo-metallic materials of the Ti-B-C and Ti-B-N systems. METAL 2011 Conference Proceedings. Ostrava : TANGER, spol. s r.o., 2011. S. 122-126. ISBN 978-80-87294-22-2. [Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials METAL 2011/20th./. Brno (CZ), 18.05.2011-20.05.2011] | |
Kavka T., Matějíček J., Ctibor P., Mašláni A., Hrabovský M.: Plasma Spraying of Copper by Hybrid Water-Gas DC Arc Plasma Torch. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 20 [4] (2011) 760-774. | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Dong-Ik Ch., Seong-ho Y., Mastný L., Novák M.: Preparation and properties of ultra-high temperature ceramics based on ZrC and HfC. Solid State Phenomena 170 [1] (2011) 37-40. [International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements SCTE/17th./. Annecy, 05.09.2010-10.09.2010] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Dopita M., Pala Z.: Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering. Proceedings of the 21th Joint Seminar – Development of materials science in research and education. Bratislava : Slovak Expert Group of Solid State Chemistry and Physics, 2011 - (Koman, M.; Mikloš, D.) S. 68-69. ISBN 978-80-8134-002-4. [Joint Seminar – Development of materials science in research and education(DMRSE)/21.th./. Kežmarské Žlaby (SK), 29.08.2011-02.09.2011] | |
2010 | Ctibor P., Hrabovský M.: Plasma sprayed TiO2: The influence of power of an electric supply on particle parameters in the flight and character of sprayed coating. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 [15] (2010) 3131-3136. [ Abstract ] |
Kocík J., Ctibor P., Brožek V.: Reaktivní impregnace plazmově deponované keramiky. Chemické listy 104 [6] (2010) 518-518. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Sjezd asociace českých a slovenských chemických společností/62./. Pardubice, 28.06.2010-30.06.2010] | |
Ctibor P., Ageorges H., Sedláček J., Čtvrtlík R.: Structure and properties of plasma sprayed BaTiO3 coatings. Ceramics International 36 [7] (2010) 2155-2162. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Zahálka F., Murafa N.: Microstructure and performance of titanium oxide coatings sprayed by oxygen-acetylene flame. Proceedings of the 6th European meeting on solar chemistry and photocatalysis: Environmental applications (SPEA 6). Prague : ICT Prague Press, 2010 - (Krýsa, J.) S. 144-145. ISBN 978-80-7080-750-7. [ Abstract ] [European meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA6)/6th./. Prague (CZ), 13.06.2010-16.06.2010] | |
Ctibor P.: Raman and infrared spectroscopic measurements of plasma sprayed titanates. JA 2010 - JOURNEES ANNUELLES DE LA SF2M 2010 SF2M Annual Meeting 2010. Paris : Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux, 2010. S. 1-2. ISBN 978-2-917839-04-01. [ Abstract ] [Annual meeting of the “Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux“ 2010. Paris (FR), 22.06.2010-24.06.2010] | |
Kocík J., Ctibor P.: Reaktivní impregnace plazmově deponované keramiky. Chemické listy 104 [6] (2010) 518-518. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Sjezd asociace českých a slovenských chemických společností/62./. Pardubice, 28.06.2010-30.06.2010] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Matušek M., Sedláček J.: Wolframové cermety s karbidem zirkonia a hafnia. Metal 2010 19th international conference on metallurgy and materials. Ostrava : Tanger s.r.o, 2010. S. 112-117. ISBN 978-80-87294-15-4. - (19th international conference on metallurgy and materials). [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials METAL 2010 /19th./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 18.05.2010-20.05.2010] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Ageorges H.: PLASMA SPRAYED PHOTOCATALYTICALLY ACTIVE BaTiO3. Zborník prednášok Vrstvy a povlaky 2010. Trenčín : LISS a.s, 2010. S. 11-16. ISBN 978-80-970514-2-6. [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2010. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 04.10.2010-05.10.2010] | |
Kašparová M., Zahálka F., Houdková Š., Ctibor P.: Abrasive wear of WC-NiMoCrFeCo thermally sprayed coatings in dependence on different types of abrasive sands. Kovové materiály 48 [1] (2010) 75-85. [ Abstract ] | |
2009 | Murafa N., Štengl V., Ctibor P., Houšková V.: Microscopic and structural characterization of high velocity oxygen-flue and atmospheric plasma sprayed coatings. NANOCON 2009 Conference Proceedings. Ostrava : TANGER, 2009. S. 270-275. ISBN 978-80-87294-13-0. [ Abstract ] [Nanocon 2009 / Conference with International Participation /1./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 20.10.2009-22.10.2009] |
Ctibor P., Kašparová M., Bellin J., Le Guen E., Zahálka F.: Plasma Spraying and Characterization of Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Coatings by the Water-Stabilized System WSP. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2009 [-] (2009) 1-11. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Lescoffit A.-E., Teboul B., Neufuss K., Voleník K.: Abrasion resistance of alloy coatings deposited by plasma spraying. Acta Technica CSAV 54 [2] (2009) 113-126. [ Abstract ] | |
Štengl V., Ageorges H., Ctibor P., Murafa N.: Atmospheric plasma sprayed (APS) coatings of Al2O3–TiO2 system for photocatalytic application. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 8 [5] (2009) 733-738. [ Abstract ] [European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis:Environmental Applications /5th./. Palermo, 04.10.2008-08.10.2008] | |
Ctibor P., Štengl V., Neufuss K.: Atmospheric plasma sprayed (APS) coatings of Al2O3–13%TiO2 for photocatalytic application. Journées Européennes de la PhotocatalyseJEP 2009. Trollhattan : Cité Mondiale- Bordeaux, 2009 - (Lacombe, S.) S. 32-35. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [Journées Européennes de la PhotocatalyseJEP 2009. Bordeaux (FR), 21.09.2009-22.09.2009] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Boldyryeva H., Cheong D.-I., Yang S.-H.: Compatibility of plasma sprayed tungsten based materials with graphite substrates. Proceedings of the 19th Joint Seminar – Development of materials science in research and education. Bratislava : STU Bratislava, 2009 - (Koman, M.; Mikloš, D.) S. 18-19. ISBN 978-80-89088-81-2. - (Joint Seminar). [ Abstract ] [Joint Seminar – Development of materials science in research and education/19th./. Závažná Poruba (SK), 31.08.2009] | |
Ctibor P., Ageorges H., Neufuss K., Zahálka F.: Composite Coatings of Alumina-based Ceramics and Stainless Steel Manufactured by Plasma Spraying. Materials Science 15 [2] (2009) 108-114. [ Abstract ] | |
Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Chumak O., Kavka T., Mašláni A., Sember V., Ctibor P.: Effect of Fluctuations of DC Current on Properties of Plasma Jet Generated in Plasma Spraying Torch with Gerdien Arc. High Temperature Materials and Processes 13 [2] (2009) 229-240. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Kraus L.: Improvement of Mechanical Properties on a Surface of Bulk Ceramics. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies. Trollhättan : University West, 2009 - (Sudarshan, T.; Nylen, P.) S. 247-254. ISBN 978-0-9817065-1-1. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies SMT22/22./. Trollhättan (SE), 22.09.2008-24.09.2008] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Cheong D.-I., Yang S.-H.: Plasma spraying of zirconium carbide – hafnium carbide – tungsten cermets. Powder Metallurgy Progress 9 [1] (2009) 49-64. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Brožek V., Chráska P., Cheong D.-I., Yang S.-H.: Plasma Spraying of Refractory Cermets by the Water-Stabilized Spray (WSP) System. ITSC 2009 Proceedings from the 2009 International Thermal Spray Conference. Las Vegas : ITSC Partner Societies, 2009 - (Marple, B.; Hyland, M.; Lau, Y.; Li, C.; Lima, R.; Montavon, G.) S. 824-829. ISBN 978-1-61503-004-0. - (ITSC). [ Abstract ] [Thermal Spray 2009: International Thermal Spray Conference. Las Vegas (US), 04.05.2009-07.05.2009] | |
Ctibor P., Brožek V., Cheong D.-I., Chráska P.: PLASMA SPRAYING OF REFRACTORY CERMETS BY THE WATER-STABILIZED SPRAY (WSP®) SYSTEM. Acta Technica CSAV 54 [3] (2009) 241-253. [ Abstract ] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Cheong D.-I., Yang S.-H.: Plasma Spraying of Zirconium Carbide – Hafnium Carbide – Tungsten Cermets. 17 Plansee Seminar 2009 International Conference onHigh Performance P/M Materials. Reutte : PlanseeGroup, 2009. S. 1-3. ISBN N. - (GT49). [ Abstract ] [Plansee Seminar on High Performance PM Materials /17th./. Reutte (AT), 25.05.2009-29.05.2009] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P.: Plazmochemická syntéza boridů, karbidů a nitridů přechodných kovů. Sborník přednášek APROCHEM 2009. Praha : PCHE-PetroChemEng, 2009. S. 2205-2210. ISBN 978-80-02-02106-3. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Chemicko-technologická konference APROCHEM 2009. Milovy (CZ), 20.04.2009-22.04.2009] | |
Stejskal J., Brožek V., Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Novák M.: Reaktivní plazmová depozice karbidu boru s titanem. ChemZi 5 [9] (2009) 173-174. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Zjazd chemikov/61./. Tatranské Matliare, 07.09.2009-11.09.2009] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Cheong D.-I., Yang S.-H., Sedláček J.: Structure and electric resistivity of sintered and plasma sprayed tungsten-based cermets. Proceedings of the 19th Joint Seminar – Development of materials science in research and education. Bratislava : STU Bratislava, 2009 - (Koman, M.; Mikloš, D.) S. 68-69. ISBN 978-80-89088-81-2. - (Joint Seminar). [ Abstract ] [Joint Seminar – Development of materials science in research and education/19th./. Závažná Poruba (SK), 31.08.2009] | |
2008 | Štengl V., Murafa N., Ctibor P., Bakardjieva S., Černý Z., Zahálka F.: Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed (APS) coatings of TiO2 for photocatalytic application. Global roadmap for ceramics and ICC2 - Proceedings. Verona : Italian Ceramic Federation, 2008 - (Bellosi, A.; Babini, G.) 6-P139-ID773. ISBN 978-88-8080-084-2. [ Abstract ] [International congress on Ceramics/2nd./. Verona (IT), 29.06.2008-04.07.2008] |
Ageorges H., Ctibor P.: Comparison of the structure and wear resistance of Al2O3 -13 wt%TiO2 coatings made by GSP and WSP plasma process with two different powders. Surface and Coatings Technology 202 [18] (2008) 4362-4368. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Savková J., Bláhová O.: Plasma sprayed TiO2 coatings – structure, microhardness and friction of various states of titania with oxygen-deficient stoichiometry. Global roadmap for ceramics and ICC2 - Proceedings. Verona : Italian Ceramic Federation, 2008 - (Bellosi, A.; Babini, G.) 4-P09-ID123. ISBN 978-88-8080-084-2. [ Abstract ] [International congress on Ceramics/2nd./. Verona (IT), 29.06.2008-04.07.2008] | |
Ctibor P., Savková J., Bláhová O.: Plasma sprayed TiO2 coatings – structure, microhardness and friction of various states of titania with oxygen-deficient stoichiometry. The 2nd International Conference on Ceramics "Global Roadmap for Ceramics - ICC2 Proceedings". Verona : ISTEC-CNR, Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, 2008 - (Bellosi, A.; Babini, G.) 4-P09-ID123. ISBN 978-88-8080-084-2. [ Abstract ] [International congress on Ceramics/2nd./. Verona (IT), 29.06.2008-04.07.2008] | |
Ctibor P., Kašparová M., Bellin J., Le Guen E.: Plasma spraying of tungsten carbide – cobalt coatings by the water-stabilized system WSP. Thermal spray crossing boarders (ITSC 2008)- Proceedings. Duesseldorf : ASM International, 2008 - (Lugscheider, E.) 08-0519-08-0519. ISBN 978-3-87155-979-2. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2008. Maastricht (NL), 02.06.2008-04.06.2008] | |
Chráska T., Neufuss K., Dubský J., Ctibor P., Rohan P.: Fabrication of bulk nanocrystalline alumina-zirconia materials. Ceramics International 34 [5] (2008) 1229-1236. [ Abstract ] | |
Chráska T., Neufuss K., Dubský J., Ctibor P., Klementová M.: Fabrication of Bulk Nanocrystalline Ceramic Materials. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 17 [5-6] (2008) 872-877. [ Abstract ] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Dong-Ik Ch., Eun-Pyo K.: Hafnium carbide cermets. Proceedings of the 18th Joint seminar Development of materials science in research and education. Praha : Czechoslovak association for crystal growth, 2008 - (Nitsch, K.; Rodová, M.) S. 8-9. ISBN 978-80-254-0864-3. [ Abstract ] [Development of Materials Science in Research and Education/18th./. Hnanice (CZ), 02.09.2008-05.09.2008] | |
2007 | Chráska T., Klementová M., Neufuss K., Dubský J., Ctibor P., Rohan P.: CHARACTERISTICS OF NANOCRYSTALLINE SiO2-Al2O3-ZrO2 CERAMICS WITH VARIABLE COMPOSITION PREPARED BY PLASMA SPRAYING. Acta Microscopica 16 [suppl.2] (2007) 137-138. [ Abstract ] [CIASEM 2007. Cusco, 23.09.2007-28.09.2007] |
Ctibor P., Kraus L., Tuominen J., Vuoristo P., Chráska P.: IMPROVEMENT OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINA AND ZIRCONIA PLASMA SPRAYED COATINGS INDUCED BY LASER POST-TREATMENT. Ceramics - Silikáty 51 [4] (2007) 181-189. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P.: Zlepšení mechanických vlastností slinuté keramiky přetavením pomocí plazmatronu. Lokální mechanické vlastnosti 2006-sborník přednášek. Plzeň : Západočeská univerzita, Plzeň, 2007. s. 44-52. ISBN 80-7043-512-7. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Lokální mechanické vlastnosti/Možnosti aplikace výsledků měření. Nečtiny (CZ), 08.11.2006-10.11.2006] | |
Ctibor P., Hofmann P., Chráska P., Lechnerová R., Beneš V.: 3D Visualization of Thermally Sprayed Microstructure. Global Coating Solutions - Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2006. Materials Park, Ohio : ASM International, 2007. S. 878-883. ISBN 978-0-87170-855-7. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2007. Peking (CN), 14.05.2007-16.05.2007] | |
Savková J., Ctibor P., Bláhová O.: Influence of steel content to tribological properties of thermally sprayed alumina coatings. Sborník konference Vrstvy a povlaky 2007. Trenčín : Rožnov pod Radhoštěm : Liss a.s., 2007, 2007. S. 109-114. ISBN 978-80-969310-4-0. [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2007. Soláň, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 29.10.2007-30.10.2007] | |
Ageorges H., Ctibor P.: Comparison of the structure and wear resistance of coatings made by GSP and WSP plasma process with cladded powder and powder containing agglomerated nanometric particles. Les Troisiemes Rencontres Internationales sur la Projection Thermique. Lille : RIPT Lille, 2007. S. 1-10. [ Abstract ] [Les Troisiemes Rencontres Internationales sur la Projection Thermique. Lille (FR), 06.12.2007-07.12.2007] | |
Ageorges H., Medarhri Z., Ctibor P., Fauchais P.: Plasma sprayed basalt/chromium oxide coatings. High Temperature Materials and Processes 11 [1] (2007) 71-82. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Zahálka F., Kolman B.: Plasma sprayed ceramic coatings without and with epoxy resin sealing treatment and their wear resistance. Wear 262 [9-10] (2007) 1274-1280. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: PLASMA SPRAYING AND DIELECTRIC CHARACTERIZATION OF ZIRCONIUM SILICATE. Proceedings of the Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education 2007“. Bratislava : Slovak Technical University Bratislava, 2007. S. 13-14. ISBN 978-80-89088-55-3. [ Abstract ] [Development of Materials Science in Research and Education 2007. Tatranská Štrba (SK), 10.09.2007-14.09.2007] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Matějíček J., Rohan P., Janča J.: Consolidation of tungsten disilicide by plasma spraying. Acta Technica CSAV 52 [3] (2007) 311-320. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: PLASMA SPRAYING AND DIELECTRIC CHARACTERIZATION OF ZIRCONIUM SILICATE. Materials Science and Technology [online] online [2] (2007) 4-9. [ Abstract ] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P., Matějíček J., Rohan P., Janča J.: Consolidation of Tungsten Disilicide WSi2 by Plasma Spraying. EURO PM 2007 Proceedings. Shrewsbury, UK : EPMA Shrewsbury, 2007. S. 431-436. ISBN 978-1-899072-30-9. [ Abstract ] [International Powder Metallurgy Congress & Exhibition EURO PM 2007. Toulouse (FR), 15.10.2007-17.10.2007] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: PLASMA SPRAYING AND DIELECTRIC CHARACTERIZATION OF ZIRCONIUM SILICATE. Proceedings of the Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education 2007". Bratislava : Czechoslovak Association for Crystal Growth, 2007. S. 13-14. ISBN 978-80-89088-55-3. [ Abstract ] [Development of Materials Science in Research and Education 2007. Tatranská Štrba (SK), 10.09.2007-14.09.2007] | |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Coullomb S., Suszawalak N., Chráska P.: Unconventional ways of testing of alumina plasma sprayed coatings by slurry abrasion response (SAR) test. Acta Technica CSAV 52 [2] (2007) 163-172. [ Abstract ] | |
2006 | Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Dubský J., Kolman B., Rohan P., Chráska P.: Spraying of agglomerated TiO2 nanopowder by water-stabilized plasma. Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2006. Ohio, USA : ASM International Materials Park OH 44073-0002, 2006. s9-11-11949. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2006. Seattle, WA, USA (US), 15.05.2006-18.05.2006] |
Ctibor P., Boháč P., Stranyánek M., Čtvrtlík R.: Structure and mechanical properties of plasma sprayed coatings of titania and alumina. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 [16] (2006) 3509-3514. [ Abstract ] | |
Ageorges H., Ctibor P., Medarhri Z., Touimi S., Fauchais P.: Influence of the metallic matrix ratio on the wear resistance (dry and slurry abrasion) of plasma sprayed cermet (chromia / stainless steel) coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 201 [5] (2006) 2006-2011. [ Abstract ] | |
Medarhri Z., Ageorges H., Touimi S., Ctibor P., Fauchais P.: Wear resistance of cermet coating stainless steel / chromium oxide plasma sprayed. Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2006. Ohio, USA : ASM International Materials Park OH 44073-0002, 2006. s17-9-11358. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2006. Seattle, WA, USA (US), 15.05.2006-18.05.2006] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P.: Způsob přípravy sferoidního karbidu boru. Ustav fyziky plazmatu AV CR. Datum podání přihlášky: 29.12.2003. Datum udělení patentu: 3.4.2006. 3 s. PV 2003-3570 [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Chráska P.: Mechanical properties of plasma sprayed titania coatings. Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2006. Ohio, USA : ASM International Materials Park OH 44073-0002, 2006. s9-5-11948. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2006. Seattle, WA, USA (US), 15.05.2006-18.05.2006] | |
Ctibor P., Lechnerová R., Hofmann P.: Quantification of thermal spray coatings structure using volumetric reconstruction. Proceedings S4G. International Conference on Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry. Praha : JČMF, 2006 - (Lechnerová, R.; Saxl, I.; Beneš, V.) s. 251-256. ISBN 80-7015-037-8. [ Abstract ] [6th International Conference ‘Stereology, Spatial Statistics and Stochastic Geometry‘ (S4G). Praha (CZ), 26.06.2006-29.06.2006] | |
Ctibor P., Lechnerová R., Beneš V.: Quantitative analysis of pores of two types in a plasma-sprayed coating. Materials Characterization - [56] (2006) 297-304. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: Electric resistivity of understoichiometric TiO2 received by plasma spraying. Proceedings of the 16th Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education“. Praha : Czech and Slovac Society for Crystal Growth (Cs-Sl. Společnost pro růst krystalu), 2006. s. 62-63. ISBN 80-901748-7-6. [ Abstract ] [Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education“/16th./. Valtice (CZ), 12.09.2006-15.09.2006] | |
2005 | Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Sedláček J.: Structure and dielectric properties of CaZrO3 coatings prepared by plasma spraying. Proceedings of the 15th Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education“. Bratislava, 2005. s. 14-15. ISBN 80-89088-42-2. [ Abstract ] [Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education/15th./. Kežmarské žlaby (SK), 05.06.2005-09.06.2005] |
Čtvrtlík R., Stranyánek M., Boháč P., Jastrabík L., Hrabovský M., Ctibor P.: Hardness measurement of inhomogeneous plasma sprayed coatings. Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis 2005. Brno, 2005. nečíslováno. ISBN 80-214-2941-0. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis 2005/43rd./. Skalský dvůr (CZ), 07.06.2005-09.06.2005] | |
Ctibor P., Nohava J., Karovičová I., Chráska P., Tuominen J., Vuoristo P.: Improvement of mechanical properties of Alumina and Zirconia plasma sprayed coatings induced by laser after-treatment. Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2005. Dusseldorf : DVS-Verlag, Dusseldorf, 2005 - (Lugscheider, E.) s. 1033-1038. ISBN 3-87155-793-5. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2005. Basilej (CH), 02.05.2005-04.05.2005] | |
Jakubov M., Ctibor P., Neufuss K.: Thermal fatigue testing of ceramic coatings produced by water-stabilized plasma gun. Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2005. Dusseldorf : DSV-Verlag, Dusseldorf, 2005 - (Lugscheider, E.) s. 1183-1186. ISBN 3-87155-793-5. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2005. Basilej (CH), 02.05.2005-04.05.2005] | |
Jůzková R., Ctibor P., Beneš V.: Interlamellar flat pores analysis in plasma-sprayed coating. Proceedings from the 9th European Congress on Stereology and Image Analysis and 7th STERMAT Int. Conf. on Stereology and Image Analysis in Material Science. Zakopane, 2005 - (Chraponski, J.; Cwajna, J.; Wojnar, L.) s. 65-72. ISBN 83-917834-3-X. [ Abstract ] [European Congress on Stereology and Image Analysis and 7th STERMAT Int. Conf. on Stereology and Image Analysis in Material Science/9th./. Zakopane (PL), 10.05.2005-13.05.2005] | |
Čtvrtlík R., Stranyánek M., Boháč P., Jastrabík L., Ctibor P., Hrabovský M.: Měření tvrdosti nehomogenních plazmových nástřiků. Experimental Stress Analysis 2005. Brno University of Technology, 2005 - (Houfek, L.; Návrat, T.; Vlk, M.; Fius, V.) s. 7-8. ISBN 80-214-2941-0. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [International conference Experimental Stress Analysis 2005 /43./. Skalský Dvůr (CZ), 07.06.2005-09.06.2005] | |
Medarhri Z., Ageorges H., Touimi S., Ctibor P., Fauchais P.: Metallic phase effects in plasma sprayed cermet coating of chromium oxide / stainless steel. Les deuxiemes Rencontres Internationales sur la Projection Thermique. Lille, 2005. s. 180-190. [ Abstract ] [Les deuxiemes Rencontres Internationales sur la Projection Thermique. Lille (FR), 01.12.2005-02.12.2005] | |
Čtvrtlík R., Stranyánek M., Boháč P., Jastrabík L., Ctibor P.: Nanoindentace nehomogenních plazmových nástřiků TiO2. Local mechanical properties 2005. Košice : Hutnícka fakulta TU Košice, 2005 - (Pešek, L.) s. 1-5. ISBN 80-8073-405-4. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Local mechanical properties 2005. Košice (SK), 14.11.2005-15.11.2005] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K., Dubský J., Chráska P.: Dielectric properties of plasma sprayed silicates. Ceramics International - [31] (2005) 315-321. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: Electric resistivity of understoichiometric TiO2 received by plasma spraying. Proceedings of the 15th Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education“. Praha : Czech and Slovac Society for Crystal Growth (Cs-Sl. Společnost pro růst krystalu), 2005. s. 62-63. ISBN 80-901748-7-6. [ Abstract ] [Joint Seminar „Development of Materials Science in Research and Education“/16th./. Valtice (CZ), 05.06.2005-09.06.2005] | |
2004 | Jůzková R., Ctibor P., Beneš V.: Analysis porous structure in ceramic plasma sprayed coating. Image Analysis and Stereology - [23] (2004) 45-52. [ Abstract ] |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: Relative permitivity and loss factor of plasma sprayed glass and glassceramics. Proceedings of the 14th Joint Seminar "Development of Materials Science in Research and Education". Praha, 2004. s. 5-6. ISBN 80-7345-032-1. [ Abstract ] [Development of Materials Science in Research and Education - DMS-RE 2004 /14./. Lednice (CZ), 31.08.2004-03.09.2004] | |
Ctibor P., Nourouzi S., Le Niniven C., Vardelle A., Rohan P., Bouaricha S., Legoux J.-G., Moreau C.: Effect of the in-flight behavior of particles on the amorphous content of metallic coatings under thermal spray conditions. Proceedings of European Material Research Society 2004 Spring meeting,Strasbiurg, France, 2004. Strasbourg, 2004. s. paper-no.2458. [ Abstract ] [European Material Research Society 2004 Spring meeting.. Strasbourg (FR), 24.05.2004-28.05.2004] | |
Ctibor P., Nourozi S., Inizan M., Bonnet N., Enžl R.: Structural analysis of plasma- and wire arc- sprayed stainless steel coatings. Acta Technica CSAV 49 [12] (2004) 1-12. [ Abstract ] | |
Voleník K., Ctibor P., Dubský J., Chráska P., Horák J.: Oxidation of nickel during plasma spraying and some properties of nickel oxide. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 [suppl.C] (2004) C889-C896. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology /21./. Praha, 14.06.2004-17.06.2004] | |
Brožek V., Ctibor P.: Plazmochemická výroba sferoidního karbidu boru. Sborník APROCHEM 2004. Praha : PetroChemProgress, 2004. s. 443-447. ISBN 80-02-01576-2. [ EN ] [Aprochem 2004 /13./. Milovy (CZ), 20.09.2004-22.09.2004] | |
2003 | Ctibor P., Brožek V., Hofman R.: Boron carbide synthesis by plasma spray process. Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Bari : Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, 2003 - (d'Agostino, R.; Favia, P.; Fracassi, F.; Palumbo, F.) s. -. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/16th./. Taormina (IT), 22.06.2003-27.06.2003] |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K., Chráska P.: Dielectric relaxation in calcium titanate-containing ceramics prepared by plasma spraying. Ceramics International 29 [-] (2003) 955-960. [ Abstract ] | |
Neufuss K., Kolman B., Ctibor P., Chráska P., Laakso J., Ahmaniemi S., Vuoristo P., Mäntylä T.: Highly Porous Deposits of Cr2O3 Prepared by Plasma Co-spraying of Cr2O3 and Al. Proceedings of the 2003 International Thermal Spray Conference. Ohio : ASM International Materials Park, 2003 - (Marple, B.; Moreau, C.) s. 1307-1316. ISBN 0-87170-785-3. - (2). [ Abstract ] [Thermal Spray 2003 Advancing the Science and Applying the Technology.. Orlando, Florida (US), 05.05.2003-08.05.2003] | |
Ctibor P., Roussel O., Tricoire A.: Unmelted particles in plasma sprayed coatings. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 23 [-] (2003) 2993-2999. [ Abstract ] | |
Bačová V., Kniewald D., Ctibor P., Neufuss K.: Výskum predúpravy povrchu a parametrov žiarového striekania. Acta Mechanica Slovaka 7 [3] (2003) 717-724. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K.: Influence of chemical composition on dielectric properties of Al2O3-ZrO2 plasma deposits. Ceramics International 29 [-] (2003) 527-532. [ Abstract ] | |
2002 | Neufuss K., Ctibor P.: Nástřikový materiál pro žárové a plazmové nanášení. 20000211. Datum udělení patentu: 20020124. 3 s. 289 738 [ EN ] |
Karovičová I., Ctibor P., Nohava J.: Analýza laserově ovlivněných povrchů keramických plazmově stříkaných mateiálů. Sborník příspěvků 19.semináře "Progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav". Praha : Česká společnost pro povrchové úpravy, 2002 - (Kreibich, V.) s. 39-42. [ EN ] [Seminář "Progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav"/19./. Čejkovice (CZ), 26.11.2002-27.11.2002] | |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Dubský J., Bačová V., Jankura D., Kniewald D., Jakubov M., Draganovská D.: Ceramic coatings for thermal cycling. Povrchové inžinierstvo 2002 (Zborník 1.vedeckej konferencie). Košice : Technická univerzita Košice, 2002 - (Jakubov, M.) s. 33-42. ISBN 80-7099-864-4. [ Abstract ] [Povrchové inžinierstvo 2002.. Košice (SK), 01.10.2002] | |
Matějíček J., Nanobashvili S., Ctibor P., Brožek V., Neufuss K., Chráska P.: Properties of Boron Carbide Coatings and Free-Standing Parts Prepared by WSP(r). Materials Week 2001. Frankfurt : WerkstoffInformationsgesselschaft, 2002. s. článek č.914. ISBN 3-88355-302-6. [ Abstract ] [Materials Week 2001.. Mnichov (DE), 01.10.2001-04.10.2001] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Neufuss K., Dubský J., Chráska P.: Study of dielectric properties of plasma sprayed silicates at low voltage. Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2002. ASM International, 2002 - (Berndt, C.) s. 617-621. ISBN 3-87155-783-8. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference.. Essen (DE), 04.03.2002-06.03.2002] | |
Skladnik-Sadowska E., Baranowski J., Sadowski M. J., Koláček K., Řípa M., Ctibor P., Kishinets A. S., Rupasov A. A.: Investigation of Corpuscular Emission from Prague Capillary Pinch. Nukleonika 47 [-] (2002) 27-30. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Research and Application, PLASMA-2001. Warsaw, 19.09.2001-21.09.2001] | |
Bačová V., Kniewald D., Jankura D., Draganovská D., Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Dubský J.: Titanátové povlaky v nadvädznosti na analýzu predúprav povrchu základu. Povrchové inžinierstvo 2002 (Sborník 1.vedeckej konferencie). Košice : Technická univerzita Košice, 2002 - (Jakubov, M.) s. 19-28. ISBN 80-7099-864-4. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Povrchové inžinierstvo 2002.. Košice (SK), 01.10.2002] | |
Ctibor P., Chráska P., Neufuss K.: Keramické dielektrikum a způsob jeho výroby. 20000211. Datum udělení patentu: 20020115. 4 s. 289 681 [ EN ] | |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K.: Výzkum nových materiálů pro žárové nástřiky. Svářečský zpravodaj. č. 3 (2002), s. 26-35 | |
Matějíček J., Neufuss K., Ctibor P., Rohan P., Dubský J., Chráska P., Brožek V.: WSP-Sprayed Boron Carbide Coatings for Fusion Applications. Proceedings of International Thermal Spray Conference 2002. Düsseldorf : DVS, 2002 - (Lugscheider, E.; Berndt, C.) s. 1-5. ISBN 3-87155-783-8. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference.. Essen (DE), 04.03.2002-06.03.2002] | |
2001 | Koláček K., Schmidt J., Řípa M., Ctibor P., Turek K., Baranowski J., Skladnik-Sadowska E., Sadowski J. M., Kishinets A. S., Jancarek A.: Axial particle and soft X-Ray emission from the fast capillary discharge. IEEE Conference Records-Abstracts. 2001. s. 193. [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science /28./ and the IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference /13./. Las Vegas, Nevada (US), 17.06.2001-22.06.2001] |
Koláček K., Schmidt J., Řípa M., Ctibor P., Turek K., Baranowski J., Skladnik-Sadowska E., Sadowski M. J., Kishinets A. S., Jančárek A.: Axial Particle and Soft x-ray Emission from the Fast Capillary Discharge. Digest of Technical Papers PPPS-2001, Pulsed Power Plasma Science 2001. Las Vegas, 2001 - (Reinovsky, R.; Newton, M.) s. 761-764. ISBN 0-7803-7120-8. - (IEEE Catalog Number:01CH37251). [ Abstract ] [IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 13th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference//28th./. Las Vegas, Nevada (US), 17.06.2001-22.06.2001] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J.: Dielectric properties of plasma sprayed titanates. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 [-] (2001) 1685-1688. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Rohan P., Chráska P.: Effect of Spraying Distance on Plasma Deposit's Behavior. Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference 2001. ASM International, 2001 - (Bernd, C.; Khor, K.; Lugscheider, E.) s. 677-682. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2001. Singapore (MY), 28.05.2001-30.05.2001] | |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Ageorges H., Fauchais P.: Relation between the feedstock preparation technique and plasma sprayed coating microstructure of stainless steel-alumina composites. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Orléans : Gremi, CNR University of Orléans, 2001 - (Bouchoule, A.; Pouvesle, J.; Thomann, A.; Bauchire, J.; Robert, E.) s. 2533-2538. [ Abstract ] [International Symposiumon Plasma Chemistry/15th./. Orléans (FR), 09.07.2001-13.07.2001] | |
Chráska P., Kolman B., Dubský J., Ctibor P., Neufuss K.: Spatial distribution of chemistry, structural features and phases in tehrmal spray deposits. Acta Technica CSAV 46 [-] (2001) 323-336. [ Abstract ] | |
Skladnik-Sadowska E., Baranowski J., Sadowski M. J., Koláček K., Řípa M., Ctibor P., Kishinets A. S., Rupasov A. A.: Investigation of Corpuscular Emission from the Prague Capillary Pinch. Contribution PLASMA 2001. 2001. s. P3.16. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Research and Application, PLASMA-2001. Warsaw (PL), 19.09.2001-21.09.2001] | |
2000 | Ctibor P., Rohan P., Kolman B., Dubský J., Chráska P.: Plasma Spraying as a Technique for Dielectric Ceramics Preparation. Proceedings of the 9th International Metallurgical Conference "METAL 2000". Ostrava : Tanger,s.r.o., 2000. s. soubor 514. [ Abstract ] [International Metallurgical Conference "METAL 2000"/9th./. Ostrava (CZ), 16.05.2000-18.05.2000] |
Ctibor P.: Properties of ceramic membranes prepared from thermal-plasma-spheroidized particles. Summaries of 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Prague : Process Engineering Publisher, Praha, 2000. s. 293. ISBN 80-86059-30-8. [ Abstract ] [International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2000 /14./. Praha (CZ), 27.08.2000-31.08.2000] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J., Ryukhtin V., Cinert J., Lukáč F.: Barium titanate nanometric polycrystalline ceramics ?red by spark plasma sintering (2000) . [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P.: Způsob výroby keramického fotoaktivního plátu a keramický fotoaktivní plát vyrobený tímto způsobem. 2014. Vlastník: Ústav fyziky plazmatu,v.v.i. Datum udělení patentu: 20.08.2014. Číslo patentu: 304765 [ EN ] | |
Rohan P., Chráska P., Ctibor P., Neufuss K.: Relation Between Thermal Expansion Coeficient and Porosity in Thick Zircon and Alumina Coatings. Proceedings of the 1st International Thermal Spray Conference. Ohio : Materials Park, ASM International, 2000 - (Berndt, C.) s. 1067-1070. ISBN 0-87170-680-6. [International Thermal Spray Conference/1st./. Montreal (CA), 08.05.2000-11.05.2000] | |
Ctibor P., Sedláček J.: Electric Resistivity of Plasma Deposited Titanates. 80-01-02229-3. In: Proceedings of Workshop 2000-CTU Reports. Prague : CTU in Prague, 2000. s. 242. - (CTU Reports.. vol.4). [ Abstract ] [Workshop ČVUT v Praze-2000. Prague (CZ), 14.02.2000-16.02.2000] | |
Ctibor P., Kolman B., Rohan P.: Chemical and Microstructural Changes in Plasma Sprayed MgTiO3-CaTiO3 System During Subsequent Annealing. Proceedings of the 4th European Microbeam Analysis Society Regional Workshop. Prague : FME Czech Technical University, 2000 - (Starý, V.; Mašek, K.; Horák, K.) s. 198. ISBN 80-01-02176-9. [ Abstract ] [European Microbeam Analysis Society Regional Workshop/4th./. Třešť (CZ), 17.05.2000-20.05.2000] | |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K., Štengl V.: Structure and Properties of Plasma Sprayed TiO2 Ceramics. New Nanotechniques. Hauppauge, NY : NOVA Science Publishers, 2009 - (Malik, A.; Rawat, M.) S. 115-161. ISBN 978-1-60692-516-4 [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Lechnerová R.: Spatial visualization of thermally sprayed microstructure based. Modern Research and Educational Topics in Microscopy. 3. Badajoz : Formatex, 2007 - (Méndez-Vilas, A.; Díaz, J.) S. 606-615. ISBN 978-84-611-9418-6. - (Microscopy Series) [ Abstract ] | |
1999 | Dubský J., Kolman B., Ctibor P., Kroupa F., Ilavský J.: Structure and residual stresses in thermally sprayed steel coatings. 0-87849-833-8. In: Functionally graded materials 1998. Zuerich : ttp Trans Tech Publications ltd, 1999 - (Kaysser, W.) s. 232-237. - (Materials Science Forum.. vol.308-311(1999)). [International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials /5./. Dresden (DE), 26.10.1998-29.10.1998] |
Ctibor P.: Granát-minerál i pro techniku. MM Průmyslové spektrum. 1,2 (1999), s. 40-41. ISSN 1212-2572 [ EN ] | |
1998 | Dubský J., Kolman B., Ctibor P., Kroupa F.: Pnutí v ocelových nastřicích. Acta Mechanica Slovaka 2 [-] (1998) 183-188. [ EN ] |
Ctibor P., Neufuss K.: Granátové nástřiky pro povrchy nástrojů. 13. seminář progresívní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav - Sborník přednášek. Praha : Fakulta strojní ČVUT, 1998 - (Kreibich, V.) s. 12-14. [ EN ] [Seminář progresivní a netradiční technologie povrchových úprav /13./. Praha, ČVUT (CZ), 25.11.1998-26.11.1998] |