![]() | doc. Ing. Jan Čížek, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Department of Materials Engineering ] Place: SHB, Office: A 115 Tel.: (+420) 266 052096 Email: cizek@ipp.cas.cz |
Supervised students
2024 - now | Ing. Anand Abhinav PhD study Fatigue and fracture mechanical properties of interfaces in cold spray |
2023 - now | Ing. Lukáš Babka PhD study Shape memory alloys produced by CS and RF-ICP |
2024 - now | Ing. Petr Čapek PhD study Hybrid plasma coatings by WSP-H |
2024 - now | Noé Elis Preparation of Master thesis NiTi shape memory alloy by RF-ICP |
2022 - now | Tomáš Heller Preparation of Master thesis NiTi shape memory alloy produced by cold kinetic spray |
2023 - now | Ing. Petr Králíček PhD study Fracture-mechanical properties of cold sprayed additively manufactured alloys |
2022 - now | Ing. Filip Štefaník PhD study Deformation processes in cold sprayed materials |
2024 - now | Ing. Filip Wick PhD study Fatigue properties of cold spray alloys |
Research projects
2022-2024 | Study of deformation micro-mechanisms of cold sprayed coatings by positron annihiltion spectroscopy Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA22-14048S |
2020-2022 | Development of High Temperature Liquid Metal Resistant ODS Steels for Fission/Fusion Application Principal investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA20-20873S |
2020-2022 | Tailoring thermal stability of W-Cr based alloys for fusion application Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA20-18392S |
2019-2021 | High temperature preparation of advanced refractory materials by inductively coupled plasma in controlled atmosphere Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA19-14339S |
2018-2020 | Feasibility study of self-passivating tungsten alloys preparation by RF plasma spraying Co-investigator Provider: Euratom; Project ID: MAT-3.1.1-T005 |
List of Publications
2024 | Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Jambor M., Bertolla L.: Grain size manipulation of the Eurofer steel via mechanical alloying. of Materials Science. e [Jun] (2024) 1-13. [ Abstract ] |
Kondás J., Guagliano M., Bagherifard S., Singh R., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Konopik P., Rzepa S.: Importance of feedstock powder selection for mechanical properties improvement of cold spray additively manufactured Ti6Al4V deposits. Additive Manufacturing Letters 9 [April] (2024) č. článku 100199. [ Abstract ] | |
Pazderova M., Hojná A., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Šiška F., Chocholoušek M., Bricín D., Čížek J.: Liquid lead resistance and cracking of novel 1Al-Sc-Y ODS Eurofer steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials 602 [DEC] (2024) č. článku 155306. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Medřický J., Štefaník F., Lukáč F., Čupera J., Kondás J., Singh R., Melikhova O., Hruška P., Čížek J.: Cold Sprayed Deposits Characterized by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 33 (2024) 666-675. [ Abstract ] | |
Jafari R., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Cvrček L., Buřil M., Walter J., Honkanen M., Vippola M., Koivuluoto H.: A Comparative Study on Wear Resistance of Cold-Sprayed Aluminum/Quasicrystal Composite Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 33 [2-3] (2024) 705-718. [ Abstract ] | |
Koller M., Čížek J., Janovská M., Ševčík M., Kondas J., Singh R., Seiner H.: Scanning Acoustic Microscopy Characterization of Cold-Sprayed Coatings Deposited on Grooved Substrates. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 33 [6] (2024) 1941-1954. [ Abstract ] | |
2023 | Hojná A., Pazderova M., Rozumová L., Vít J., Hadraba H., Stratil L., Čížek J.: Performance of Sc-Y-ODS variant of Eurofer steel in stagnant PbLi at 600?C. Journal of Nuclear Materials 575 [MAR] (2023) č. článku 154227. [ Abstract ] |
Šiška F., Drozdenko D., Máthis K., Čížek J., Guo T., Barnett M.: Three-dimensional crystal plasticity and HR-EBSD analysis of the local stress-strain fields induced during twin propagation and thickening in magnesium alloys. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11 (2023) 657-670. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Klečka J., Babka L., Mušálek R., Hadraba H., Kondás J., Singh R., Pazderova M.: Protective Mo and Fe Coatings by CS and RF-ICP for PbLi Coolant Environments in Generation IV Fission Reactors. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 32 [2/3] (2023) 363-374. [ Abstract ] | |
Klečka J., Čížek J., Matějíček J., Lukáč F., Vala J.: Thick functionally-graded W-316L composite coatings for nuclear fusion applications. Nuclear Materials and Energy 34 [March] (2023) č. článku 101373. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Kovařík O., Čížek J., Klečka J.: Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Description of RF-Plasma-Sprayed Refractory Metals and Alloys. Materials 16 [4] (2023) č. článku 1713. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Kovarik O., Čížek J., Klečka J., Karlík M., Čech J., Kozlík J., Lauschmann H.: Tungsten Heavy Alloys from Mixed Feedstock by RF Plasma. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 32 [8] (2023) 2747-2762. [ Abstract ] | |
2022 | Kovařík O., Čížek J., Yin S., Lupoi R., Janovská M., Čech J., Čapek J., Siegl J., Chráska T.: Mechanical and Fatigue Properties of Diamond-Reinforced Cu and Al Metal Matrix Composites Prepared by Cold Spray. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 31 [1-2] (2022) 217-233. [ Abstract ] |
Singh R., Kondás J., Bauer Ch., Čížek J., Medřický J., Csáki Š., Čupera J., Procházka R., Melzer D., Konopník P.: Bulk-like ductility of cold spray additively manufactured copper in the as-sprayed state. Additive Manufacturing Letters 3 [December] (2022) č. článku 100052. [ Abstract ] | |
Jones R., Čížek J., Kovařík O., Ang A., Champagne V.: Observations on comparable aluminium alloy crack growth curves: Additively manufactured Scalmalloy as an alternative to AA5754 and AA6061-T6 alloys? Additive Manufacturing Letters 2 [April] (2022) č. článku 100026. [ Abstract ] | |
Jones R., Kovařík O., Čížek J., Ang A., Lang J.: Crack growth in conventionally manufactured pure nickel, titanium and aluminum and the cold spray additively manufactured equivalents. Additive Manufacturing Letters 2 [3] (2022) č. článku 100043. [ Abstract ] | |
Hadraba H., Chlup Z., Čížek J., Kuběna I.: 9Cr-1W steel strengthened by AlN and BN dispersion. Journal of Materials Science 57 [26] (2022) 12572-12584. [ Abstract ] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Dudík J., Houdková Š.: Tribological properties of hybrid plasma sprayed coatings. Internation Thermal Spray Conference Proceedings. Düsseldorf: DVS Media GmbH, 2022, s. 773-779. ISBN 978-3-96144-180-8. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2022. Vídeň (AT), 04.05.2022-06.05.2022] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Lukáč F., Čížek J.: Plazmová depozice multimateriálových nástřiků s použitím kapalných prekurzorů - směsné a hybridní nástřiky. Vrstvy a povlaky 2022. Trenčianska Teplá: M-PRESS, s.r.o., 2022, s. 59-63. ISBN 978-80-972133-5-0. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2022. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 17.10.2022-18.10.2022] | |
Tkachenko S., Brodnikovskyi D., Čížek J., Komarov P., Brodnikovskyi Y., Tymoshenko Y., Csáki Š., Pinchuk M., Vasylyev O., Čelko L., Gadzyra M., Chráska T.: Novel Ti–Si–C composites for SOFC interconnect materials: Production optimization. Ceramics International 48 [19] (2022) 27785-27798. [ Abstract ] | |
2021 | Yin S., Čížek J., Čupera J., Hassani M., Luo X., Jenkins R., Xie Y., Li W., Lupoi R.: Formation conditions of vortex-like intermixing interfaces in cold spray. Materials and Design 200 [February] (2021) č. článku 109444. [ Abstract ] |
Šiška F., Stratil L., Čížek J., Guo T., Barnett M.: Numerical analysis of twin-precipitate interactions in magnesium alloys. Acta Materialia 202 [JAN] (2021) 80-87. [ Abstract ] | |
Jones R., Kovařík O., Bagherifard S., Čížek J., Lang J.: Damage tolerance assessment of AM 304L and cold spray fabricated 316L steels and its implications for attritable aircraft. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 254 [September] (2021) č. článku 107916. [ Abstract ] | |
Samal S., Tyc O., Čížek J., Klečka J., Lukáč F., Molnárová O., de Prado E., Weiss Z., Kopeček J., Heller L., Šittner P., Chráska T.: Fabrication of thermal plasma sprayed NiTi coatings possessing functional properties. Coatings 11 [5] (2021) 1-16, č. článku 610. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Kovařík O., Čupera J., Kondás J., Bajer T., Šiška F., Janovská M., Seiner H.: Measurement of mechanical and fatigue properties using unified, simple-geometry specimens: Cold spray additively manufactured pure metals. Surface and Coatings Technology 412 [April] (2021) č. článku 126929. [ Abstract ] | |
Jones R., Čížek J., Kovařík O., Lang J., Ang A., Michopoulos J.: Characterising crack growth in Scalmalloy. Procedia Structural Integrity. In: Procedia Structural Integrity. Vol. 33. Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V., 2021 - (Iacoviello, F.), Roč. 34 (2021), s. 39-44. ISSN 2452-3216. [ Abstract ] [2nd European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials. Vídeň (AT), 08.09.2021-10.09.2021] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Dudík J., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Hybrid Plasma Spraying —Discovering the Effects of Deposition Parameters. Thermal Spray 2021: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference. Materials Park: ASM International, 2021, s. 493-498. ISBN 9781713831303. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference 2021. online (CZ), 24.05.2021-28.05.2021] | |
Vlach M., Kodetová V., Čížek J., Leibner M., Kekule T., Lukáč F., Cieslar M., Bajtošová L., Kudrnová H., Šíma V., Zikmund S., Černošková E., Kutálek P., Neubert V.-D., Neubert V.: Role of small addition of Sc and Zr in clustering and precipitation phenomena induced in AA7075. Metals 11 [1] (2021) 1-21, č. článku 8. [ Abstract ] | |
Klečka J., Čížek J., Matějíček J., Lukáč F., Zlatník R., Chráska T.: Tailoring the structure of RF-ICP tungsten coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology 406 [January] (2021) č. článku 126745. [ Abstract ] | |
Jones R., Čížek J., Kovařík O., Lang J., Ang A., Michopoulos J.: Characterising crack growth in Scalmalloy. Procedia Structural Integrity. Procedia Structural Integrity 34 [Autumn] (2021) 39-44. [ Abstract ] [2nd European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials. Vídeň, 08.09.2021-10.09.2021] | |
Mušálek R., Tesař T., Medřický J., Čížek J., Lukáč F.: Composite coatings containing nanometric constituents prepared by plasma spraying with liquid feedstocks. NANOCON 2021 - Conference proceedings. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2022, (2021), s. 86-91. ISBN 978-80-88365-00-6. ISSN 2694-930X. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application /13./ NANOCON. Brno (CZ), 20.10.2021-22.10.2021] | |
Pham D. Q., Berndt C. C., Čížek J., Gbureck U., Zreiqat H., Lu Z., Ang A. S. M.: Baghdadite coating formed by hybrid water-stabilized plasma spray for bioceramic applications: Mechanical and biological evaluations. Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems 122 [March] (2021) č. článku 111873. [ Abstract ] | |
Chamrad J., Marcián P., Čížek J.: Beneficial osseointegration effect of hydroxyapatite coating on cranial implant FEM investigation. PLoS ONE 16 [July] (2021) č. článku e0254837. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Dukovský D., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Tesař T., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Suspension Spraying Tip: High Molecular Weight Solvent. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 30 [5] (2021) 1148-1158. [ Abstract ] | |
Samal S., Tyc O., Čížek J., Klečka J., Lukáč F., Molnárová O., de Prado E., Wiess Z., Kopeček J., Heller L., Šittner P., Chráska T.: Fabrication of Thermal Plasma Sprayed NiTi Coatings Possessing Functional Properties. Coatings 11 [5] (2021) 1-16, č. článku 610. [ Abstract ] | |
Bagherifard S., Kondás J., Monti S., Čížek J., Perego F., Kovařík O., Lukáč F., Gaertner F., Guagliano M.: Tailoring cold spray additive manufacturing of steel 316 L for static and cyclic load-bearing applications. Materials and Design 203 [May] (2021) č. článku 109575. [ Abstract ] | |
Kovařík O., Čížek J., Klečka J., Karlík M., Čapek J., Siegl J., Chráska T., Takayasu S.: Mechanical properties and fatigue crack growth in tungsten deposited by RF-plasma. Surface and Coatings Technology 410 [March] (2021) č. článku 126930. [ Abstract ] | |
2020 | Kovarik O., Siegl J., Čížek J., Chráska T., Kondás J.: Fracture Toughness of Cold Sprayed Pure Metals. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 29 [1-2] (2020) 147-157. [ Abstract ] |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Medřický J., Čížek J., Csáki Š., Panák O., Držková M.: Solution Precursor Plasma Spraying of Cr-Doped Al2O3 Thermochromic Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 29 [1-2] (2020) 199-211. [ Abstract ] | |
Lukáč F., Hruška P., Cichoň S., Vlasák T., Čížek J., Kmjec T., Melikhova O., Butterling M., Liedke M. O., Wagner A.: Defects in thin layers of high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr. Acta Physica Polonica A 137 [2] (2020) 219-221. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Matějíček J., Klečka J., Čížek J., Veverka J., Vilémová M., Chráska T., Ganesh V.: Tungsten-steel and tungsten-chromium composites prepared by RF plasma spraying. Proceedings 29th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Ostrava: Tanger, 2020, s. 756-763. ISBN 978-80-87294-97-0. [ Abstract ] [29th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Brno (CZ), 20.05.2020-22.05.2020] | |
Fan N., Čížek J., Huang C., Xie X., Chlup Z., Jenkins R., Lupoi R., Yin S.: A new strategy for strengthening additively manufactured cold spray deposits through in-process densification. Additive Manufacturing 36 [December] (2020) č. článku 101626. [ Abstract ] | |
Kuriplach J., Čížek J., Vlasák T., Melikhova O., Lukáč F., Zýka J., Málek J.: Behavior of positrons in the HfNbTaTiZr complex concentrated alloy. Acta Physica Polonica A 137 [2] (2020) 260-264. E. [ Abstract ] | |
Šiška F., Čížek J., Seiner H., Dlouhý I.: Numerical analysis of geometrically induced hardening in planar architectured materials. Composite Structures 233 [February] (2020) č. článku 111633. [ Abstract ] | |
Yin S., Čížek J., Chen C., Jenkins R., O'Donnell G., Lupoi R.: Metallurgical bonding between metal matrix and core-shelled reinforcements in cold sprayed composite coating. Scripta Materialia 177 (2020) 49-53. [ Abstract ] | |
Moravcikova-Gouvea L., Moravčík I., Omasta J., Veselý J., Čížek J., Minárik P., Čupera J., Záděra A., Jan V., Dlouhý I.: High-strength high-entropy alloy produced by powder metallurgy and casting: A comparison of microstructures, mechanical and tribological properties. Materials Characterization 159 (2020) č. článku 110046. [ Abstract ] | |
2019 | Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Čížek J.: On growth of suspension plasma-sprayed coatings deposited by high-enthalpy plasma torch. Surface and Coatings Technology 371 [August] (2019) 333-343. [ Abstract ] |
Bartha K., Zháňal P., Stráský J., Čížek J., Dopita M., Lukáč F., Harcuba P., Hájek M., Polyakova V., Semenova I., Janeček M.: Lattice defects in severely deformed biomedical Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy and thermal stability of its ultra-fine grained microstructure. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 588 [5. 6. 2019] (2019) 881-890. [ Abstract ] | |
Kovařík O., Materna A., Siegl J., Čížek J., Klečka J.: Fatigue crack growth in plasma-sprayed refractory materials. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 28 [1-2] (2019) 87-97. [ Abstract ] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Medřický J., Čížek J., Rimal V., Joshi S., Chráska T.: Increasing ?-phase content of alumina-chromia coatings deposited by suspension plasma spraying using hybrid and intermixed concepts. Surface and Coatings Technology 371 [15 August 2019] (2019) 298-311. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Kovářík O., Šiška F., Bensch J., Čupera J., Matějková M., Siegl J., Chráska T., Khor K.A.: Increasing Fatigue Endurance of Hydroxyapatite and Rutile Plasma Sprayed Biocomponents by Controlling Deposition In-Flight Properties. ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 5 [4] (2019) 1703-1714. [ Abstract ] | |
Moravčík I., Čížek J., Gouvea L., Čupera J., Guban I., Dlouhý I.: Nitrogen interstitial alloying of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy through reactive powder milling. Entropy 21 [4] (2019) č. článku 363. [ Abstract ] | |
Yin S., Čížek J., Yan X., Lupoi R.: Annealing strategies for enhancing mechanical properties of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel deposited by cold spray. Surface and Coatings Technology 370 [25 July] (2019) 353-361. [ Abstract ] | |
Zýka J., Málek J., Veselý J., Lukáč F., Čížek J., Kuriplach J., Melikhova O.: Microstructure and Room Temperature Mechanical Properties of Different 3 and 4 Element Medium Entropy Alloys from HfNbTaTiZr System. Entropy 21 [2] (2019) č. článku 114. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Klečka J.: Harnessing fusion power: W and w-cr armor coatings for plasma facing components in tokamaks: Radio-frequency inductively coupled plasma spray is a promising method for producing mechanically strong, oxidation resistant coatings as facing on tokamak vessel surfaces. Advanced Materials & Processes 177 [5] (2019) 46-49. [ Abstract ] | |
Medřický J., Lukáč F., Csáki Š., Houdková Š., Barbosa M., Tesař T., Čížek J., Mušálek R., Kovařík O., Chráska T.: Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Plasma Sprayed Al2O3–ZrO2–SiO2 Amorphous Coatings by Surface Crystallization. Materials 12 [19] (2019) č. článku 3232. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Vilémová M., Lukáč F., Koller M., Kondás J., Singh R.: Cold Sprayed Tungsten Armor for Tokamak First Wall. Coatings 9 [12] (2019) č. článku 836. [ Abstract ] | |
Málek J., Zýka J., Lukáč F., Vilémová M., Vlasák T., Čížek J., Melikhova O., Macháčková A., Kim H.S.: The effect of processing route on properties of HfNbTaTiZr high entropy alloy. Materials 12 [23] (2019) č. článku 4022. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Klečka J., Vilémová M., Matějíček J., Veverka J., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Kondás J., Zlatník R.: Armor W-Cr coatings for plasma-facing components in tokamaks by cold spray and RF-ICP. Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. 2019, s. 535-540. ISBN 9781510888005. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition: New Waves of Thermal Spray Technology for Sustainable Growth. Yokohama (JP), 26.05.2019-29.05.2019] | |
2018 | Janovská M., Seiner H., Čížek J., Sedlák P., Landa M.: Evolution of Elastic Properties of Cold Sprayed Metal Coatings at Elevated Temperatures. Acta Physica Polonica. A 134 [3] (2018) 794-798. [ Abstract ] |
Čížek J., Matějíček J.: Medicine Meets Thermal Spray Technology: A Review of Patents. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 27 [8] (2018) 1251-1279. [ Abstract ] | |
Gouvea L., Moravčík I., Čížek J., Krajňáková J., Jan V., Dlouhý I.: Characterization of powder metallurgy high-entropy alloys prepared by spark plasma sintering. Materials Science Forum., (2018), s. 1053-1058. ISSN 1662-9752. [ Abstract ] [10th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications (THERMEC). Paříž (FR), 09.07.2018-13.07.2018] | |
Tesař T., Mušálek R., Medřický J., Čížek J., Lukáč F., Chráska T.: Deposition of Multiphase Coatings from Liquid Feedstock using Hybrid Water Stabilized (WSP H) Plasma Torch. ITSC 2018 Conference Proceedings. Orlando: ASM International, 2018, s. 456-462. ISBN 978-1-62708-160-3. [ Abstract ] [International Thermal Spray Conference. Orlando (US), 07.05.2018-10.05.2018] | |
Xie Y., Yin S., Čížek J., Čupera J., Guo E., Lupoi R.: Formation mechanism and microstructure characterization of nickel-aluminum intertwining interface in cold spray. Surface and Coatings Technology 337 [March] (2018) 447-452. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Haušild P., Cieslar M., Melikhova O., Vlasák T., Janeček M., Král R., Harcuba P., Lukáč F., Zýka J., Málek J., Moon J., Kim H.S.: Strength enhancement of high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr by severe plastic deformation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 768 (2018) 924-937. [ Abstract ] | |
Klečka J., Matějíček J., Čížek J., Medřický J., Zlatník R.: Vliv výkonu hořáku a tlaku plynu na vlastnosti RF-ICP wolframových nástřiků. Vrstvy a povlaky 2018. Trenčianska Teplá: M-Press, 2018. ISBN 978-80-972133-3-6. [ EN ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2018. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 22.10.2018-23.10.2018] | |
Lukáč F., Dudr M., Mušálek R., Klečka J., Cinert J., Čížek J., Chráska T., Čížek J., Melikhova O., Kuriplach J., Zyka J., Málek J.: Spark plasma sintering of gas atomized high-entropy alloy HfNbTaTiZr. Journal of Materials Research 33 [19] (2018) 3247-3257. [ Abstract ] | |
Čížek J., Brožek V., Chráska T., Lukáč F., Medřický J., Mušálek R., Tesař T., Šiška F., Antos Z., Čupera J., Matejková M., Spotz Z., Houdková Š., Kverka M.: Silver-doped hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by suspension plasma spraying. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 27 [8] (2018) 1333-1343. [ Abstract ] | |
Tkachenko S., Čížek J., Mušálek R., Dvořák K., Spotz Z., Montufar E. B., Chráska T., Krupka I., Čelko L.: Metal matrix to ceramic matrix transition via feedstock processing of SPS titanium composites alloyed with high silicone content. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 764 (2018) 776-788. [ Abstract ] | |
Medřický J., Klečka J., Čížek J., Kovářík O., Matějíček J.: Měření teploty a rychlosti wolframových částic u systému s indukčně vázaným plazmatem. Vrstvy a povlaky 2018. Trenčianska Teplá: M-Press, 2018. ISBN 978-80-972133-3-6. [ EN ] [Vrstvy a povlaky 2018. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 22.10.2018-23.10.2018] | |
2017 | Matějková M., Čížek J., Mušálek R., Dlouhý I.: Properties of hydroxyapatite surface deposited by plasma spray technologies. METAL 2017. 26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Conference Proceedings. Ostrava: TANGER, 2017, s. 1377-1381. ISBN 978-80-87294-79-6. [ Abstract ] [METAL 2017. International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials /26./. Brno (CZ), 24.05.2017-26.05.2017] |
Moravčík I., Čížek J., Kováčová Z., Nejezchlebová J., Kitzmantel M., Neubauer E., Kuběna I., Horník V., Dlouhý I.: Mechanical and microstructural characterization of powder metallurgy CoCrNi medium entropy alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural materials 701 [July] (2017) 370-380. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Čížek J., Sedláček J., Lukáč F.: Dielectric properties and vacancy-like defects in plasma-sprayed barium titanate. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 [7] (2017) 2972-2983. [ Abstract ] | |
Ctibor P., Nevrlá B., Čížek J., Lukáč F.: Strontium Zirconate TBC Sprayed by a High Feed-Rate Water-Stabilized Plasma Torch. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26 [8] (2017) 1804-1809. [ Abstract ] | |
2016 | Matějíček J., Veverka J., Čížek J., Kouřil J.: ELECTRON BEAM REMELTING OF PLASMA SPRAYED ALUMINA COATINGS. METAL 2016 – Conference proceedings: 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials. Ostrava: TANGER Ltd., Ostrava, 2016, s. 921-927. METAL. ISBN 978-80-87294-67-3. [ Abstract ] [METAL 2016 - 25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials/25./. Brno (CZ), 25.05.2016-27.05.2016] |