![]() | Mgr. Vasyl Karabyn, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, TOPTEC Centre ] Place: Detached establishment Turnov, Office: Sob2 Tel.: (+420) 487 953 901 Email: karabyn@ipp.cas.cz |
Master's degree “Mgr” Uzhhorod National University, Department of the Physics of Semiconductors. Anharmonic oscillations in ferroelectric crystals Sn2P2S6. | |
doctoral studies University of Pardubice, Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology. Physico-chemical properties of the Ge8Sb2-xBixTe11 bulks and thin films. |
Research projects
2019-2022 | Partnership for excellence in superprecise optics Junior Researcher Provider: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION YOUTH AND SPORTS; Project ID: ID: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_0 |
2018-2020 | The laser rod faces characterization and 3D corrective micropolishing processes development Junior Researcher Provider: TACR; Project ID: ID: TN1000008 |
2017-2019 | Project „Midfree“ Junior Researcher Provider: MPO; Project ID: ID: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004798 |
2017-2018 | Modern optical systems and technologies Junior Researcher Provider: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION YOUTH AND SPORTS; Project ID: ID: LO1206 |
2017 | Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies (CEMNAT) Junior Researcher Provider: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION YOUTH AND SPORTS; Project ID: ID: LM2015082 |
2015 | Photonic Applications of Nanoparticle Assemblies and Systems „PHANTASY“ Junior Researcher Provider: European Commission, CORDIS; Project ID: ID: 295182 |
2014 | Research team for advanced non-crystalline materials „ReAdMat“ Junior Researcher Provider: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION YOUTH AND SPORTS; Project ID: ID: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0254 |
List of Publications
2022 | Karabyn V., M?střík J., Tveryanov?ch Y., Bezdička P., H?m?cs D., Frumarová B., Knotek P., Wágner T.: Phase-change trans?t?on of chalcogen?de system Ge8Sb2-xB?xTe11 th?n f?lm us?ng s?ngle femtosecond laser pulses. Chalcogenide Letters 19 [12] (2022) 909-925. [ Abstract ] |
2021 | Procháska F., Machek M., Václavík J., Karabyn V.: Minimization of CaF2 spherical surface deformation caused by annealing. Optical Engineering 60 [11] (2021) č. článku 115101. [ Abstract ] |
2020 | Kredba J., Stašík M., Mach M., Matoušek O., Karabyn V.: Surface form characterization of plane-parallel elements using frequency-tuned phase-shifting interferometry. Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 11490. Bellingham: SPIE, 2020, č. článku 1149010. ISBN 978-1-5106-3787-0. [ Abstract ] [Conference on Interferometry XX. ELECTR NETWORK (US), 24.08.2020-04.09.2020] |
2019 | Karabyn V., Polák J., Procháska F., Melich R.: Ion beam figuring with using Einzel lens. SPIE: Optics and Measurement 2019 International Conference. Bellingham: SPIE, 2019, Roč. 11385 (2019), č. článku 1138508. ISBN 978-1-5106-3548-7. [ Abstract ] [Optics and Measurement International Conference. Liberec (CZ), 08.10.2019-10.10.2019] |
2018 | Polák J., Karabyn V., Procháska F., Matoušek O., Tomka D., Melich R.: Limity a omezení subaperturních korekčních lešticích technologiích a problematika vyhodnocování středních prostorových frekvencí. Jemná mechanika a optika 63 [5] (2018) 152-155. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] |
Polák J., Karabyn V., Procháska F., Tomka D.: Zkušenosti s používáním ion beam figuring technologie v TOPTEC. Jemná mechanika a optika 63 [2] (2018) 65-67. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] |