Ing. Vít Jirásek, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Department of Pulse Plasma Systems ]

Place: Pulse Plasma Systems Bldg., Office: E 101
Tel.: (+420) 602 943 840, 266 053234, 3235

Research Interests


ICT Prague
ICT Prague

Research experience

Institute of Physics CAS

Supervised students

2005-2010Irena Picková
Study of chemical oxygen-iodine laser with generation of atomic iodine from gaseous compunds
2015-18Petra Matunová
scientific supervisor
DFT calculations of functionalized nanodiamonds

Research projects

2019-2021 Characteristics of chemically reactive liquids produced by non-equilibrium plasma
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA19-25026S
2015-2018Application of adipose tissue-derived stem cells obtained by liposuction in tissue engineering
Provider: Czech health research council ; Project ID: NV15-33018A
2012-2018Preparation, modification and characterization of materials by radiation
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP108/12/G108
2015-2017Study of surface-functionalized diamond nanoparticles for energy conversion
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA15-01809S
2015-2017Allotropes of carbon: microbiological studies

Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA15-01687S
2014-2016Electronic and optical properties of hybrid nanostructures
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LD14011
2014-2016Engineering Bulk and Surface of Diamond Nano-Objects for Biomedicine
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA14-04790S
2014-2016Preparation and properties of nanocrystalline diamond for photonic applications
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA14-05053S
2012-2014Mechanism of energy and charge transport in semiconductor structures
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: LH12186
2011-2014Modification of the particular technology facilities of the batch processes for the yield enhancement of the highly efficient silicon solar cells using the numerical and physical pre- and post-processing models CFD-ACE+ and Flow Simulation.
Provider: Technological Agency of the Czech Republic; Project ID: TA01020972
2012-2013Hybrid radio-frequency/arc generator of singlet oxygen
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP102/12/0723
2009-2011Generation of atomic iodine in radio-frequency discharge for oxygen-iodine laser
principal investigator
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/09/0310
2009-2011Centrifugal spray generator of singlet oxygen for a COIL
Provider: US Air Force EOARD; Project ID: FA8655-09-1-3091
2009-2010Discharge generator of atomic iodine for a COIL
Provider: US Air Force EOARD; Project ID: FA8655-09-1-3092
2006-2008A new type of singlet oxygen generator for chemical oxygen-iodine laser
principal investigator
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: ME 833
2005-2008Advanced singlet oxygen generator for a COIL
Provider: US Air Force EOARD; Project ID: FA8655-05-C-4022
2006-2008Discharge generation of atomic iodine for a COIL
Provider: US Air Force EOARD; Project ID: FA8655-06-1-3034
2005-2007Generation of atomic iodine via atomic fluorine for chemical oxygen-iodine laser
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/05/0359
2005-2006COIL operation with all gas chemical generation of atomic iodine
Provider: US Air Force EOARD; Project ID: FA8655-05-M-4027
2001-2004Modeling of chemical oxygen-iodine laser with chemical generation of atomic iodine
principal investigator
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GP203/01/D029
2001-2003A new method of atomic iodine generation for chemical oxygen-iodine laser
Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA203/01/0778
2001-2002Experimental investigation of chemical oxygen-iodine laser for special laser technology
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: ME 442

List of Publications

2024Fujera J., Homola T., Jirásek V., Ondráček J., Tarabová B., Prukner V., Šimek M.: Aerosol-based multihollow surface DBD: a promising approach for nitrogen fixation. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 33 [7] (2024) č. článku 075002.
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2023Frolov O., Stelmashuk V., Koláček K., Prukner V., Tuholukov A., Hoffer P., Štraus J., Schmidt J., Jirásek V., Oliva E.: Pressure in underwater spark discharge initiated with the help of bubble injection and its evaluation based on H-alpha line broadening. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 56 [28] (2023) č. článku 285201.
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 Hoffer P., Niedoba K., Jirásek V., Prukner V., Šimek M.: Streamer-Based Discharge on Water–Air Interface as a Source of Plasma-Activated Water: Conceptual Design and Basic Performance. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 43 [6] (2023) 1531-1547.
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 Xu S., Jirásek V., Lukeš P.: Elucidation of Molecular-level Mechanisms of Oxygen Atom Reactions with Chlorine Ion in NaCl Solutions using Molecular Dynamics Simulations Combined with Density Functional Theory. ChemistrySelect 8 [23] (2023) č. článku e202203937.
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 Jirásek V., Tarabová B., Lukeš P.: Chloramines of amino acids as precursors of bactericidal activity in cell culture media DMEM and RPMI treated by RF-driven He/Oinf2/inf plasma jet. Plasma Processes and Polymers 20 [12] (2023) č. článku e2300052.
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2022Procházka V., Kulha P., Izsák T., Ukraintsev E., Varga M., Jirásek V., Kromka A.: Detection of globular and fibrillar proteins by quartz crystal microbalance sensor coated with a functionalized diamond thin film. Applied Surface Science 589 [July] (2022) č. článku 153017.
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 Jirásek V., Tarabová B., Lukeš P.: Treatment of phenylalanine and tyrosine in phosphate-buffered saline by plasma-supplied oxygen atoms: Chemical characterization and bactericidal effects. Plasma Processes and Polymers 19 [11] (2022) č. článku 2200079.
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 Stelmashuk V., Prukner V., Koláček K., Tuholukov A., Hoffer P., Štraus J., Frolov O., Jirásek V.: Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Underwater Spark Generated by Pulse High-Voltage Discharge with Gas Bubble Assistant. Processes 10 [8] (2022) č. článku 1474. E.
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2021Šebera J., Zemen J., Jirásek V., Holovský J., Sychrovský V.: FTIR Measurement of the Hydrogenated Si(100) Surface: The Structure-Vibrational Interpretation by Means of Periodic DFT Calculation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 [17] (2021) 9219-9228.
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 Jirásek V., Koval'ová Z., Tarabová B., Lukeš P.: Leucine modifications by He/O2 plasma treatment in phosphate-buffered saline: Bactericidal effects and chemical characterization. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 54 [50] (2021) č. článku 505206.
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2020Jirásek V., Lukeš P.: Competitive reactions in Cl- solutions treated by plasma-supplied O atoms. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 53 [50] (2020) č. článku 505206.
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 Xu S., Jirásek V., Lukeš P.: Molecular dynamics simulations of singlet oxygen atoms reactions with water leading to hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 53 [27] (2020) č. článku 275204.
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2019Jirásek V., Lukeš P.: Formation of reactive chlorine species in saline solution treated by non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure He/O-2 plasma jet. Plasma Sources Science & Technology 28 [3] (2019) č. článku 035015.
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 Matunová P., Jirásek V., Rezek B.: DFT calculations reveal pronounced HOMO-LUMO spatial separation in polypyrrole-nanodiamond systems. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 21 11033 11042 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Lukeš P.: Formation of reactive chlorine species in saline solution treated by non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure He/O2 plasma jet. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 3 35015  [ DOI ]
 Matunová P., Jirásek V., Rezek B.: Structural and Electronic Properties of Oxidized and Amorphous Nanodiamond Surfaces with Covalently Grafted Polypyrrole. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research 256 11 1900176  [ DOI ]
2018Jirásek V., Stehlík Š., Štenclová P., Artemenko A., Rezek B., Kromka A.: Hydroxylation and self-assembly of colloidal hydrogenated nanodiamonds by aqueous oxygen radicals from atmospheric pressure plasma jet. RSC Advances 8 [66] (2018) 37681-37692.
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[ Link ]
 Lukeš P., Jirásek V.: Diagnostics of hypochlorite formation in plasma treated saline solutions. Book of Abstracts – 7th International Conference on Plasma Medicine.. Philadelphia: Drexel University, 2018. ISBN N. E-ISSN 1947-5772.
[ Abstract ]
[ Link ]
[7th International Conference on Plasma Medicine. Philadelphia (US), 18.06.2018-22.06.2018]
 Jirásek V., Stehlík Š, Štenclová P., Artemenko A., Rezek B., Kromka A.: Hydroxylation and self-assembly of colloidal hydrogenated nanodiamonds by aqueous oxygen radicals from atmospheric pressure plasma jet. RSC Advances 8 66 37681 37692 [ DOI ]
2017Jirásek V., Lukeš P.: Efficient oxidation of saline by atmospheric pressure plasma jet operating with He/O2 gas flow. ISPC 2017: 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Book of extended abstracts. Montréal: International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2017, s. 973-974. ISPC. ISBN N. ISSN N.
[ Abstract ]

[ISPC 2017: International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /23./. Montréal (CA), 30.07.2017-04.08.2017]
 Stenclova P., Celedova V., Artemenko A., Jirasek V., Jira J., Rezek B., Kromka A.: Surface chemistry of water-dispersed detonation nanodiamonds modified by atmospheric DC plasma afterglow. RSC Advances 7 62 38973 38980 [ DOI ]
2016Jirásek V., Lukeš P., Kozak H., Artemenko A., Člupek M., Čermák J., Rezek B., Kromka A.: Filamentation of diamond nanoparticles treated in underwater corona discharge. RSC Advances 6 3 2352
 Čenský M., Jirásek V., Schmiedberger, J., Kodymová J.: Generation of gaseous singlet oxygen for interaction experiments [Generování plynného singletového kyslíku pro interakční experimenty]. Chemicke Listy 110 1 11
 Remes Z., Stuchlik J., Purkrt A., Chang Y.-Y., Jirasek V., Stenclova P., Prajzler V., Nekvindova P.: The intrinsic submicron ZnO thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. NANOCON 2016 - Conference Proceedings 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application
 Matunová, P. Jirásek, V. Rezek B.: Spatially separated HOMO/LUMO at interface of polypyrrole physisorbed on oxidized nanodiamond facets. NANOCON 2016 - Conference Proceedings 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application 15 19
 Ižák T., Jirásek V., Vanko G., Dzuba J., Kromka A.: Temperature-dependent stress in diamond-coated AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Materials and Design 106 305 312 [ DOI ]
 Remes Z., Babchenko O., Varga M., Stuchlik J., Jirasek V., Prajzler V., Nekvindova P., Kromka A.: Preparation and optical properties of nanocrystalline diamond coatings for infrared planar waveguides. Thin Solid Films 618 130 133 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Čech J., Kozak H., Artemenko A., Černák M., Kromka A.: Plasma treatment of detonation and HPHT nanodiamonds in diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge in H2/N2 flow. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science 213 10 2680 2686 [ DOI ]
 Matunová P., Jirásek V., Rezek B.: Computational study of physisorption and chemisorption of polypyrrole on H-terminated (111) and (100) nanodiamond facets. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science 213 10 2672 2679 [ DOI ]
2015Dzuba J., Vanko G., Vojs M., Rýger I., Ižák T., Jirásek V., Kutiš V., Lalinský T.: Finite element analysis of AlGaN/GaN micro-diaphragms with diamond coating. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 9517 95171I  [ DOI ]
 Izak T., Babchenko O., Jirásek V., Vanko G., Vojs M., Kromka A.: Influence of diamond CVD growth conditions and interlayer material on diamond/GaN interface. Materials Science Forum 821-823 982 985 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Prajzler V., Remeš Z.: Calculations of nanocrystalline diamond-covered waveguides based on amorphous silicon. NANOCON 2015 - 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application Conference Proceedings 39 44
 Jirásek V., Ižák T., Varga M., Babchenko O., Kromka A.: Investigation of residual stress in structured diamond films grown on silicon. Thin Solid Films 589, 857 [ DOI ]
2014Izak T., Babchenko O., Jirásek V., Vanko G., Vallo M., Vojs M., Kromka A.: Selective area deposition of diamond films on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research 251 12 2574 2580 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Kozak H., Remeš Z., Kromka A.: Interpretation of the C=O band of modified diamond nanoparticles by means of DFT theory. NANOCON 2014 - Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference 59 63
2013Schmiedberger J., Gregor J., Jirásek V., Rohlena K., Čenský M.: Hybrid RF/DC discharge generator of singlet oxygen for DOIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8677 867703  [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Centrifugal spray singlet oxygen generator for a COIL with nitrogen as a buffer gas. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8677 867706  [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V.: Overview of iodine generation for oxygen-iodine lasers. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 8677 867707
 Jirásek V., Čenský M., Špalek O., Kodymová J.: High-pressure generator of singlet oxygen. Chemical Engineering and Technology 36 10 1755 1763 [ DOI ]
2012Jirásek V., Schmiedberger J., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Dissociation of molecular iodine in RF discharge for oxygen-iodine lasers. European Physical Journal D 66 4 89  [ DOI ]
2011Jirásek V., Schmiedberger J., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Production of iodine atoms by RF discharge decomposition of CF3I. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44 11 115204  [ DOI ]
2010Špalek O., Hrubý J., Čenský M., Jirásek V., Kodymová J.: Centrifugal spray generator of singlet oxygen for a chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 100 4 793 802 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Špalek O., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Measurement of small-signal gain on COIL with chemically generated molecular iodine. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46 9 5518524 1350 1353 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Hrubý J., Špalek O., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Spray generator of singlet oxygen for a Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 100 4 779 791 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with a centrifugal spray generator of singlet oxygen. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7751 77510H  [ DOI ]
 Schmiedberger J., Rohlena K., Gregor J., Křenek P., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Hybrid RF/DC plasma torch for generation of singlet oxygen in discharge oxygen-iodine laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7751 77510G  [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Špalek O., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: COIL operation with a gas-phase chemical generation of molecular iodine. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7751 77510I  [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Schmiedberger J., Čenský M., Kodymová J.: Advances in the RF atomic iodine generator for oxygen-iodine laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7751 77510B  [ DOI ]
2009Schmiedberger J., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Picková I., Kodymová J.: RF discharge generation of I atoms in CH3I and CF3I for COIL/DOIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7131 71310E [ DOI ]
 Schmiedberger J., Rohlena K., Filip P., Gregor J., Hrabovský M., Křenek P., Jirásek V., Kodymová J.: Initial development of hybrid plasma jet generator of O2( 1Δ) for DOIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7131 71310U [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Picková I.: Spray generator of singlet oxygen with a centrifugal separation of liquid. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7131 71310H [ DOI ]
 Schmiedberger J., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Rohlena K.: Novel concept of electric discharge oxygen-iodine laser. European Physical Journal D 54 2 239 248 [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Jirásek V., Schmiedberger J., Špalek O., Čenský M.: Research on advanced chemical and discharge oxygen-iodine lasers. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7196 719602 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V.: Generation of I atoms for oxygen-iodine lasers using RF discharge dissociation of various I donors. 40th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 2009-4064
 Jirásek V., Špalek O., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Picková I., Jakubec I.: Study of COIL active medium with atomic iodine generated via fluorine atoms. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7131 71310M [ DOI ]
 Čenský M., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Development of a chemical oxygen - Iodine laser with production of atomic iodine in a chemical reaction. Quantum Electronics 39 11 1023 1027 [ DOI ]
 Schmiedberger J., Rohlena K., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Gregor J., Křenek P., Hrabovský M., Filip P.: Recent development of hybrid DC/RF plasma jet generator of O2(1Δ) for DOIL. 40th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 2009-4065
 Kodymová J., Jirásek V., Schmiedberger J., Špalek O., Čenský M.: Research on chemical and discharge oxygen-iodine lasers. Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 107 5 816 825 [ DOI ]
2008Jirásek V., Čenský M., Špalek O., Kodymová J., Picková I., Jakubec I.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with atomic iodine generated via fluorine atoms. Chemical Physics 345 1 14 22 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V. , Schmiedberger J., Čenský M., Picková I., Kodymová J., Špalek O.: Plasmachemical generation of atomic iodine for iodine lasers pumped by singlet oxygen. Chemicke Listy 102 16 SPEC. ISS. s1327 s1331
2007Jirásek V., Špalek O., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Picková I., Jakubec I.,: COIL with supersonic injection of chemically produced atomic iodine. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6346 PART 2 63462J [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Hrubý J., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Picková I.: Advanced spray generator of singlet oxygen. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6346 PART 1 63460C [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Špalek O., Čenský M., Picková I., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Generation of atomic iodine via fluorine for chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Chemical Physics 334 1-3 167 174 [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Hrubý J., Jirásek V., Čenský M.: A centrifugal spray singlet oxygen generator for a chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Collection of Technical Papers - 38th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 2 1270
 Schmiedberger J., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Rohlena K.: Advanced concept of discharge oxygen-iodine laser. Collection of Technical Papers - 38th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 1 562 574
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Hrubý J., Schmiedberger J.: Contribution to development of chemical and discharge oxygen-iodine lasers. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6735 673503 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Picková I., Jakubec I.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with atomic iodine generated via fluorine atoms. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6735 673506 [ DOI ]
 Čenský M., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Development of COIL with chemically generated atomic iodine. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6611 661102 [ DOI ]
2006Jirásek V., Špalek O., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with instantaneous production of atomic iodine from gaseous reactants. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6053 605307 [ DOI ]
 Čenský M., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Atomic iodine generation via fluorine atoms for chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 71 5 739 755 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Picková I., Jakubec I.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with atomic iodine generated in a separate reactor. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6261 II 62611T [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Hrubý J.: Development of advanced generator of singlet oxygen for a COIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6261 II 62611S [ DOI ]
2005Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Jakubec I., Hager G.D.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with atomic iodine generated via Cl or F atoms. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5777 PART I 32 181 186 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V.: CFD modeling of an instantaneous generation of atomic iodine in chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5777 PART I 34 192 197 [ DOI ]
 Čenský M., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Generation of atomic iodine for a COIL via atomic fluorine at higher pressure. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5777 PART I 33 187 191 [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Hrubý J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I., Khvatov N.A., Hager G.D.: Advanced concepts of singlet oxygen generator for a chemical oxygen-iodine laser. 36th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: COIL with atomic iodine produced from gaseous reactants. 36th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
 Čenský M., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Development of COIL with atomic iodine generation via F atoms. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5958 595830 1 7 [ DOI ]
2004Špalek O., Čenský M., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I., Hager G.D.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser using a new method of atomic iodine generation. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 40 5 564 570 [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M.: Advances in the development of chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 54 5 561 574 [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Čenský M., Jirásek V., Hager G.D.: Advanced COIL based on atomic iodine generation using gaseous reactants. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5479 1 9 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Jakubec I., Hager G.D.: Atomic iodine generation via F atoms for COIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5448 PART 2 160 1099 1107 [ DOI ]
 Čenský M., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I.: Chemical generation of atomic iodine for a COIL via atomic fluorine. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5334 60 69 [ DOI ]
2003Špalek O., Čenský M., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I., Hager G.D.: Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with a new method of atomic iodine generation. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4971 36 44 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Kodymová J., Jakubec I., Hager G.D.: Experimental Results on Chemical Generation of Atomic Iodine via Cl Atoms for Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5120, 350-356
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Hager G.D.: Development of the chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) with chemical generation of atomic iodine. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 77 2 331 336
 Jirásek V., Špalek O., Kodymová J., Čenský M.: Mixing of Gaseous Reactants in Chemical Generation of Atomic Iodine for Coil: Two-Dimensional Study. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 5120
 Jirásek V.: CFD modeling of chemical oxygen-iodine laser with chemically generated atomic Iodine. 34th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
2002Kodymová J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Hager G.D.: A generation of iodine atoms for a coil by unconventional method: Computational modeling and experiments. 33rd Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
 Jirásek V., Špalek O., Kodymová J., Čenský M.: Modeling of the chemical generation of atomic iodine in a chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4631 43 52 [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Jirásek V., Čenský M., Hager G.D.: Recent results in the development of a chemical way of atomic iodine generation for a COIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4760 I 560 572 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Čenský M., Jakubec I.: Chemical generation of atomic iodine for COIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4631 1 34 42 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I., Hager G.D.: Chemical generation of atomic iodine for the chemical oxygen-iodine laser. II. Experimental results. Chemical Physics 282 1 147 157 [ DOI ]
2001Jirásek V., Špalek O., Kodymová J.: Modeling of chemical generation of atomic iodine for chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4184 103 106 [ DOI ]
 Špalek O., Jirásek V., Kodymová J., Jakubec I., Čenský M.: Preliminary experimental results on chemical generation of atomic iodine for a COIL. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4184 111 115 [ DOI ]
 Jirásek V., Špalek O., Kodymová J., Čenský M.: Chemical generation of atomic iodine for chemical oxygen-iodine laser. I. Modelling of reaction systems. Chemical Physics 269 1-3 167 178 [ DOI ]
2000Jirásek V., Labík S., Malijevský A., Lísal M.: An integral equation and Monte Carlo study of homo- and hetero- nuclear square-well diatomic fluids. Molecular Physics 98 24 2033 2043 [ DOI ]
 Kodymová J., Špalek O., Jirásek V.: A recent research of COIL in Prague: performance of supersonic COIL and modeling of atomic iodine generation. 31st Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference
1998Labik S., Jirásek V., Malijevský A., Smith W.R.: Modifications of the SP-MC method for the computer simulation of chemical potentials: Ternary mixtures of fused hard sphere fluids. Molecular Physics 94 2 385 393 [ DOI ]
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