Mgr. Michal Hlína, Ph.D. [ Scientific Worker, Plasma Chemical Technologies Department ] Place: SHB, Office: C 211 Tel.: (+420) 266 053317 Email: |
Research projects
2017-2019 | Decomposition of perfluorinated compounds and fluorinated ozone depleting substances in thermal plasma jets Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GC17-10246J |
2011-2013 | Interaction of steam plasma jet with solids, liquids and gases in low pressure and gasification reactors Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GAP205/11/2070 |
2008-2010 | Pyrolysis of organic substances and biomass in water/gas arc plasma Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/08/1084 |
2008-2009 | Plasma pyrolysis and gasification of biomass Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; Project ID: MEB020814 |
2007-2009 | The research of industrial utilization of biomass and waste gasification in arc plasma Co-investigator Provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic; Project ID: FT-TA4/050 |
2005-2007 | Expanding supersonic plasma jet generated in dc water-stabilized arcs Co-investigator Provider: Czech Science Foundation; Project ID: GA202/05/0669 |
List of Publications
2024 | Sikarwar V., Mašláni A., Van Oost G., Fathi J., Hlína M., Mates T., Pohořelý M., Jeremiáš M.: Integration of thermal plasma with CCUS to valorize sewage sludge. Energy 288 [February] (2024) č. článku 129896. [ Abstract ] |
Fathi J., Mašláni A., Hlína M., Lukáč F., Mušálek R., Jankovský O., Lojka M., Jiříčková A., Skoblia S., Mates T., Nadhihah N., Sharma S., Pilnaj D., Pohořelý M., Jeremiáš M.: Multiple benefits of polypropylene plasma gasification to consolidate plastic treatment, CO2 utilization, and renewable electricity storage. Fuel 368 [July] (2024) č. článku 131692. [ Abstract ] | |
2023 | Hlína M., Mates T., Kralik D., Märzová K., Mašláni A., Pilař J., Fathi J., Jeremiáš M.: Usage of microwave plasma torch for treatment of different types of materials. 24th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes and 13th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing: Book of Contributed Papers. Bratislava: Society for Plasma Research and Applications, 2023, s. 52-53. ISBN 978-80-972179-3-8. [ Abstract ] [24th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes and 13th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing. Štrbské Pleso (SK), 27.01.2023-01.02.2023] |
Mašláni A., Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Křenek P., Sikarwar V., Fathi J., Raman S., Skoblia S., Jankovský O., Jiřáčková A., Sharma S., Mates T., Mušálek R., Lukáč F., Jeremiáš M.: Impact of natural gas composition on steam thermal plasma assisted pyrolysis for hydrogen and solid carbon production. Energy Conversion and Management 297 [December] (2023) č. článku 117748. [ Abstract ] | |
2022 | Sikarwar V., Mašláni A., Hlína M., Fathi J., Mates T., Pohořelý M., Meers E., Šyc M., Jeremiáš M.: Thermal plasma assisted pyrolysis and gasification of RDF by utilizing sequestered CO2 as gasifying agent. Journal of CO2 Utilization 66 [December] (2022) č. článku 102275. [ Abstract ] |
2021 | Mašláni A., Hrabovský M., Křenek P., Hlína M., Raman R., Sikarwar V., Jeremiáš M.: Pyrolysis of methane via thermal steam plasma for the production of hydrogen and carbon black. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 [2] (2021) 1605-1614. [ Abstract ] |
2019 | Jeništa J., Živný O., Mašláni A., Hlína M., Serov A., Halinouski A., Hirka I.: Experimental and numerical research of plasma gas decomposition and gasification at IPP. 7th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies (ICAPT-7). Lublaň: Plasmadis Ltd., Teslova ulica 30, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2019, s. 24-25. ISBN 978-961-290-061-8. [ Abstract ] [7th International Conference on Advanced Plasma Technologies. Hue (VN), 24.02.2019-01.03.2019] |
Serov A., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Mašláni A., Hlína M., Hurba O.: Lignite Gasification in Thermal Steam Plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 39 [2] (2019) 395-406. [ Abstract ] | |
Mašláni A., Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Živný O., Serov A., Ondáč P., Jeremiáš M.: Thermal arc plasma as a tool for energy recovery and chemical recycling of waste streams. 8th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2019, s. 36-37. ISBN 978-961-94716-0-9. [ Abstract ] [8th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Gozd Martuljek (SI), 26.05.2019-30.05.2019] | |
Živný O., Hlína M., Březina V., Brom P., Serov A., Halinouski A., Mašláni A.: Plasma abatement of perfluorinated compounds. 8th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Ljubljana: Plasmadis, 2019, s. 78-78. ISBN 978-961-94716-0-9. [ Abstract ] [8th Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Gozd Martuljek (SI), 26.05.2019-30.05.2019] | |
Hlína M., Živný O., Mašláni A., Serov A., Hrabovský M.: Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) decomposition using argon/water plasma torch. SAPP XXII, Book of Contributed Papers. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislavě, 2019 - (Medvecká, V.; Országh, J.; Papp, P.; Matejčík, Š.), s. 350-353. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [22nd Symposium on Applications of Plasma Processes (SAPP XXII). Štrbské Pleso (SK), 18.01.2019-24.01.2019] | |
Živný O., Hlína M., Serov A., Halinouski A., Mašláni A.: Abatement of Tetrafluormethane Using Thermal Steam Plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 40 [1] (2019) 309-323. [ Abstract ] | |
2018 | Živný O., Hlína M., Březina V., Brom P., Serov A., Halinouski A., Mašláni A.: Abatement of perfluorinated compounds using thermal steam plasma. Padova, 2018. [ Abstract ] [11th International Symposium on Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma Pollution Control Technology & Sustainable Energy. Montegrotto Terme (IT), 01.07.2018-05.07.2018] |
Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Kopecký V., Mašláni A., Křenek P., Serov A., Hurba O.: Steam Plasma Methane Reforming for Hydrogen Production. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 38 [4] (2018) 743-758. [ Abstract ] | |
2017 | Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Kopecký V., Mašláni A., Živný O., Křenek P., Serov A., Hurba O.: Steam Plasma Treatment of Organic Substances for Hydrogen and Syngas Production. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 37 [3] (2017) 739-762. [ Abstract ] |
Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Kopecký V., Mašláni A., Serov A., Hurba O.: Thermal Plasma Methane Reforming for Hydrogen Production. ISPC 2017: 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Book of extended abstracts. Montréal: International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2017, s. 834-837. ISPC. ISBN N. ISSN N. [ Abstract ] [ISPC 2017: International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /23./. Montréal (CA), 30.07.2017-04.08.2017] | |
Serov A., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Mašláni A., Hlína M.: Conversion of a lignite into a synthetic gas using water-stabilized plasma torch. ISPC 2017: 23rd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Book of extended abstracts. Montréal: International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2017, s. 685-686. ISPC. ISBN N. ISSN N. [ Abstract ] [ISPC 2017: International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /23./. Montréal (CA), 30.07.2017-04.08.2017] | |
Mušálek R., Medřický J., Tesař T., Kotlan J., Pala Z., Lukáč F., Illková K., Hlína M., Chráska T., Sokołowski P., Curry N.: Controlling Microstructure of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Prepared from Suspensions and Solutions by Plasma Spraying with High Feed Rates. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26 [8] (2017) 1787-1803. [ Abstract ] | |
2016 | Hlína M., Mašláni A., Medřický J., Kotlan J., Mušálek R., Hrabovský M.: DIAGNOSTICS OF HYBRID WATER/ARGON THERMAL PLASMA JET WITH WATER, ETHANOL AND THEIR MIXTURE INJECTION TO PLASMA. Plasma Physics and Technology 3 [2] (2016) 62-65. [ Abstract ] [SPPT 2016 - 27th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/27./. Prague, 20.06.2016-23.06.2016] |
Agon N., Hrabovský M., Chumak O., Hlína M., Kopecký V., Mašláni A., Bosmans A., Helsen L., Skoblja S., Van Oost G., Vierendeels J.: Plasma gasification of refuse derived fuel in a single-stage system using different gasifying agents. Waste Management 47 [January] (2016) 246-255. [ Abstract ] | |
Brom P., Brožek V., Březina V., Hlína M., Mastný L., Novák M.: Photocatalytic Decomposition of Wastewater from the Production of Explosives. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Chemical Technology. Prague: Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, 2016 - (Veselý, M.; Hrdlička, Z.; Hanika, J.; Lubojacký, J.), s. 176-180. ICCT. ISBN 978-80-86238-94-4. ISSN 2336-811X. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Chemical Technology, ICCT2016 /4./. Mikulov (CZ), 25.04.2016-27.04.2016] | |
Hurba O., Hlína M., Hrabovský M.: Diagnostics of Plasma Jet Generated in Water/Argon DC Arc Torch. Plasma Physics and Technology 3 [1] (2016) 5-8. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc 2015, FSO 2015 /21./. Nové Město na Moravě, 07.09.2015-11.09.2015] | |
2015 | Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Mašláni A., Chráska T.: Plasma decomposition of pyrolysis oil to synthesis gas and carbon black. ISPC 22 - 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Antwerp : International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2015, P-III-9-15-P-III-9-15. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [ISPC 22 - 22nd International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/22./. Antwerp (BE), 05.07.2015-10.07.2015] |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M.: Enthalpy Probe Diagnostics of Steam/Argon Plasma Jet. Plasma Physics and Technology 2 [2] (2015) 142-145. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc/21./. Nové Město na Moravě, 07.09.2015-11.09.2015] | |
2014 | Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kavka T., Konrád M.: Production of high quality syngas from argon/water plasma gasification of biomass and waste. Waste Management 34 [1] (2014) 63-66. [ Abstract ] |
2013 | Hlína M., Lukeš P., Hrabovský M.: Phenol degradation in water whirling around DC arc. ISPC - Proceedings International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21). Cairn : IPCS International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2013, ID_115-ID_115. ISBN N. - (IPSC. 21). [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21)/21./. Cairns Convention Centre (AU), 04.08.2013-09.08.2013] |
Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Chumak O., Mašláni A., Kavka T., Živný O., Pellet G.: Steam Plasma-Assisted Gasification of Organic Waste by Reactions with Water, CO2 and O2. ISPC - Proceedings International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21). Cairn : IPCS International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2013, ID537-ID537. ISBN N. - (IPSC. 21). [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21)/21./. Cairns Convention Centre (AU), 04.08.2013-09.08.2013] | |
2012 | Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Chumak O., Kavka T., Mašláni A.: Mass and Energy Balances of Organic Waste Gasification in Steam Plasma. Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Flow Dynamics. Sendai : Institute of Fluid Science TOHOKU UNIVERSITY, 2012, s. 696-697. ISSN 1344-2236. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Flow Dynamics/9./. Sendai (JP), 19.09.2012-21.09.2012] |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kavka T., Konrád M.: Production of high quality syngas from argon/water plasma gasification of biomass and waste. Proceedings Venice 2012 - Fourth International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. Venice : Eurowaste Srl, 2012, C10-C10. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [Fourth International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. San Servolo, Venice (IT), 12.11.2012-15.11.2012] | |
2011 | Hrabovský M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Hlína M., Kavka T., Chumak O., Mašláni A.: Steam plasma gasification of pyrolitic oil from used tires. Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Philadelphia : Drexel University, 2011 - (Fridman, A.) S. 200-203. [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/20th./. Philadelphia (US), 24.07.2011-29.07.2011] |
Hlína M., Kavka T., Konrád M., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V.: Using of Plasma Torch with Gerdien Arc for Plastic Treatment. Book of Contributed Papers: 18th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes and Workshop on Plasmas as a Planetary Atmospheres Mimics(SAPP XVIII). Bratislava, : Department of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Mathematics,, 2011 - (Országh, J.; Papp, P.; Matejčík, Š.) S. 129-132. ISBN 978-80-89186-77-8. - (SAPP. SAPP XVIII). [Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes Workshop on Plasmas as a Planetary Atmosphere Mimics/18th./. Vrátna (SK), 15.01.2011-20.01.2011] | |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kavka T., Konrád M.: Tar measurement in synthetic gas produced by plasma gasification by solid phase microextraction (SPME) method. Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Philadelphia : Drexel University, 2011. S. 1-4. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/20th./. Philadelphia (US), 24.07.2011-29.07.2011] | |
2010 | Hlína M., Domlátil J., Brožek V., Hrabovský M.: Azo-dye Orange II degradation in plasma torch with Gerdien Arc. High Temperature Materials and Processes 14 [1-2] (2010) 89-94. [ Abstract ] [European High Temperature Plasma Processes (HTPP)/10th./. Patras (Patras University), 07.07.2008-11.07.2008] |
Hrabovský M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Hlína M., Kavka T., Chumak O., Mašláni A., Van Oost G.: Plasma Aided Gasification of Biomass and Plastics using CO2 as Oxidizer. International Symposium on Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma Pollution Control Technology & Sustainable Energy. St. John´s, Newfoundland : IEEE, 2010. S. 1-4. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Non-Thermal/Thermal Plasma Pollution Control Technology & Sustainable Energy, ISNTP 7. St. John´s, Newfoundland (CA), 21.06.2010-25.06.2010] | |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Kavka T., Lorcet H.: Properties of synthetic gas produced by plasma gasification of biomass. Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications. Greifswald : INP Greifswald, 2010. S. 452-455. ISBN 0-9539105-4-7. [ Abstract ] [International Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications (GD 2010)/18th./. Greifswald (DE), 05.09.2010-10.09.2010] | |
Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Kavka T., Chumak O., Mašláni A.: Thermal Plasma Gasification of Organic Waste. 6th International Workshop and Exhibition on Plasma Assisted Combustion (IWEPAC). Heilbronn : Institute of Space Propulsion, German Aerospace Center, 2010. S. 89-90. ISBN N. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop and Exhibition on Plasma Assisted Combustion/6th./. Heilbronn (DE), 13.09.2010-15.09.2010] | |
Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Kavka T., Chumak O., Mašláni A.: Газификация органических отходов с помощью термической плазмы. Энергоэффективность – 2010. Тезисы докладов международной научно-практической конференции. Kiev : НАН Украины, 2010 - (Žovťansky, V.; Smichula, A.; Rossocha, A.) S. 226-228. ISBN N. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Энергоэффективность – 2010. Kiev (UA), 19.10.2010-21.10.2010] | |
2009 | Konrád M., Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Kopecký V.: Biomass Gasification in Thermal Plasma Reactor. Book of Contributed Papers: 17th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. Bratislava : Comenius University Bratislava, 2009 - (Papp, P.; Országh, J.; Matúška, J.; Matejčík, Š.) S. 115-116. ISBN 978-80-89186-45-7. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes/17th./. Liptovský Ján (SK), 17.01.2009-22.01.2009] |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Brožek V., Domlátil J.: Degradation of water-soluble organic compounds in plasma torch. 17th Symposium Workshop on Research of Plasma Physics, SAPP, Book of Contributed Papers. Bratislava : Department of Experimental Physics Comenius University, 2009 - (Papp, P.) S. 111-112. ISBN 978-80-89186-45-7. [ Abstract ] [Symposium Workshop on Research of Plasma Physics/17th./. Liptovský Ján (CZ), 17.01.2009-22.01.2009] | |
Hrabovský M., Konrád M., Hlína M., Kavka T., Kopecký V., Chumak O.: Energy balance and kinetics of gasification of biomass particles in thermal plasma flow. 19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Bochum : University of Bochum, 2009. P3.16.05. ISBN 978-0-471-72001-0. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/19th./. Bochum (DE), 26.07.2009-31.07.2009] | |
Hlína M., Domlátil J., Brožek V., Hrabovský M.: Gerdien Arc as a Tool for Decomposition of Water-soluble Organic Compounds. ISPC-Proceedings International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Bochum : Ruhr-University Bochum, 2009 - (von Keudell, A.; Winter, J.; Böke, M.; Schulz-von der Gathen, V.) P2.14.17--4. ISBN 978-0-471-72001-0. - (ISPC). [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/19th./. Bochum (DE), 26.07.2009-31.07.2009] | |
Hrabovský M., Hlína M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Kavka T., Chumak O., Mašláni A.: Thermal Plasma Gasification of Biomass for Fuel Gas Production. High Temperature Materials and Processes 13 [3] (2009) 255-266. [ Abstract ] | |
Brožek V., Hlína M., Hrabovský M.: Využití záření vodou stabilizovaného plazmatu k likvidaci ve vodě rozpustných organických látek. Odpadové fórum 2009 - sborník přednášek. Praha : PCHE-PetroChemEng, 2009. S. 3386-3393. ISBN 978-80-02-02108-7. [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Odpadové fórum. Milovy (CZ), 22.04.2009-24.04.2009] | |
2008 | Domlátil J., Brožek V., Huber Š., Hlína M., Hrabovský M.: Degradace ve vodě rozpustných organických látek. Odpadové fórum 2008 – sborník přednášek. Praha : IT Design Praha, UTAX Praha, 2008. S. 3276-3280. ISBN 978-80-02-02011-0. - (1). [ EN ] [ Abstract ] [Aprochem 2008. Milovy (CZ), 16.04.2008-18.04.2008] |
Van Oost G., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Hlína M., Kavka T.: Pyrolysis/gasification of biomass for synthetic fuel production using a hybrid gas- water stabilized plasma torch. Vacuum 83 [1] (2008) 209-212. [ Abstract ] | |
2007 | Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M.: Interaction of particles and plasma at plasma gasification. Energie z biomasy VII, Sborník příspěvků ze semináře. Brno : Vysoké učení technické, Brno, 2007. S. 61-64. ISBN 978-80-214-3542-1. [ Abstract ] [Energie z biomasy VII. Brno (CZ), 21.11.2007-22.11.2007] |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M.: Modeling of Mass and Energy Transfer Between Plasma and Material in Plasma Gasification Reactor. CAPPSA 2007 Proceedings CAPPSA2007: 3rd International Congress on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas Sources and Applications. Ghent : The Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering,Ghent University, 2007. S. 29-32. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications/3rd./. Ghent (BE), 10.07.2007-13.07.2007] | |
Hrabovský M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Hlína M., Kavka T., Chumak O.: Production of Biosyngas by Gasification in Steam Plasma. Proceedings of 18th International Symp. on Plasma Chemistry. Kyoto : International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2007 - (Tachibana, K.; Takai, O.; Ono, K.; Shirafuji, T.) S. 708-714. ISBN 978-4-9903773-2-8. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry /18./. Kyoto (JP), 26.08.2007-31.08.2007] | |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Kavka T., Skoblja S.: Production of Gas with Low Content of Tar in Plasma Gasification Reactor. Book of Proceedings - 3rd International Student Conference. Praha : International Plasma Chemistry Society, 2007. S. 197-203. ISBN 80-86238-96-2. [ Abstract ] [International Student Conference Modern Analytical Chemistry/3rd./. Praha (CZ), 29.01.2007-30.01.2007] | |
Van Oost G., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Hlína M., Kavka T., Beeckman E., Verstraeten J.: Pyrolysis/gasification of biomass for synthetic fuel production using a hybrid gas- water stabilized plasma torch. ADVANCES IN APPLIED PLASMA SCIENCE 6 [1] (2007) 9-12. [ Abstract ] | |
2006 | Hrabovský M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Hlína M., Kavka T., Van Oost G., Beeckman E., Defoort B.: Gasification of biomass in water/gas-stabilized plasma for syngas production. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl. B] (2006) 1199-1206. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on PlasmaPhysics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Kavka T., Skoblja S.: Plasma Gasification of Wood and Production of Gas with Low Content of Tar. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 [suppl. B] (2006) 1179-1184. [ Abstract ] [Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology/22nd./. Praha, 26.6.2006-29.6.2006] | |
Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Hlína M., Chumak O., Van Oost G., Beeckman E., Verstraeten J.: Pyrolysis of waste using a hybrid argon-water stabilized torch. Vacuum 80 [11-12] (2006) 1132-1137. [ Abstract ] | |
Hrabovský M., Konrád M., Kopecký V., Hlína M.: Pyrolysis of wood in arc plasma for syngas production. High Temperature Materials and Processes 10 [4] (2006) 557-570. [ Abstract ] | |
2005 | Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Hlína M., Kavka T., Oost van G., Beeckman E., Verstraeten J., Ledecký J., Balabánová E.: Gasification of Biomass in Water-Stabilized DC Arc Plasma. Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Toronto, 2005 - (Mostaghimi, J.) s. 1003-1010. [ Abstract ] [International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry/17th./. Toronto (CA), 07.08.2005-12.08.2005] |
Van Oost G., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Hlína M., Kavka T., Beeckman E., Verstraeten J.: Treatment of waste using a hybrid gas- water stabilized torch. Advances in Applied Science 5 [1] (2005) 7-12. [ Abstract ] | |
Hlína M., Hrabovský M., Kopecký V., Konrád M., Kavka T., Van Oost G., Beeckman E., Verstraeten J.: PRODUCTION OF SYNGAS BY PYROLYSIS OF BIOMASS IN THERMAL PLASMA. Proceedings of CAPPSA 2005, Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications. Bruges, Belgie, 2005. s. 230-234. ISBN 908086692X. [ Abstract ] [International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications/2nd./. Bruges (BE), 30.08.2005-02.09.2005] |